Nova Demoragon: The Gems of Z...

By xguitarstringsx

42 2 4

Power is what most people were greedy for in the Qernory Land. Ever since Nova Demoragon was announced as the... More

Chapter 2: The Ornery Realm

Chapter 1 : Azuvera

11 1 1
By xguitarstringsx

Nova stared at the mark on her wrist that claimed her future. Her thumb caressed the symbol on her wrist. The symbol had a waning crescent moon with an ancient writing next to it. The black colored symbol represents the future ruler of Azuvera. She was restless ever since it appeared on her wrist and announced her as the next ruler, Queen of Azuvera. And  the day they celebrated their Goddess Azura's day, she was going to become the new ruler of Azuvera.

Nova lived in an extraordinary world. Where people had powers and were allowed to use them without any restrictions. However, Nova considered herself as someone below ordinary. She was gifted with one of the weakest powers her people, an Azuvarian could ever receive. A shield.

Therefore she never had battle training as her power didn't demand it. She was always disappointed for not being born with a strong power, but it wasn't anything she could ever change. She wasn't born with the strength to process a strong power.  Although, strength is all she ever wanted just like any Azuverian, now that the Goddess Azura's sceptor has chosen her as the next ruler she just wanted to disappear forever.

Trying to shrug off all the negative thoughts Nova reluctantly got dressed to meet Queen Taia. The Queen of Azuvera, the most powerful person in her country at that moment and that wast just because she was queen.

"Are you going already?" Her mother's voice reached her before she left.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to meet Queen Taia today" she sighed.

"You look troubled, is everything okay?"

"I didn't do so well on my last report. I just don't feel very confident about the whole thing" she sat on one of the chairs behind the counter as her mother cooked.

"I've always told you sweetie, you're worrying too much. You will do just fine"

"I know mama" she kissed her cheek. "I don't want to be late now I should get going!" she hollered as she made her way out the door.

Nova walked from the narrow streets of her country to the station which was few minutes away.

She walked to a machine that was half her size and inserted a pink translucent plastic card to the machine and typed 'council house' the screen popped with a train number.

There were so many trains in her country. Azuvarians didn't have personal transportation methods unless you were blessed with a power to create portals. But it wasn't as if they needed it.

She took out her card and walked towards the numbered train. She noticed people staring at her, she instantly regretted taking the public transport, maybe she should've asked her friend who was portal creator. The people in her country had different types of powers not everyone could create portals. Therefore they had to depend on technology to some point.

The train started moving and entered a large circular portal which was a door, black in colour and with red outer lines as they spin around in circle together.

Her own heart and mind was at war and the stares of the people she got didn't put her at ease. They stared at her as if she was a criminal or a walking time bomb that could explode at any moment. In a way, she was a walking time bomb, but she believed she didn't deserve to be judged of something she didn't do.

She looked around her, she saw most of the people in their mid 40's and older had at least had one scar or a burn. She knew where they came from, it was from a battle that people feared to speak of, because of the pain it had caused them. That night didn't leave just physical scars, but on the inside as well. It was a frightful night that ruined so many, including her own as it was the night she lost her father she didn't even remember.

After few stations that only took minutes to pass through the portals, she finally arrived at the Council house station. After walking for awhile from the station in the capital, she arrived at the council house. She walked inside the premises staring at the large place that almost looked like a castle. In 28 days this was going to be her new home.

Greeting the workers and council members on her way she reached Lady Taia's study. She stepped inside the large room once she was allowed to. The room had wooden floors which were centuries old and in the middle of the room was a set of couches and a coffee table. At the end of the room was a mahogany table where Lady Taia sat behind. Even though it was quite a room large it didn't have many windows, so it required lights even during the day time. There were two windows only at beginning of the room, quite odd, but whoever built it all those years ago must've had their reasons.

"I read your report of last week from the Ornery land. I must add that your improvement is rather slow" she started the conversation.

Expecting the reaction from her, Nova's head hung low as she stared at her shoes.

"I need you to explore more, study more, not just about the people Nova. Their laws, the technology basically everything".

Nova nodded slowly raising her head to meet her eyes. Nova felt like a weak lamb under her gaze. Lady Taia radiated of confidence, she was fierce like a lioness and even the bravest warriors felt intimidated around her. She was born to become the ruler.

Nova didn't understand why Goddess Azura chose her. She was nothing like lady Taia. The last time Azura chose a ruler with a weak power, a war broke out. Stories said it was because she couldn't control her own powers that every ruler receive once they are in the position. But no one really knew the truth or they didn't want to say. However, the surprise was that Azura can't ever choose someone with a power so weak. And this was her second time. Nova kept asking herself why she was chosen, the sceptor never made mistakes. So there must've been a reason why she was chosen. Oh was it really a mistake?

Sensing the lack of confidence of Nova, lady Taia sauntered towards her. "Look me in the eyes when I speak to you Nova" she said to her. Lady Taia wasn't much taller than Nova, but with the bright yellow heels she wore to her black laced dress she towered over her. Nova saw the same symbol on Lady Taia's write that was on her's. It was Azura's symbol. To show her power lives within the ruler, that it is in Lady Taia and that it will be in her's.

"You may not be the ruler yet, but remember you don't ever look down when you speak to anyone, you don't show your weaknesses".

Nova nodded despondently, clearly intimidated by her.

