Superhero, Superqueer

By raddestirwin

11.4K 772 182

Everyone's different. No one is ever the normal person you think they are. Collin Ravok is no exception. With... More

Superhero, Superqueer
Light It Up
Deadly (Cat)ch
The Big Game
Ghost Ship
By My Heel, I Care Not
Camping Isn't Fun
Tough Love
Pride and Dignity
Safety First
Project 48
Full-Blown Mega-Nerd
Gay Conspiracies
My Name Isn't Sparky
I'm so sorry

Hardin's Diner

1K 62 9
By raddestirwin

Street lights whirled by me as a ran between pedestrians. Most made a clearing for me to run. Loose gravel crunched under my feet as I pivoted to face my well-known opponents. Two tall men, around 35 years old, faced me. They both stopped running towards me when I turned. They were almost identical to each other, but it was hard to notice that in the night. I wasn't too worried about their facial features since they both wanted to kill me were I stood.

"Well, well, well. You two haven't been active for the past few months, correct? I can tell. Both of you are so much slower. You probably haven't been sexually active either," I said. "Lay off the Coke, Marcus. It's going straight to your butt."

"He's still got that same smart ass mouth," the guy to my left, Marcus, muttered to his partner. "Tell me son, will you still be making those stupid comments when I torture the living shit out of you?"

"Depends, really. Only if you tape my mouth shut," I said. I started tapping my fingers against nothing in a pattern. "I really would love to chat boys, but I have to get home soon. Studying for math and all."

"Here's a practice question for you," said Dameon, the guy to my right. "What are the odds of two against one?"

"I don't think the odds matter right now, since I've already won," I said. I pulled on an invisible cord, and felt my powers surge. Time slowed. Telephone poles around me shook as I used their wires to my advantage. My ability to control almost anything with enough electricity came to an advantage in two against one. The wires fell, then came to life like snakes. They slithered their way to Marcus and Dameon, coiling around their feet. It all happened in a split second, Marcus and Dameon hardly stood a chance. It was almost too easy, but I couldn't really complain. The two men were both pulled off their feet and into the air. By now the cops had caught up with us, guns out. Two had a pair of handcuffs ready for Marcus and Dameon. I used the wires to grab their flailing hands. Both of them were dangling upside down by their feet when they were handcuffed. Once they were secured I set them down not too gently.

I had reason not to. These stupid men have bombed numerous buildings until I stepped in. Tonight they were about to bomb St. Anthony's Hospital, but I stopped the bomb before it could blow up. Marcus and Dameon hadn't been active for a long time until now. I honestly hadn't thought that I would see their sour faces again.

They were too easy to beat. All normal humans were. I've never truly went up against someone else with powers, and I was sad yet okay with it. Sometimes all a city needs is another hand to help out. A hand with electric powers.

The cops didn't get to say anything to me. I zoomed out of there before they could arrest me or something for destroying the phone poles. And it was getting late. When I got to my house no lights were on, so I thought it was safe to go inside. I climbed through my window and shed my suit. The material was self cleaning, like a lot of material nowadays.

I took a shower, not worried about waking my parents since they're heavy sleepers. The Lord has blessed me. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked inside my room. I shook excess water out of my hair and put green pajama pants on. I relaxed as I lay down on my neatly made bed. Tonight was a good night, I got Marcus and Dameon, and my parents still think I'm in the play. My cover is safe for now.


I woke up with a dreadful realization.

My parents are going to be really suspicious when I'm not in the play in December.

Groaning, I got up to style my hair. I had a pair of tan khaki pants, a blue polo, and black converse waiting for me. I also packed my stuff for soccer in a draw string bag and put that in my regular book bag. Finally I grabbed a granola bar and ran out the door to pick up Valy.

I started my car excitedly. My car, I thought. My dad taught me how to fix cars as soon as I could hold a wrench steady. I couldn't wait to have my own car to be able to work on. Now, I finally had it.

Soon enough Valentina was in the passenger seat, and we had to go to school. Just great.

"I don't need my English tutoring today," Valentina informs me at lunch, of course talking with her mouth full.

