
Autorstwa books_are_my_tardis

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Broken things can always be fixed. Even broken people. Więcej

Fear and Fire
Safe Haven
New Destination
New Future
Sequel (Kinda)

Uptown Funk

436 28 14
Autorstwa books_are_my_tardis

"Uptown would make the most sense if we want to actually find anything." Sean sighed, clearly not happy with his own decision, yet he knew they had no other choice.

At least not really.

"We could split up, two to uptown and one to downtown." PJ suggested with a shrug.

"No, it's way too dangerous. Besides, I don't want anyone going alone to either area." Sean replied, vetoing the idea.

"How are we supposed to find anything if we don't take risks?" Felix argued fiercely.

"Look, I don't want to fight about it, just trust me." Sean sighed wearily, tired of having the same argument over and over again.

"Why? Because you're our "fearless" leader and is always right?" Felix snapped, causing Sean to flinch slightly.


"Guys stop!" PJ cried, stepping between the pair.

Felix's sky blue eyes glared into Sean's own blue eyes, refusing to look away until Sean did.

There was a moment of tense silence as Felix seethed in rage while Sean pushed back his hurt, refusing to show Felix that his words had hurt him.

They probably hurt because that's what I'm afraid of becoming, Sean thought bitterly.

PJ glanced between the two males with concern shining in his eyes, unsure of how to diffuse the situation as he awkwardly shifted from foot to foot.

"You got your bag?" Sean finally asked the Swede quietly.

Felix nodded as he adjusted the strap of his large military grade bag slung over his shoulder, rounds of ammo stuffed inside with a rifle barrel peeking out from the top.

PJ was equipped with only a pistol and drawstring bag of medical supplies, a single bullet loaded in the chamber of the weapon since he refused to use it unless there was an emergency.

"Let's go then." Sean announced, feeling a sense of dread as the trio marched towards uptown LA to scavenge.

They quickly stumbled upon an abandoned gift shop close to the Blood Gang's base that thankfully wasn't close enough to warrant any threat from them.

Only it wasn't as abandoned as they had thought.

"Damnit, there's another group here." Sean cursed as he and his team paused outside the glass display window.

"What is the Frederichi gang doing up here?" Felix wondered aloud.

The Frederichi gang was a mostly family ran gang that was lead by brothers Matt and Joey Fredrick, neither brother dangerous unless provoked.

Sean recognized the men looting the place as Bryan, the Frederick brother's step brother, and Joey himself.

"Shh, I hear something outside!" Sean faintly heard Bryan whisper sharply to Joey.

"You always say that." Joey countered, clearly not concerned as he stuffed whatever he could find into a large black garbage bag slung over his sack as if he was Santa.

"I say we rush them and steal their stuff." Felix advised.

"Neither of them are obviously armed." PJ observed.

Before Sean could agree to the plan, he spotted an all too familiar flash of black in the distance that made his face grow paler than usual.

"Go!" Sean barked, urging his friends to run as Mark and his gang stepped out of the shadows with guns drawn.

"I love a good chase." Mark remarked under his breath with a mischievous smirk as he ran after his prey, his friends following suite.

This was a trap, Mark knew we were there the entire time, Jack realized as he ran like his life depended on it.

Probably because it does, Sean thought in wry amusement despite the grim circumstances.

When Sean finally dared to look back, he noticed that the Blood gang seemed mainly fixated on him for whatever reason, ignoring his friends completely.

Should Sean-

Stay close with his gang for safety in numbers and to not get separated?


Draw the Blood gang away from them for their protection?

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