인형 [daehwi]

By Kimtaehyungivy

5.6K 190 177

"I'm only a pathetic doll for everyone to toy with my feeling. I'm nothing but a pathetic doll." ... More

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373 14 11
By Kimtaehyungivy

"I'm sorry..but we failed to save Park Yerim's life" the doctor announced sadly

Woojin buried his face into the hug of Jihoon. He is crying very hard. He cherish Yerim as his sibling. He love his sister so much that he can't even hurt her.

Guanlin the tough Taiwanese boy is now crying. He is the guy who never cry over random things. But now his tears are flowing down his face. He can't help but to cry over a girl who make him happy with his Korean life.

"Park Yerim, the only girl who can make me cry. The one who make me happy. The one who make me so strong. And she's the one who make me broken into pieces" he cried out

Daehwi. The pure broken boy. The one who keep his hope very high. Is now the one who lost faith in himself. He wish that this is only a horrible nightmare. He wish Yerim would walk out of the ward and tell him it was all a joke.


This is reality. The dimension where we live in complicated bitter life.

Daehwi then approach the doctor with weak movement. His knees are shaking.

"Sir, please tell me this is just a prank. I-I know she's in there,a-alive. Please" he begged

The doctor shake his head. Daehwi then fall on his knees and start to sob. The other look at him in sorrow.

"S-sir..may I see her..for the last time?" he begged

The doctor nod his head. He silently thanks him and enter the silent room. The ward only left Yerim lying lifeless with the wire still on her. She isn't breathing. The wires are still attached on her body. The machines are still working but show no sigh since Yerim have peacefully passed away. Her lips and face are pale.

Daehwi stared at her fragile and weak figure. He let the tears become the downpour of his face again. The only thing he could do is apologising, saying how much he love her and praying to God to give them second chance.

He kneel beside the bed and clutch her cold hand in his. He kissed her cold hand lovingly, softly caressed it with his thumb. He plant a soft kiss on her forehead. He then smile. A sad one. He realise, even he beg for her to come back alive, there's no way it will happened.

"Park Yerim. The only girl who can glued me into wonderful piece and the one who can break me into thousands pieces. The one who can make me smile and laugh. The one who make me know what is love and life. The one who show me what's world. I really love you so much that I can't even use any words and things to describe how much I love you" he said

He stared at her. His eyes darted at the once rosy lips but now pale lips.

"The sweetest thing I've ever taste is your rosy lips. I miss your kiss and your love. Now you're the one who is being the bad girl huh? How dare you to leave me without even saying you love me?"

He then hold her hand firmly and lean down. He connect his lips with hers. He kiss her lips even though she didn't kiss back. Tears run down his face.

3rd people's pov

Daehwi didn't know, that Yerim's soul is still there. Yerim cry silently as she watch her own cold body and her lover is crying in sorrow .

"Park Yerim. The only girl who can glued me into wonderful piece and the one who can break me into thousands pieces. The one who can make me smile and laugh. The one who make me know what is love and life. The one who show me what's world. I really love you so much that I can't even use any words and things to describe how much I love you" Daehwi said

She saw that Daehwi is staring at her now lifeless face. Even though she want to comfort him, she can't because they're separated into different dimensions.

"The sweetest thing I've ever taste is your rosy lips. I miss your kiss and your love. Now you're the one who is being the bad girl huh? How dare you to leave me without even saying you love me?"

She watch as Daehwi continue to make further moves. Her heart break at the scene.

But then, her soul suddenly disappear in the light.

Dear God, I pray to you to please let her alive for the second chance. I still need her and I know that she still need me. Please God. I begged you to let her be mine again. I really love her. Please God. Please...

He pray those in his heart, through the kiss.

"I love you"

He then smile once again and get up. He was about to leave when suddenly a cold hand grab his, prevent him to leave.

He stop and look at the cold hand that's slowly turning warm.


He look down at her.

"I..I love you too..don't give up on me yet" she said

He open his eyes and shocked to see Yerim is awake. He then pulled her into hug. He then kiss her again and again.

"Baby, I miss you so much"

"I'm sorry. You must've been worried over me. Sorry" Yerim said

They kiss again and rest their forehead together. Gazes intertwined. Breath hitting each other's face. Smile creeps up their beauty face.

"I love you, Park Yerim"

"I love you too, Lee Daehwi"

It's a miracle that someone can still be alive because of the power of love. Love isn't about two people sharing their feelings, its also about patience, faith and challenges in love. If we manage to endure the biggest challenge in love, we're success.

Finally its officially ends~

Hope this isn't a shitty story.

Thanks for those who have been support my story since beginning of this book! Thank you so much! Hope you guys success with your story too~

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