Blazing Crystal

Par FaithHarris8

361K 9.3K 5.6K

(Revised Version in separate story. Check my profile under my other works to find it) "Me, you idiot! I love... Plus

Frozen in Ice
Meeting Fire
Stubborn Water
Boiling Tea
Heated Battle
Moonlight Song
Fire Lily
Cooling The Flame
Hot Springs
Streaming Heart
Flowing Friendship
Raging Storm
Budding Passion
Heal Me
Dark Water
No Turning Back
A New Journey
Flowing River
Fighting the Current
The Wilderness
Black Flakes
Song of the South
Forbidden Romance
Barren Wasteland
Fates Harsh Truth
Hard Topics
The Gang
The Southern Water Tribe Warriors
An Endless Journey
A Hopeful Journey
Taking Down the Beast
The Search
The Right Path
Tides of Change
The Rescue
A Taste of Victory
Family Conflictions
Bad Luck Charm
The Leopard-Seals Prey
Water and Fire
Her Prince Charming Part 1
Her Prince Charming Part 2
Not His Father
Team Avatar
My Reflection
Rotten Fruit
Burning Flame
Sea Ravens Part 1
Sea Ravens Part 2
Blood Moon
Dark Craters Part 1
Dark Craters: Part 2
Into the Pit
Endless Night Part 1
Endless Night: Part 2
A New Day
The Mend
Scars Run Deep
Courage or insanity
Flight or Fight
The Sage
Merciless Melon
The Reunion
Fire Lord Zuko
Fire Lady Crystal
Epilogue: Happily Ever After
A/N: Thank you! And New ATLA Story

Two Worlds Apart

7.5K 204 238
Par FaithHarris8

Here's the next chapter. I hope you all really like it!

Crystal POV

My arm rested in the sling Iroh had helped tie around me earlier. It was pretty busted and still hurt like crazy. It had been a week since the storm, and we were still headed a path north. Zuko finally realized on his own where the Avatar was headed, coming to the conclusion that Aang was trying to find a master waterbender. What better place to find one than at the North Pole.

Currently the ship was docked at a trading town, where a group of crewmen left to go buy some supplies. While they were gone, Zuko and Iroh decided to go train some below deck in meditation. Iroh asked if I wanted to come, but I knew my presence would only distract them both. I just smiled and told them to go on without me. They did so, although Iroh reminded me before he went that I needed to take my medicine before lunch. I nodded to let him know I would.

Being alone on deck, I was able to think as I walked along the edge of the ship and stared out at the town before me. My good hand slid along the rail as I went. Humming, I watched as the town's people walked back and forth going about with their daily business. They looked like small creatures from where I stood. Time seemed to drift by as I idled about on deck.

"Hey... You should head down below," my good guard friend Hul stated. "You need to take the herbs."

Rolling my eyes, I turned to Hul with kindness. "Stop worrying all the time. A broken arm isn't all that bad."

Ever since the storm, Hul had been eager to keep an eye on me. He told Iroh and Zuko he wanted to repay me for saving his life the other day. Hul had been the one I helped from falling overboard. He felt bad for not protecting me in return, and wanted to make up for it. When Iroh informed me Hul would look after me when he and Zuko weren't around, I was both surprised and grateful. The guard wasn't bad company to have around.

He didn't seem reassured. His dark brown eyes continued to appear unsettled. "Broken limbs can remove even the strongest men from war. My father was discharged when he broke his leg during a battle."

I grinned. "Lucky for me, I'm not a man."

A bird suddenly landed on the rail nearby. It was pure white with piercing black eyes. Its beak was black and it was no larger than my hand. It whistled a tune and hopped slightly on its perch. I gasped at its beauty, and silently stepped closer to it. The bird cocked its head when it heard my movement, but it made no move to fly off.

"A pebble-swan," Hul stated from behind me. "They're common in these parts."

I beamed as I watched the bird use its beak to ruffle its feathers. "I've never seen one before."

"It must be strange," he began. "I heard rumor that all you've ever known is the South Pole. Traveling across the world must be an exciting experience for you."

