The Final Stroke of Twelve

By SubhashiniG

158 28 0

Not just any teenage love story with a happily ever after...Or is it? Maybe it is,maybe not... The clock is t... More

Author's Note
A Sonnet
Silent Night...
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

7 1 0
By SubhashiniG

Both of them were annoyingly chatty and touchy. Not that Fay was concerned. Anyway, on a completely different topic, why was it so quiet beside her?...

"Ethan!!" Fay complained.

She found him submerged head-first into a book that read ...Thermophronomics?...Thermophormicics?...Themo... Damn! Even the cover of the book made her headache. Unlike someone, Ethan seemed uninterrupted by the girl beside him. Not that she minded a less vocal company. Fay tightened her pony and looked around the class. Not that she didn't enjoy the scenario. Her eyes roamed to the polished clock, it was still too early for the class to start. Not that she didn't prefer the less austere atmosphere. *clears throat**

A tall, black-haired man in his mid-forties walked in the door frame and the class went utt. Dya jumped off the table, blew a kiss towards Matthew and rushed to take a seat beside Fay. Finally!! ... Faven doesn't recall the last time she was this relieved to see a Professor walk in early. Not that she wanted them to be interrupted. *wink**

"Afternoon class, I'm Prof. Joan Plato Burns and I will be handling Mathematics" Mr.Burns corrected his tie and leaned back against the table.

"Now, I'd like to ask a few questions, for which you may quietly raise your hands in response."

Blank faces listened intently with creased eyebrows. There was neither joy nor excitement in those overly focused eyes.

"How many of you have taken Math as your first major?" His tone was sharp. Few hands went up.

"Now, how many of you have career options that concern Math?" Mr. Burns diamond-cut his sentences to the point.

Almost every hand went up except for a few. And 'a few' included Faven.

"What are you doing?! Put your hands up!" Ethan hissed.

"What? why?" Alright, now she's concerned.

"And the rest, please stand up" Mr.Burns continued.

Faven stood up at once, the situation was unclear but she wasn't scared. Her stance was followed by a few hesitant legs.

"Good. Now, kindly move to the last seats giving way to your classmates" Mr. Burns concluded and turned away to get his material.

"Forgive my intrusion Mr. Burns, but may I ask why?" Her question resonated through the walls earning a few gasps.

Mr. Burns froze still and after a long pause, he turned around.

"One question for you Ms...?" he trailed.

"Deandra." Fay informed.

"Right. One question for you Ms. Deandra, Did you happen to raise your hand for either one of my questions?" Mr. Burns asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"No." It did sting, but Fay wasn't ashamed.

"Settled then! Would you please do the honor of escorting yourself and your friends back to where all of you belong?" He gestured contently.

"And again, WHY would I do that?" Faven was beginning to understand the situation and she so dearly hoped she was wrong

Turned out she wasn't...

"Knowledge is power. This quiet place is about to turn into a war zone by the end of the semester. Immense skill in this indominous subject is vital to endure. Survival will be our first instinct. And I just don't want YOU to get caught in a cross-fire." He pointed his finger at the girl who was now beginning to glare at him and continued.

"Wisdom is just like an Apple in the Tree of Knowledge, it's forbidden to some for their own good" He spat those words like venom.

Faven looked around at the rest of them who were standing with their head hung low and their hands held back together. She never realized that the words she adored the most can also be used to metal down on the weak and prey on them. She just couldn't stand the thought of something she loved being used as a weapon that left people distraught, striping them off of their dignity and ripping all the hope that was left in them.

"I hope all the knowledge that's pilled up in your brain hasn't drained dry the most basic human courtesy... or has it, Mr. Burns?" Faven shredded those words in utter disgust.

Matthew's head shot up. He didn't pay much attention earlier because he thought her to be 'just that cliché student who argues with a teacher to entertain the class'. However, after hearing the anguish behind her voice...though he didn't understand what it meant to her, he found his thoughts alter course.

A few mouths moved quietly in disapproval. Fay knew exactly what was at stake. She was risking everything that promised her a future, but then again, she didn't want to just exist.

The Professor was appalled by this girl's behavior and even though she made it a question, it apparently wasn't.

"Unless you want to get debarred, get out of my class!" Mr. Burns threatened her.

"On what grounds, Professor? For asking questions and clarifying doubts? That too in a math class?" F ay sounded as innocent as a two-year-old after dyeing her father's hair green.

Mr. Burns was caught off guard. Technically, she has been questioning him the whole time, not accusing. Even though both of them knew better...

"Fine! You can have your seat." Mr. Burns said through gritted teeth and continued.

"And as for the class, you know whom to blame when your grades go down." And without another biased breath, Mr. Burns stormed out of the class.

Without even having to replay the whole situation Fay knew that neither was he going to take this blow lightly nor was he letting her off the hook. Then she realized looking at the few grateful faces, if she were given the chance to re-live the last 15mins, she wouldn't have done anything differently.

"You're in deep shit" Ethan Assured.

"Oh! Tell me something I don't already know..." Faven sang Styles through a giggle.

"Tha' was so cool!" Dya's eyes widened in excitement.

"Stop egging her!" Ethan complained. When Dya was about to defend herself...

"Guys, guys, let's just go get something to eat first. Then we can gladly give a piece of our minds to each other" Faven chided and pulled them up with her.

The rest of the class remained seated letting a low murmur spread. Faven reached the doorway with her new friends behind her. Her footsteps stilled against her will when she heard an unfamiliar voice. It stung so badly for reasons she did not understand.

"Was that arrogance, talking?" Matthew stood with his hands folded across his torso.

"Matt, what are yo-.." Faven chopped off Dya in the middle of her sentence by clutching her wrist.

"Arrogance..." Faven let out a scoff and walked a few steps towards him ...unbelievable. The class fell mute.

"Let me get a few things straight first," Faven spoke up.

"Just because someone has a gift doesn't mean they look down on those who don't and him being teacher doesn't make him right. I on the other hand only stood up for what I believed and if THAT is your definition of arrogance, what makes you think I care?"

Faven's voice steadied through and ended in an unintentional snap. His eccentric perspective inflicted a rage within her nerves like no other. Fay pressed her lips together before she was agitated to say too much. She never once hesitated to speak her mind but with Matthew, it felt like he was asking questions to which he already knew the answers.

Fay realized she was having second thoughts on her sharp tongue and she didn't like it. The hour bell rang yanking her out of her drowning thoughts. She cleared her throat.

"Now, where were we?" Fay managed a tired tone. And even before either of her friends could comprehend the situation.

"Ah! The cafeteria. I can hear the burritos wrapping themselves from all the way up here! I'm starving!" Faven smiled maniacally at the thought of food! And rushed out of the room, leaving the curious boy motionless by her choice of words.

The class remained quiet as he watched her storm out, even though there was no empathy there certainly was disarray in her tone and for someone who "doesn't care" that was quite an explanation. And...Burritos? Matthew shook his head and smiled at his hopeless theories.

At least she didn't seem that mad...

And just when he was about to reel himself to a certain conclusion, there was a loud clattering noise from the hallway followed by a stompy leg. Matthew pressed his lips and sighed in frustration.

Perhaps, she was not just another girl he had stumbled upon.

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