When the Darkness Comes

By thelostcompanion

242 10 9

Jenny lives in a small town with a long supernatural history. The town is home to two kinds of supernatural b... More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

66 1 0
By thelostcompanion

I had just dashed out the door my long blue tipped blonde hair flowing out behind me. The air hit me as soon as I reached my truck. It was one of those days were you walked out an the air was smoke, and your skin felt like it was on fire. I briefly looked down at my faded blue jeans and my Union Jack sweater and groaned. It was going to be a long day. I threw my back pack in the passenger seat and started the silverado. I knew it was going to be hot today but my bruises from Nick and I's patrol last night hadn't healed yet. They were Ravender Demons and after a bad run in with them I knew I was stuck covering up for the next few days. Besides make up only covered so much and I was running low. I had reached the only stop light in town and waved at Nick's mom, Miranda, as she left the market. I guess that was the nice thing about our small farm town. Everyone knew everyone. The houses were always kept in the same family and no one moved away. Sure folks left for collage but they always came back. I guess the fact that my hometown isn't well, normal had a thing or two, to do with it. The wolf pack preached unity and they always stuck together. The witches had covens to come back too. And the hunters had family reputations to keep. Sure people moved here all the time mostly witches or wolves and on the rare occasion hunters. But we all worked well here. The hunters grew up and worked on the police force, witches worked on the farm or in the market, and the wolves ran the government. But unlike other towns that lived like us we worked as one big family and that was nice to have.

I smiled as I pulled in next to Elizabeth's deep purple Harley. Elizabeth, is one of my only female friends at the dump our town passed for a school and she happened to be a wolf.

I felt a slight burn on my left wrist, where my hunter's mark was tattooed, informing me that Nick was close. Sure enough a few seconds later Nick drummed on the side of my truck bed. I laughed hopping out of the cab slinging my backpack on my shoulder.

"Hey loser," I smiled as I locked my truck.

"Hey human," he laughed pointing at my outfit. Nick's dark brown hair shone in the sunlight and at this angle his bright Safire blue eyes looked like a glistening lake.

"Renee," I said as an excuse handing him my bag.

Nick nodded understanding as I took off my sweater. Renee, my overprotective Aunt, wanted me to stop hunting after my parents passed last year. She had never got her mark and hated the idea of hunting (and sharp obejects). I couldn't just stop being who I am because she didn't want to be at my grave next, so I lied to her, like any other rebellious teenager. It was hard to do and even harder to cover up but it made her happy and saved me from rants.

"Did she see those?" Nick asked as I shoved my sweater in my bag. Instantly feeling the hot sun hit my black tank top.

"No, I made sure to keep my hoodie on all night. Damn the bastards got me good. Look at this one," I held out my right arm showing him the elbow to wrist claw marks.

"Nice," nick smiled.

The walk into hell was met with many hellos or head nods. Then came the real fun, going to my locker. Nick's was half way down the hall and closer to our first bell. Mine was right next to the town freak. Now our town didn't shun her or her family but we also didn't know how to react to them. We all just assumed they were myth till five months ago our town got its first ever vampire family.

"Hey Jenny," Emma Cornett greeted me from the locker next to mine. Emma was gorgeous, with long light brown hair and sparkling green eyes, it was her teeth that put me off though. Emma and her family were all real nice folk and all born vamps but their fangs always set me on edge.

I smiled kindly at her in a return hello as I grabbed my English and French books before scurrying off to Nick's locker.

"-she kicked it out and decapitated it in one motion, I swear it was the coolest thing I've ever seen," I caught the end of Paul's story as I joined the circle of my friends.

"Another ninja move by Marie I take it?" I joked looking over at my petite friend.

"Hell ya, when don't I do something awesome," she laughed cutting short at the sight of my arm, "wicked claws Jen, bet that's fun to hide,"


"Nasty bitches they are," Nick smiled.

All too soon the bell rang and we all rushed off to class. Late as always.

First bell went by slowly and by the end of it I walked out confused and not sure if I could speak English or French. The rest of the day went by quickly and all to soon I had to go home.

"See you two tonight," Paul called after nick and I. We both waved at him before talking about my epic jail brake.

"How do you plan on getting out? She knows its a blood moon as well as you do," Nick looked at me. He was always worried I'd get in trouble.

"Well I paln on using chloroform and a bat. Think that will keep her out till i get back?" I joked.

Nick playfully punched me, "I mean it, because I can't lie as well as you."

"I'll tell her that you're being forced to stay in and study by your mom and we're doing a huge math study thing."

"I'll inform the boss," Nick laughed. His mom knew about my aunt and helped with our cover stories all the time. She was like a second mother to me and always looked out for me, she was my mom's best friend and knew that me continuing to hunt would be what my mom would have wanted.

Nick and I huged goodbye as we reached his dark blue '67 Impala.

"The descent into hell is easy,' He joked as i hopped in my cab.

"It's the getting out that's hard," i smiled back as he got in his car.

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