Another world (Legends of Y/n...

By Kiarao7

685 39 13

If you haven't read "(Link x reader) legends of Y/n" go do that now or you won't understand anything. What ha... More

Chapter 1: Welcome Back To No Titles
Chapter 2: POTATO!
Chapter 3: It happened again
Chapter 5: I think that the titles hate me
Chapter 6: Oh well. No title this chapter.
Chapter 7: Can you please find me the title
Chapter 8: Author-Chan gives up on titles
Chapter 9: Hi! Bye! Hi! Bye!
Chapter 10: Guess............
Chapter 11: Chapter
Chapter 12: Other Chapter
Chapter 13: Yet another Chapter
Chapter 14: Welcome to the land of bad titles
Chapter 15: I've run out of ideas...
Chapter 16: ..........For Chapter Titles

Chapter 17: So I'm probably gonna not do titles.

25 1 0
By Kiarao7


She was getting madder by the second. Doesn't she know that what's in the necklace is only a small portion of my solar and light power? I wouldn't put all of one of the powers in a necklace. Does she think I'm stupid? I can still access my power. She won't get stronger from it anyway will she? I don't want to have to find out. I took out my bow to shoot it but I noticed a reaction in the necklace. The power was reacting to Scarlet and Veronica. This could be bad. I shot the bow but the power protected the two girls. I'm still weak right now. Had I not been weak, I could have beaten the power in the necklace but y'know.

They smiled as the power in the necklace started building their strength. Once the necklace was done giving away the power, it stopped glowing and became a normal necklace. Scarlet threw it aside but I caught it. I found out it was a gift from the parents I never got to meet. That makes it special. Scarlet got a golden strip in her hair. Veronica got a white strip in her hair on the opposite side of her head than Scarlet's. Their clothes even had a new tint of their respective colours (gold/white). Scarlet let out an evil laugh. "Now this is going to be fun." She said.

She called a solar sword. What!? It was somewhat similar to my swords but was gold. She tried attacking me with her sword but I managed to make a shadow shield just in time to block her attack. I took out my sword to hold in the other hand as my shield and we were locked in combat. Neither of us landing a hit on the other.

Link POV

Oh no! If that necklace just gave Scarlet and Veronica some of Y/n's power, this could be bad. Scarlet went off to attack Y/n as Veronica took out a bow. It looked kinda similar to Y/n's bow but it looked like something that represented light rather than the moon. She shot an arrow at me. I requiped my shield but it broke. The arrow did too. That was close. I took out my own bow since it didn't seem like this could be a battle for swords. I just hope me and Y/n win.

Erza POV

Link and Y/n are in trouble! I need to help them. I have my magic restored now so I might be able to help. I got up and Grey did too. He looked at me. "I think Lucy and Natsu need our help right now. I'm sure Y/n and Link can hold off for a few moments while we beat Oracion Seis." He said. I nodded. I went to help Natsu fight Midnight and Grey went to help Lucy with Racer. (Sorry, I don't know what to do for this fight so just imagine the fight yourselves but not the resault yet.) Me and Natsu ended up beating Midnight in the end. He just ran away.

Mean while... Lucy POV

Erza and Grey are helping with the fight again. That's a relief. It's nice to have some help beating the enemies. I called Virgo and Leo to help. Virgo can dig a hole and Leo can help with the other fighting while Racer is immobilized. Me and Grey cane up with a strategy for that. Grey made the while ground and wall ice covered except for where we stood. Virgo made a hole in the ground for Racer to fall in. Grey added ice to the ground and walls of that and we tried finding a way to get Racer there. We decided that Virgo could sneak up behind him and distract him while me and Leo push him into the hole. We went through with our own even though there was a bit of difficulty, and Racer can't move as much anymore. Leo went down and so did Grey. They finished the fight since Racer was so injured he wanted to run away which he did. I looked over and saw that Erza and Natsu just finished their fight as well. We looked over to Y/n and Link.


Scarlet's fighting with a solar sword. Well that's just great *sarcasm overload*. Now she has some of my power and new magic apparently. I was fighting her with my Lunar sword. My lunar power was always stronger than my solar power and Scarlet only has a portion of that power. I'm confident in my chances with that but she has magic and whatever power she had before. That's where I might have trouble. I looked over to Link and he seemed to be struggling with beating Veronica. I came up with an idea. I made a gold bracelet with my solar power and my light power. "Link!" I called and threw it to him. He caught it and it glowed. It granted him the power it was made from though wearing the bracelet makes it stronger and I think he knew that.

 His bow transformed. Now he was fighting with the same bow as Veronica but stronger since I mixed the solar and light power together. I shifted my focus back to my fight. After a while, I was able to beat Scarlet since she started getting tired. I guess she wasn't used to having such a strong power in her control. I looked over to Link to see that Veronica was also getting tired. Probably for the same reason. Link was fine since I made the bracelet to help store the power he didn't need at that moment so he wouldn't be in control of too much power.

 Scarlet seemed to get randomly mad and her and Veronica vanished. That was random but hey, we won. "Y'okay Link?" I asked him. He nodded. "I have a question, if you were going to store away some of your power, why wasn't it the shadow?" He asked me. "Well, first of all, I can't control it enough to even do that. Second of all, even if I could control it, it's too dangerous. If something like what happened a few moments ago were to happen with the shadow power, who knows what could've happened." I explained. It made sense to him.

"Also, this power is cool!" Link said referring to the power I gave him through the bracelet. "It sure is." I smiled. All the rest of the group came over to us. "And I think they might need it at some point as well." I added. They all looked at me. "I don't have enough to give everyone the power but I have enough to give everyone a power up." I told them. "But then, you won't have the powers." Said Link. "Not true. I'm just giving away the extra. In the necklace, I only had a part of the extra power. It won't take it away from me." I explained. I then made little jewels for everyone, each containing a small portion of my light power to power them up. Now fighting will be easier!

So sorry that took FOREVER! I was working on other stuff and then I had to reread the first story and this one. All I wondered the whole time, what was I thinking while writing this? I mean I obviously thought if punching but still. BYE!

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