✔Come Back To Me (L.T Fanfic)✘

By Boys_On_The_Stairs13

5.5K 179 27

Hi I'm Zoey Carter and this is my messed up life. My best friend is Louis Tomlinson, you heard me right Louis... More

Come Back To Me
Character List
Day In The Sun
Too Much Dough
Movie Night
Sleep Over
Food Day!
Zayn And Natasha's Alone Time
Will Louis Like The "New Me?"
There She Is
I Think Its Time
Harry And Nila's Time Alone
The X-Factor
Tonights The Night
Back Home
Romantic Ride At The Carnival
Its Time ;)
Its Over
Authors Note
How Could He?!
Final Goodbye
Could It Be?
The Appointment.
Here Comes The Mood Swings
TWINS??!! And A Date To Remember
Authors Note
Picnic, The Secret Plan And The Unexpected Guest
Growing Feelings?!
Is This Really Happen Or Am I Dreaming?!
Common Question And Baby Names
The Revealed Plan And Is It Worth It?
The Truth Comes Out And Does He Believe Us?!
He's Here And Can It Work??
The Twins And Derek?!
Authors Note
Can't Leave You And The New Boys
Finally Able To Leave, The Presents And She's Back?!
Little White Lie And Jinxed Night
Answer To All The Questions And A Warrant
Authors Note.
One Thing After Another
The "Lawyer" On Our Door Step
Need A Plan
Author Note!
Midnight Call
Im Sorry
The End

The Gender And A Secret

92 2 2
By Boys_On_The_Stairs13

Zoey's POV: About 1 Month Later

"So your gonna find out the gender today?" Liam asked me through my phone, Liam and the other boys even Niall who found out a couple days ago call me every day to check on me and the babies. "Yeah I am," I smile as I gather my clothes, I'm four months pregnant now and pretty big. "Well you better call me and the boys right after so we know what kinda stuff to buy them," Liam chuckles, I sigh laughing a little "I told you Liam I don't want you to buy the babies anything." Liam sighs, "And I told you Zoey we're gonna buy them whatever they want, even if you don't want us to," I chuckled at Liam's sternness, "Alright Alright I'll you call you after my doctors appointment." We said our goodbyes, I tossed my phone onto my bed so I could get ready. I had on a pair of dark blue sweats that said "If Bae Means Bish Always Eating... Then Yes I Am Your Bae," in sliver letters on my bum, a gray v-neck that said "Who Cares What You Think" in black cursive letters with a peace sign under it. I found my royal blue beanie that said in gray letters, "Is that what you think....well good for you." I took a quick shower and slipped on my clothes and my blue flats, and waited for Nila and Natasha. Megan went to see her cousin who just got home from the army, she told me to tell her what the babies were as soon as I found out, and Ellie had to watch her brother and sister, Felix and Diana. Ellie told me she'll find someone else to watch them, but I couldn't allow her to do that. "Let's go!" I heard Nila yell into my house, I grabbed my purse and ran to the car. Natasha was wearing a purple half shirt that said "If you don't like how I look....then there's the door," with an open door under it, she has black shorts on and purple flats. She had a black beanie that says "Peace and love..haha no, peace and food," in purple bubble letters. Nila had a half teal shirt that said, "Don't Love Me....Well Then Fuck You" in sliver letters, she had black jean shorts and a teal beanie that said "Eh who needs happiness when I got food" in black letters and she had teal flats.

In Hospital Room

Mark and Lisa pulled me in a tight hug, Lisa looked at me and smiled "Wow you've gotten big." I laugh and sit down, "Ready to find out the gender?" Mark asked me, "Ready as I'll ever be." Finally Mark came in with a big smile, "I'm more then happy to tell you that you'll be having a girl and a boy," I sat there shocked a huge smiling tugging on my lips, "I'm gonna have my prince and my princess?" Lisa nodded her head, I squealed I couldn't wait to tell the boys and the girls that they will have a nephew and a niece.

Back Home After Doctors

"That's great Zo I can't wait to tell the others," Liam said cheerfully when I told him the news over the phone. All the girls already knew the boys to Liam was the last person I had to tell....besides my mum/dad, Louis's mum/dad and of course Louis. "I have some news," Liam said nervously before I could speak, "Alright what is..." I was cut off by Nila and Natasha coming into the room. "Hey do you mind if I leave Zayn asked me to hang out?" Natasha asked, "Yeah sure go ahead." Ni sat down on the couch next to me and sighed, "What?" I asked her. "Oh nothing I just wish...I could go see Harry," I laugh, "then go." "I can't we need to...." I cut her off before she can sat anything else, "Go I don't need a babysitter." It took a lot to convince them but they eventually left. "Hey Li I'm back," he took a few minutes to answer then said "Are you alone?" I was a little confused but still answered "Um yeah I am." He sighed "Good cause I have something important to tell you, its a secret," I node my head but realise he can't see me, "OK what is it?" "No no," Liam protest "I can't tell you over the phone I'll be down soon," before I could say anything he hangs up. I'm curious to know what it is, I guess I'll have to wait.


So its a girl and boy!! yay oh and theres nothing going on between Liam and Zoey, Liam is just like her brother but someone is gonna come back and you may not like it. But anyway you know what to do my fluffy unicorn peasants bye

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