Broken Strings (18+)

By thiocyanate

220K 4.2K 420

He was totally spent, and so he buried his face on my neck. I heard his muffled "I love you, baby." A single... More

Broken Strings (18+)


13K 301 15
By thiocyanate

I took a deep breath. My hand moved toward his pocket, only to retreat at the last second. I placed that same hand on my chest. My heart was beating abnormally fast.

Sebastian shuffled in his seat. I tried calling on him again. “Sebastian, I need your keys.” His eyes were still closed, but his hand went in his pocket then out with the keys.

I fixed myself and went out of the car. I walked to the other side and opened the door for Sebastian. I grabbed his arm and tugged it gently. “Come, Sebastian.” I guess he was half-conscious already since he got up from his seat – languidly, however. I put his arm around my shoulder and supported him as we walked to the front door.

He fumbled with the keys; he couldn’t get it in the keyhole. “I’ll do it,” I offered.

Sebastian looked at me through hooded eyes. I stretched out my palm, and he gave me the keys, our hands brushing for a second. My skin tingled at the brief contact, and I immediately shook the strange feeling off.

I unlocked the door, and we entered his house right away. The left side of my body was desensitized due to Sebastian’s weight on me. I had to bring him to bed soon, or else we’ll both fall down.

I guess his bedroom was upstairs, but I could no longer bear his weight. I accompanied him to a nearby room, instead. It didn’t look like Sebastian’s bedroom, but at least it had a bed, so I set him down. The room seemed unoccupied, yet kept clean. Guest room, perhaps. I dropped the keys on the bedside table.

I stretched my limbs and massaged my shoulders. I turned to Sebastian who was sleeping like a baby. However, he still looked like a mess – his hair disheveled, his clothes creased. And from where I was standing, which was more than a meter away from him, I could utterly tell he was intoxicated – he reeked of beer. Seriously, how much did he drink?

I rummaged around the bathroom for a washbasin and a hand towel. After collecting enough lukewarm water in the basin, I went back to the bedroom.

I placed the basin on the bedside table before sitting on the edge of the bed. I dipped the towel in the water, then wrung it. I used the wet cloth to wipe Sebastian’s forehead. He didn’t budge, confirming that he was in deep slumber.

I gently pushed his stray hair back. They were damp with sweat, but I didn’t mind. I combed his hair with my fingers as I continued wiping his face. He looked like he didn’t have any problem. While asleep, he was free from pain and misery. When would Sebastian be awake and not hurting? I would give anything for that to happen soon.

I felt that his top was drenched when I toweled off his neck. I set the cloth down first, so I could unbutton his polo. My hands were shaking, but I still managed to complete the task of undressing Sebastian.

My eyes grew wide when I realized that Sebastian was half-naked in front of me. My heart beat faster; my breathing faltered. I suddenly felt hot all over. Shit, it must be the alcohol.

I toweled off his well-built torso and his arms as fast as I can. I covered his body with an unused, cream blanket. I grabbed the remote control to set the temperature of the AC. I gathered the stuff and put them all in the bathroom. I left the guest room without a glance at Sebastian.

How many glasses of water have I drunk already? I have no idea. I was just thankful my vital signs went back to normal.

I saw Sebastian’s medicines on the counter. I found myself taking a bottle of Advil and a glass of water and bringing them to the guest room. As soon as I set the things down on the bedside table, my phone began to ring. It was my ringtone for Storm. Before I could even get my phone, the ringing ended. Soon after, I heard a very familiar honk.

I took one last quick look at Sebastian’s sleeping form before getting out of his house. I made sure it was locked before walking toward Storm’s red Audi.

I opened the door of his car and sat on the passenger seat. “Hi, honey,” he greeted a bit enthusiastically. He started driving.

“Hey, thanks for picking me up,” I mumbled, looking at him only for a second. I fastened my seatbelt.

“What happened to you and Sebastian?” I froze upon hearing his question. All I could think about was the kiss. “How is he now?” I was pleased that the topic was changed.

“He’s okay. Well, he was drunk, but he’s okay now.” That was the lamest thing I have ever said.

“How was that possible?” Storm asked himself. Based on his tone, I could tell that he didn’t know his brother could drink like a drunkard. I couldn’t blame him. I wouldn’t think so too, if I hadn’t witnessed it firsthand. “Did you drink too? Why were you guys drinking anyway?” he asked me.

“I’m not drunk,” I replied, playing safe. “Let’s just talk about this some other time, okay?” I leaned back on the headrest and closed my eyes. Storm must have noticed because he gave up on the issue.

“I left my car at the office parking. Just drop me off there.”

“Or you could get your car tomorrow,” he countered. “For now, I’m driving you home, then I’d pick you up in the morning.” The offer should sound appealing, but it didn’t. I wonder why.

“Thanks, but I really need my car,” I said flatly. I just had to get out of his car as soon as possible. It was becoming hard for me to breathe.

Storm let out a deep sigh. “If you say so.” I was surprised that he didn’t insist on bringing me home. I guess he’s really changed. And I was more surprised that I was no longer making it a big deal. Have I changed as well?

My eyelids fluttered when I felt something caressing my cheek. “We’re here,” a familiar baritone murmured. I recognized the voice as Storm’s, and warmth enveloped my chest at once.

“Where?” I asked absentmindedly while opening my eyes.

“Your office parking. I could’ve brought you home, but you said, you needed to get your car,” he explained patiently. His words brought back my full consciousness. Then, this afternoon’s events played back like a film in my mind.

Eating kare-kare with Sebastian. Seeing Storm with Danielle. Feeling suspicious and betrayed. Drinking with Sebastian. Listening to his heartbreaking story. Kissing him—my boyfriend’s brother.

I couldn’t help it. Tears started falling down my face. I had been a very bad girlfriend. I had the gall to face my boyfriend even after what I’ve done. Yet I couldn’t bring myself to tell him the truth – it would destroy us for sure. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t risk my relationship with Storm. If he breaks up with me, it would kill me.

It was evening already, and the lamppost was the only lighting that we have. Storm couldn’t see my tears which I discreetly tried to wipe away. However, he seemed to have noticed when I massaged my temples. “Anything wrong, honey?”

“I’m just… tired,” I rasped.

He sighed. “I think you should go home now, so you can rest.” My chest hurt when I heard the genuine concern in his tone.

“Yeah, you’re right.” I fixed myself and my stuff. I unbuckled my seatbelt.

“Drive safely, okay? Take care.” I looked at him, and when I saw the smile on his face, I almost cried again. It was the smile of the guy I fell in love with.

I tried to smile back. “You too, h-honey. Thanks for the ride.” I turned to the door and opened it. It was the first time that I didn’t kiss him goodbye. Tears fell from my eyes as I went out of his car. I slammed the door shut without looking, and brisk-walked toward my own car.

My hands and knees were shaking. It was a wonder that I was able to get in my car and drive myself home.

© Cyan

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