I nodded, my eyes still set on the beautiful bird near me. "Yeah... It's been a pretty wild ride these last few months."

Hul chuckled. "Yes it has." He stepped over to the railing as silently as he could. He also didn't want to scare the bird away. "You know... I have a daughter close to your age. I haven't seen her for three years now..." He sighed heavily. "Maybe that's why I worry about you so much. You remind me of her."

Curious about Hul, I asked, "Do you want to go home?"

He hung his head. "One day I will... There's no point going home with nothing to show for it though. I must help Prince Zuko on his quest if I am to earn honor and be acceptable to my family."

Grimacing, I gripped the rail with my good hand. "You know... there's more to life than just pleasing others. I know why you really won't go home... you think you'll be a disgrace to the Fire Lord."

His head bent more. "You have a very perceptive mind, Miss Crystal."

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded to answer. "Why is everyone in the Fire Nation so willing to follow the Fire Lord? Don't they care about the lives they're destroying in the process?"

"Some do..." He stared down at the town. "Others are just extremely loyal to him. He is a good leader. I respect the man."

My heart turned hard. I scowled. "Respect... that man doesn't deserve respect..." My eyes watered. "He's taken so much from me... Not to mention he's hurt his own child." My grip on the rail tightened. "That man is a monster who will only destroy this world."

"It's best to keep those opinions to yourself while on this ship, Crystal. Some may not look past such talk."

"They should expect it from me... I'm still Water Tribe no matter how long I've been on this ship. I'm not going to change my loyalties." I hung my head. "I'm going to head back to my room to take my medicine. My arm's starting to hurt."

As I walked away, I heard Hul let out a heavy breath. He followed me to escort me to my room. However, as we were just reaching the door to the inside of the ship, a terrifying growl suddenly sounded from behind us. The both of us whirled around just in time to see a massive beast jump up on deck. It hit the steel boards hard and caused us to stumble.

"Everyone step aside!"

Riding on the back of the beast was a woman of perhaps late twenties to early thirties. She was very thin and pretty, with jet black hair and piercing green eyes. She wore a tight black sleeveless outfit, and had a tattoo on her left shoulder. The beast she road on was known as a Shirshu. I'd read about it in one of Iroh's books. It was a huge furry animal with a long tail, a star shaped nose, sharp teeth, and no eyes. From what I recalled the Shirshu was known for its lack of sight but ability to see through smell.

The crew scrambled and pulled out their weapons ready to fight the woman if she tried to attack. Hul grabbed my good arm and pulled me behind him as he yanked out his own spear. The door behind us opened only a moment later, and Zuko ran out followed by Iroh. They both faltered when they saw our intruder.

"Hey!" Zuko stomped forward. "Get off my ship!"

She pulled on her beast's rein to keep it from attacking us. "Get back! We're after a stowaway."

The beast started to sniff the air again, and then pressed its nose to the steel deck. It proceeded to smash its powerful claws against the deck then, and created a huge gaping hole in the structure. As the beast stuck its head inside the hole, I saw Zuko was enraged by the damage done to the ship. We'd just gotten some repairs, and it seemed we'd have to get more.

The beast pulled its head out of the hole again, and a second later an older man in torn clothing pulled himself out of the hole. My eyes widened at his presence, and I was amazed when the Shirshu shot its very long tongue toward him. The man tried to run, but as soon as the tongue hit him he fell to the deck paralyzed. The woman patted her beast to congratulate it. Then she slid off with a smirk.

Zuko was amazed. "He's paralyzed!"

She stepped over to the man who stared over at her with horror. He was immobile and couldn't escape. "Only temporarily." She grabbed the man and lifted him over her shoulder with ease. My jaw dropped at her strength. "The toxins'll wear off in about an hour. But by then he'll be in jail and I'll have my money."

He was curious to know more. "But how did you find him on my ship?"

With her free hand, she stroked the muzzle of her beast. "My shirshu can smell a rat a continent away." She maneuvered herself easily on the beast's saddle and placed the limp body of her capture in front of her.

