New Beginnings Or Is It?

By heelaholic

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New Beginnings Or Is It?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

55 3 5
By heelaholic

By the next day, everyone knew about my challenge to Barbie. Seems like this was the first time someone had openly challenged her and now that I looked at Nicole strutting into the cafeteria, her head held high, she looked like she was about to walk all over me. But I knew better. The cafeteria hushed as she walked up to our table and stopped. I motioned Cole and Cam to stand next to each other and they did. They both were a sight in all black today. They both had a leather jacket and the only thing that was different was the shade of the clothes and the hi-tops. Their hair was styled the same and if I were meeting them for the first time, I would never be able to guess which is which; the similarities between the Walters twins was striking.

I watched as Nicole looked back and forth between the twins and then at me. I folded my arms and tapped my foot on the ground patiently. She held her head even high and I had to refrain from laughing because it looked like she was sniffing something.

After a few moments of scrutinising the two, I realised that she actually didn’t know which was which! I stood shocked because I don’t think anyone else made that revelation except for Ali and me.

“We’re waiting,” I told her with a smirk.

She slowly walked up to them and tried to keep their faces blank but I could see a smile threatening at Cam’s lips.

“So… which is it?” I asked getting a little impatient now.

She pointed at one of them but a blind man could see that she was trying to point at neither but both at the same time. I rolled my eyes at her antics. “I want you to go up to your boyfriend and kiss him.”

Her eyes got a little big before she approached one of the twins before moving onto the second. Everyone waited in anticipation. She wound her arms around one of their necks and planted a kiss smack on their lips. I put my hand on my mouth. The twin pulled away immediately and wiped his face in disgust.

“Wow and you call yourself his girlfriend.”

By now everyone figured out that Nicole had kissed Cam instead of Cole and I saw her go red from embarrassment. Cole just looked stone-faced. Poor guy.

After that was over, we all sat down at the popular table and it was quiet for a few moments as everyone stared at Nicole. She wanted a show, she was getting it. Barbie looked uncomfortable as she shifted in her seat picking at her lunch avoiding eye contact with everyone.

“This is all your fault!” I jumped at Nicole’s sudden outburst and once again everyone fell silent. I just raised my eyebrows in response.

“They’re twins! Of course it’s going to be hard to identify which is which. They are called identical twins for a reason, you know!” She was still shouting. Ah, typical Nicole, make it look like it someone else’s fault. I just ignored her. “Don’t ignore me!” she snapped. Getting angry, she banged her hand on the table. “Why don’t you prove which is which?”

“But I already know which is which,” I said pointing at Cam who was obviously sitting next to me and Cole next to her. She thought for a bit.

“Cole, Cam, go stand in the middle of the canteen.” They grudgingly got up and made their way there. Then she turned to me. “And you too.” I shrugged and stood up making my way over to them. “Turn around,” Barbie commanded. Rolling my eyes I did as she said.

After a few seconds she told me to turn back round. She had a smirk on her face. “Now, tell me which is which?”

I looked at the twins and then back at Nicole who had her hands on her hips, still smirking.

I sighed tiredly. “Left is Cam and on the right is Cole.” Everyone stared at me in surprise, even the twins.

Just then the bell rang ending lunch. I smiled sarcastically at Barbie before gathering my stuff and making my way to next lesson.

On Friday, I was once again at the Walters house. The door opened to reveal a stony faced twin. I rolled my eyes at him. “I know it’s you Cammy,” I said pushing past him.

“But how?!” Just then Cole came down into the foyer. He obviously saw the exchange and was now looking at me curiously.

“Yeah, how?” Cole repeated.

I shrugged. “The eyes. You have different, slightly different shades but you can’t really tell and Cam, you always have this glint in your eyes,” I said turning to him. “And Cole is… just serious.” They both looked surprised.

“Wow,” was all Cam said. I shook my head at him and motioned Cole to follow me to the living room where we practiced for the play.

Some hours later, we were munching on some chips and Cole was ‘taking a break’ from working so hard on the work. I was sat on the couch as I watched them play Xbox. Cole lost and I snickered. He turned to scowl at me.

“Don’t laugh at me, it’s not like you know how to play and besides, Cam won by a fluke.”

“That was no fluke!” Cam shouted at his brother.

“Cam, hand over the controller?” He raised a brow at me.

Cole scoffed. “Don’t. You’ll lose, Nerd.” He would still call me Nerd even though that attire was long gone.

“I challenge you, Coley.” I smirked as I used the nickname that I had given.


“Yes bitches!”

“Told you you’d lose didn’t I?”

“How is that possible?”

“Because I’m the best at that game.”

“No, you’re not. You’re okay, I’m better.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.”

“No, you’re not.”



“Stop!” Cam yelled putting his hand on his ears. He looked at the two of us and shook his head in exasperation before turning to his Cole and saying, “Brother, you just got owned.” Cam and I hi-fived.

“I won, yoo-hoo!” I yelled in Cole’s face.

