End Of The Line // Ralph Dibny

By breezzer_bree

57.8K 1.7K 766

Not All Buses Reach Their Destination, How Do I Know That? I Was On One... Willow Blakes whole life was norma... More

End Of The Line
Chapter 1 - That Night
Chapter 2 - Humble Beginings
Chapter 3 - Still No Father
Chapter 4 - The Scheme
Chapter 5 - Here a Meta-Human, There a Meta-Human.
Chapter 6 - What A Day
Chapter 7 - Carnival Games
Chapter 9 - Insane
Chapter 10 - Drinking to Country Music
Chapter 11 - Not Very Lucky
Bus 405 - Part One
Bus 405 - Part Two
Chapter 12 - A Old 'Friend'
Chapter 13 - Villains?
Chapter 14 - A Good Cop
Chapter 15 - (Former) Mayor Bellows
Chapter 16 - Snake-like Thing With Teeth
Chapter 17 - No, No Love
Chapter 18 - I Need A Drink
Chapter 19 - I'm Not Jealous. You're Jealous
Chapter 20 - Hocus-Pocus?
Chapter 21 - You Will Never Get a Super Suit
Chapter 22 - Petty Lies And Real Truth
Chapter 23 - Secrets
Chapter 24 - You Big Baby
Chapter 25 - Clifford DeVoe
Chapter 26 - Shrimp? I hate it
Chapter 27 - The Date
Chapter 28 - Me, Wrong?
Chapter 29 - Flipping Nazi's
Chapter 30 - Death Doesn't Come That Easily
Merry Frickin Christmas (One-shot)
Chapter 31 - No More Lies
Chapter 32 - One time in an alleyway...
Chapter 33 - When The Mask Falls Away
Chapter 34 - Helpless
Chapter 35 - The Grim Reaper
Chapter 36 - You Won't Believe This False Hope

Chapter 8 - Bus Rides

1.6K 45 40
By breezzer_bree

"I am...." Iris started dragging out the m. She had called me to try and explain the events that just unfolded, I say try because she wasn't doing well.

"You what?" I asked, "You're a meta-human? You're a criminal? You're a good guy?" I suggested, "What are you? Or should I say who are you? Iris, I thought I knew you!" I yelled.

"Willow it really doesn't matter."

"YES, IT DOES! I was just taken hostage by a teleporting criminal while 2 meta-humans chased us down! Then I find out that they work for you!"I started listing off the events of yesterday till she finally snapped.

"My brother is Kid-Flash!" She admitted. Kid Flash? Was that the one in the yellow suit? He was fast. Like The Flash.

"So you're a crime-fighting duo?" I asked. "What about the other guy? Cisco?"

"He's a friend," Iris responded.

"So, let me get this straight, your brother-" Iris had a brother? Was she talking about Barry because if I recall she never had a brother other than him when I visited when we were younger. "WAIT-  BARRY IS KID FLASH?"

I heard her gulp but recover quickly. "No no no no no no. It turns out my mother had another child I didn't tell us, his name is Wally. We've known him for about a year and a half now." She explained.

"And he's a meta-human?" I asked


"Why didn't you tell me this Iris?" I uttered.

"We weren't exactly on speaking terms," she recalled, I could sense a little attitude in her voice.

"If I knew one or was a meta-human I would have told you!" I shot.

"It's not that easy!" She retaliated, "I couldn't go around telling anyone his secret! It would put them in danger. You'll understand one day."

"I'm not anyone though!" I ended hanging up. I knew I hurt her, but to keep something like this from me, I-I couldn't believe her. She has a brother who can run as fast as the Flash! If-if I ever got powers I would have told her. If I was part of a crime-fighting team I would have invited her to be at my side.

Maybe our friendship can't be fixed like I had thought.

I checked the time; 9:00 am.

Aghhhh. I got out of bed and threw on a hoodie and jeans. I looked at my hair and sighed.

"What to do, what to do..." I mumbled staring at the mess. I didn't want to be late for the bus. I started combing out my brown hair, I at least wanted to apply the illusion that I spent time on it. I did a sweep of the room seeing if I forgot anything then I locked the door and left.

With Poker face blasting in my ears, I sat down at the bus stop and worked on some notes. I hummed along to the chorus.

"Are you coming or what?" The bus driver startled me looking at me through the open doors of the bus. I must have zoned out because I didn't even know he was there!

"Oh yes!" I exclaimed grabbing my stuff and running up the steps, "Sorry." I showed him my bus pass and stepped aboard turning down the volume so I wasn't embarrassed again.

To the right, the seat was taken by a middle-aged man and to the left a woman with a yellow jacket and black hair.  I sat down in one of the front seats, across the way was a poster for Japanese printmaking. I didn't pay much attention to the people surrounding me because I wanted to add some extra things to my work.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I pulled out one earbud.

"Yes?" I asked annoyingly.

His voice filled my ears making me groan, why him? "Heyyyyy, Willowww."

I turned around praying it wasn't him.

It was him.

"What do you want Ralph?" I spat. Just the sight of him made me want to run out of the bus.

"I was just wondering how you were doing?" Ralph slurred he stumbled and placed his hand on me to sturdy himself.

You. have. got. to. be. kidding. me. Was he hung over? The last time I saw him he was a mess, and he still is? Isn't it sign when someone tells you to clean your act up, to clean your act up?!

"Ralph I'm not going to talk to you like this," I stated with no emotion.

"No one's talking to me, not even that guy." He pointed to a dude crying in his seat.

"I wonder why?" I said sarcastically.

"I know," he mumbled completely oblivious to my tune. He started to talk but I tuned him out.

I hate that he is here on the bus with me. I had been avoiding him for at least a year. Deep down I knew he wasn't going to change, I don't know if he ever will... there was something there, but it drowned in all the alcohol he drank.

The bus stopped and a girl dressed as a... a striper walked aboard? No no, she was wearing a casino outfit, I couldn't help but stare.

"Hey.." She stuttered to the bus driver and turned to face the bus to look for a seat.

I moved over providing her a spot, she looked like she had a rough day.

"Oh! Thank you!" She smiled, "Finally some luck!"

"No problem," I reassured. I felt Ralph leave and go back to his seat.

Suddenly my music stopped playing. "what the-"

The bus screeched to a stop throwing me forwards in my seat, my head bashed against a pole and I rolled over in pain. A surge of energy flowed through me making my skin singe and I screamed. My eyes started to unfocus and the cries slowly faded away.

Then everything went black.



So I watched infinity war... RIP MY BROKEN HEART

Also, I went to a comic expo and bought a whole lot of flash merch...

So #nerdweekend

Thank you so much for choosing to read my book! Everytime you comment or vote it makes my day!

If you want to connect with me my instagram is @afangirlslaughs where I post some nerdy memes🔥

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