Iroh seemed in awe at not just the creature, but its rider. "Well, I'm impressed."

She snapped a whip at the beast then, and it charged away jumping easily off the ship and onto the dock. As it disappeared, I could tell Iroh wasn't the only one admiring the woman that left. Zuko seemed contemplative as the presence of the beast left us.

"Very impressed," Iroh said as he stroked his chin. "That was quite a talented young woman."

Zuko turned to us with determination. "Yes... And she's just what I need to track down the Avatar."

My eyes widened. Stepping around Hul, I asked. "Wait! You don't really think that woman's going to help you, do you?"

He was surprised by my question. He recovered though and turned his lips up with certainty. "The woman just caused damage to my ship. I think I can convince her to do my bidding."

I frowned. "Zuko... Is this really necessary?"

He stepped over to me, and I saw his excited eyes soften. He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Don't worry... I won't hurt any of them. The Avatar is the only one I want. Once I have him, your brother and sister will be released."

His words didn't really reassure me. My arm started to pulse terribly, reminding me I still hadn't taken my medicine. I instinctively rubbed my lower arm to try and soothe the pain. The touch only made the stabbing sensation intensify.

"Come on," Zuko began, noticing my discomfort. "I'll walk you back to our room."

Silently, I followed Zuko below deck back down the hall feeling nothing but worry for my family. If this Shirshu managed to lead Zuko to Aang, then not only would Zuko's surprise appearance take Aang off guard, but the Avatar would have to also dodge a venomous tongue.

We weren't even halfway to our room, when suddenly I grabbed Zuko's shirt sleeve to stop him from walking. He turned to me with question.

Hanging my head, I stared at the floor not wanting to meet his eyes. "Please think about what you're trying to do Zuko... Is capturing Aang and returning home really the only thing you want? You could be happy somewhere else in the world."

When the young prince pressed his hand to my chin and forced me to lift my head, I wasn't surprised to see the agony and determination etched across his features. "Crystal... This is the only way I can be happy. I don't belong out here. I should be in the Fire Nation, helping to build my nation. Instead, I'm trapped journeying through land I don't belong, surrounded by my enemy everywhere I go."

I grabbed his hand suddenly, holding it firmly in my grasp. He was amazed when my warmth radiated through his skin. "It doesn't have to be that way... You can come with me, and we can join the Avatar! If you help the world's last hope, then you won't be the enemy anymore! Going home will only send you back to square one... The Fire Lord may welcome you back, but what's to say a few years later you anger him again? He'll just punish you once more and banish you from home. Is that really happiness? You'll have to walk on your tiptoes for the rest of your life..."

"You're wrong... My father isn't the man you think he is. He will accept me with open arms and never banish me again. Delivering the Avatar to him will earn me more honor than even his finest Admiral. You don't know my father like I do."

My eyes fell from Zuko once again. I released his hand and let my own fall to my side. "I know one thing about him that you don't..."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Zuko's hand tighten in a fist. "Yeah... And what's that."

"He's a coward."

The hall fell silent for a moment. I shut my eyes knowing I'd gone too far. However, I didn't mind saying it. I was glad to finally get it off my chest.

"Maybe you should be reminded of what coward means," Zuko spoke, his tone tight as he tried not to yell at me.

Falling back against the wall, I still refused to meet his eyes. "I know what it means. A coward is someone who during the face of danger, opposition, and unpleasant situations, hides behind a wall of protection and does away with anything that might harm him. Tell me, Prince Zuko... When's the last time your father ever left his luxurious palace to go fight alongside his men?"

There was silence from Zuko.

I continued. "Your uncle told me stories about his own battles in Ba Sing Se, and the trials and tribulations he had to face for his people. Iroh is a strong and brave man, who was willing to leave the comforts of his home to fight a battle your father fearfully stayed away from. When I hear stories about your father from not just the crew, but my own people, I don't ever hear anything special about him. What battles has he fought in? How many injured soldiers has he visited in the years of his reign? For a Fire Lord, he sounds more like a weak man in the background who lets others do his bidding. I don't understand why you want to return to a man like that."

