The New Girl [on hold]

Von kitty-chan_on_crack

2.4K 81 24

Amelia Lett is the new girl, trouble from day one, and happens to hate the most popular boy in her new high... Mehr

Chapter 1: how NOT to make friends with your new school's head cheerleader
chapter 2: I hate being new. seriously.
chapter 3: when it comes to bad luck I'm lucky
Chapter 4
The past and sudden apearences
Chapter 6: malls and hell
Chapter 7: Just curious
Chapter 8: back to school, oh joy
Preview of chap 10
Chapter 10

Chapter 9: secrets let loose

91 4 5
Von kitty-chan_on_crack

A/N: (this will be quick, I hate a/ns that come before the writing) basically this is just to say that Cynasiaa won the make a cover contest, but because of wattpad's sizing stuff it wouldn't fit. AND IT WAS SO PERFECT! So I ended up just making this cover...but on to the story! More of my ramblings later!

Chapter 9: secrets let loose

Everything was fine, till lunch that is. Avoided Queenie, didn't run into Dean again, just talked to K and tried to pay a bit of attention to the teacher. I was getting out of my father's rule as soon I could, which meant I need to get into collage. So when I walked out to the courtyard so I could study while everyone else ate lunch (I have no money and no leftovers) I was surprised when a familiar figure cut through the crowd.

Richard was suddenly standing in front of me holding roses with what to anyone else would of been a sincere apologetic expression. Knowing him like I did, I could tell he was barely holding back a smirk. He obviously thought this would work. He held out the roses and said "look, amy, I'm so sorry. I still love you, please come back."

I scoffed, and shoved the roses back at him. He grabbed my waist to pull me in, and I winced in pain. He imediantly let go, and this time was serious when the look of anger and worry spread across his face. "Amy...I'll protect you. I won't ever let him hurt you again." This he whispered, cause we had the attention of most of the people in the courtyard. Mostly because Richard half as hot as Patrick Swayze, and all else was interest in the fact he was talking to me.

"It's Amelia now." I told him, turning to walk away. "And that's exactly what you said the last time." I said lowly, in a tone full of regret. At this he jumped after me, telling me to stop and listen. That he was so sorry. And so I whirled around in a roundhouse kick, getting him right across the jaw. He fell backwards (mainly in shock, but hey, I'm not one of those cliche can't throw a punch girls from wattpad) and I ran for the parking lot.

I could only hope that K hears the rumors soon and comes to find me.

I watched as the same guy from the park walked up to Amelia, holding roses. She looked slightly surprised, and then as he offered her said roses and said something, she got kind of upset. Or mabye angry. Either way after a few more moments she shoved the roses back at him only to be pulled in by her waist. I felt my hands clench into fists. But why would they do that?...oh, I just want to rescue the damsel in distress. That's all. I'm such a gentleman.

My thoughts snapped back into focus as a surprised murmur ran through the crowd. I was just in time to see Amelia slam her foot into rose boy's head, and him fall on the ground. Amelia ran off, and the everyone dispersed or got on their phones to spread the news.Probably with way more drama and blood.

I walked over to him as he sat up, glancing around, probably trying to find Amelia. I needed to get some answers first though. And I doubt people will believe him if he pulls the rape card. I offered him my hand, and after squinting up at me, he takes it and gets to his feet. "Hi, I'm Dean Prince. Are you new here?" I questioned, trying to figure out exactly who this guy is to Amelia. "Richard Kol. And I'm not, just trying to make an apology." He looked at me for a moment as though he was trying to figure who I am.

"Oh! You're that guy who was at the park with Amy!" He said, and it instantly made me angry. Why was he calling her Amy?! "I still don't know who you are, or what you want with /Amelia/." I crossed my arms, making sure I emphasized Amelia. He looked at me a moment and then smirked, and had this little 'I know something you don't' look on his face. It was seriously pissing me off.

"What? What is that look for?" He just smiled a little more and looked around. He then said we needed to talk. And so I led him to an empty classroom. After closing the door, I turned around and re-crossed my arms, my look demanding answers.

He leant against a desk and said "so I'm guessing she didn't say much, if anything about her past?" I shook my head, not exactly sure where this was going, "well I am the ex, cause I made a mistake and Amy won't forgive me. But that's not what you really want to know is it?" I looked at him unsure, but decided to play along. Sadly I decided to late and he laughed and said, " Amy needs my protection. I have to protect her from her dad. And it seems she doesn't trust you enough to tell you that her dad beats her. So /lover boy/," sarcasm dripping from his tongue," back off."

