Lost Hope.

Von xoshylahh

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Lost Hope.
Four part Two;
Eleven part Two;
Fourteen part Two;
The Final Chapter.


1.6K 70 0
Von xoshylahh

Carnell ~

" Carnell, get up! " Gabrielle whined, tugging at my arm. " It's almost 12, "

" Wake me up at 1. "

" No! That's too late. "

I yawned and buried my face deeper into the pillow.

" I'm gonna start biting. "

I turned to look at her. " Please do. "

She punched my arm and I chuckled. " That never hurts, Gabrielle. "

" I'm not trying to hurt you yet. "

" Yet? "

" Yes. Yet. "

" Why do I have to be up so early ?"

" You missed breakfast! "

" Lay down with me. "

" No. "

" Please? "

" No. "

" Come on. When is the last time we laid down together and had a real conversation? "

She shifted on the bed. " Last night. "

" Well, let's do it again. "

She scoffed, and left the room. I hugged the pillow and sighed. Truth is, I wasn't tired at all. I was just stalling for time so I didn't have to tell Gabrielle what happened. I want to tell her, but I don't want her to know. Ya know? It's not even about me, or what she'd do to me. It's more about the stress it would put on her, and her emotions. So, with that being said, I figure that I have to tell her eventually. It'll eat me alive if I don't.

My phone has been off for 3 days, because Jorelys won't stop blowing it up. If Gabrielle saw half of the messages Jorelys has been sending........good grief. Can you say, WWIII ? I can.

I got up and stretched out, knowing that Gabrielle wouldn't let me live it down if I didn't. I dragged out to the kitchen, and she was angrily putting dishes in the dishwasher. She looked at me with sharp eyes and rolled them. I smiled.

" Don't be like that, " I said, wrapping my arms around her chest.

" You have been really irritating for the past 3 days, you know that? All you do is sleep and eat, and its really starting to piss me off. "

" I'm sorry. Forgive me? Come on, let's go out. Just you and me. "

" I don't want to go anywhere, Carnell. I want to stay here, and lay in your lap and watch movies for 6 hours straight. That's all. But you're always unconscious. "

I kissed her chin. " You wanna watch movies for 6 hours? Fine. We'll have a movie night. "

" Really? "

" Really. Right now. I'll put on some popcorn and you go pick the movies. "

" Yay, " she smiled cheerily and hobbled off into the back.

I rolled my eyes. Pregnant women. Keep them happy, or seek death. Simple.

I shuffled through the cabinets and cupboards searching for the popcorn. When I couldn't find it, I just laughed. Awesome.

" Babe! " I called to the back.

" Yeah? " Gabrielle shuffled out of my room with a stack of DVDs.

" We're fresh out of popcorn. "

" Go get some. "

I grabbed my keys, and smiled. " Right. I'll just go get some. That would be the smart thing to do, " I mumbled.

" I'm sorry, what ? " she stopped me before I could get to the door.

I kissed her cheek. " Nothing. "


I decided I'd clean up after my 23 year old boyfriend for the umteenth time while he was out. I rolled my eyes as I finished loading the dishwasher, wiped the counters, loaded the washing machine (he has more tee-shirts alone than I have clothes in general), and moved his shoes to where they freaking belong. I was doing the bathroom, when Carnell knocked on the door.

" I'm gonna glue your key to your face if you don't- "

I stopped mid-sentence when I realized it wasn't Carnell, but Jorelys.

I rolled my eyes. " I thought you were staying with Noelle? "

" I was, " she giggled. " But Trent called me, and told me how much he loved me and missed me. I'm just here to pick up my stuff! "

The smells of alcohol on her breath stung my nose.

" Uh, you took all of your stuff. "

She stumbled passed me. " Oh that's okay. I'll just take some of yours! "

I stepped back in confusion and chuckled. " What? Jorelys, you're drunk. Get some help! "

" I don't neeeeeeeeeed help! " she sang. " I'm going back to my baby Trent, and life is going to be f*cking great. "

I sighed. " All jokes aside Jorelys, that's not a good idea. I'm telling you, he will never stop. He has a problem too. "

" Well then I guess him and I will just be problematic together. "

I sucked my teeth, and Jorelys sniffed the air. " Whatcha doing ? It smells good in here. He has you doing his dirty work, huh ?"

