Everything About You (Harry S...

By hazzas_kryptonite

2K 22 27


The Beginning
Making It Official...
The Hospital
The Boardwalk!
Finally, A Day Alone Together.
Fix The Drama Already!!
Our Own Special Place
Someone's In A Bad Mood...
You're WHAT?! (chapter TEN, y'all!!!)
He Was Right.
This Is My Fiance! :)
Say Yes To The Dress
Breathe With Me
Working It Out
Here Comes the Bride (Final Chapter!)
Blah Blah Blaahh (not a chapter)

Going Home :)

113 2 2
By hazzas_kryptonite



I can hear everything, but I can't move. It's so frustrating. I fainted, and then I couldn't open my eyes, or move my body at all. It's so dark. At least all the pain is gone. I can hear the boys though, I think Liam just came in here. 'Boys..' he starts. I strain to listen. 'Yeah?' they ask. 'I've got something important to tell you.' says Liam solemnly. 'And I'm truly not kidding. I have her original birth certificate to prove it.' I hear rustling paper as he hands it to one of the boys. I hear Niall's familiar gasp. 'Sophie's my sister.' says Liam. I'm completely shocked, but I can't move or gasp or say something at all. I just lie there in darkness. 'What?!' asks Harry. 'Yeah.' says Liam. I hear them passing the certificate around. 'I'm gonna-' Liam says, breaking off and I hear him walking towards the bed. I feel him take my hand in his and my heart swells. Liam is my big brother? Liam Payne is my big brother. Oh wow... I feel so happy... 'Hey, Soph.' he whispers after I hear the boys shuffle out of the room and close the door. 'Guess what?' he pauses as though I could answer him. 'You're my baby sister.' I can practically hear the smile in his voice. 'I'm going to be the best older brother, I promise. I love you.' he says, squeezing my hand. I feel a hot tear run down my cheek and I feel Liam wipe it away gently. 'I knew you could hear me.' he whispers, and I squeeze his hand without realizing. Excitedly I try and succeed in wiggling my toes. I move body parts up until I get to my eyes.


A tear runs down Sophie's cheek and I wipe it away gently as tears run freely down my cheeks as well. 'I knew you could hear me.' I whisper to her with a small smile. I feel her squeeze my hand and I sit up taller, seeing what will happen. After a minute, her eyelids start to flutter. Shortly after that her eyelids open, revealing her beautiful brown eyes. 'Hi,' she whispers. 'Hi.' I reply happily, still holding her hand. She looks tired, and I bend over and kiss her forehead. 'I love you, too.' she says. I lean down and hug her tightly. 'Boys, she's awake already!' I call out. Immediately the boys come rushing back in and I step away, knowing Harry will be all over her. 


Liam yells that Sophie's awake and I run into the room. I look at her smiling face as she slowly sits up and I run to her. I plant a kiss on her lips and pull away, looking into her eyes. 'Hi, Haz.' she says weakly. 'Soph.' I breathe. 'I love you.' I tell her. She leans over and kisses me, pulling away and playing lightly with my curls. 'I love you too, baby.' she says. 'So Liam told you?' I ask and she nods. 'I just know he'll be the best older brother.' she says, smiling at him. He smiles back and I see tear tracks down his face. I give Liam a tight, relieved smile and he returns it. I lean down and kiss Sophie again. 'When are you allowed out of this damn place?' I ask. She shrugs weakly. 'Ask one of the thousand nurses milling around here.' she says and I laugh. 'Seriously!' she exclaims. 'I swear in the couple hours I've been here I've had about fifteen different nurses.' I chuckle at her again. She swats my head lightly. 'Shut up. You wouldn't be laughing if you were in my situation, buddy.' I nod mock-seriously. 'That's very true, m'dear.' I reply, kissing her cheek lightly. I stand up and the boys go to give her hugs. 'How ya feelin', Princess?' asks Niall. 'Good, I guess.' She replies quietly. 'Can I leave now? I hate it here!' Niall laughs. 'We'll ask the nurse.' says Liam. He disappears into the hallway and comes back a few minutes later. 'You have to stay the night.' says Liam. Sophie and I both make a face. 'Seriously?' she asks, wrinkling up her nose as she looks around the grubby hospital room. Liam nods. 'Sorry, babe.' he replies. She sighs. 'It isn't your fault. You aren't going to leave me alone, are you?' She asks. Liam and I shake our heads. 'I'll stay here.' I tell him and he nods. 'Harry'll be with you.' Liam says. 'Thanks, Haz.' she says to me. 'Anything for you, my lovely girl.' I say, kissing her. She smiles when I pull away. 