"Whatever you say," I mumble. "So you know how you asked me about playing Marcutio," I said to her. Valentina immediately dropped her attention from the chicken sandwich made by the school.

"Yes," she said eagerly. "Are you about to say what I think you're about to say?"

"Depends," I mumbled. I pulled my shirt collar away from my neck some, clearing my throat. "Are you still... looking for someone to play the part?"

"Yes! Oh my gosh, are you asking to audition?" She asked.

"Audition? You mean I have to compete for the stupid role?" I asked. Valentina looked offended.

"Yeah, you do. You'd be surprised to know that good looks doesn't get you everything," she said.

"Yes it does. How do you think I managed to get into the smartest math class?" I said. Valentina glared at me.

"It doesn't. Therefore, you have to have actual skill to have this part. Don't just try out to make fun of the 'stupid role'," she said, crossing her arms.

"It's not stupid," I said. "Can I try out or not?"

"Sure," she said, grumbling. "Auditions, not try outs, are tonight at six. Don't be late, they won't wait for you."

"Thanks," I said, my mouth full of salad.

"Look who's talking with their mouth full now!" Valentina accused. Her dark brown eyes squinted at me as she gave me the evil eye.

Valentina, like everyone else in her family, has chocolate brown eyes that are always wide with curiosity. Unlike everyone else in her family, she gives the best evil eye. In fact, her brown eyes and brown hair is probably the only thing she has that runs in the family. Her skin is oddly pale for being mostly Mexican, her lips were average sized and light pink. She keeps her hair short, which I thought made her look really cool. She also got small gauges last year, and has secret tattoos of guns just above her hip bones. She doesn't go swimming without a shirt or something because of this.

"Why are you staring at me?" Valentina asked. I was about to answer (not really, more like dismiss what she said,) when he walked in.

Dark brown hair with blonde highlights; Hazel eyes that could be as green as candy apples, dark as chocolate, or somewhere in between; Full lashes too, and a white scar running across his left temple starting at his hair line and ending near his earlobes, causing a rip in his otherwise flawless skin. A nice nose, not too big and not to small; Full pink lips that some people might find girly, but I found myself daydreaming about them pressed against my own...

"Okay, now why are you staring over- ooohhhhh, I see," Valentina said, tearing me violently away from my thoughts. She was grinning from ear to ear while I felt myself blushing and looking away frantically.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled.

"I hardly think so. Oh my gosh, I can't believe you. Out of all guys, you fall for him? He's such a jock. Well, I can't say we have the same type," Valentina said, bringing back a memory of the conversation we had at the very beginning of eighth grade.




I asked Valentina to meet me at our old elementary school playground. It was a place that we always had serious conversations about. She told me she would be here around eight, and I was getting anxious when she still wasn't around five minutes after eight.

Two more agonizingly slow minutes passed until I finally saw her small silhouette walk up to the playground. When she met me on the swings, I didn't waste a second to get the words out of my mouth.

"Valentina, you'll accept me no matter what, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course! As long as you don't murder people," she joked. I laughed nervously.

"Ha ha, yeah. Well, listen. You know I've turned down all of the few girls who have asked me out, right?" she nodded. "Well, there was one girl who I didn't turn down... and I realized something after that date," I said.

"What? You went on a date and didn't tell me?" she exclaimed. I nodded.

"I didn't tell you because I was testing a theory... my theory was most definitely right. I uh..." I said, trailing off. I wanted to get the words out, but didn't at the same time. Valy had a nervous look in her eyes. "I think I'm gay."

"What?" she asked, not in disbelief or shock, but because I barely said it. I took a deep breath.

"I think- no, I know that I'm gay," I said, louder. Her face changed expressions. At first I was scared, but then I noticed something about her expression. Not what I was expecting... relief.

"Oh thank dear god," Valentina said. She had a hand over her heart. "I thought you were about to say you liked me, at least the way you were talking. I mean, not that you aren't a finelooking dude, and any girl- I guess any guy- would be lucky to have you, but you aren't my type."

"Oh? And what would your type be?" I joked. "Jerk face who thinks he's all that? Quiet, shy kid who is really romantic? Emo guy who-"

"The ones without dicks," She said, cutting me off. My eyes widened, and I laughed.

