The Revealed Plan And Is It Worth It?

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Zoey's POV: Next Week

"Are you OK? You've been acting weird," Nila asked me from the couch. I shrug my shoulders, I was told by the boys not to tell them the plan, but I couldn't keep it in anymore. I sat on the couch next to Nila and saw she was watching Twilight, she was basically drooling over Emmett. I laugh at her, "Hey your taken" she looks at me, "Yeah doesn't mean I can't look" gives me a smirk and goes back to her movie. I smile and look at Natasha who was in the kitchen cooking, she's been doing that a lot since I got pregnant. I'm almost six months pregnant now so I'm pretty big, and the boys are trying to convince Louis that Emily isn't pregnant but so far no luck. But we have a video, what video well that's part of the plan. "Alright girls gather around," I called to the girls, they all sat down just like last week. "Alright here's the thing remember Harry mentioning a plan?" everyone nodes but Ellie, "You were with Niall." She smiles and nodes, "OK here's the plan."

Back To When Liam Told The Plan

The door opened and Liam stood there looking at me and Derek, I pulled away and Liam gave a death glare to a confused Derek. "Hey Li want did you want to tell me?" I ask him smiling, "Harry has a plan." Its plan time. "I thought he was kidding," I laugh a bit, Liam shakes his head "Nope he's serous." Liam sits down on the couch and starts explaining. Harry's plan was to confront her alone in a room with cameras around and try to get her to confess, not very good I know but we were desperate. So for that last couple days Harry has been buying cameras and microphones, he said he's placing them in the dressing room. The plan was in motion.

End Of Plan

"So Harry's is a master mind now?" Ellie laughs and Ni hits her with a pillow, I smile at them. "Yes Harry came up with the plan," I laugh, and Nila smiles. "So did the plan work?" Peachcat asked me popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth, I grabbed a handful from her bowl and she laughed. "I guess the boys said they have the tape and are coming to show me tomorrow," I shrugged, "Well aren't you happy that you might be getting Lou back" Megan poked my side. "I don't know......I'm not even sure if its worth it anymore," I sighed, "It is trust me" Nila said. I looked at Derek who had a sour look on his face, I smile and he fakes one back. What's wrong with him?


so read My Saviours From The Dark by Coral_Edmunds and I'm the coauthor :) so check it out please thanks and read The Bad Girls...And The Bad Boys also The New Boarding School by Zaynmaliks_babe965 and that's it you know what to do my fluffy unicorn peasants bye

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