The Hired Boy |Ruby Gillis...

By FlittyFleeFly

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Ruby Gillis has always insisted she could never, and would never, fall for a hired boy. "It would be too hum... More

One | a trip into town
Two | one summer evening
Three | the assignment
Four | help from Jerry
Five | help from Anne
Six | Ruby and Lillian become aquainted
Seven | waltz of the broomstick
Eight | Ruby's hero
Nine | the walk home
Ten | a good hired hand
Eleven | Anne's vow
Twelve | an unexpected thank you
Thirteen | Ruby's essay
Fourteen | Editha Sharpe
Fifteen | the new boy
Sixteen | red-faced and red-haired
Seventeen | Ruby Gillis, Gilbert Blythe & several big mistakes
Eighteen | a picnic gone wrong
Nineteen | in preparation of the dance
Twenty-One| on the arm of a hired boy

Twenty | the wrong partners

1.7K 84 275
By FlittyFleeFly

At 6 0'clock Saturday night the Avonlea dance was held in the town hall. The usually dim building, used for boring meetings and occasional political events, was brightly lit and pleasantly decorated by Rachel Lynde and her army of busybodies.

Before hand, Mrs. Gillis helped Ruby do her hair for the occasion. As she brushed out the girls long golden tresses, she peered around her daughters shoulder and smiled at her.

"Are you excited?" asked her mother.

Ruby nodded. She smiled as well, but the smile was lacking something.

She was excited. Dances were one of the things she enjoyed most in life. There was only one troubling her — Jerry would be there.

Ruby was very confused when Diana told her she would be going with the Cuthbert's hired hand, not to mention a little hurt. Diana quickly explained that there was nothing between her and Jerry and that they were going solely as acquaintances. Ruby did not begrudge Diana or Jerry for this, but she could not help but feel a little jealous.

And what was she going to do when she saw him? It had been over a week since their fight. More than anything Ruby wanted to fix things, but she didn't know what she could say to do so. And ieven if she did think of something to say, she would probably end up crying before she got a single word out.

But if she didn't say anything and Jerry didn't say anything, would they just ignore each other all night like nothing had ever happened?

Ruby did not have long to find out. After her mother pulled her hair back with a big pink bow and after slipping on her white dress with pink sash and puffy white sleeves, it was time for the dance.

Adults and children alike were attending, but it was amongst the younger folk that the levels of excitement were running especially high. They gathered outside by the steps of the great hall in the frosty October evening air, dressed as fashionably as you could be in a countryside town like Avonlea. The young ladies were adorned in pastel colors and ribbons and positively beaming with girlish excitement, while the boys wore their fathers shirts and pants rather than their usual knickers. Some were waiting for their partners, while others were greeting each other and complimenting what the other was wearing.

When Ruby arrived, she joined the group of girls lingering outside the town hall, carefully tucked to the side to avoid the Avonlea folk parading (mostly in twos) into the town hall. The group included Jane Andrews, Tillie Boulter and Diana Barry (the latter of whom was wearing a most pretty midnight blue dress).

Though Ruby meant to be listening to what the others were gossiping happily about, she could not help repeatedly glancing around at the passersby.

Nearby was a group of boys, all fooling around and behaving rougher than was called for before a dance. Gilbert was not there as he'd entered the town hall a while back, but Gilbert was not whom Ruby was looking for.

"I am starting to think Moody isn't even coming," said Jane crossly. "He probably scared himself out of the idea!"

"I'm sure he's coming," said Diana. "He might seem more shy than the other boys, but I think he's braver than we all give him credit for." Diana giggled. "I still can't believe he was the first boy to ask any of the girls!"

The other girls giggled too, though Ruby was rather late and uncertain as to what she was giggling at. It was incredibly hard to fain interest in a conversation about Moody Spurgeon McPherson.

"Hello, girls!" called a voice.

The four girls looked around to see Josie Pye. Her hair was pulled up into a daring bun and she was hanging on the arm of none other than a strangely confused looking Charlie Sloane.

"Hello, Josie," replied Diana. Her eyes fell upon Josie's hand gripping Charlie's arm. "And . . . Charlie," she frowned. "Did you two come together?"

"Yes," said Josie with a smug smile. "Now come along Charlie or we will miss the dancing."

Josie pulled Charlie behind her and into the town hall. As he was dragged past, Charlie looked pleadingly at Diana, but she looked away with much dignity.

"I thought Josie said she wouldn't go with Charlie even if he asked," said Diana, who looked slightly put out.

"No one else ever asked her," said Tillie in a low voice. "So she had no other choice."

Ruby glanced around again and this time someone caught her eye.

A redhead looking most pretty in a pale yellow dress with puffed sleeves and a white rose tucked into her vivid hair.

"Diana, Anne is here!" said Ruby, nudging her friend.

