Baby Daddy (Ongoing)

By RomanticCrap

212K 13.1K 4.2K

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51

Part 46

4K 329 81
By RomanticCrap

NOTE - Sorry for taking so long to update and making you all wait. I had a busy month... College tour, project work, seminar, viva voce and to top that I had office work too. I neither got time nor mood to write this story.

Next week I have my final sem exams and I thought to post this update only after that but you guys were constantly asking me for an update so to make you all happy I wrote this update in a hurry and posting now.

I will post the next update of this story and all my other stories only after 7th May!

This part hasn't come out well... So sorry in advance for disappointing you all.

Oh and one more sorry for not replying to your comments on previous part. Exam tension so no time for replying but trust me I read and loved them all. 

Please do continue your encouragement with your words and votes!

UNEDITED part so excuse the mistakes!

Part - 46

"Sorry, I am late" Dipali said as she took a seat opposite to Madhu. They were in a small fancy restaurant to discuss about the proposal Rk had placed to Madhu the other night.

"No, it's fine. I just came in" Madhu offered a polite smile.

"Today, my movie wrap so I had lots of work. I even thought of postponing our meet to some other day but then I went against the thought as I didn't want to give you a reason to back off from working in my new project."

"I still haven't accepted to work with you" Madhu reminded her.

"Ah, I know that but I am positive you will accept my offer."

"So much confidence" Madhu said with a smirk.

"I'm highly confident because I know my Rk will convince his wife to act in my dream project" Dipali said clasping her hands together.

Madhu didn't know whether to get mad at Dipali for saying 'my Rk' or to feel happy for addressing her as 'his wife'

"Why do you wanna cast me in this movie? You can find any other pretty girl who will fit for this role, right?"

"I tried... Twice I have conducted audition of this role but I couldn't find the befitting heroine" Dipali said looking straight at Madhu "And then I met you the other day in your dance school and at that moment I knew you were the one for it and I belatedly realized Rk was right all the while"

"Huh?" Madhu frowned in confusion. What was Rk right about?

"Have you read the script? Do you like it?" Dipali asked distracting her from her confused thought.

"Not fully I have read. I just took a glance and I wanted to ask you something..." Madhu dragged.

"What's it?"

"Who is the male lead?" she asked.


"Really?" Madhu asked in surprise as her lips curved to a smile. She didn't know why but she badly wanted to see him back on screen.

"I wish" Dipali sighed. "But he said no"

"Oh" Madhu said in disappointment. She didn't ask why he said no because she already knew why. He said no because he quit acting on her insistence and he wasn't going to break the promise he made to her this time.

"Even in the script I have written the male lead's name as Rishab, I hope you would have noticed that"

"Yeah, so you made this script for him?"

"Yep, exclusively! Rk is my dream hero and I write all my stories keeping him in my mind!" Dipali said dreamily. Madhu scowled at her. "I have narrated this story plot to him some three years back when you guys were dating and he loved it"

"Oh! So you wanted to cast me in this movie from then?" Madhu asked wanting to know whether Rk had stopped his friend cum director Dipali from giving her a big break.

"Honestly no! You were so young then and I knew you wouldn't fit this strong-willed lady role..."

"But you think I will fit now?"

"Absolutely! You have grown more beautiful and mature in these past two, three years." Dipali complimented.

"Um... you said Rk approved the script, right? Then why didn't you guys make this movie much before?"

"Rk wanted to cast you. He wanted this to be your debut movie" Dipali said softly. "But I didn't agree with him then."

Madhu gaped at Dipali with her mouth wide open. "Back then you looked more like a school going girl so I suggested a beautiful teenage love story for you with a debutant guy, not with Rk..."

She can't believe what Dipali just said. Rk was willing to launch her in a movie opposite to him? She thought he was just playing with her and he too made her believe so, right?

"...But Rk was very possessive for you. He wasn't ready to let you work with any other guy but him." Dipali let out a chuckle shaking her head. "Man, he wanted to have you all to himself and I think that's why he married you and knocked you up so quickly. It's really a surprise to me that now he is willing to let you work in movies"

"Rk wanted me as his heroine?" Madhu asked in disbelief.

"I think I just said that." Dipali gave her a look wondering whether she wasn't listening to her at all. "When he wanted to work with you in this movie I didn't agree and now when I want him to work with you in this movie he is not agreeing. I don't know what to do" she huffed out and hunched her shoulders tiredly.

"I will talk to him" Madhu said as she grabbed her clutch ready to leave.

"Talk about what?"

"I will convince him and we will work together in this movie"

"Are you serious?" Dipali asked with her eyes glowing in joy. Madhu nodded her head and stood up.

"OMG" Dipali stood up too and going around the table, she wrapped her arms around Madhu's shoulder taking her by surprise. "Thank you so much for giving us, fans, back our superstar" she gushed joyously.


Rk was sprawled on the couch with Ruhi beside him as they watched cartoon.

