
By QueenKatrina15

197 26 16

Nevelyn's POV* Being a vampire is hard; especially a vampire in the Reaper Family. Life can be tough on a 153... More

Hitting Rock Bottom
The Encounter

New Reunions?

28 6 0
By QueenKatrina15


Nevelyn's POV***

I smile in agreement introducing my younger siblings looking at Simrin first, " This is Simrin Reaper, Logan Reaper, Liam Reaper, and Charlotte Reaper." I looked slowly toward the Queen again before answering her other question. "Our parents... our parents are gone. We won't be able to see them for a very long time."

She gasps bringing her hand up over her mouth. "I see. So you are orphans? Oh, well then this means you'll have to live with me." She says smiling again. "For I'm your grandmother. Which would all make you royal prince, and princesses? Where have you all been?" She questions sternly looking at us.

I didn't know what to say, I was so shocked; and why didn't I remember any of this since I had a photographic memory? Instead of responding I look to the window into the soft rain. In my absence from speaking Nathaniel started walking up to her explaining what happened to us. Speaking of what the humans did, made me very upset that usually ended with me causing a blackout throughout the whole city. Talking about the past is something I'm not very good at. I turn around walking over to Simrin and Harper.

They were talking to each other quietly, so I went over to Charlotte, Liam, and Logan where they were standing still. I crouched down saying "You guys can play quietly in the corner instead of standing here. It'll probably be more fun anyway." Both he and Liam didn't look so cheerful. When Liam looked at me with a whine showing on his face, I only waved them off.

Opposite the corner where the kids were now playing duck, duck, goose sat Markus and Even. My guess is that they were talking about different abilities.

The only one missing was Elias. He usually liked to keep to himself. He wasn't really the type to sit and mingle with people. I found him sitting on a windowsill. It was a fairly big windowsill so I plopped down on the right next to him.

After a few more minutes of silence, I finally spoke: "How are you holding up?" He looked genuinely surprised that I would ask that, I would have to ask that more often. He only nodded to keep the silence on his part, so I asked another.

"Do you think mom is ok?" As I said the last few words I felt a couple tears trickle down my face. I quickly wiped them away stealing my self to not do it again.

He looked at me still surprised and answered truthfully, "Honestly, no I don't." He never really ever gave much of an answer to anything. Not very sentimental either.

"That's what I think too," I replied. With Elias, you could never say a lot of stuff and expect a detailed answer or explanation back so what he said next caught me off guard.

"Don't cry Nevelyn, it's going to be ok. Mom and dad might not be so lucky, but, we are. And we are going to make them proud or gosh darn it die trying." He sounded like he had been holding that in for a while.

"Did you really just say 'gosh darn it'?" I say smiling. I laughed as he turned bright red before saying "Thanks for the pep talk Elias. I really appreciate it. His face went back to normal when he rolled his eyes and got up saying, "Well, since your laughing at me, I'll go hang out with Markus and Evan.

"To do that you'll have to talk to them," I say as he begins walking away from me anyway. "Whatever..." He says throwing his hands up in the air.

I look out of the window watching a light rainfall against the window, tracing different shapes to cure my boredom while I listened in on the conversation the Queen, Brandon, and Nathan were having. Nathan was talking about what the humans forced us to do while we were held, prisoner. I looked at my hand as it tightened into a fist, and I slowly forced it to open, still staring at it.

He was at the part of what would happen if we disobeyed them. The punishments were cruel and were an assortment of kinds from whippings(which is what they used for children) to cutting off fingers. I immediately started tracing the scars on my arm from when I was whipped. I remember that it was because I wouldn't let them whip Charlotte when she took a piece of bread hungry, because they didn't feed us enough.

Thinking of this I look up at where Charlotte and the Twins were playing. For once they were actually getting along with each other I smiled for a moment. The boys normally thought Charlotte was a nuisance. Which is probably what Nathan and the triplets thought about me.

I looked up to where Nathan was now talking about what we were actually allowed to do and found Brandon staring at me. I just stared back, see who will last the longest. After 3 minutes my eyes begin to burn and Evan had just plopped down beside me distracting me. "So, how come you're staring at Brandon? Huh? Didn't you just break up with someone?" It sounds like he was hiding a double meaning.

I feel the blush as it crosses my entire face. "For your information, he was staring at me first," I say looking over at Evan. "In any case, I think I'm going to go for a walk. Watch the little ones. Kay?

As I stand Brandon looks away and I walk over to Simrin interrupting her conversation "Hey Simrin. If I jump out the window will they look at me weirdly?" She stops talking to Harper and looks at me for a moment. I knew what she was doing but it was still weird sometimes to think she could see the future. "Umm, not if you tell them [I don't remember the way out] just be careful though. If I see something bad I'm going to send someone after you."

"Fine by me," I said wistfully. Man, it's been so long since I was actually alone. This was going to be very enjoyable. I walked over to the window and slid it open. This window wasn't very big and that was probably because the people who built this castle weren't really expecting people to jump out the windows. I mean, we were 3 or 4 stories tall. We did have to climb a very long and very tiring spiral staircase. The truth was I just didn't want to climb back down.

