in the eyes of a stranger: pe...

By bornofstupidity

60.1K 2.7K 1.6K

mike: i think i'm in love with my bestfriend... am i? More

Hes Just My Best Friend
I Wanna Hold Your Hand So Tight
Oh My God This Is Paradise
Wake Me Up and Let Me Know You're Alive
You Hold My Attention Without Even Trying
Maybe You Can't Handle Yourself
My Desperate Cries, He Don't Seem To Care
I Would Kiss You Even If You Were Dead
I Want You In The Most Unromantic Ways
A Million Ways To Die
The Mess That I've Become
I Never Meant To Hurt Nobody
You Slide Into Bed While I Get Drunk
I Just Fell In The Deep End
Burst Into Flames
All For You
To Die Is To Awake (FINAL)
announcement 2

The Taste Of Blood Remains

3.3K 157 104
By bornofstupidity

Authors Note:

Hey guys! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! You guys are the best! (Whoevers reading this ^-^  ♥ Yay, love you! I have so so much planned for this story, and i'm sure you guys are gonna like it ^-^ 


~Mikes P.o.V~

I woke up to the sound of soft screaming, and I noticed Tony still layed on me, looking as adorable as ever. I heard the screaming coming from Vics voice. It said "Jaime god you've been up since forever! Go to sleep, we have a show later! You're still drunk!" I burst out laughing, accidentally waking up Tony. "Good morning." Tony said in a sexy, groggily voice. "Same to you." I said smiling down at him . He smiled adorably and kissed my hand.

A couple minutes later of silence, we went to see what Vic was screaming about.

His eyes were blood-shot , he was tired. "Want me to watch Jaime? Go get some sleep Vic." Tony said, as he patted Vics back and Vic staggered to the back of the bus.

"Jaime, go to sleep, please." Tony pleaded to Jaime.

Jaime sat on the table and swung his legs like a kid. "Im fine, Tone-boyyy." Jaime said and I snickered loud, Tony swung his head to look back at me and blushed a bit, then smiled big at me . I winked at him and he looked down, smiling.

After a while, we got Jaime to go to bed, before our performance began. Tony and I had alone time, so we chose it to make out a couple times and just flirt with eachother.


It was show time and we headed towards the stage.

We began our usual performance and suddenly we were stopped by a "fag!" A middle aged "man" stood up and said, "What type of music is this? This sucks!" I glanced at Vic, who looked somewhat hurt and scared, "Seriously, though! What is this getup!" The man yelled. "Shut the fuck up!" yelled a fan, and I said "Thank you." to her silently. "Like, look at this guitarist! What is he?!" The man continued, pointing at Tony. Tony backed up a bit and dropped his guitar on the floor. "Look at him! He's fucking ugly! He can't play that guitar for his life! This whole group sucks, I'm better as a person!" The guy said. "Honestly! But the guitarist is the worst!" I glanced at Tony, who looked hurt. So much.

I got up from my drum set and walked to the front of the stage. "Are you fucking serious?"  I yelled into the mic that Vic stood beside. "Are you fucking serious." I repeated. "Why are you even here?" I said. "You're the one who payed to see this, "sucky group"." I said. "We don't give one shit if you don't like us. If you don't, you can just leave, and i'll get some securities to escort you." I glared at the man, who have somehow made his way to the front. "And this guy..." I said, pointing to Tony, "Happens to be my bestfriend. And he works his ass off for his group and he doesn't need shits like you telling him he's not good enough."

I felt my anger burning, and I glared at him, hoping that he could feel my hate burning him.

"And also, may I say, my bestfriend happens to be fucking sexy to me, so I don't know what you're fucking saying." I screamed. The whole crowd of fans cheered and I smiled, not big, but a small, inner smile. "All these people like our music! Don't you?" I said pointing to girl near the front. She nodded super fast, and she looked as if she'd die any second. I asked a couple more people and got the same response.

I shrugged happily to the man and said "Security, please escort this man to the front entrance. Leave him to drown in his misery." I smirked and the crowd cheered even more. Tony smiled at me, but he still looked hurt, deep in his eyes. Tony sauntered off the stage and Vic called into the mic, "Im sorry, guys, we just can't now." and went off the stage, followed by Jaime, who also looked very hurt.

"Guys?" I said walking after them.

I watched as Tony walked into the dressing room, and sped his way to the bathroom. He stayed there awhile, when I knocked on the door. "Tony...?" I said softly. "Yeah?" He said, sounding as is he's been crying for ages. "Open the door?" I asked pleadingly. "I-" Tony paused, then opened the door.

I pulled him out, and his eyes spoke to me: Help me Mike. Im hurt. Hold me. Caress me. Do anything that makes me feel better.

I stared deeply into his eyes and hugged him tight. He sobbed softly into my shoulder and I held up his chin, for him to look into my eyes, too. "Do other people also think what he thought.." Tony said, so quietly, as his voice shook. I stroked his cheek, and said "I don't, Tony. I think you're beautiful." I kissed him lightly on the cheek and he blushed through his tears and said "But... what if he says is true..." He gulped silently, but I noticed. "About everything.." He continued and I shook my head. "It's not, Tony. You're fucking gorgeous, you play guitar , ugh I can't even explain it , it's amazing. You should know about how I always stare at you play, cause you're amazing, Tony. Who cares about what that dumbass said. Our fans seem to agree with me too. But no one could agree more than... me." I said, as I leaned in for a kiss. Tony leaned forward and kissed me lightly and I felt my stomach jump, excitedly. Tony hugged me tightly, when we were done and he didn't let go for a while.

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