"I'm sorry, that was extremely unexpected," I said. "I shouldn'thave laughed. I know that I would be furious if you had."

"It's fine," she said. We sat in silence for a moment. "I would have never guessed," we said at the same time.

"That's because I'm an actor, Collin. I act as the role of a straight girl everyday," Valentina said as if it were obvious.

"Why?" I asked. She gave me a confused look. "Why act? Why not be you?"

"You know why! Everyone would make fun of us, maybe hurt us, just like they used to back then," she said, just above a whisper.

"So? Don't let what they say get to you. That will bug them, and they'll eventually stop," I said. "And telling our parents is a must."

"Oh please no, I couldn't bare that," she protested. I shook my head.

"No. Valy, promise me you will tell them."

"Why? You know theywon't be happy..."

"Listen. Let's make a deal. We both tell our parents when we go home tonight. We can both do it now and get it over with," I said. When I saw the look on Valentina's face, I knew I needed to say more. "Look, they're our parents. They should accept us the way we are, not something that we aren't. I don't want to hide this anymore."

Slowly, Valentina nodded. I smiled, standing up from my swing and taking her hand. "Let's do this," she said. I noticed that she wiped a single tear from her face, but she was smiling too.


**End Flashback**


I hadn't been as lucky as Valentina had been that night. I shuddered at the memory of my mom's shocked face, and my dad's hand cracking on my face like a whip several times.

"Don't say that word again, ever. I'll beat you out of ever wanting to say it," he had said with a hiss. And I never did. The next morning they acted like that night hadn't happened.

For those of you who are very confused, which is probably all of you, let me explain.

Nine years ago, everyone was happy. Well, not everyone. But same sex marriage was finally legal in all 50 states. It was blissful.

Bliss doesn't last forever. The American government changed its mind in 2016 when George Isan won the presidential election. He charmed the government and the majority of our citizens began to believe that once again, being gay is a sin. Therefore, the law was repealed in every state. It was heartbreaking for anyone who still supported the law. All of those people, how hard they worked for their equality...

"Shut up!" I hissed. "You know it will never happen. Most girls don't have a chance with him, it's practically impossible for me."

Taner Stevens. That was the name of the boy who I always thought of. The boy who I imagined flexing his muscles to impress me, the boy who I imagined taking me to prom, and the boy who I imagined waking up next to every morning.

I was like an obsessive girl who drew hearts all over their notebooks because of him, except I don't draw anything in my notebook. Only the occasional superhero *wink*.

"You never know..." Valentina said, trailing off as she went to go throw her trash away. The first bell rang while she was up. I groaned, frustrated that she was trying to give me false hope. I grabbed my stuff for math and left without saying goodbye to Valy.

Math just had to be my next subject. I found my seat in the classroom that would get me sexually frustrated. I started tapping my pencil while I waited for the second bell to ring. Mr. Cho, my calculus teacher, glared at me while passing by. I steadied my hand immediately.

"Don't stop now, you had a nice beat going," whispered the sexiest voice I've ever heard. I turned to my right, where Taner was sitting. The electricity in me got even more active than normal. His hair was getting long, falling in front of his eyes even when he ran his long fingers through his styled up hair.

I was kind of speechless. He never really talked to me, and Valentina's false hope in me flared up.

"Conner, right?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah," I said. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't think straight. My heart fluttered when he gave me a bright smile. He seemed proud of himself that he 'remembered'.

"You're left defense on the soccer team," he stated.

"Yeah, that would be me. How do you know my position?" I asked.

"A few of my mates play soccer. I could recognize your hair anywhere," he said. Static electricity was starting to form around me, I could feel it. I thought I was blushing. "Aw, c'mon dude don't be embarrassed! Your hair is so cool!" he said loudly, proving my theory.

"Mr. Ravok and Mr. Stevens, you can compliment each other on your own time. Right now you're on my time," Mr .Cho said. I turned back to my desk and hung my head low. I hated having the attention on me.

