One Step Closer

By PlaceInThisWorld

152K 2.3K 813

"Your best friend is indeed the best lover you'll ever meet, if you ask me." -Beck Oliver from One Step Close... More

One Step Closer (A Beck & Tori Love Story)
1 *Can't Handle the PRESSURE*
3.*Wrong Instinct*
4. *Musician vs. Actor*
5. *Be Right There*
6. *Torn into Pieces*
7.*Big Time Attraction*
8. *Big Time Continue*
9.*She's lovely.*
10.*In control*
11. *Jealous Rush*
12.*Maze & Mess.*
13. *Little Steps*
14. *First Step*
15. *Final Step*
16. *Better or worst*
17. *Life, why?*
18. *A chance, maybe?*
19 *Possibilities.*
20. *Y-E-S*
21. *Happy Ever After?*
22. *End for now...*

2 *Count On Me*

10.5K 170 37
By PlaceInThisWorld

One Step Closer

(c) CaptureLife


Beck Oliver's Point Of View.

Sikowitz left me with my jaw dropped. What? He assigned me our new class activity and I know why. Man, that guy is sick. But at least he intend to do it for us of Tori to get back where we use to be. 

Now, I'm leaning on my locker with a sweaty palm. Nervous as hell. Who wouldn't be nervous? Tori could either accept it or leave me hanging. 2 choice. 2 different outcomes.

"Hiyaa Beck." I didn't notice the red-headed Cat Valentine standing in front of me. 

I smiled. "Sorry Cat. I'm out of my mind at the moment." 

"Ooooh. Someone's inlove." She kept hitting me with her giraffe toy softly. Teasing me. 

Jaw dropped for the 2nd time this week. "Cat, I am not inlove. Just nervous. Just go on with your red headed life." I motioned her to go along.

She giggles. "Don't worry, I'll keep your dirty little secret about being in love with Tori." She stucks her tongue out and leap happily away from me.

She might be a moron but she's correct. Maybe I'm slowly falling but I'm sure about being in love with Tori. 

"Snap out of your thoughts Beck and focus your attention to me." Jade hissed. She has her hands on her hips and her famous dead glare. 

I gave her a crook smile. "What do you want? Want me back huh?" I smirked.

"I'd love to but.." She held the collars of my polo. "You are the one who's going to crawl back to me." She lets go and slowly make her way out. 

Yeah, I loved someone like her. I wouldn't want my next girlfriend to be like her. Different is what I want. Someone who understands. Someone who actually shares a laugh. Someone who has a kind heart. Someone who I dearly know. That someone is the girl, I'm secretly looking at across the hall....

Tori Vega. 


Tori Vega's Point Of View.

Currently talking to Robbie at his locker. On the other side of the hallway, you could see Beck and Jade talking to each other sharing some smiles. They must be patching things up. It might end up again to another rekindle of relationship. Been months since I've been here and I have learned through gossips that 'Bade' have a popular on-again-off-again relationship.

So, there goes my shutter heart. It's my fault. I kept hoping Beck would actually like me. I'm just a friend. A girl best friend.

"Earth to Tori?" Robbie kepts on poking my shoulders. 

"Hey sexy thing!" Rex says. 

I turn back my attention to them. "Sorry. I guess we better get going to class. Come on?" I asked Robbie. 

"Sure." Robbie happily walk with me through the halls.

I secretly turn to take a look at Beck then I spotted him. Spotted him looking at me. 

Snap out of it. You must be hallucinating. My thoughts kept saying.

They might be right. He wouldn't dare to look at me. He has Jade. That's all he need. 

He needs her when I'm the one who needs him...


Beck Oliver's Point of View.

Standing in front of the class. This looks like your kindergarten nightmare but now it looks like mine. Tori just landed. She's at her chair currently talking with Andre. Hoping that if I start speaking, she'll turn her eyes onto mine. 

I cleared my throat. "Better start this activity sooner. Just picked a song for a girl in the crowd named Tori Marie Vega." I smiled.

She looked stunned.

"Tori, this song is for you. Since it's enduring your feelings through a song...." I continued and start strumming my guitar through the tone of 'If Eyes Could Speak'.

Standing close to me close enough

To reach perfect time to tell her

But I can't even put the words together

Bevelizing eyes getting in my disguise

Can't you see me hiding?

What am I afraid of a finding?

I know what I'm thinking

But the words won't come out

Tori, if only you know what my heart produce. It produce a sound that goes 'dub' 'dub' 'dub' just for you. Only you. 

If eyes could speak

One look would say everything

About the way you smile

The way you laugh, the way you dress

The way your beauty leaves me breathless

If eyes could speak

I wouldn't have to talk

If only looks could speak, you'll know what I feel. You'll know the countless times I've been breathless about your beauty. You would have known the real girl that makes my heart beat.

If eyes could speak, would you be here laying in my arms. I strum the last note and the room was filled with claps and cheers. 

"Uhm--Tori. I'm sorry for being a jerk. Snobbing you and stuff. Will you forgive me?" I let out my arms gesturing for a big 'ol hug. 

She stood up smiling. "Apology accepted. Come here big fella." I walk towards her as we share a big hug. Talk about a perfect moment. 

"Boo. Is that all?" Jade rolled her eyes. 

We let go off the hug. If I could only hug her forever, I wouldn't let go. 

"One more question..." I look into her eyes. Truly, deeply, madly.

She looked at me confused. "One more? What is it?" She raised an eyebrow.

I feel my mouth turned dry. "Ah-Uh-Will you-Ah-tell me what color your hair is?" I pop out a big grin. Fail is printed all over my head.

She laughs with the whole class. "Indeed, you're back Beck. Let's all give a big round of applause to Beck Oliver." She announced through the whole room.

I smiled but deep down I felt bad. Why can't  I ask her such a simple question? My tongue never got tied when I ask other girls out. 

Tori Vega's Point Of View.

He actually apologized. Means so much to me. Better friends than not, ayt? One tiny little problem, he's song never relates to the apologizing zone, it's more of admitting your feelings zone. Why would he sang such song in front of me? In case, he likes me. Nothing is impossible but the words 'Beck likes me' proved it wrong. He will never like me. 

Also, he's been weary after the performance. Something is bothering him. I just know it. 

"Ah.-Beck" I break the cold silence. We are standing in front of my locker. "Anything bothering you? You seemed distracted?" I added. 

He looked at me surprised. "Did you say something?" 

"That's what I'm pointing out. What's bothering you?" I pinch his cheeks. Electricity tingles my hand straight to my heart.

He laughed awkwardly. "Girls. Obviously. Can I share something?" he asks.

I cleared my throat and prepares my heart. "Yup. Spill!" 

"I like this girl but it's hard admitting it. We've from a messy path and I can't seem to ask her out rooting from where we've been." He looked into my eyes genuinely. 

Whoever this girl is, she's lucky. I've been here in front of her but he doesn't notice me but whoever this girl he likes must be one of a kind.

I manage to form a smile. "Follow your heart Beck. You got to chase her. Maybe one day, you'll regret losing her. Don't worry, I'll help you big fella." Spilling those words out stabs my heart into million pieces. 

"Thanks. It help a lot." He kissed my forehead. I just died. "See you later. Need to attend detention." He walks away and slowly he's figure is gone like the wind. 

I need to help him get his girl. I might be brokenhearted but at least he's happy. Need to find that girl. My mind just know who she is---no other than---Jade West. She perfectly fits the description. 

Our hearts makes us do stupid things. Stupid things that leaves us crying. 



Just edited this chapter. If I were you, I'll just wait until the whole book is edited. :) 

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