sent | wanna one

De -softbae

643K 34.6K 26.5K

❝send nudes pls :^)❞ ❝n00ds?❞ ❝ yep :^))❞ *sends noodles* in which a girl sends a message... to the wrong per... Mais

➢fifty three.


9.8K 405 636
De -softbae

announcement at the end of the chapter ♡


"That was a lot of pizza..." Woojin said, rubbing his bloated stomach. He felt like it was going to burst at any second.

The two adoring teens were out on a Saturday evening. They just had their dinner at a pizza place, that wasn't filled with annoying, screaming kids running around. Woojin decided to treat her, saving up money to take her to some fine dinning pizza restaurant which Hyejin didn't think existed. After paying the bill, the two were now on their way to Woojin's favourite place.

"What do you mean?? It was only 8 slices! And we shared it!" She stared at him in disbelief, he literally told me he could eat an entire pizza, liar.

"Yeah well I was expecting 6 slices! I didn't know they would give that many." He said, attempting to defend himself.

"That many?? Boy you are so lucky I didn't order my own pizza." She puffed out a breath.

Woojin started giggling, his mind somewhere else. This got Hyejin tilting her head to the side, confused. "Why are you laughing?"

He smiled, eyes wandering, "I was just remembering your cute self with pizza sauce all over your face, with your cheeks adorably puffed out." She felt her cheeks heat up. She didn't expect him to say something like that so confidently without a stutter or two in-between.

"H-Hey, I was trying to eat as much as I could since your stupid self thought it was a good idea to drink as much soda as possible before the pizza arrived!" She poked his arm, "I ate more than half of that pizza!"

"The pizza was good though, right?" He nervously laughed, trying to change the subject.

"I wouldn't know, I lost the feeling of my tongue by the third slice." She grumbled. After today she felt like she couldn't eat anymore pizza for the rest of her life.

We all know that's a lie.

Woojin smiled, "Well you still looked cute while stuffing your face." He casually put an arm over her shoulder. Hyejin didn't seem to mind it, she was too focused on what he had just said.

"Oh stop trying to hide the fact that you're just weak." She pulled herself away from his side, turning around to face him as she walked backwards, "We both know that I'm the real winner, I'm sure everyone there knew that too."

The real winner to my heart, yeah.

"Okay okay yeah you win whatever." He playfully rolled his eyes, a wide grin spreading across his face as he watched the mischief girl cheer in victory.

✧ ── ✩ ── ✧

The two were currently in heaven, Woojin's heaven, aka the arcade. But to him, it wasn't just his heaven because of all the games there, it was because he was there with the girl of his dreams.

To Hyejin's surprise, it was more than an arcade. There were more than the typical arcade games here, from old school games to new ones. There were other floors that had all kinds of activities like pool and a virtual reality simulator, which the two had a lot of fun playing. It was safe to say she was impressed with everything Woojin had done for her and the way she was treated tonight.

"Okay where do you want to go next?" Woojin asked while collecting the tickets they won from their previous game. Woojin and Hyejin came to a close tie in Mario Kart, they had to play several times so Hyejin could "feel better about herself"; she wasn't a fan of coming in second.

Hyejin scouted the area, looking for available games until one spots her eye, "That one."

Woojin's eyes nervously followed the direction she was pointing in, hoping it wasn't the game he was trying to avoid all night. His stomach sank. Before he could protest, Hyejin was already dragging the poor boy there.

"R-Really? You sure you're up for this? It's kind of... scary." Woojin gulped, sitting beside the excited girl who was already grabbing the plastic weapon in front of her.

Hyejin almost let out a laugh, "Is Mr. I'm-Not-Afraid-Of-Anything scared of some zombies?" She looked up at him, a smirk forming on her lips.

"I never said I wasn't afraid of anything... and even if I did, well this may be an exception."

"Have you not seen the Walking Dead before? It's not even that scary, now suck it up and watch me blow their heads into tiny pieces." She entered a token, pressing start moments later. The sounds of groaning and screaming surrounded the tiny booth they were sitting in.

Woojin stared at the screen and then to the weapon Hyejin was holding, "I don't think you can blow their heads off with that."

"Why, you don't trust me with a crossbow?" She asked, her eyes glued on the screen.

"Well I guess I have to since there isn't a gun in sight... what kind of game doesn't give a gun to kill zombies?? It's like they want us to lose." He complained, watching her fully immersed in the game, killing anything and everything in her way. Okay maybe I shouldn't be worried.

