Hold On ( A Trey Songz Love S...

By ItsStarr13

36.4K 813 58

Mahi'ya ( mah-hee-ya) is a simple girl from Detroit. or so she thinks. She is use to her lifes rountine and... More

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
..Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
authors note*
Chapter 20
authors note
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
The Chapter 25
looking for two co writers
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
5k reads
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

chapter 24

661 20 2
By ItsStarr13

The next day...

Me and Trey got into it big last night about him not telling me his ex was at my babyshower. yea I said it my babyshower he is not carrying no kids so its mines, selfish much??? the way im feeling I really don't care the movers have already come and moved all of the things that I will be taking with me to his house.  but we decided to keep this house for when we come here to visit and him to do shows.

after the fight last night I wasn't on speaking terms with Trey. He was doing everything he could think of to possibly annoy me into saying something to him but it wasn't working. The car had just arrived and it was time to go to the airport and I think his plan has backfired on him because now he seems more annoyed than me go figure lol.

The horn sounded and I grabbed my phone, my huge purse and my carry on and headed towards the door. That must have pissed him off because he snatched everything but my phone from me and headed towards the car I just laughed.  I can see this is going to be an interesting trip already.

Once we got to the jet it was like reality had kicked in I'm really moving away from home with a celebrity and my life will never be the same.

after arriving in Miami I was most definitely over tired  I was happy about one thing that came with moving here I get to spend more time with Melanie and Jurnei yay me It was time to get off the plane so you would think being on a plane for three hours together that we would have resolved this but me being the stubborn person I am I'm just gonna keep at it just to annoy him.

I turned towards the overhead compartment like I was gonna reach for my bags and Trey just pushed my arms slighty tipping me towards the chair. with this beyond serious look on his face he says "Don't play with me.." I grab my phone and head for the door where Trey is standing. before the door opened Trey turned to me with this look on his face that kinda scared me because I knew he was foreal about what he was saying and I never heard him use this low mean tone before. "Im just gonna say this once more and this will be the last time. I am sorry for not telling you janice was there, I did not invite her, and I did not want to make scene by asking her to leave, now straighten up your damn attitude before we get off this plane and lets move on because I will not apologize again and I will not continue to put up with your antics.

I just continued to look him in his eyes. I took a deep breath and exited the plane.

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