"Papa, I am hungry" Ruhi softly said as she leaned her on her daddy's stomach.

"What would you like to eat, baby?" He asked placing a kiss on her head.


"Alright. You sit here and watch the TV. I will go get you jelly" he said and standing up from the couch, he strolled to the kitchen to get jellies from the refrigerator.

He took out a box of jellies and some fresh fruits so that he can make jelly and fruit salad. He wanted his daughter to eat some healthy fruits.

"Papa, mama has come" Ruhi shouted from the living room and a moment later, Madhu walked into the kitchen with Ruhi trailing behind her.

"Hey" Rk smiled at her. "Here you go, baby" he passed the bowl of jelly fruit salad to Ruhi.

"Papa, apples?" Ruhi picked a small apple piece in her hand and showed it to her dad silently asking how it got mixed in her Jelly. "Papa, orange and strawberry" she pointed to the other fruits she found in the bowl along with jellies.

"You are going to eat those fruits as well, sweetheart" he said.

"Papa, no" Ruhi whined and picked only red cubic flavored jellies and popped them in her mouth.

"Ruhi, fruits are good for health" Madhu cajoled her to eat them.

"I asked only for jellies but papa mixed fruits... he always does that. I don't like it" Ruhi accused as she searched for jellies in the fruit bowl.

"You can't cheat her, Mr. Rk" Madhu teased him.

"Yeah, I know" Rk said as he looked at his daughter in awe.


"So how your meeting went with Dipali?" He asked once they walked back to the living room and settled down on the couch. Ruhi sat on the floor and played with her toys.


"So you agreed?"

"On a condition as I said earlier to you"

"What's it?" He asked curiously.

"Before that I have to ask you something"

"What's it, Madhu? You know you can ask me anything and I will give you my honest answer"

"Why you never told me that you wanted to launch me in a movie opposite to you?"

"What? You gotta be kidding" He laughed. "If anything I had told you repeatedly then that would be this 'Baby, be patient, I am looking for a best script for you, for us and once I get it I will launch you in my own production' you do remember those lines, right?"

Very well! She mused.

"Those were fake promises, right?" Madhu asked looking deep into his eyes but he averted his gaze.

"Rk just look at me and tell me the truth. Yes or no?"

"Yes. Those were fake promises" he agreed.

"But Dipali said otherwise?"

"What Dipali said to you?"

"She told me you wanted to cast me in this movie when she told you the story line some 3 years ago."

"That's true"

"So you were ready to give me a big break, right, then why didn't you give me?"

"Dipali thought you wouldn't be perfect for this role."

"But she had another suitable script for me, right?" She asked. He nodded. "Why didn't you let me work in that project?"

"That's not the only offer you got Madhu. Almost every producer who came to my house and met you was interest to work with you as you were so fresh and young..."


"I kicked them out"


He shrugged but didn't give her a proper reply. He just didn't want those fuckers to spoil her innocence by exposing her to the cinema world at such a young age. He wanted to keep her all to himself. He felt possessive for her, maybe not protective enough and that's why he let her go.

"Were you insecure that I might get more popularity than you had?" Madhu asked but she already knew he wasn't.

Seriously? Rk smirked at her. He wasn't insecure of losing his fame or popularity to her. He was insecure of losing her to that fake world.

"Rk, let's get this clear. You wanted me to act or not?"

"I didn't want you to act" he said genuinely. "But now I want you to act"


"Because that's your dream, Madhu and I want to fulfill all your dreams"

"Even then it was my dream, Rk but you ruined it, didn't you?"

He gave her an apologetic look. He wasn't in love with her then so her dream didn't matter to him but now it mattered to him so fucking much because he loves her madly.

"You didn't want me to act in movies then but Dipali said you were adamant to make me the heroine of this story. God! You are totally confusing me, Rk" Madhu grumbled when he remained silent.

"I loved that story line. I really did. And I couldn't imagine anyone playing opposite me as my wife in that movie but you."

"But now you are ready to see some other guy playing my husband role in this movie?"

"Well, it's just a role... But then if you fall in love with your co-star also... I wouldn't mind" he said nonchalantly looking down at the floor.

He would fucking mind but he had no right on her to question her choice.

"You can't be serious" Madhu growled at him. She didn't like the thought that he would let anyone claim his place.

"Rk..." Madhu softly called him after few minutes of silence.


"Dipali said you didn't want me to act with any other guy because you were so possessive for me. Is that true?"

"Don't give too much meaning to whatever shit Dipali has spewed on you" He said and was about to leave the place but she stopped him by holding his wrist.

"Sit. We are not yet done talking"

"What else is there to talk?"

"Just give me a justifiable answer."

Rk sighed and rubbed his face with his palms.

"Madhu, I had a thing for you..." He blurted out.

"Was it love?" She asked incredulously. If he was in love he wouldn't have pushed her away.