I cut my eyes at her. " He doesn't have me doing anything. I chose to do these things, "

" Yeah right. You're just his little lap dog! Once he's done watching you jump through his hoops, he's gonna kick you to the curb, just like he did me. " she got in my face, as close as my stomach would allow her. " We f*cking loved eachother, Gabi. You're just getting in my way. "

My hands clenched into fists as a reflex. " I'm nothing like you. "

" You're JUST like me, and the sooner you get out of my way and let us be together, the better. "

" Jorelys! He doesn't want you. Get the f*ck over it. Move on. Go back to school, finish getting your degree, do Broadway in New York City, lay off the drugs and do something with yourself! "

She smiled. " I am doing something with my life. I'm practically doing the father of your child. "

I ran my tongue over my front teeth. " Carnell doesn't even think twice about you, Jorelys. Give it up. "

" Well uh, he sure as hell wasn't thinking about you when he was down my throat a few days ago. "

I shrugged. " You're lying. I know you're lying. "

" Oh, am I? "

A lock clicked behind us. At first, Carnell was looking at his phone, but took a step back when he saw me and Jorelys inches apart.

" Carnell, what is she talking about? "

" Um... "

" Tell her, babe. " Jorelys walked over to Carnell and wrapped her arm around his waist. He barely brushed her off before coming to my side.

" Gabi, listen to me. " he started, daringly. I froze, and looked into his milky brown eyes. " Remember the night that I went over to Patrick's after I put you to bed? "

I folded my arms, and shot him grey daggers in contrast to his creamy brown ones.

" Okay, well... I got there and Jorelys kissed me a few times, but..-




" I didn't exactly pull away from her... "

" It was more than him not pulling away, try more like him tugging at my shirt. "

" Shut. Up. " he hissed, his ears growing red and anger piling into his system.

I sighed and threw up my hands in surrender.

" I give. " I whispered, and headed for the door.

" Gabi, please. Wait.." Carnell tugged at my wrist and spun me towards him. " I am so sorry, baby. Really, I am. You're my everything and you know that. I know that. I was such an idiot, and I don't know what came over me. I should've made her stop, I know. I know what I did was wrong and that she can't even compare to you. "

" So why didn't you come home and take out your sexual frustration out on me like you should have? I'm pregnant, not circumcised. "

" I know! It was dumb. I agree, and I'm sorry. "

" Is that why you went over there in the first place ? "

" No! " his eyes went wide. " No. I swear. I went over there for Patrick, but he was asleep. "

I shook my head. " You don't want this, Carnell. " I signaled to my stomach. " You're not ready for this. "

I started for the stairs when I heard Carnell yelling at Jorelys.

I rolled my eyes and continued slowly down the stairs. To be honest, I was more irritated than hurt. I'm not too sure why. So much for the relaxing movie night I had planned, huh? Why does she always have to f*ck sh*t up for? G*d.

I hugged my bare arms as the cool air kissed my skin.

It took me to notice an all too familiar car to pull up next to me to realize I was crying.

Trent looked at me with pale green eyes.

" Why are you crying, Gabrielle? "

I turned away from him before he got out of his car to face me.

" Stay away from me, Trent. "

" Gab, I know we were toxic before. I'm sorry I hurt you. Give me one more chance? I love Jorelys ,but she'll never top you. She cant and wont ever top what we had. "

I rolled my eyes. " You both need new lines. Just..stay away from me. "

I heard a loud bang as Carnell busted out of the building doors in a rage.

" If you ever come near her again, so help me G*d! "

" Carnell! " I rushed in between them. " Cut the sh*t, both of you. I'm done arguing, fighting, and just...I'm done. "

" Gabrielle, don't do this to me. I can't be without you, we've proved that. " Carnell whimpered.

" Yeah, " stepped close to him. " What you can't do and what you will do are two different things. "

" What about our baby? "

I ignored a small gasp from Trent and a snarl from Jorelys.

" You have a few months to get your priorities straight. Until then... "


F*ck my life.


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