After all the boys leave Harry and I chat for a bit and after eating the disgusting hospital dinner they provide, I grab the remote and click the small TV on. I motion for Harry to come onto the hospital bed with me and I scooch over and he slides in, kicking his shoes off. 'I hate this bed.' I mumble as Harry readjusts himself about ten times before finally seeming comfortable. 'I know babe.' Harry laughs as I flip through the channels. He puts an arm around me gently and I cuddle into him. 'I'm not a breakable vase, Haz.' I say. 'I feel better. I wanna get out of this damned hell hole.' Harry bursts into fits of laughter and I make a face. 'Whaaaaat?' I ask. 'I'm just telling the truth.' I mutter, turning my attention to the TV. 

Harry kisses my neck and I look over at him. 'I am watching TV.' I tell him pointedly and he chuckles. 'I just want a kiss..' He says and I reluctantly, but at the same time willingly, move in and kiss him softly. I pull away and turn back to the TV and give it my mock full attention. Harry groans and I stifle my smile by biting my lip. We continue to watch TV for about ten minutes until Harry finally reaches over me and grabs the remote, clicking the TV off. 'We're getting the hell out of here.' Harry says, hopping out of the bed. He grabs a backpack on the ground and throws it at me. I catch it, looking at it uncertainly. 'Your clothes.' he explains. I nod, looking down in disgust at the hospital gown I'm in. I gladly pull it off, happy that I still have my underwear and bra on. I feel Harry's eyes boring into me as I change into the tight black Nike sweatpants and black t-shirt with a white sweater. I sigh happily as I pull on my white and black striped Toms. I run my fingers through my knotty hair, pulling it up in a high messy bun. Harry throws me a headband. 'You know me so well.' I smile, stretching the headband over my head and adjusting it in my hair as Haz picks up the backpack and slings it over his shoulder, taking my hand. I open the hospital door as quietly as possible, looking into the dimly lit hallway. I don't see any nurses so I lead Harry out and we sneak down the hall and down the stairs, and then safely outside. 'Yessss!' I say once we get outside. 'Finally. I hate it in there.' Harry chuckles and leads me to his all-too-familiar car in the parking lot. He opens my door for me and I gratefully hop in and we drive home. 

Harry and I head into the apartment building and into the elevator to go up to his flat. We step into the elevator and none other than What Makes You Beautiful has started playing in the overhead speakers. I giggle as Harry rolls his eyes and just to bug him start singing along. 

You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or. Don't need make-up to cover up. Being the way that you are is eno-o-ough. Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but yo-ou. 

Harry and I burst into the chorus together as loud as possible just as the elevator doors slide open to reveal a small group of people waiting to get in. 'THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTI-' we stop when we see them and quickly rush by, just before bursting into a fit of laughter around the corner. After we stop giggling like five year olds, Harry unlocks the apartment door and we head into the living room after slipping off our shoes to find the boys in the living room together, Liam looking extremely worried. The other three are asleep around the couches. 'Sophie!' Liam cries, hopping up but not waking the boys. 'Hi,' I reply, surprised as he wraps me in his strong arms, a worried look on his face still. 'Why are you awake???' I ask him, letting him hug me and hugging him back. 'I haven't been able to sleep at all or anything since you were in the hospital and we found out I was your brother.' He confesses. 'Liam.' I say disapprovingly. 'Why?' he sighs, pulling back to look at me. 'How could I sleep not knowing for sure my baby sister was feeling alright?' I look down at our shoes, afraid I'll cry. I can already feel the tears brewing. Liam puts a hand under my chin and gently tilts my chin up. He kisses my forehead softly. 'But now I can sleep. So let's get off to bed, shall we?' he says. I nod and Liam pulls away as I take Harry's hand and the three of us head upstairs. Liam gives me one more hug goodnight before heading into his room. 'Night, Liam,' I say. 'Love you,' he replies. 'Love you too.' It feels so easy saying I love you to Liam. I always felt like we had a connection, and it's real. It's so natural because I really do love him. Harry leads me into our room and shuts the door as I go to the closet to change into some girl boxers and one of Harry's t-shirts. He changes into a pair of sweats and we climb into our bed. 'Night, beautiful. I'm glad you're home.' Haz tells me. 'Me too.' I reply. 'I love you.' I lean in and kiss him quickly. He flicks off the lamp and I fall asleep quickly, finally in Harry's arms again. 

