Someone Like Naruto

By _hostile_goose_

1K 52 57

Sasuke Uchiha is a tall, hot and daring soon-to-be-sensei from the leaf village. His life is going nowhere un... More

Authors note
Chapter: 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Slight grammar edits)
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7 (slight grammar edits)

65 5 3
By _hostile_goose_

Sorry for not updating lately, I'll try to get better at it but I can't promise anything.

~Sasuke's POV~
Pacing back and forth, I run my hair through my hair repeatedly.
It's been three days since I came home to a bruised and broken Naruto on my porch, and he still hasn't woken up. He's twitched and made the worst groaning noises, but he has yet to wake up.
Opening the blinds for the tenth time, I sigh impatiently. Lady Tsunade was supposed to get back today, so where is she?
Sitting down at the foot of the couch near Naruto's feet, I put my head in my hands.
"What happened Naruto? Why won't you wake up.... for me at least.... I need you..."
As the tears starts to fall, there's a knock on the door, and my head snaps up.
Quickly wiping my face, I fling the door open, only to stop at the sight of pink hair.
"Hey Sasuke~"
Blinking rapidly to make her eyelashes flutter, she goes to stroke my chest, but I grab her arm and push it away.
"What do you want, Sakura?"
"Besides you?"
"Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a twist. I was just stopping by, because I was wondering where Naruto is. I haven't seen him around town?"
Crossing my arms, I squint at her.
"Why do you want to know?"
She makes an obviously fake, confused expression.
"What do you mean? I've put our differences behind and we've actually been making progress towards being friends."
I raise an eyebrow.
I find that hard to believe.
"Um, of course! Would I lie to you, my love?"
"First of all, yes you would, second, I'm not your anything, and third, Naruto's whereabouts are none of your business. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm quite busy."
"Sasuke, wait!!"
Shutting the door on her, I sigh.
"Even seeing her to a second is exhausting."
Moving to kneel on the floor next to where Naruto's laying, I sigh once again.
"What am I gonna do about you? About these feelings? I didn't even get to tell you.."
Laying my head down on his chest, I hear a slow but steady heartbeat, thrumming inside his chest.
" least you're alive..."
I close me eyes, and drift off once more, my hope fading more every second.

~Lady Tsunade~
Storming into the village, I curse under my breath.
"I traveled all the way there, just for them to say they didn't report a problem? Seriously?!"
Grumbling, I swiftly make haste to my office.
"All the paperwork that's got to have piled up while I was gone... uuugh."
I slam open the door, only to be met but Kakashi.
"K-Kakashi? What in hell's name are you doing in my office?"
Kakashi turns to face me, a sullen look in his features.
"There seems to have been an accident. We were hoping you'd be back sooner. I fear there's little hope left in him."
"In who? What happened?"
Rubbing his temple, Kakashi sighs.
"Someone attacked Naruto and left him to fend for himself. Only Sasuke and a few others that I trust know."
I gasp. "When did this happen?"
"... three days ago Lady Tsunade..."
I start grabbing what supplies I think I'll need before I head out.
"How bad is it Kakashi?"
"He... he still hasn't woken up ma'am."
Stopping, I turn to look at Kakashi with a knowing look in both out eyes.
"Let's hope for the best then.."
If only I'd gotten back sooner... maybe he'd have a better chance...

~??? POV~
"Hah! Making a fake problem report, I'm so clever, don't you think?"
A growl emits from the shadows.
"Oh come on, just admit it was. Stop being so grumpy."
"I don't care for your boasting, human, nor do I have the time. You made a promise."
"Pft, duh. And I'm going to uphold my side of the deal, and you will too, won't you?"
"...of course. If you don't get me what I want in any case, I will not, hesitate to kill you, and anyone else who hinders me."
"Heh.... o-of course."
Walking away, I cackle.
"You'll be mine soon enough, just you wait."
Stopping to look back at the cave, I smile and wave.
"And Naruto? You'll be back where you belong."

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