He walked out of the classroom and I was frozen in shock, trying to process what he just said. Well the first thing is that he must of thought that we are together or something, and that made me oddly happy, but after that minor detail was out of the way, I realized what he had said. And I was horrified. Surely it wasn't true? But...come to think of it, she always does wear clothes that cover every inch of skin, and she has winced more than once when she has been touched by someone...mainly me. (not that I was paying attention or anything) was very possible. But that means...I have to find her. She has to know I would protect her. Because I don't want her to hate me of course. That's all.

~now back to Amelia's POV~

K came through, and she suddenly appeared by her car not minutes after the event had happened. I had figured she would press for details, but all she did was ask if I needed any help. "Umm...can I get a ride to my house? I really don't want to stay at school today...and a cop might grab me for ditching if I walk there." She thought for a moment, and then it was like a lightbulb went off over her head. "I have to take a test in the next class, but my cousin can come get you cause she and her bestie where skipping today anyway." She looked happy with that and grabbed her phone, texting who I guess was her cousin.

A few minutes later she told me that they would meet me in this parking lot in about fifteen minutes. She would wait for them to get me, but then had to rush to class. I told her to head on, but she refused. And she since she is much scarier than most would guess, I just agreed. She talked pretty much the whole time, about random things, but the constant chatter calmed me down abit. Just as what she pointed out as her cousin's (who's name is apparently Cynasia) car came into view, I heard an all to familiar voice that filled me with dread. And not because he had tried to 'rape me' this morning.

He was rushing across the parking lot, shouting something that sounded a lot like "I know! I know!" Which made no sense...unless... I felt the blood drain from my face. No, that's not what he's talking about. How on earth could he have found out about my dad? Richard wouldn't of said anything would he?...

He got closer, and his yelling continued only now "I will protect you!" And "you don't have to rely on that bastard" and that's when it hit me...he was completely talking about my dad. I was freaking out, on the inside. On the outside I was running towards the truck that spun around in a circle when it saw me coming. The back door popped open, and I tried to speed up but my ribs wouldn't allow it. Seeing as Dean was athletic, he was gaining easily, and at this rate was going to catch me before I could reach safety.

I looked over my shoulder, only to see something quite extrodanairy happen. The same girl that saved me this morning, Gracey, suddenly came out of nowhere and tackled Dean. As in, leaped on his shoulder and threw all her weight onto him, and since he wasn't standing still it completely made him off balance. He wobbled a moment and then went over with an "oooff! Ouch! What the-" he was cut off cause she was up and running agian, stepping on his head on the way over his body, holding something high in her hands like a prize and laughing hysterically. Where those Ashton's headphones?....well that was just weird...

I turned back around to find myself at the truck, and hopped in, pulling the door closed. Looking out the back window I saw that K had just jumped (quite literally) onto Dean's back, making it pretty much impossible for him to do anything, much less run after us. Turning back around I saw two people grinning at me. A pretty girl with dirty blonde hair was in the passenger seat, and in the driver's was a girl with striking light blue eyes (a lot like K's contacts only much more real looking) and a dark head of hair. He grin kinda scared me though cause for some reason I got the feeling she might bite me...I bet this was K's cousin.

My unspoken question was answered when she said "I'm Cynasia, K's cousin, and this is Catie, my best friend." She turned back around and warned "hold on" before suddenly we where flying out of the parking lot and onto the road, at what I'm use is much faster than speed limit. If the stress for worrying about Dean knowing my secret didn't kill me, this chick surely would.

A/N: so this is MY SHOUT OUT TO THE WONDERFUL CYNASIAA For making me a cover. If I knew how to put pics on the side I would, and if I ever figure out I shall put in on the side. I updated this way earlier than I intended, but that because I have ALMOST 800 READS OMK! It made me in SnK (AoT) Annie and eren's last battle excited. Naruto finally using the nine tailed fox's chakra happy. Yuki being such an adorable rat excited. And for those of you who have no idea what I'm saying and think I've finally snapped, think of the most exciting moment in a book/tv show, mix it with an aderline shot, and stab it through my chest like max did to fang. Well I'm still not making much sense am I...the point of this is to say THANK THANK THANK YOU for reading, voting, and the few comments I've recived (always make my day) and all the follows I've been getting. And ask pretty pretty please with bishies in chains that you comment. And that is all my angels~ till next time~ hopefully won't take that long~
-LG, apoligizing for a long confusing authors note


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