Diana's entire being brightened as she turned to wave at her bosom friend. Ruby waved to, but then felt her excitement fade as as she saw who was walking behind Anne. Jerry Baynard. Ruby's stomach gave a twist. He looked quite nice in a new shirt and a clean pair of pants (borrowed, though Ruby did not know it, from Gilbert Blythe). He also seemed out of place and nervous and repeatedly tugged on his collar.

Diana rushed forward to embrace Anne. "Oh, Anne! You look splendid!"

But Ruby couldn't take her eyes off of Jerry to spare Anne a glance. Their eyes met, and for a second Ruby thought Jerry was going to approach her — but instead he turned away and went to stand near Diana and Anne.

Ruby couldn't stop the stab of jealously that came when, after Diana and Anne had finished gushing over each other, Jerry offered his arm to Diana and they went into the dance together.

Anne saw Ruby watching them go and quickly went to the girls side. "Ruby you look as pretty as a flower! Are you ready for the dance? Come along."

Gilbert was by the food table, discussing doctoring with the town doctor when he saw Anne come in with Ruby. Gilbert always thought Anne looked wonderful, and that night was far from any exception.

"Son?" prompted the doctor.

"Oh, sorry," said Gilbert, realizing he had trailed off. He pulled his gaze away from Anne. " . . . What was I saying?"

They resumed their conversation about infections, but the doctor could tell the boy was distracted and soon moved on to speak with someone else.

Gilbert immediately went back to searching for Anne. He quickly found her vivid hair amongst the crowds of dancers and smiled when he saw her dancing with Ruby.

Charlie bumped into Gilbert nearly knocking him into the food table. "Quick let's get out of here before she finds me again!" said Charlie to his best friend.

"Before who finds you?" asked Gilbert, very confused.

"My partner!" said Charlie, pushing Gilbert towered the back room which was reserved for retirement.

"Who's your partner?" asked Gilbert as he was pushed along.

"Josie Pye!"

Gilbert stopped in the doorway of the retirement room and stared at his friend. "Wait, let me get this straight, you came with Josie Pye? I thought you wanted to go with Diana!" He nodded toward where Diana was wincing as Jerry stepped on her toes in the dance. "How come you could get up the courage to ask Josie but not Diana!"

"I didn't ask Josie!" insisted Charlie. "She came to my house yesterday and announced to my whole family that we were going together! There wasn't anything I could do!"

"You should go tell her that you never wanted to come to this dance with her in the first place!" said Gilbert.

"Easier said than done," said Charlie defensively.

"Oh no! There she is!" Spotting the blonde girl, Charlie ducked behind the door.

"Everyone's come with the wrong partners," Gilbert mumbled to himself.

Gilbert lingered in the retirement room. He wanted to ask Anne to dance, but, as usual, wasn't sure how she would react. He was soon joined by Jerry who looked relieved to see a familiar face.

"Bonjour, Gilbert," said Jerry, plopping down into a chair. "I do not think I like dancing very much."

"Where is Diana?" asked Gilbert.

"Dancing with Anne," said Jerry, gesturing in their direction.

Gilbert spotted the two girls — one dark haired and the other bright — spinning in a circle, laughing and having a wonderful time. His gaze then wandered to a figure in white and pink sitting on the sidelines looking far sadder than anyone should look at a dance.

Gilbert looked back at Jerry. "Isn't they anyone else you want to dance with?" asked Gilbert meaningfully.

"Pas. No," said Jerry stiffly.

Gilbert sighed. "I'll be right back." He muttered as he went.

It wasn't that Ruby wasn't enjoying herself. Nor was she thinking about Jerry every second of the dance, but he did cross her mind quite frequently, and she would glance less subtly then the imagined across the room to find him. And as she sat at the side of the room, a lonesomeness washed over her.

Ruby hardly noticed Gilbert Blythe approaching until he said, "Hello, Ruby."

Ruby looked up in surprise at the tall and handsome boy.

"Gilbert! You startled me!" said Ruby.

"My apologies," said Gilbert. He gestured at the seat beside her. "Do you mind if I sit down?"

"Not at all," said Ruby with a smile.

Gilbert sat and then looked over at her. "I never apologized for the difficulties I caused between you and Jerry."

"It's not your fault," said Ruby immediately. "It's my own for being such a silly, petty little goose." Her time was unusually severe.

The two were silent a moment then Ruby ventured to ask, "Gilbert, why did you come to sit with me?"

"I was lonely," said Gilbert.

Ruby raised her eyebrows. She saw right through his excuse. "More like you saw me sitting alone and were worried I was lonely."

"No one should look as glum as you do at an event which is supposed to be fun," said Gilbert. "Do you want to dance?"

"Dance? With you?" said Ruby in surprise.

Gilbert nodded, got to his feet, and held out his hand to Ruby. Smiling she took it.

As she took to the dance floor in the arms of Gilbert Blythe, Ruby allowed herself to be taken over by the fantasy she'd always had about her and Gilbert falling in love — but in a second the fantasy was gone. Ruby was confused as to how she could be so calm while hand in hand with the boy she'd cared so long for, but then, as she looked up at the handsome boy, she realized something. She no longer felt that jolt of excitement whenever she looked at him, nor that sense of longing when their eyes met — nor had she for weeks.