"Yeah well this girl isn't letting that happen." She released the trigger, blowing an arrow into the onscreen zombie head, blood spurting everywhere.

It was safe to say that Woojin was impressed, and a little scared.

After a few minutes of shooting and high pitched screams- that did not come from the game- later, Hyejin won the two a bunch of tickets.

"See, I told you it wasn't scary." Woojin dusted himself off, secretly looking around to see if there were people staring, wondering who's blood curdling screams were coming from.

Hyejin looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "Uh yeah, sure you did.."

"But um," He cleared his throat, "You did a pretty good job, not saying I could do better-"

She cut him off laughing, "You looked like you were ready to run out of the building, how could you play so many video games but be afraid of zombies?"

"Aww is Woojin scared of lil' pixels on a screen?"

They turned their heads towards the voice, their smiles fading. Daniel, Jihoon, Seongwoo and Jinyoung were walking towards the two, a playful smirk evident on one specific person. Hyejin could feel Woojin tense up, not even looking at him to find out.

"What are you guys doing here?" Woojin eyed the four boys, especially the one standing right in front of him.

"Oh us?" Jinyoung turned his head to look at the guys behind him, acting surprised like he just noticed them, "We're just here to hangout, spend some quality time together. What are you two doing here?" He asked. Confusion, almost sarcasm, lingered in his voice, but they were well aware he knew the answer to his own question.

"We're on a date." Woojin replied, the word 'date' almost sounding too harsh, like a wake up call to Jinyoung.

"O-Oh really? We had no idea! Did you guys know that?" Jinyoung asked his friends.

"Noo, of course not." Seongwoo rolled his eyes, he did not feel like playing along and neither did the others.

"Did you guys come here on purpose? How did you even know we were here?" Hyejin suspiciously looked at them.

"What do you mean? This," Jinyoung gestured his hands between the two and his group, "Is just pure coincidence."

Woojin rolled his eyes, mumbling, "I'm so sure it was." .

"Well, we'll let you guys continue your little... date." Jinyoung flashed them smile. Woojin and Hyejin looked at him one last time before turning around, walking away.

"Yah Jinyoung you told us we were going to be playing games, not spy on Hyejin and Woojin." Daniel said to him, hitting his arm in annoyance.

"We are though, well.. we're doing both. It'll be fun, trust me." A mischievous smile crept on his face as he walked away in the direction the two left at.

Daniel turned to the taller one, "You better win me something."

"Anything for you baby." Seongwoo threw his arm over his shoulder.

"Christ why do I have to be the third wheel..." Jihoon shook his head, following the two.

✧ ── ✩ ── ✧

An hour and a half had passed and Hyejin and Woojin continued their date... with more than a few interruptions from Jinyoung. Of course the other boys tried to stop him, but at some point they gave up and let him do whatever he pleased so they could go off and play some games.

It all started with comments being thrown at Woojin whenever he lost a match against Hyejin or some random stranger. Annoyed, Woojin would confront him, asking why he was so close to them. But Jinyoung would make up excuses, saying he just happened to be there at that moment. He would pretend to play with the buttons on a random game they were using to stalk them. Well at least Daniel and Seongwoo were actually playing nearby so Hyejin wasn't fully bothered by it.

Then Jinyoung would be very loud, he would scream and yell so loud that Woojin couldn't hear any of Hyejin's guidance, her commands were soon gone to waste, another token down the drain.

But it wasn't until Jinyoung 'accidentally' threw something at Woojin, causing him to get distracted and mess up while playing dance dance revolution. 

Woojin had enough. Three strikes and he's out.

He stormed over to Jinyoung, who was sitting at a table with the rest of the guys.

"Let me guess, this cup just happen to land on my head?" Woojin lifted up the empty plastic cup in his hand, glaring at him.

Jinyoung tried to hide his smirk, "What?? That's not mine. How could you accuse me of such a thing?"

"Oh cut the crap, you're the only one without one!" Woojin stated, watching the three other boys sip on their straws, avoiding his gaze.

He scoffed, "I never got one in the first place sheesh, just cause they did doesn't mean I did."

Woojin was fed up, he slammed the cup on their table, causing a few of them to flinch, "Jinyoung what the actual hell is your problem? Why are you trying to ruin our date?"

Jinyoung stood up and walked over to him, "Ruin your date? Me? I'd never!" He looked innocently at Woojin.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not stupid, Hyejin and I both know you're deliberately doing this on purpose."