He scowled at me. “You’re never going to let me live that down are you?” I shook my head in response and he folded his arms, pouting. Damn, why does that boy have to look so edible? Add in that pout, hot damn mama!  Cam cleared his throat and smirked at me when he caught me looking. I stuck my tongue out at him and then we continued to play COD, switching controllers. I beat both the twins a few times and they were getting frustrated. I just laughed evilly at them.

The rest of the week I sat at the popular table, Ali occasionally joining us and seemingly ignoring Cammy. Aw, poor guy, I was going to have to have a talk with my bestfriend soon.

It was Thursday and we were sat at lunch. Ali was sitting between Cam and I, much to Cam’s pleasure. She had just given me the glare as I purposely shoved her next to him. She so liked him back, I don’t know why she was making a fuss.

“Where’s your phone, Nina?” Ali asked me.

“It’s dead. I forgot to charge it last night.” She nodded. “Why?”

“There’s a party…” she started and I could see from the corner of eyes that it had Barbie’s attention automatically. I motioned for her to continue. “A launch party for a hotel in LA.”

“Cool, when is it and who’s throwing it?”

“It’s this week, Sunday…” I cut her off.

“This week?!” I screeched. How was I supposed to get a dress by then? “Wait, you didn’t say who was throwing it.”

A small smirk made its way on her face. “Mr. Webbs.” My fork stopped midway and my eyebrows went up.

Putting my fork down, I asked, “Mr. Webbs?” I matched her smirk. “What’s the dress code?”

“Black and white,” Ali replied before continuing, “It obviously means black and white tuxedos for the men and black for all the ladies.”

“But it doesn’t specify right?” You see Mr. Webbs loves to have everything clear-cut and so none of the women attending should wear anything other than black since 'it's a more classy colour' - his words, not mine.

Ali groaned. “You’re going to break the dress code, aren’t you?” I gave her a look to say you know me too well.

“What’s this about?”

“I’m sure you heard,” Ali answered him. I looked at the two before an idea hit me.

“Hey! Why don’t you come along Cammy?” Ali scowled and before she could say anything I quickly said, “Ali needs a date for the party and you would be perfect for her. Plus I’m sure Chase would want to meet you. So, what do you say?”

“Why would Chase want to meet me?”

I gave him a smirk. “Because Ali is like Chase’s only female cousin.” He caught on quickly and looked a little panicked and I laughed at his face. Then Cam stared at Ali but then a slow smirk formed and he replied, “I’m in.”

“Chase needs a date too.” I looked at Ali questioningly when I realised what she meant.

“Why can’t he ask one of his co-stars or something?”

“Wait, Chase? Chase Evans needs a date? If you don’t want to go Nina, I can fill that space for you,” Barbie butted in.

I smiled at her. “No need, I’ve got it covered.” Her fake smile faded. I knew she had like the biggest crush on Chase and going as his date would put her in the limelight.

“Ali, dresses.” She nodded at me.

“I have it covered.” Turning to Cam she asked, “I assume you have a tuxedo supposing you do end up coming or am I going to have to arrange for that too, just like I have to for Nina all the time?”

“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll be there.” Cam gave her a cocky smirk and I just shook my head at the two.

“How come she,” Barbie said pointing at Ali, “is the one who always arranges for whatever you want?”

“She’s my PA,” I replied casually.

“You have a PA?” she asked looking surprised.

“Duh. She’s an heiress to a hotel worth millions, of course she’s going to have a PA,” Ali answered for me.


Friday night, Cole and I were arguing on whether we should put in a mini dance sequence in our play. I mean it was pretty short so we had enough room to add extra things if we wanted to but as usual, it ended up in an argument.

After some coaxing and making Cole believe my idea was better, he reluctantly agreed and I was surprised to say the least. Now we were sat playing COD again but we were on the same team. And we kicked ass.

“Yes!” Cole shouted jumping up and I laughed at him.  He looked down at me grinning and my breathing faltered. He had a real genuine smile on his face and a full blown smile at that. I cleared my throat and looked away.

“Do you want to come to LA?” I asked Cole after a while and he looked at me in surprise.


“Yeah if you want that is…” I replied a little nervously.


“One condition,” I held up a finger at him.

Cole rolled his eyes. “Nothing is easy with you, is it?” I gave him a level look. “Alright, anything for LA.”

“I don’t want Barbie there.”

“Who’s Barbie?” he furrowed his eyebrows. Um, oops?

I cleared my throat. “Um, I mean Nicole.”

He chuckled. “You call my girlfriend Barbie?” he narrowed his eyes at me, being slightly playful. I bit my lip. I saw his eyes dart towards my lip and back into my eyes. I forgot how to breathe. I broke my gaze away after a few moments because I didn’t want a repeat of last time, right?

“Done,” he said after a while and I gave him a small smile. Just then Cam walked in.

“Hey Cammy,” I grinned at him.

“Sup Ninzi?”

“Cole is coming with us to LA.”

“Really? We can wear matching suits then! What do you say bro?” Cam asked excitedly.

“Calm down Cammy, we know Ali is going to be your date but you don’t need to be that excited.” Cam scowled at me and Cole laughed.

“Hey, what about Cole?”

“What about him?” I asked.

“What about his date?”

We both looked at each other. I shrugged. “We’ll sort something out.”

Voteee :D 

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