Dark fairytales: The children...

By HansManson

4.8K 142 12

It all started as a stupid dare on a drunken summer night. Go into the ancient church and look around. Here... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14

chapter 4

369 10 0
By HansManson

The next morning, I went to the university. I was still puzzled by my dream. I couldn't get over the fact that the girl in my dreams looked a lot like Liz. Maybe it was a combination of my attraction towards her and my obsession with vampires?

Anyway, I met up with my friends and went to the classroom. Roan was sitting right next to me, like usual. I told him about my weekend, he couldn't come with us since he was sick. I also told him about my dream, which he found very funny. There was a lot of noise in the classroom, everyone was talking trough each other. Until the teacher walked in, at that moment everybody went silent. I had never seen him before. "Good morning" he greeted us. "My name is Oliver Grimbald. Your teacher, Mr. Harland, had an accident won't be teaching for a while. So I will be his replacement for the time being." Mr. Grimbald was a good-looking man, quite attractive as well. He had shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes, and he had a good body shape. All the girls were immediately enamored by his young and handsome appearance. His eyes however, revealed that he was older than he looked. I also had the feeling I had seen him before. I just couldn't place my finger on it where I knew him from. Maybe he was one of the costumers at the restaurant? I didn't know exactly. So this guy was going to teach us 19th century literature for the next few months. This proved to be interesting, sitting in a classroom filled with aroused girls. For some reason, he looked at me during his lessons, making me feel uncomfortable.

After a few dreadful hours, school was finally over. I went home to drop of my stuff, and then I went to work. Liz walked in at her usual hour, taking her seat at a table at the window. I walked over to her, greeting her. "Hey" she said back with a smile on her face. "Can I take your order?" I asked her. "The usual, please" she replied. I brought her her cup of tea and a peace of cake. As usual, she was busy with her papers. "So, how is your investigation going?" I asked. She looked up at me and smiled again. "Well, it's classified, so I can't tell you much about it, but I'm making progress." I smiled at her, looking at her pretty face. "Hey, about the other night..." she said. "Don't worry about it" I interrupted her. "We both had to much to drink." "Yeah, I guess so." "hey, in thirty minutes I have my ten minute break, mind if I come sit here?" She smiled widely. "Be my guest."

About half an hour later, I walked over to her table with two cups of tea, placing one of them in front of her. She looked up at me. "I didn't order that" she said politely. "Don't worry, this one's on me." A smile appeared on her face. "Thanks." I stood near her table, looking at her. "Well, sit down so we can talk." I pulled out a chair and sat myself down in front of her. She put down her papers, took her cup and looked at me. "So, how was school today?" "Boring, as usual. We have this new teacher, a guy named Grimbald. All the girls in my class are crazy about him." "But you aren't?" "No, maybe if he had a nice pair of boobs I might be. But since that isn't the case... But he is good looking, though." She looked at me with a grin and slowly nodded. "You're into girls then." It was more an observation than a question. "Do you have a type?" "I don't know, someone confident, someone who isn't afraid to show herself. And preferably goth or metal head. But if she isn't, it's not a big deal, as long as she'd nice." She looked at me with her smirk still on her face. "Well, you saw me in that goth club, so..." "Are you asking me out?" I asked, a little shyly. "Not necessarily, but you did promise me to show me around town a little bit." I couldn't believe that she, out of all people, was flirting with me. After some debate, we agreed to meet at Friday. That day I had an early shift because I didn't have any lessons, so I was done working early. We could spend the entire afternoon exploring the town. After our conversation, we fell into a comfortable silence. This was the moment my boss, Mr. Ryder, came to me to tell me that my break ended about ten minutes ago. I apologized and said I would stay ten minutes longer to compensate.

Mr. Ryder was a very strict but understanding man. He would allow us to leave early or take longer breaks than usual, as long as we made up for it later, and if there weren't many clients of course. Also, if there were so many clients we couldn't take our break, or if we had to work longer, he would allow us to leave early on a less busy day. He was a middle aged man, somewhere between 40 and 50, with short dark hair, although there were some gray parts in it.

When my shift was over, I went back to my apartment. It was a small place, but it was home. Both me and Teresa had our own rooms. Mine, of course, had lots of posters of bands and artists that I liked. I had paintings by Victoria Frances and Anne Stokes and posters of bands like Marilyn Manson, Deathstars, Moonspell, Arch Enemy, System of a Down, Korn, Rammstein, KMFDM, Diary of Dreams, the Crüxshadows and The Birthday Massacre. It was my safe place, it was a place where I could completely be myself and where I didn't have to pretend I was someone else.

I was just playing the latest album by The Birthday Massacre when I got a text from Sophie, a classmate of mine. We weren't very close, but close enough to say 'hi'. I mean, she was a lot of fun in class, and we got along very well. We just didn't hang out very much outside of college, because we had very different tastes in music and clothing and stuff. She was a girly girl, and I, of course, was the goth chick. But when we were together, we were laughing all the time. One time, the lecturer even paused his lecture because we were to loud and were interrupting the students who actually were paying attention. I picked up my phone and read her text. She asked if she could come over to copy some of my notes. She had missed out some lessons and needed them to study. And she only lived a couple of streets away, so she could just hop in. I told her she could come over that night, and about fifteen minutes later, she was at my door. She came to my room and we talked for a moment. She was totally enamored by Grimbald and was developing a serious crush on him. After a while, when she was finished copying my notes, she went home. I asked if she wanted to sleep over, because it was getting dark and there was still a serial killer on the loose. But she refused. She said that she would be home pretty fast. She said that she would be okay.

That night, i had a dream again. A dark, shadowy figure was strolling trough the streets. It appeared as if it was looking for something, or someone. I couldn't see it's face, but it had a tall, slender body. Long, sharp fingernails extended from it's hands. And then, it seemed as if it had founds what it was looking fore. A young woman, which I couldn't see sine she was standing in the shadows, but who's physical appearance resembled Sophie. The creature attacked, killing her and drinking her blood before ripping out her heart. Then it turned it's head towards me. Although all I could see were bright red, bloodthirsty eyes, before it jumped towards me. That's the moment I woke up, bathing in sweat.

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