"And so what? You honestly expect me to sit and watch you two go out and be all cute together? You both already spent enough time together for weeks! When is it my chance?" Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows at him.

The three other boys sip on their sodas, watching the scene fold out in front of them.

Woojin sighed, "Okay I get that you're upset, but that doesn't mean you can just full out interrupt us every second!"

Silence overtook them, no one saying a word. The only thing they could hear was the faint music in the background and Jihoon's slurping, that soon got interrupted by Daniel whacking him in the head. It wasn't until Woojin took a step closer to him, crossing his arms, "Alright fine Jinyoung, you want to play games? Then lets play games."

Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, a little skeptical of his words, "What?"

"Since you think you deserve her time, I'll let you have a chance. Clearly you're going to be annoying us all night, might as well put an end to it."

Jinyoung cautiously nodded, "Okay fine, what kind of game?"

Woojin smirked, "Oh, just a game that'll make you question your strength, durability and manliness."

Hyejin was in the girls room while the whole ordeal went down. So she was very confused when Jinyoung said what he had said once she approached the group.

"It's on."

✧ ── ✩ ── ✧

When you go to an arcade, you're typically supposed to play games,  enjoy the time you have with your friends and just have fun. But tonight, none of these three things were happening between the six of them.

Hyejin, Seongwoo, Daniel and Jihoon sat on fluffy bean bag chairs as they boringly watched the scene before them, for what seemed like forever.

Hyejin rolled her eyes, "You know, when you both said you were going to settle out your differences I was expecting a bumper car race or even sword fighting. Not 'best out of three' of fricking ping pong."

Yes, ping pong. And it was now the last round as each boy had won one each. What the four didn't know was that the moment Woojin served the ball, the two had no plans on dropping it. They were determined to keep the ball from going out.

And this had been going on for one whole hour.

"Yeah well this seemed to be a less violent way of doing so, wouldn't you say Jinyoung?" Woojin asked as he hit the ball towards him.

"Oh yeah," Jinyoung grunts before hitting it back, "Much better. Who knows what would've happened if we played something else, like pool."

The three boys sitting down were wide eyed after hearing his words, making them uncomfortably shifted in their seats, keeping their hands in their lap.

Jihoon awkwardly cleared his throat, "How have you not dropping the ball yet like what the fuck. Its been an hour, are you guys not tired??"

"Nope, I'm feeling more alive than ever before," Jinyoung whips the ball over. "But Woojin looks like he's going to pass out at any second."

"What do you mean? I can go on for atleast," Woojin smacks the white plastic ball back, "another hour."

Daniel's mouth dropped, "You're kidding me."

When he got no reply, Daniel could only sigh, pouting as he slumped in his soft cushion.

Another fifteen minutes had past. The four were now finding other ways to entertain themselves. While Jihoon left to grab some popcorn, the other three were playing a game of charades.

"What the frick is this??" Hyejin asked Daniel, trying to copy his movements.

He put his arms down and looked at the two. "Geez you guys suck, I was trying to do the Rise of the Planet of the Apes."

Seongwoo threw the phone down on the beanbag, "Okay but why were you pointing at me??"

"Huh, if that's your way of showing Seongwoo that he's your entire world then that's a little odd." She said putting her finger to her chin.

At this point Jihoon came back, a large popcorn in his hands. "What did I miss?"

Daniel raised an eyebrow at her, "What do you mean? I didn't even do that yet. I was trying to act out the 'ape' part."

Seongwoo gasped, hand on his chest, "I'm flushing our tickets down the toilet." Jihoon's eyes widen, grabbing a hand full of popcorn and stuffing it into his mouth.

Hyejin suppressed her laughter, standing between the two, "Don't fight guys. We already have two babies we need to look after." The group looked towards Jinyoung and Woojin, who looked exhausted but did not seem like they were giving out anytime soon.

Daniel rolled his eyes, "Are you guys really going to be pinging pongs all night?? Someone drop the ball already!" He threw a few pieces of popcorn at them, hoping for something to happen. However they didn't flinch at all.

"Fine, if they won't then I will."

Hyejin stormed over to the two hard focusing boys. She stared at them, watching them continuously hit the ball, unaware of her presence. She sighed, she had to do something knowing they weren't going to stop. When Woojin passed the ball to Jinyoung, she quickly grabbed the ball mid air, surprising them all.

She gave them one last glare before storming out the room.

Seongwoo let out a low whistle, watching her leave, "Damn if you guys don't win her over then I will."

Jinyoung and Woojin looked at each other, chests heaving as they gasp for air.