Mr. Cho resumed whatever lesson he had started, but of course I couldn't concentrate now. My mind was racing as fast as my heart was, how could it not. Taner had talked to me, and complimented me too. Maybe things weren't hopeless...

Just like that class was already over. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to Taner standing behind me.

"Hey Conner, you seem like a cool dude. Why don't you come to Hardin's tonight and I'll introduce you to my gang?" Taner asked me with his velvety voice. "Come around six. You'll see our booth when you're there," he added.

It became more of a demand than a question. He expected me to be there. I nodded and Taner left. I started breathing again and left a moment after he did.

My last hour was long and boring. When the bell finally rang, dismissing the entire school to go home, I grabbed my bag and headed to the boys locker room. No, seeing all of these half-naked boys did not drive my hormones crazy. I changed out myself and headed out to the soccer field for practice. The cold air didn't stop any sweat from forming at the end of practice, causing me to take my shirt of and leaving me in my gray under armor hugging my abs and biceps tightly.

Two hours passed and I was back in the locker room, showering before I changed back into my day clothes. Thank god for the school having doors in between every shower stall. I really didn't want to be seen naked by people just yet.

I checked the time. It was five thirty, so I headed to Hardin's. Hardin's is a family owned diner that opened five years ago, and popular kids took over it as their hang out on week days.

When I walked inside twenty five minutes later, two servers looked at me with distaste. I wasn't absolutely positive why, but I had some sort of an idea. The boys here must have a bad reputation. Just great.

"Glad you could make it," I heard Taner's voice say behind me while he slumped an arm over my shoulder. Electricity soared through me faster and faster. "That booth over there is ours. Obviously my fellow partners in crime aren't here yet, but it becomes more that just a booth. It becomes our place to hang out. Kind of like in that really old movie, the one where the boys really like baseball and they spend all of their free time at that old baseball field," he said, pointing to the farthest of the four booths. They all had red leather, clashing horribly with the chipping blue paint. The entire diner looked old, there were two cheap candy machines, a barely functioning jukebox, and dim hanging ceiling lights that look like they were about to fall... the only 'new' thing was the pexiglass windows that couldn't break. I wonder who in all of St. Louis could have cause them to get those.

I focus my attention back to Taner. "The Sandlot," I say, recalling watching that movie in school sometime ago.

"Yeah, that one. Anyways, that thing is filled with memories already, and more yet to come. Soon that will be our children sitting in there, laughing their asses off," he said, almost in a daze as if he were imagining the scene in his head.

I shiver. You don't have the same image as me when you say 'our children', I thought. That's probably the creepiest thing I've ever thought.

Taner's arm left my shoulder, leaving the cold air to give me more chills.

"Eric, this is Conner. Conner, this is Eric. Eric is my best mate," Taner said, standing next to a tall guy with an enormous build. His hair was a mass of dark chocolate brown curls. He was really tan and would have been attractive if it weren't for the scowl he wore and the cold wall of his dark brown eyes. Maybe it was normal. Maybe it was just because of me.

Ignoring my jealousy, I held my hand out and plastered a smile on my face. "Nice to meet you," I said. Eric looked at me, to my hand, and back at me. I slowly pulled my hand away.

"Eric doesn't really like many people. Don't take it personally," Taner whispered to me when Eric left to sit down. I nodded and followed him as he sat next to Eric.

Slowly more people filed into the booth. In total there were about eight or nine people in the circular booth, counting me. Everyone introduced themselves, but I only remembered half of their names.

"So Conner," said a girl who's name I think is Aubree. "Where do you get your hair dyed at?"

"Collin," I mumbled quietly.


"I actually don't dye my hair. It's naturally like this," I answer her first question. Everyone gave me looks of disbelief. Everyone but Eric and Taner at least. I couldn't see Eric's face but I could see Taner's. He knew it was real because I was in elementary school with him.

"No way dude," said some guy who's name I couldn't remember. "That can't be real. It's impossible."

"No, it's real," I assured them.

"It's not possible..." I heard so many people mutter. I wanted to laugh. I get this a lot from people.

I looked away from the booth to hide my grin. Giving me the perfect view of the door, I saw two of the most dreaded people in history.


And Dameon.

What the hell?

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