A hand suddenly smashed into the steel wall beside me. I froze as suddenly Zuko had me sandwiched between him and the wall. He was frustrated, and he was trying all he could not to yell at me. "My father is not a coward. He is Fire Lord. There is no reason for him to fight at war if there are so many willing to do it for him. You have no room to act like you know him anymore than I do! You better hold your tongue when it comes to this matter, or I will hold it for you!"

His tone had turned dark. I was honestly wary of his sudden mood change. However, I refused to let Zuko bully me into submission. He would not scare me. "Go ahead and try. You shouldn't expect anything different from me, Zuko. I am Water Tribe, and that will never change. In my eyes the Fire Lord will always be a weak, hateful, and cowardice man who only wants power. He may accept you home one day, but he won't ever love you."

Zuko growled. His face inched toward me. "What do you know about love?"

My eyes looked toward Zuko with pity. "I know it's not something you'll find at home."

He scowled. "Then where will I find it?" He leaned closer. He lost his cool and was yelling. "Surely not in the earth kingdom of all places! I haven't known love since my mother went missing!" My heart ached at the pain in his tone. "How could you possibly think I could find this love anywhere else besides home?!"

Tears started to fall from my eyes. They weren't tears from my own pain or fear. They were tears for Zuko's pain and fear. I lost my cool as well."You already have it!" I shut my eyes tightly. "If you would just open your eyes for one damn second you would see it right in front of you!"

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up again. I kept my eyes closed though. He snapped with irritation, "What are you talking about?!"

Shooting my eyes open, I shouted back with irritation, "Me, you idiot! I love you!"

As soon as the confession escaped me, I immediately stopped speaking and my blood went cold. My tense shoulders slumped, the hand I'd tightened into a fist fell away, and I bit my lip realizing my slip.

Zuko lowered his hand from my chin, and I couldn't figure out what emotions he had spiraling through him at the moment. He seemed at a loss for what to say though. The tense air between us faded slightly, and I knew then that Zuko was no longer angry. He was utterly bewildered. We seemed to stand there for a long minute in silence, neither of us knowing what to do or say.

Finally, Zuko broke the pause. His voice had returned to the soft confused young man I'd come to know over the weeks.


Embarrassed, I tried to move past him to make a run for the room. I didn't want him to see my face; the blush was worse than it had ever been before. I'd just confessed my feelings to Zuko. I'd just admitted to him that I'd fallen in love with him. I was too embarrassed to face him. I had to escape.

However, as I tried to slide past him, he grabbed my good arm and pulled me back. He forced me to return to my previous position; my back was against the wall once more. Then he leaned toward me so our noses were only a centimeter from touching.

"Le-let me go!" I tried to jerk my arm from him, but in the process his body stepped closer. Our noses touched, and electric shocks went through my spine. "Zuko... I- I need to-"

He cut me off. My voice was stopped as something warm suddenly pressed against my lips. My eyelids dropped as Zuko's breath could be felt in my mouth. His breath tasted like mint tea. He pressed harder as his kiss intensified. My head started to go dizzy from what I assumed was lack of air. My shoulders fell back on the steel as Zuko forced me against the wall. His other hand slid behind my head and tangled in my hair, pulling my lips even more against his own. His eyelids were slightly shut as well, and I could see through my slight vision he was enjoying the kiss as much as I was.

For both of us, this was our first kiss. However, for Zuko's first kiss he definitely knew what he was doing. I'd always wondered about kissing a guy for the first time. When I was younger, I imagined my mystery love would be a strong warrior from the tribe. However, it appeared fate had a strange way of smacking me in the face. For some strange and unforeseeable reason, I had fallen in love with Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. If my brother and sister saw me, I'd be locked in a cage for the rest of my life.

