인형 [daehwi]

By Kimtaehyungivy

5.6K 190 177

"I'm only a pathetic doll for everyone to toy with my feeling. I'm nothing but a pathetic doll." ... More

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246 9 1
By Kimtaehyungivy

Bzzz~ Bzzz~

Guanlin pick up his phone as he feel the vibration from his back pocket. It's a call from an unknown number.

"It may be an emergency" he monologued to himself

He accept the call and lean the phone near his ear.

"Hello this is the police department. May I speak to Mr.Lai Guanlin?"

"I am speaking"

"So you have been report on the day where your friend, Lee Daehwi, get into an accident which was being pushed by an anonymous person and he fall down from the staircase and his head injured. Is it right?"

"Ah yes"

"We've been checking the recording of the CCTV around the place. The person who push him down the staircase turns out to be one of the student and the student happened to be a passersby"

"Oh really? Do you know how this culprit looks like?"

"Through our research, he is a new transferred student recently. He have a record where he used to be locked at the asylum but he have come out and change his name. If I'm not wrong, his new name is Jung Sagang"

"Jung Sagang? Wait. Sir, was his old name called Jeon Chanseung?"

"Please wait for seconds...ah yes he is"

"I know him. Sir, will you please help me to arrest him and send him back to the asylum? It's all for the safety of our school's students and also the teachers"

"Sure. It's our work tho. Thanks for being brave enough to stand for what's right. We appreciate your bravery"

"Thank you sir"

"You're welcome. Please inform us for other harmful activities"

And the police officer hang up the call. Guanlin shoved back his phone into the back pocket of his black jeans. He want to meet Daehwi and tell him the news.

He change his loose blue shirt into a pair of white dress shirt and a pair of black jumper use as the cover. He also change his black jeans into Prada's ripped jeans. He take his important things with him and left.

On the way heading his house, he decide to visit Yerim for awhile. He then went to a nearby flower shop and bought a bouquet of white roses. He then continue to head there.

Finally he arrive the hospital. He enter Yerim's ward which is Room 101. Daehwi is no longer being hospitalized since he is 100% good. It's only Yerim who haven't awake for 2 months. They all are very worry.

Guanlin place the flower into the vase. He sit on the chair beside the bed. His eyes scan through the once cheerful girl who is lying on the bed,lifeless. He is very sad because the only girl who treat him like a brother is now standing at the edge of her life.

His eyes are filled with tears as he remember all the moment they shared together. The most memorable moment was the day of how they met. It's Yerim protect him from being bullied by the boys.


"Ahahaha! He is from Taiwan!"

"He is so tall! He must be a monster!"

"His eyes are so big like the ghost's eyes that are gonna pop out!"

"Eww don't be his friend!!"

Those words hurt the new transferred boy from Taiwan. He is very tall for the age of five. He frowned as the little boys teased him and bullied him. He have no friends. Everyone are scared of him.

"I-I-I..di-did n-nothing.." he stuttered with his not-so-fluent Korean

Suddenly he fall to the muddy ground. He is now covered with some muds. He start to cry. He called for his mom using his Chinese. Those kids aren't understand Chinese and get even frightened of him using foreign language.

"Look! The monster use his spell! Run!"

Some of them kick the muds to him.

"Stop it!!!!"

A girl with pale skin and twin braids standing in front of Guanlin with both arms open. She have stern look on her face. The once cute face change into a fierce looks.

"Don't bully him! He is my friend! Now back off or I'll tell Mdm. Shin!"

With that the naughty bullies runaway. She turn to look at the little Taiwanese boy. She smile and put out her tiny hand. Guanlin look up and take her hand happily.

"你还好吗?" the girl asked

"我很好。谢谢你" Guanlin replied

"我名叫 Park Yerim" the girl beamed

"我是赖冠霖" Guanlin said

With that they become best friend.

(End of flashback)

He smile at the memory. If he didn't meet Yerim, he will never be his present self. Suddenly the ward door pushed open and reveal the duo Park and Daehwi.

They greet each other and take their own comfortable spot. Guanlin let Daehwi sit on the chair. He stand next to Daehwi.

Guanlin then tell them about the culprit who push Daehwi down the staircase. They all are really pissed off by the culprit's stupid action.

In all of sudden, the sound of beeping sound could be heard from Yerim. It's increase the pace and the sound make them panic. Woojin pushed the button that are for the doctor.

Then the doctor and nurses come in the right time. They try various action to help her. Daehwi is now crying so hard. A nurse block him from entering the ward.

"We're really sorry sir but you can't enter the ward while the doctor is busy" he said

"But please save her! I still need her!" Daehwi said loudly

"We will do our best sir. Please be patient" he calm Daehwi down

"No! I need to see her! Please!" Daehwi pleaded

Then, the ward is filled with silence. No beeping sound. No noises. Silence speak up.

Daehwi's heart skipped a beat. Nervousness take over his body. Panic is attacking his mind. He is such a failure if he didn't have his love in his life.

Woojin, Jihoon and Guanlin are nervous and panic. They didn't know what's happening inside so they just pray to God that everything are fine.

The ward door open and the doctor come out. He have his head hang low, apologetic expression displayed on his face.

He fail to save her.


"I'm sorry..but we failed to save Park Yerim's life"

Oof cliffhanger :3

sowwy ehehe :D


你还好吗?= Are you okay?
(Ni Hai hao ma?)

我很好。谢谢你= I'm good. Thank you.
(Wo hen hao. Xie Xie ni)

我名叫 Park Yerim= My name is Park Yerim
(Wo ming Jiao Park Yerim)

我是赖冠霖 = I am Lai Guan Lin
(Wo shi laI guan lin)

*Lai Guanlin's name means rainy season*

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