"I understand the sort of pressure on your shoulders, Nova. I do. But there isn't anything  anyone could do about it. You need to push past your limits in order to take the responsibilities. Do you understand what I'm telling you"

"I do understand. I will try my best" Nova replied timidly.

With a nod Lady Taia said "You may go. I believe you have battle training now"

"Yes, thank you".

"Nova" before she left, Lady Taia began turning her head slightly to look at Nova "You only have 28 days. You need to prepare"

Nova couldn't find herself to give her reply so she nodded at her left the head quarters. She closed the door behind her and blew out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

Every time she was inside there, with Lady Taia she felt like she was suffocating. No matter how many times she had been there. She could never get used to it.

A device vibrated in her pocket indicating she got a message. She pulled out a square shaped device to see she received a message from Kyron, one of her close friends.

I don't have time to waste. Get your ass down here soon!

Like he had anything better to do. She thought to herself and made her way outside after changing her clothes, to the grounds between the school and council house.

As she walked by the side she watched people training, some were in dual combats and some were being trained as a group by a trainer. She was lucky enough her friend was a trainer, and he agreed to teach her.

She wasn't allowed to train where others trained, others who were students. Instead she trained at the far end near the forest. That way no one could get hurt, or from Kyron's words 'that way no one will die'

"You're late" Kyron announced once he saw Nova.

"I was with Lady Taia".

She dropped her bag to the ground and walked towards her friend.

"Did you work out this morning?" he asked.

"Of course I did" Nova replied with a sigh. She twisted her body half way, her hands on her hips "can't you tell when you see me?"

He raised an eyebrow at her "Not really no".

Nova scoffed at him with a small smile playing on her lips.

"So when you no longer have the strength to fight back with your powers what do you do?"

"Call for help?" Nova shrugged.

"Azuvarians never give up-"

"We fight till we can no more" Nova finished for him. "I know!"

"Great, I thought you forgot our motto for a second. Okay we'll continue from what we did yesterday"

Kyron stepped closer to Nova and leaned forward ready to attack her.

"Ready? I'm not going easy on you today" he said to her.

Nova smirked "never asked you to". With that Kyron started throwing punches at her and while Nova ducked them without a problem and proved her training hadn't gone to a waste. She threw punches and kicks at him and like Kyron said, he didn't go easy on her. Kyron was impressed about Nova's improvement, she was doing much better than compared to how she used to be.

After going on for hours, Kyron pinned down her to the ground on their fourth round. They were covered in sweat and Nova was panting as she was held hard against the ground, with dirt pressed against the side her face.

"Get off of me Ky!" she yelled at her friend.

With a low chuckle he let her go. He took a step back and let her get up. She wiped the sand off her face.

"You don't suck that much anymore, at least you beat me once" he said, walking backwards to keep a distance.

"what are you doing? I thought we were done for the day?" she asked she watched him walk away.

Kyron forms a ball of fire on his hand.

"Ky..."Nova said alarmed.

"I want you to use your powers. I'm going to hit you continuously, block it. If you don't, you get hurt real bad" he said as the fire danced on his palm.

Without a doubt, Nova was confident with her battle skills that didn't require any magical powers. But when it came to her power she knew she couldn't depend on it.

"Continuously? Are you crazy? You know I can't" she took a step back as defensively.

"Here it comes!"

Kyron hit her with fire and she blocked it creating a shield in front her, the force of Kyron's fire pushed her to the ground fiercely causing her to bruise her elbows. She winced trying to get up and feeling it sting.

Without a warning Kyron created another ball of fire and spared a moment before hitting her.

Nova forced herself to gather strength and create another shield although she was able to block it successfully, she felt the heat of the fire and she almost thought she burned her leg.

"Kyron stop! I can't" she yelled in between her breaths as she saw another ball of fire on Kyron's hand through a blurred vision. Nova kept a hand on her chest as she breathed heavily while the other hand kept her from collapsing.

"After all the training you should be able to!" He yelled back.

"I think I'm gonna pass out! Stop it!" Nova felt the surrounding around her spin, she sat up and dropped her head in her hands, trying to catch her breath.

The fire in Kyron's hand died out and with a sigh he walked towards Nova.

He picked up a water bottle from the ground and called her "You okay?" he gave her the water bottle after sitting next to her.

After drinking some water she was able to answer him "I hate you! You shouldn't have done that".

"I'm sorry, but from tomorrow we need to focus on your power" this earned a glare from Nova.

"You have to learn how to use all the powers anyway. At this rate how are you even going to use them?" he asked with a hint of concern clearly visible in his voice.

"I don't know" she groaned. "You know I can't" she complained.

"You wouldn't know what you are capable of unless you push yourself" he added thoughtfully.

"I'm going to get myself killed if I push further".

Kyron got up first and gave her his hand.

"I know that you have a weak power, and you can't fight like we do but you only have 28 days" he reminded her.

"And everyone reminds me of it" she sighed.

"Hey you guys done?" Dahlia, her friend waved her hand as she walked alongside Vion.

"Yeah!" Nova waved back.

"You know, you're lucky I'm the one training you. If it was someone else it they wouldn't gone so easy on you"

"And that is why I asked for you" she slapped his shoulder.

"Damn Ky, give her a break. Look at her" Vion told Kyron after examining Nova.

"Compared to what we went through, she has it so much easier" he scoffed.

"You ready to go to ornery land?" Dahlia asked her.

"Yeah, let's get it over with" Nova replied uninterestedly.

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