His hand suddenly trailed from the back of my head to the side of my face. We hadn't broken our passionate kiss yet, and the feeling of his skin trailing along my own made me want to stay with him longer. As his thumb brushed against my scar, I leaned forward more wishing his touch could last forever. His breaths slowed, and I felt his lips start to pull from me. When he finally broke our kiss, I was breathing heavily and my head spun a thousand miles a minute.

We both tried to catch our breath, our foreheads resting against one another. As I tried to find reality once more, Zuko's hand cupped my cheek shooting more warmth through me.

"You're right... I did need to open my eyes..." He breathed out heavily. "I've been feeling so much these last few weeks, especially when it comes to you." Our eyes met one another, and his amber orbs burned into mine. "I've been confused over it all, but I finally understand..."

He kissed me again, but this time it was softer and gentler. His affectionate touch sent shocks through my body, and I wished the new sensation never had to end. When he pulled away, he whispered with deep sincerity, "I love you too."

His confession sent my heart pounding faster than ever before. Unable to hold back, I reached up and pressed my hand to his face. He leaned into my palm with a sigh. His eyes shut, and his warm hand overlapped my own. As we stood there, both unable to understand how two people of such different worlds could ever love one another, I couldn't help but think what my family would say.

If they saw me, showing such affection and love towards the prince of our enemy, they would be greatly disappointed in me.

"The Fire Nation is our enemy! Don't ever forget that you three! Those monsters killed your mother!"

My father's sudden words shot through my mind. My lips turned down into a grimace as I realized something suddenly. What was I thinking...? No matter how much I loved Zuko, my family would never accept him...

"If a firebender ever crosses my path, I'll make sure he's buried ten feet under my snow!"

My sister's rage made my stomach ache.

"Those monsters! I'll kill them all! If one dares to touch either of you I'll wring him through with my spear!"

Sokka's threat caused my hand to shake against Zuko's cheek. He opened his eyes and stared at me with worry when he felt my trembling skin against him. "Crystal... Are you-"

"I'm fine," I cut off softly, giving him the most fabricated smile I could muster.

I was pained that my family's words ruined a moment I never wanted to end. Taking my hand away from him, I stepped back trying to hide the agony I feared my expression would reveal.

"I- uh... I should take my medicine," I said softly. "My arms starting to ache."

Turning, I went to step away to head to our room. My eyes burned and I hung my head conflicted between my family and my heart. Zuko grabbed my shoulder though to stop me from escape. "Did I do something wrong?"

My hand instinctively slid over his and gripped tightly. I enjoyed his warmth, and hated that our worlds were too far apart. My eyes threatened to spill tears I didn't want to shed. "It's not you... I just had a thought."

"A thought?"

Releasing his hand, I dropped my own down to my side. Turning back toward Zuko, I gently placed my hand under my broken arm wishing I could cross them for comfort. He stared at me with question. "I just realized, that these feelings we share..." I hung my head. "These feelings can't work for us... You're a prince and I'm..." I hung my head more. "I'm just your prisoner... your prisoner who will be rewarded to your father once you capture the Avatar."

I didn't see his expression, but the hall fell silent. The only sound was our breathing and the flicker of the torches lit around us.

Finally, Zuko's broken and conflicted voice echoed through the hall. "It doesn't have to be that way..." Zuko tried to reason with himself more than me. "I'll tell my father you helped me capture the Avatar... He'll reward you, and you'll be a guest in the palace."

Shaking my head, I felt a tear escape my eye and fall down my scarred cheekbone. "I won't let you do that. The Fire Lord is no man I want to be a guest to Zuko. I'd rather rot in a prison than be praised for such a horrible deed... besides... Your father would never believe that. All he'll see me as is a waterbender who needs to rot away in a cell."

More silence passed between us.

Zuko sighed heavily. He ran a hand through his hair in both frustration and uncertainty. "So what about the kiss... Did it mean nothing?"

I blushed. My lips still tingled from our moment of bliss. "Of course it did!" Wiping the wet trail from my lost tear, I felt more tears take its place. "It was the best moment of my life!" I paused, my blush intensifying. "But that's all it can be..." My lips trembled and I tried to drop my hair over my face. "I love you Zuko... I know that now..." I took a heavy breath. "But we can't ever be together. Our people are sworn enemies, and we're two worlds apart."