I wake up and sit up onto my elbow, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with the other hand. Harry isn't in the bed and the clock reads 12:01 pm. Jeez, I slept until noon? Holy. I tiredly sit up, swinging my legs over the bed and standing, wobbling slightly. I go to the closet and change into a tight pink t-shirt and blue sweats. I pull my auburn hair into a bun and head downstairs. The boys are sitting around together on the couches. I go immediately to Harry and seat myself in his lap. He cradles me in his arms and I resist the urge to go back to sleep right then and there. 'Morning, lovely.' he says, kissing me on the cheek. I just groan and bury my head in his chest, breathing in the fresh scent of his after shave. 'Someone's grumpyyy.' says Louis. I cross my arms and pout, leaning into Harry even more. He just chuckles at me. 'I am NOT grumpy.' I say to Louis angrily, though I know perfectly well that I am and everyone else in the room does too. 'Would you like some lunch love?' asks Liam. I shake my head angrily. He sighs. 'You should eat.' I roll my eyes, huffing. Count on Liam to go all Daddy Direction on me. Aw, man. I don't want to be mean... I'm just in the worst mood. 'No.' I reply. He sighs again. 'Okay. Tell me if you're hungry and I'll make you whatever you want, alright?' he says. I will admit that he's probably the sweetest older brother you could ever have. I nod slightly, cuddling into Haz with another yawn. Harry chuckles and kisses my temple. 'You okay, babe?' he whispers in my ear. I nod, sniffing. 'Kinda. Yeah.' I reply with a sigh. The boys go into a conversation about what we'll do today and I absentmindedly play with Harry's soft curls, hardly paying attention to the boys. Until I hear 'boardwalk'. The boardwalk is SO fun. You go a little bit outside the city and there's a huge amusement park and a beach and nice restaurants. It's the best. 'Did you guys say boardwalk?' I ask, brightening and looking up at them excitedly. 'That perked her up.' chuckles Zayn. 'I wanna go to the boardwalk!' I squeal, bouncing up and down in Harry's lap. He wraps an arm around my waist and laughs. 'Whaddya say, boys? Boardwalk today is a yes?' They all nod and a murmur of agreements goes around. 'Well then, it's settled. The boardwalk it is. Go get dressed, Snoph.' Liam says. He's picked up on the family nickname for me. I hate it. Harry's been calling me that forever and now Liam's started as well. 'Don't call me that.' I moan as I get up off Harry's lap and trudge to our room. I shower quickly and let my hair air dry, leaving it to hang loose around my shoulders in long auburn waves. I go to our closet and after digging through pretty much EVERYTHING, I decide on a pair of denim short shorts and a cut-off white t-shirt that has a knot tying it on the side. It says 'WILD AND FREE' in scribbly black letters and shows my toned, flat stomach a little. I put on a pair of black low-top Converse and a pair of black and white striped studs for earrings with a black chain necklace that has a matching black and white striped pendant hanging on it. I put on black and white bangles and grab some money and my phone, pocketing it. Then I grab my black Raybans and head out the door. When I enter the living room, I hear a low whistle coming from Zayn, who gets swats on the head from both Liam and Harry. I giggle and go over to Harry, who wraps an arm around me protectively. 'Ready to go, boys?' I ask and they all nod and we head out the door. 

A/N: Hey guyyys, so I hope you're enjoying the story. I'm sorry my updates are so slow. I've got, like, five stories going right now but my new plan is that I'm going to work on this one and ONLY this one until it's finished and go one by one. If you liked the chapter, VOTEEE!!! I don't have lots of reads but that's alright because this is something I love to do, despite how many votes or reads. Anyway, I hope you lovelies are enjoying this so far!!

-Sophie :) xx

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