"No, it wasn't." He said honestly. She nodded her head agreeing with him. "I would have known it if I was in love with you. I just liked you. I just liked what we shared" he said and turned his gaze towards Ruhi. He didn't want to say he liked the sex they shared having their daughter in the same room.


"I didn't like the thought of another man romancing you, not even a fake romance so I dismissed all the offers you got but at the same time I felt guilty... I thought I wasn't being fair to you... so I decided I would make you my heroine, only mine!"

"I always wanted to act with you, only you. I even told you that, right?"

"I remember but at one point you forgot your dream of becoming a heroine. All you wanted was me. You were so obsessed on me. And it scared me."

"I forgot my dream because I fell in love with you, Rk" And she knew that's where she went wrong. She lost her respect, dignity and independence the moment she blindly fell for the superstar.

"I know. You were getting so clingy and needy so I distanced myself from you." And that's where he went wrong. He should have give time for their relationship to grow. He should have given time to understand her feelings. He should have acted matured but he didn't. He just used and thrashed her like a piece of shit.

Madhu hung her head down in shame. She did behave like he said. Out of her immaturity and overpowering love she had for him she did everything for him just to please him and expected the same from him but he didn't reciprocate. He just recoiled from her and she even felt that.

"One day Dipali came to my office and narrated me this story and instantly I knew I wanted this to be your debut movie"

"Then why didn't you launch me?"

"Because that's the same day you came and told me you were pregnant" he said in a whisper. "As you know already I didn't believe you. I thought you were trapping me into a relationship which I didn't want then." But now, he desperately wanted a relationship with her. Sometimes you yearn for what you'd lost.

"I wasn't trapping you into anything"

"I know... But then I thought like that only. I thought you were so desperate to force yourself into my life. I thought you were behind my money... I thought everything wrong about you, Madhu" he said in frustration as he regretted everything he thought and he said to her.

"You not only thought worst about me but said worst things to me too. You asked me the give the good news to the child's father when you very well know I was only with you." she said as her eyes burned with unshed tears. "Worst of all was asking me to abort the baby..." she would never forget how ruthlessly he asked her to abort the baby and come back to him so that he can make her a heroine.

"I asked you to abort the baby thinking there was no baby at all... I thought it was just a fine drama executed by you to earn my sympathy..." suddenly her anger rose to its peak and she slapped him on his cheek shutting him up. Rk didn't get angry on her for slapping him. He knew he deserved more than just a slap. He hung his head down and rested his elbow on his thighs.

Ruhi quickly ran to her daddy cupped his cheeks with both hands. "Mama, why you hit papa?" she yelled at her momma and tightly wrapped her arms around his neck, comforting him.

"Your papa is a monster who thought of killing you but you keep on supporting him!" Madhu yelled at Ruhi making her whimper.

That hit a nerve!

"Even you thought of killing her so you have no right to accuse me, Madhu and don't take your anger on this sweet soul" Rk said in a menacingly calm tone and at the same time he engulfed his daughter in his protective cocoon and rocked her back and forth comforting her.

He had never mentioned her mistakes before but now it was time to count them. "You realized you wanted the baby much before than I did because you knew she was growing in you. For me your pregnancy was unbelievable. I thought the girl who lost her virtue to achieve her dream would do anything to achieve me..."

"I slept with you on that award function night because you didn't give me much choice. It was you who trapped me" she retorted.

"But you didn't even put a fight, dammit. You readily gave in to me after placing your freaking demand. You were that ambitious!" his words were worst than the slap she gave him.

Madhu covered her face and cried. "Yeah, it was my mistake" she sobbed. Rk felt like shit for being harsh with her. He wanted to reach out for her and tell her it wasn't her mistake entirely. He was the bigger sinner and that's why he was suffering more than her now.

"Mama, papa, don't fight... puh-lease" Ruhi too cried as her whole body trembled.

"I'm sorry, darling, I'm sorry" Rk whispered and peppered kisses on Ruhi's tear stained cheeks. "Momma, papa will be fine. I promise" he rubbed her back soothingly. "Please stop crying, angel" he pleaded but Ruhi cried inconsolably.

"Give her to me" Madhu held out her hands to take Ruhi. Rk quickly transferred Ruhi from his lap to hers.

"I'm sorry, baby" she whispered as she wiped Ruhi's cheeks with her thumb and held her closer to her chest. She gently rubbed Ruhi's tummy, a technique she uses on her to put her to sleep and that technique worked again. Ruhi fell asleep in her mother's arms. "We do mistakes but Ruhi is the ultimate sufferer. We are really bad parents" Madhu said hating herself for putting a fight in front of Ruhi and making her cry.

Rk nodded his head agreeing with her and then gave her a side way glance. She looked so hurt.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry" Rk said softly.

"And I didn't mean to rekindle our past... I just wanted answers from you to understand you better but our conversation just got carried away in a different angle." She said and carrying Ruhi in her arms, she walked to her bedroom.

.... To be continued!



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