"I'll find a way," he whispered suddenly. "This is the happiest I've been in three years... I won't lose you."

"That won't be your choice in the end," I insisted.

He took my hand suddenly and pulled me toward him a step. His other hand brushed away a few of the tears that spilled to my chin. "I'll find a way..." He leaned forward and kissed me gently on the forehead. His soft touch only made my heart ache for him. When he pulled away, it took every ounce of restraint I had to not jump forward and kiss him again. "Come on... You should go take your medicine now."

Nodding, slightly lightheaded by the blood pumping through me, I turned and made my way back down the hall. Zuko followed behind me in silent thought.

A few hours later Zuko and his Uncle left to go find the bounty hunter whom we'd previously met. While they were gone, I spent some time in our room thinking over what had occurred between me and Zuko.

Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation had kissed me... He had kissed me and I kissed him back... If my family learned about my actions, they would not be pleased. However, my family's disapproval only made me desire to be with Zuko more. After everything I'd been through with him, I loved him enough to be willing to take the risk. But... I knew deep in my heart the risk would be a waste. Zuko would return home to the Fire Nation, I would be thrown in a cell, and the both of us would one day be separated forever.

There was no way I could ever be with him.

A waterbender and a firebender... No one would accept us...

Zuko POV

My mind was racing as June guided her beast across the Earth Kingdom toward the Avatar. I wasn't even thinking about the fight I would have to face in time. I wasn't thinking about capturing the Avatar. All I could think about was Crystal.

The moment of affection we shared with one another was one I hadn't wanted to stop. It was the first time I'd kissed a girl before, and I was glad my first had been with her. That kiss was magical and one I would remember for years to come. Her breath tasted like Jasmine tea and her lips were so soft on my own. The thought of the kiss made me only want to do it again.

However, her words did return to me and break my blissful thought.

These feelings can't work for us... You're a prince and I'm... I'm just your prisoner... your prisoner who will be rewarded to your father once you capture the Avatar.

Hanging my head, I knew deep down Crystal was right. Once I captured the Avatar, we would be headed back towards the Fire Nation. Even if I could convince my father to not imprison Crystal, we couldn't be together; at least not in the public eye. If word got around that the Fire Prince was in love with a waterbender, my father would not be pleased. The last thing I wanted was to anger him again.

So then what options did I have...?

Go back to treating her as a prisoner and forget my feelings toward her?

I could never do that. I loved her too much...

Leave her behind once I have the Avatar, and let her return to her family?

The thought of being separated from her made my heart ache...

Convince my father to let her be my servant once we returned to the palace?

There was no way Crystal would cooperate with that for a second...

A deep sigh escaped me. Uncle looked back at me with question and I quickly looked at the trees passing beside us. The last thing I needed was his wisdom. I needed to sort my thoughts out on my own.

"What's up with you Prince Pouty?"

June had heard my sigh. I scowled and held onto the Shirshu's saddle tighter. "I'm fine!"

She looked back at me briefly, and then turned her eyes back in the direction we were headed. "Let me guess. Nervous about catching up to your girlfriend. Just give her back her necklace and I'm sure she'll be swooning for you in no time."

Her joking only made me irritated. "I told you I don't want the girl! She isn't my girlfriend! I just want her companion!"

She shrugged. "Whatever. No need to get so defensive. Besides, that girl back on your ship is pretty enough to be your girlfriend anyway. Maybe you should give the necklace to her instead."

At June's mention of Crystal, I fell silent once again. I wanted Crystal to be my girlfriend so much, but I knew she was right. There was no way we could be together as long as my one goal was to capture the Avatar. A waterbender and a firebender in love would only make my father and others in the Fire Nation laugh.

"So you do like the girl?"

June broke through my thoughts again, and I wished she would just shut up.

I scowled. "That's none of your business."

She laughed. "Defensive, huh? Doesn't really matter to me, anyway. Your love life is your love life."