I looked over to Nathan and said loudly "I hate to interrupt, but Nathan you're fully in charge while I'm gone I'm just going to go out the window because I honestly don't feel like it and don't really remember the way out. " This was a lie because I have a photographic memory but whatever. They didn't know that. I saluted everyone who was now looking at me, threw my legs over the windowsill ledge and dropped out as someone hollered "Wait!"

The ground rushed up faster than I thought it would so we really must have been in a really tall tree. Right at the very last second, I pulled up a shield bouncing off the ground like jello. I landed in a crouching position, slowly standing up.

I looked back up to the window that I jumped out of seeing Brandon. He was halfway out the window jaw hanging open staring at me in disbelief. I yelled up at him "Hey, make sure they wait for me to talk about abilities. That's my favorite part." If Nathan does that without me, I'm gonna be pissed.

I turn around to see that I was in a big wide area that had a maze on the left and the right. Up in the front of me at least twenty yards was a six-foot stone fence. Taller than me. Yay. I took a couple of steps, turned around and bowed. Brandon was still there so I smiled and waved before running full sprint towards the fence.

When I was six yards away from it, I bent my knees and used an electric pulse to jump which ended up pushing me up six-feet and four inches. My supernatural reflexes kicked in and I vaulted the stone fence legs first. I was gasping for air when I fell not so gracefully onto the ground.

I just laid there for a moment while I slowly caught my breath. I tried so hard to show off that I didn't worry about my own well being. If I keep this up, I'll be dead before I'm married.

I slowly moved my knees forward and up so I was sitting instead of laying on the ground with my head and hands stuck in the cold, wet dirt. It was no doubt that I had some grass and leaves in my hair from when I fell. But I don't care, I was just by myself so I could think more clearly. Not only was I going to think of a plan, I was going to think of a plan, I was going to finally grieve for my parents since I had no idea whatsoever of where there are.

A couple of raindrops fell on my forehead bringing me out of my sudden daze and back to reality. The reality of the situation was at hand where my mom leaves me in charge of all my siblings. Honestly, I have no idea what I should be doing right now. I was so lost and seriously confused about my future. I feel like I could fall apart at any moment.

Sighing I stand up cautiously taking a gander at my surroundings. The ground was muddy now, and I watched as my two footprints were washed away. The stone wall was still behind me looming over my head. No matter how tall the wall was, you could still see the castle located behind it.

To the left of where I was standing, stood a small oak tree compared to the trees we slept in last night. The tree had many good thick climbing branches that were mostly hidden by the many leaves of the tree itself. Right then, all I wanted was a nice quiet place to rest and think. As I observed the oak tree I decided it matched all of my requirements and began to climb it without haste.

I heaved myself silently up to the thickest branch of the tree. The branch was at least a foot wide and was more than halfway up the tree. I settled down with my back up against the tree trunk and started off at the castle. There was a perfect view because the stonewall was way lower than the tree branch.

The rain settled down to a slight sprinkle and I finally relaxed my muscles. I closed my eyes as I went over what happened the last couple days. It has been harsh but we survived the pain of losing our parents. Besides, who says they're dead, they might just be being held in a cell. Tears slowly trickled down my face as I remembered the way my dad laughed.

I wasn't very close to my parents but losing them makes me regret not spending as much time with them as I should have. I did love them, they impacted our lives intensely since being held a prisoner for years. I don't think I realized how much they cared for us even when they didn't show it. I did know life was extremely tough being a slave so there wasn't that much family time being shared; but when there was, they made it count.

I did know one thing though, mom distracted them for a reason, and that reason was so we could survive; no! To actually live our lives how we wanted to. That was enough for me. I was going to head back to that castle to teach them how to survive.

Opening my eyes I looked down through the branches and leaves to the wet soggy ground for clearance. When I was sure all was clear I gently lowered myself down off the branch and suspended onto the branch below. This branch wasn't as thick as the other one but was surprisingly strong enough for me to stand on. Very carefully I balanced my way to the trunk of the tree.

Before I could make up my mind, I turned around and ran to the edge of the branch where I leaped off to the next tree over. While I was airborne I dropped significantly that I missed my destination. Cursing I frantically grabbed onto a tree branch to slow my fall and ended up dislocating my left arm. Being a vampire doesn't mean your safe from harm, it just means your better evolved. With a shriek of pain, I let go and continued my descent down to the ground.

Trying to break my fall I quickly blew up a mini force field, only a little too late. The sphere smashed into the ground leaving a little crater in its wake. Upon impact, I let the breath that I was holding out and slowly so I wouldn't break the connection, awkwardly sat up and stood. There was an immense amount of pain and I had no doubt that Simrin had seen this happening. I'd probably just scared the hell out of her. I should probably go back to the castle now. I haven't had food in a while, my stomach reminded me.

Drinking blood was rare and never really happened. Honestly, I was so hungry I couldn't care less what I ate as long as it filled my belly and soothed the rumbles.

Groaning as my arm aches I began walking back to the castle, I heard the releasing of an arrow. I only had enough time to turn before the arrow missed my heart and entered my right shoulder.

"FUCKING HELL YOU MISSED YOU BIG OAF!" I heard a tawny voice cry out.

I growled in rage, completely forgetting about the arrow, I run to where the voice was located.

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