"Gilbert, I need to tell you something," said Ruby suddenly.

Gilbert tensed. He was well aware of the feelings the feelings the girl had once harbored for him. He had come to believe that Ruby's feelings for Jerry had eclipsed that, but now he was unsure. What if she were about to confess his feelings to him? Gilbert did not want to be in that situation.

Ruby took a deep breath. "Gilbert, I don't like you anymore."

Gilbert held back a laugh. "Oh?"

Ruby shook her head. "No. I don't. I used to. But not anymore."

"Well, I'm glad," said Gilbert. "I've always thought you to be a very nice girl, Ruby, and I hope now we can be friends, but I've never been able to care for you in that way."

"No," said Ruby. "There's only one person you care for in that way, isn't there?"

Gilbert turned red, but was unable to hide a smile.

With Ruby and Gilbert dancing, Anne talking to Ms. Stacey and Jerry wandered off to who knows where, Diana found herself all alone. She stood by the food tables, tapping her foot to the rhythm of the music, and admiring the swirling of dresses around her — when someone suddenly touched her shoulder.

Diana gave a start and looked around. Charlie Sloane was standing beside her. 

"Diana," he said. "Hi."

"Hello, Charlie," said Diana, rather uncertainly. "Are you and Josie enjoying yourselves?"

"No," said Charlie immediately. "Diana, I never wanted to go with Josie! I wanted to go with you!"

Diana turned blushed, but she still needed an explanation. "If you wanted to go with me, then why did you ask Josie? It seems a bit counter productive, don't you agree?"

Charlie opened his mouth to speak, but then Josie Pye arrived right on time. She barged right in between Charlie and Diana.

"Hello, Diana." Josie turned to Charlie and demanded. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Talking to Diana?" said Charlie. "Is that a crime?"

"Don't you want to dance? That's why you asked me, isn't it?"

"Josie, I never even asked you!" burst out Charlie. Diana looked at him suddenly with a hopeful expression. "You came barging into my house and told everyone I was your partner!"

"So?" said Josie. "You should be grateful I wanted to go with you at all!"

"Well, I'm not," said Charlie. "Now, excuse me." Charlie stepped around Josie, and extended his hand to Diana. "Diana, would you care to dance?"

Beaming, and completely forgetting that she already had a partner, Diana took Charlie's hand and together they stepped out onto the dance floor.

Gilbert and Ruby continued to dance, but Gilbert could tell Ruby was extremely distracted. She stumbled several times and kept frowning over Gilbert's shoulder.

Finally, she made another announcement. She burst out, "Gilbert, I think I like Jerry."

Gilbert nodded and easily accepted the news. "I think you do to."

"But he's a hired boy," said Ruby in anguish.

Gilbert smiled at Ruby and said, a bit to wisely for a boy of only seventeen, "That only matters if you want it to."

Ruby stared at the floor for a moment, then looked up at Gilbert, eyes wide. "You're right." Ruby stopped dancing and stepped away from Gilbert. "I'm going to go talk to him."

Ruby turned around, then turned back and said frantically, "But he's Diana's partner! I can't steal her partner! That would make me a terrible friend!"

"I'm not so sure he's her partner anymore," said Gilbert, nodding in the direction of Diana and Charlie, who were now dancing. "Besides, he's leaving now."

Ruby looked around just in time to see Jerry pull on his cap and then slip away through the town hall door, unnoticed by anyone but herself and Gilbert.

"Jerry! Wait!"

Ruby made to follow the boy, and almost slammed right into Anne who was coming from the other direction.

"Ruby, where are you going in such a hurry?" asked Anne curiously.

"To talk to Jerry." Ruby went to step past Anne, but then an idea occurred to her. She halted, turned back to Anne, and said, "Anne, why don't you dance with Gilbert?"

Anne immediately glanced toward the dark haired boy, who was watching them, then crossed her arms over her chest and sniffily, "as if."

"Oh well I couldn't possibly leave him then," said Ruby. She started to walk back toward the boy.

"But I thought you were going to talk to Jerry!" said Anne.

"But I was just dancing with Gilbert and it would be real impolite of me to leave him dancing all alone," said Ruby. "I suppose talking with Jerry will have to wait—"

Anne let out a small groan. "Fine. If I must I . . . " Anne took a deep breath. "I will dance with Gilbert."

"That's a dear," said Ruby, patting Anne on the shoulder. She walked away before Anne could change her mind.

"I am doing this for your sake," Anne called Ruby. "It has nothing to do with what I want — or I would not be doing it at all!"

But Ruby was too intent upon her pursuit to pay any mind to Anne's excuses.

Anne watched Ruby go, then turned back around to face the dance room. Her eyes fell upon Gilbert who had moved himself to the sidelines.

Anne took a deep breath and unconsciously smoothed her hair.

"Here it goes."


A/N: I decided to split the last chapter in two. The next chapter will be the last one.

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