The rest of the ride was silent as the beast continued to follow the scent of Crystal's sister.

Crystal POV

The sound of a door swinging open was what brought me out of the book I was reading. Looking up, I watched as Zuko entered the room looking tired, beaten, and worn. He kept silent as he started to undo his armor. I knew from the look of defeat on his expression, that once again my family and the Avatar had escaped him. Although I was thrilled they were still okay, I felt really bad for Zuko. He was trying so hard to capture Aang, and I knew the task was beginning to weigh him down.

"Sorry for startling you," Zuko said softly. He dropped his armor on the floor carelessly making a loud sound echo through the once silent room. When he was back in his casual wear, he walked over to me with exhaustion. "What are you reading?"

I smiled weakly. "It's just a book of poems. Hul gave it to me."

He nodded and sat down beside me at the table where the book was open. He picked up the book and examined the poem I'd been reading when he walked into the room. He seemed thoughtful as he stared over the words. "I used to read poetry all the time with my mom."

Nodding, I said, "It can be a relaxing way to pass time. My Gran-Gran would recite poems to us. She said she learned hundreds when she was younger, and made sure the ones she loved stuck in her mind."

Zuko stayed quiet as he looked absently at the poem. I wondered if he was even reading it, or just trying to avoid my eyes.

"Sorry I was gone for so long... Your brother and sister managed to blind the Shirshu and it paralyzed me."

I cringed at the thought of being hit by that awful tongue. "You'll have another chance Zuko..." I reached over with my good hand and gently touched his shoulder. He hung his head as soon as I touched him and lowered the book. "I know you will. Just be patient."

His hand suddenly slid over my own, and I felt comfort at his warm touch. "I know... I'm just so tired of losing."

I wanted to say something else to comfort him, but I didn't really know what else to say. While I was sorry for Zuko and his continuous defeat, I was also relieved he still had yet to capture the world's last hope. As much as I cared about Zuko and wanted him to be happy, I also wanted Aang to be safe. I was rooting for Aang a hundred percent, and for some reason that made me feel guilt. I wasn't rooting for Zuko at all. Last time I checked, loving someone meant supporting them. I didn't support Zuko in this endeavor.

"I'm going to get some sleep," Zuko said softly. He placed the book back on the table. I took my hand away from him hating to see him so beaten. "Uncle's up on deck if you want to play Pai Sho or something. The ship should be setting off in an hour or two."

He stood from the table and headed over to his cot. Plopping down on it, he immediately started to drift. No more than five minutes later, Zuko was out cold. Silence filled the room, and I stared over at his back with sympathy. I wanted to assure him it would be alright, but I didn't know how true that would be in the future.

Standing from the table, I headed over to my cot and grabbed the blanket from it. Zuko was lying on top of his own blanket, too tired to crawl under. Heading silently over to him, I knelt beside him and draped the blanket over his body. He didn't move, but instead sighed at the warmth that wrapped around him. As he sank deeper into his sleep, I couldn't help but lean over and kiss him softly on the cheek. He looked so young and peaceful.

When I pulled away, I said softly, "Sweet dreams, Zuko."

Then silently I rose from the floor, headed towards the door, and made my way into the hall of the ship. As the door shut behind me, I leaned back against it feeling my eyes burn with tears. I hated seeing Zuko so defeated. I hated that I couldn't help him. However, I wouldn't betray Aang. I wouldn't betray my people.

As much as I loved Zuko, I also refused to watch the world be destroyed.

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This is an Avatar : The Last Airbender fanfic in which my OC, Madelyn Grace Langston (or Maddy) is integrated into the story without changing the plo...
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"You have everything you've always wanted." "No." He said softly. "Not everything..." His golden eyes looked at her with a melting intensity she had...
20.3K 695 20
As thunder clashes and waves crash against his ship, Zuko and his Uncle Iroh discover a mysterious girl discovered adrift in the treacherous waters...
284K 7K 36
Kya, Sokka's twin, and Kataras's older sister. She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being misunderstood. She sensitive but holds a f...