Cowboy Casanova

By tmcgrawfhill

21.2K 249 37

The Past.... two words Tim and Faith wish to forget... Tim, coming from an abusive household, is scared to se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Ten Years Later)
Chapter 4 (Four Years Later)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Six years later)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Three Months Later)
Chapter 12 (Three years later)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Two Weeks Later)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (One Year Later)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Two weeks later)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 (Five years later)
Chapter 37 (Three Weeks Later)
Chapter 38 (Two years later)
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 [Final Chapter (three months later)]

Chapter 11 (Five Years Later)

518 5 0
By tmcgrawfhill

TIM POV: Two little girls, and another on the way. That fact amazes me. Somehow, I managed to get a family, and a pretty damn good one. 

"Daddy, can we go down to the park?" Gracie comes in a begs, jumping up and down. 

"I don't know honey, it looks like it's going to rain." I reply, getting down on my knees to get to her level. 

"Momma said we could!" She says. 

"Oh did she?" I say, questioning the truth in her prior statement. 

"No she did not!" Faith says, walking in the room. She glows in the morning. 

"What?" Gracie says, caught in a little lie. She giggles and runs out of the room past Faith. Faith walks towards me, plants a kiss on my lips, then wraps her arms around me.

"Good mornin' honey." She says. 

"Mornin'" I smile. I wrap my arm around her, and we walk downstairs. Almost immediately, we are met with overwhelming cries from both kids. Faith's stress level almost instantly rises as she steps in the room. 

"Shit!" She screams, smacking the washer. 

"Ooooh! Mommy said a-" Maggie starts, but I cover her mouth. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to keep her calm. 

"The washer's broken." She says, putting her hands over her face. I think she's crying. I look down to see bubbles coming out of it as it starts making a horrible noise. I quickly get behind it, unplug, and turn off the water to the washer. 

"It's okay honey." I say, wrapping my arms around her. The doctor said her mood swings are going to be insane, since her hormones are off the charts during this pregnancy. 

"No, it's not." She says, whimpering. 

"Honey, we can just go out today and get a new one." I say, rubbing her back, yet laughing a bit at how freaked out she is. 

"Really?" She says, wiping her tears and sniffling.

"Yeah!" I say. "I'll call Ma and she'll watch the girls while we go. We'll make a date of it." I say. She nods, then smiles and begins to deal with the girls. Crisis diverted. 

The phone begins to ring from the kitchen. I run in and answer it before checking the caller ID. 

"Hello?" I say. I'm immediately met with a voice that is the last one I want to hear this morning. 

"Tim?" Tug says. "Do you think we can meet up and talk for a bit? I have some things-" he probably needs money again. I sigh and look back at Faith who is staring at me. 

"I can't." I say. Tug begins to plead. 

"I really have to talk to you Tim." He begs. 

"If you need money-"

"I don't need money." He swears. 

"What do you want then?" I say, getting a little angry. 

"Tim, I-" He starts, then shakily sighs. "I have cancer." He says. I feel winded for only a second. Tug and I have never had the ideal father-son relationship. He didn't care about me until he heard me on the radio. "Tim?" 

"How do you expect me to help you on that?" I say, knowing it's insensitive. 

"I don't... I just-" he says, a little flustered. "I just thought you should know." 

"Alright." I say. "That it?" 

"That's it." He says quietly. I hang up. I don't know why I can't just fake being nice for all of three minutes with him. I guess he never really tried himself. 

"Who was it?" Faith says, coming over and wrapping her arms around me. 

"It was a wrong number." I lie. She nods and starts to sway, leading me to smile.

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