Soulmates ❥ Haleb

By unrequixted

2.1K 45 77

When Hanna and Caleb reunite and they go through a hard time getting to finally be together again, but when t... More

A/N || Contents
Caleb...Is That You?
It's just the beginning
Back in my life
Hospitals and Abandoned Parks
Back To You
She's Back
I missed yous and I love yous
I want to be with you for the rest of my life


132 1 22
By unrequixted

Hanna's POV

I woke up, I didn't know where I was. My head hurt, and I felt dizzy. I tried to get up, but instead, I realized that I was tied back. It wasn't until now I realized that my hands were tied up and, I was tied up against a big, cold, poll.

"Hello!?" I shout scared. What happened? Where am I? What's going to happen? What about Caleb? I had way too many problems, and questions. I tried to remember the things that happened last night. I couldn't all I remembered is that the Caleb we all saw isn't Caleb. He's a fake, and that Mona came, to help me. And later that night there was another knock on the door. And that's all I could remember.

"Hello!?" I shouted again, louder.

"Is anyone there??" I shout, even more scared.

I realized that no one would be coming. I was trapped. I don't know where, and who did it, but all I know is that I had been kidnapped, and who the hell would know? A tear fell from my eye. I started crying, scared for my life.

"HELPPPPPPP!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could, I tried moving around and trying to untie myself, but that just made it worse, and my wrists hurt like hell.

I was still crying and continued screaming for help, but I was useless. Trapped here, and no one would know I was here, and I would die here forever.

I don't know when, but I apparently fell asleep. And when I woke up I was untied!!!

"Oh my god." I said, and smiled for once.

I was free!

Or so I thought.. I used up all the energy I had left, and ran towards a door, which hopefully was the exit. But it was locked.

"Shit." I thought.

I was confused. Why would this person untie me, but keep me locked up? Suddenly the lights switched on. I had to squint to see properly.

"Wha- Hu- Oh god."

As my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I saw that the room looked like mine. Excactly like the one I had as a teen. The one I had in Charlottes Dollhouse.

"NO!" I screamed.

"NO NO NO!!" I started crying, I put my hands in front of my face and slowly sat down on the floor crying and mumbling " can't be. Not again...never again." Tears continuing to stream down my face. Flashbacks of the dollhouse came back to me....

Please follow the lighted pathway...



It's time to play...

"NO!" I screamed... crying more and more, I was hitting the ground, screaming no.

"Hanna. I'm sorry it had to come to this point." A voice said "But you knew too much, I love you Hanna, but you don't love me anymore."

"What?" I said "H-hello?"

Mona's POV

After I called Spencer that night, we decided to meet at The Pop the next day, and she would tell the girls.

I woke up early in the morning, got ready then headed for The Pop, Spencer was already there. I sat opposite, and soon the rest of the girls, Ezra, and Toby were there.

I explained everything to them, from the moment Hanna called me, to the moment I called Toby.

"That bitch!" Emily said.

"How dare he take Hanna away." Aria said.

"Oh My God." Alison said.

Spencer said nothing. But I could tell she was thinking.

"I got it." She said.

She quickly explained her plan to everyone. Toby then went outside to call his boss, to report Hanna missing, while Spencer and I went back to her apartment, to see if we could track where the message was sent from, or which phone, while Emily and Ali checked all of Hanna's things to see if they could find anything to help them find Hanna. And Aria and Ezra went with Toby to the police station to explain how Hanna went missing. And a plan was made.

Obviously whoever the person pretending to be Caleb would know that Mona had told the girls about Hanna, and he would try to get to me. But he won't know that Toby and his team was going to be there, while Spencer and the others would be saving Hanna.

Hanna's POV

No one said anything after that. Who was that? Was is the person that was pretending to be Caleb? Suddenly a small slit from the door opened. And someone handed me some food, and...a milkshake? And along with it...a rose and note.

Have a great lunch Han. It'll be while Caleb is having a terrible time. Enjoy the milkshake!

Oh God. I thought. What's gonna happen to Caleb?? And what's so special about the milkshake? I slowly ate my food, it was rice with chicken. Not very appetizing. I put the note and rose in a drawer. I didn't want to see it. And I was still really uncomfortable, being in this room. And worrying about Caleb. I finally get to my milkshake, I was still puzzled by his last comment; Enjoy the milkshake? It was actually a pretty good milkshake! I drank the last sip, to reveal a small box with a flash drive?

That's why he said enjoy the milkshake! I took it out of the box. Where would I plug it in though? As if by magic I noticed a small projecter, with a USB drive! Perfect for the flash drive to fit in! I plugged it in and it started to project a video. It was a guy in a black hood...

"If you're watching this Hanna. This is what happens when you don't get the one you love."

He turned away from the camera to reveal a beaten up Caleb, that was bleeding slightly.

"Oh god..." I said, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" I screamed at the video.

He started hitting Caleb more, causing him to have a nose bleed and blood coming out from is mouth. He had bruises everywhere, and he looks like he was about to cry. Caleb rarely ever cries. I felt like crying too. Suddenly the guy's phone chimed. He looked at it and within a second he left.

I could see Caleb whisper "Hanna" before the video went black.

I started crying, just a little. I'm never gonna get outta here. I thought. Caleb's gonna die all because of me. And after he'll probably going to kill me too. Just as I was about to lose hope, I heard a faint sound of someone screaming my name.

"HANNA!" There it was again!

I rushed towards my door to listen.

"Hanna!" "Hannaaaaa" "Hanna!!" It was Emily, Ali, Aria and them! They've come to save me!

"ARIA! EMILY! SPENCE! ALI!  " I scream. "I'm here!!!"

I start banging on the door.

"Han! Hanna we're here!" They were on the other side of the door now.

"Help!!!" I shout.

Then the door opened! I saw the girls and I rushed over the hug them. I was saved!

I hope you liked this chapter guys!
Sorry it took so long to come out. I haven't been as inspired so I couldn't write. I hope this chapter was good though!
Do you think Caleb's going to be saved too? And who is the guy that's pretending to be Caleb? Comment you suggestions below!

1157 Words

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