"Nice one guys, good thing Daehwi or Jisung aren't here or they would be roasting the shit out of you." Jihoon said, although it was somewhat inaudible from all the popcorn in his mouth.

Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows at Woojin. He threw the paddle on the table and ran after Hyejin.

"Popcorn anyone?" Jihoon asked, nudging them with the tub.

"Who's mans is this..." Seongwoo muttered under his breath.


"Hyejin wait!" Jinyoung called out, running up to her. She was standing in front of the elevators, waiting for the next lift.

"Let me guess, you came to say you're sorry?" He almost stumbled from the look on her face, this is all too familiar...

"I am sorry." He breathed out. The elevator doors opened and Hyejin was about to walk inside until Jinyoung grabbed her wrist, preventing her from leaving.

"Just hear me out." He pulled her away from the now closing doors.

She yanked her arm out of his grasp, "Hear you out? There's nothing for me to hear. You ruined our date and that's that. What else do I need to hear?" She pressed on the button again.

"I know you're mad, and I know it looks like I ruined your date," She rolled her eyes at his words, "You did ruin it."

He sighed, "Okay... I guess I did. But I was jealous. I was jealous at the fact that you went out with Woojin. Its been what, a few days since your reveal and you're still going out with him? Will I ever get a chance?"

"You'll get a chance okay, just relax," She ran her hand through her hair, "The two of us were out on a simple date but you're here acting like I was about to give up my v card. There's no need for you to be acting so jealous."

"I'm jealous because I like you! Okay! I liked you ever since you messaged me. I slowly fell for your stupid butt the more we talked. And I thought you felt the same but clearly I was wrong since you're out here with Woojin." He sighed, his eyes stinging a bit, "What do you expect to me to do when he's trying to sweep you off your feet right in front of me!"

Hyejin's face slowly relaxed, eyes softening as she looked at him. But for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to forgive his actions.

She took a deep breath, "Jinyoung, I understand your feelings. I get it, but that doesn't give you the right to act this way. We're all friends here, heck you and Woojin were friends way before you guys met me. And now you both are willing to throw away your friendship from some girl?"

"You're not just some girl-"

"I know, I'm not." She said, cutting him off, "You've all been saying that. So if I'm not just some girl, then am I an object? A toy for you both to get a turn on?"

"T-That's not what I meant...-"

"Woojin asked me out days ahead of time, do you expect me to just drop him and go out with you instead?" She took a step back, distancing herself from him, "Look, I know you probably weren't planning for things to go this far. You just wanted to go out with me, and I told you we were. You couldn't have waited a few days?"

She felt a tear slip from her eye, "Honestly, I expected better from you."

Jinyoung went quiet, he was at a loss of words. He knew he messed up, bad.

In the dead silent hall, footsteps were heard running down towards them. A panting Woojin approached the two, "Hyejin, are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. And I won't be okay until the two work things out and become friends again." She stared at the two before entering the lift that had opened just in time.

"Wait let me wa-"

"No, I can walk myself home." She pressed the button leading her down, the metal doors close in a thud, leaving the two boys surrounded by silence.

Blowing a few pieces of stray hair out of his eyes, Woojin turned to the now guilty looking boy, "We can both agree that you started this whole ordeal, so unless you want to make things up with me, I'll be waiting over by Hyejin patching up that last chance I have with her. You better start finding yours." 

With that, Woojin turned his heel, walking away. Jinyoung bit his lip, a warm tear escaping his eye.

I think it's a bit too late now.


ayy guys we hit 100k !! 🎉 thank you guys sooo much for all the support, to all the voters, commenters and even my silent readers, i seriously love you all ♡

so the place i mentioned, aka the arcade, is called the rec room and i have one near my hometown its hella cool but ive never been there cuz im broke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i really dont know what i wrote in this chapter it was such a blur. and i need some serious help with the ending. i literally went from "i know exactly how its going to be written and who shes going to end up with XD" tO "........... i played myself."

♡ announcement!! ♡

ok soo im publishing a new fic! its for my boy :^) ong seongwoo!

i'm super duper excited about this one! for all you ong stans who lowkey, or highkey, shipped hyejin and him together, well this should do you some justice, and he is just as " :^) " in that fic too :)) also, the beginning of every chapter is pretty interesting,, if you get what i mean ;)

ive pre written (wrote? idk engwish) some chapters so do check it out! like trust me, its better than this cringe fic (i think...) i will publish it right after i post this chapter! please check it out and let me know if you came from this fic :')

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