You're Mine. Namjin

De allgudusernamesgone

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After losing almost everything, Jin still managed to appreciate the small things in life and find happiness... Mais

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De allgudusernamesgone

Jin's POV

"Joonie, isn't Yoongi gonna be mad at us when he realised that we tricked him?" I asked after I was finally able to calm down from laughing. Namjoon looked at me in thought for a sec before he mouth twisted into a smile again.

"Nah, he'll be thanking us for the time with Hoseok we just blessed him with, only if, everything goes well. Knowing Hoseok, hopefully everything will go well, and if not, then knowing Yoongi, he'll probably amputate my limbs and feed them to the vultures, and set the rest of my body on fire." He stopped and gulped.

"You're overreacting Joonie. Hobi will be happy to have him over."

I smiled at him as I placed my head on his shoulder and snuggled into his arm, and I felt him tense up yet again. It makes me uncomfortable, because I feel like he doesn't like it, maybe I should just stop hugging him, but then again I'm comfy right now so I'll pretend I never noticed.

"What do you want to do today Jinnie?" Namjoon asked me.

"Hmm, I'm not sure, can we just stay here and like watch a film or something? I'm tired and I don't wanna go and do anything that requires energy. I'd rather stay in front of the TV with the love of my life."

I was about to yawn lazily but I heard Namjoon's loud cough from besides me.

"Namjoon, what's wrong? Did you choke?" I started slapping his back violently in order to stop his coughing fit which seemed to not work as he only coughed more, but being the thick idiot I am, I just slapped him harder.

"Jin are you trying to slap me to death?" Namjoon choked out. A dark shade of red immediately stretched across my face and I shook my head furiously.

"No, I'm just trying to help. What else am I supposed to do?"

"Water!"  He ckoked out again, and I sprinted to the kitchen to get him some water.

After gulping down almost an entire two litre bottle Namjoon finally managed to catch his breath.

"Seriously Jin, what was that? My back hurts so much now." Namjoon pouted whilst rubbing his back. When did he get so cute?

"Sorry." I giggled. He nodded with a tired look, before his head perked up and he looked at me weirdly.

"Jinnie, what did you mean when you said the love of your life?" He questioned with an oddly hopeful face. Why does he look so hopeful? Or is it something else I'm mistaking for hope?

"Food, duh!" I exclaimed. "I love food, I love pink too but I definitely love food more. I'd marry food if I could. But I can't so I'll just marry a really good chef. Someone that can cook food for me day and night." I sighed dreamily, with love hearts in my eyes when I thought about all the free food I'll get. Those are my elaborate life plans.

"Oh snap out of it Jin! You're going to marry a chef? For God's sake he'll make you too much food and then you'll grow fat." Namjoon snarled. What's his deal? Why is he so mad?

Oh I understand now...

"You're just jealous." I teased and he snapped his head in my direction, his face red and eyes wide.

"What? W-why would I be j-jealous?" He chucked nervously before swallowing hard. Ha! You're busted Namjoon! Nothing can remain hidden from Kim Seokjin.

"You're jealous because you also want to marry a chef, but you know that I'll marry a better chef than you, who's gonna make me more food AND because you also know that you're the one that's gonna get fat, not me, thanks to my super fast metabolism." I smirked victoriously at him. But to my surprise, instead of getting more flustered he just heaves a heavy sigh of relief. Sometimes Namjoon really confuses me. Well I guess it will just take more time for me to understand him.

(Time skip brought to you by the water bottle. I wish I could reincarnate as that water bottle.)

"Jin can't you sleep over at my place again tonight? we don't even have school tomorrow." Namjoon whined.

We were sat in his car outside my house and Namjoon was trying to persuade me to go and stay over at his house for tonight as well, but I know if I do that, Tae is gonna lose his shit.


I just chuckled at the cutie in front of me. "No Namjoon, I have to go home now, before my brothers destroy everything."

"You don't care about me?" He looked like a sad puppy right now. How could he be so cute?

"Of course I do silly. That's why I spent my Friday night and my Saturday with you. Even though I was kinda kidnapped, but now I need to go home." I flicked his forehead and got out of the car before saying, "however you could come inside and stay for dinner." With that his eyes lit up and he nodded his head vigorously with a bright, dimpled smile.

"Well are you just gonna sit here and nod or get your ass off that seat?" I asked, and he blushed slightly before getting out of the car and stumbling behind me. I walked up to the door, but before I could knock the door flung open and I was attacked by two bodies.

"Hyung, we were gonna die without you, where did you go?"

"Hyung, Oh my god I missed you so much."

"No hyung he's lying I missed you so much."

"He used your favourite chopsticks so I missed you more."

"He broke your super mario figure so I missed you more."

"Shut up shorty!"

"You shut up, meanie!"  

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" I screamed just so they could hear me over their bickering. "At least let me come inside I'm tired, and we have a guest so please at least act human." I scolded but they payed no heed to me at all. They just stared right past me. I was about to go hysterical and lecture them about how they need to respect their hyung and listen to me, but then I realised that they were both glaring daggers at Namjoon, who looked around trying to make it not so awkward. Poor guy. I sighed and dragged them both inside with Namjoon following behind us hesitantly.

"Right, Namjoon why don't you take a seat and these two are gonna come help me prepare dinner." I smiled at him.

"No hyung we'll sit here and keep him company." Tae gritted out. Right, I'm done with this attitude.

"I said that you're both gonna come help me prepare dinner." I said in my Scary Eomma tone and they looked at me in shock, about to start ranting, but I just gave them a look that shut them both up immediately, and they glared at Namjoon one more time before following me to the kitchen.

"Listen to me you two, he's here to have dinner because I invited him. He's my friend, and I have tolerated dozens of your annoying ass friends in this house,  which is why I don't care of you want him over or not. He's staying and you're going to be nice." I announced as firmly as I could, to which I was met with two faces that screamed-   What the fuck? Are you really out hyung? We're so not going along with this shit! 

I sighed at their stubbornness again, but I know how to deal with them very well.

"Not to mention that I am overlooking the fact that you ate with my favourite chopsticks, Jimin. And you, Taehyung, you broke my limited edition Super Mario figurine which was worth more than your life." I stated calmly, and their facial expressions changed completely.

"Oh that, hehe."

"It wouldn't hurt to try right?"

"If Namjoon hyung is being nice to you then what would we have against him."

"For your sake we could try."

"Yeah we could definitely try."

"I always knew deep down that Namjoon hyung wasn't that bad." 

"Cut it out you two. Jimin, chop the vegetables. Taehyung, boil the rice."

Both of them instantly scurry off to do whatever I had told them too. I exhaled deeply with a smile on my face.


I know how to set everything right.

This chapter is a little bit longer than the ones I usually write, but it took me ages to write it. I re wrote it like 4 times.




Jungkook coming in the next chapter.

See you next chapter


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