Day In The Sun

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Zoey's POV

"Louis stop!" I sequel as my best friend picks me up and runs towards the pool in my backyard.  I was in my red and black bikini and him in blue swimming trunks, his hand brushed my bare waist causing my tanned skin to tingle. You see while all my friends needed to sit out in the sun or paying tuns of money to get tanned, not me I'm Italian so I'm tanned already. I was born in Rome Italy on October 25 1991, I moved to Doncaster England when I was 4. I met Louis when I moved next door to him, were both 16 now. My brother Jamie was in the pool laughing as Louis ran as fast as he could, Jamie had blonde hair that he got from our Dad, Ray Carter, and blue eyes like my mom Sarah Carter. Jamie was fit as he could be, he was 17, a year older than me. Janet Carter, my sister, sat on one of the beach chairs reading a book called "The City Of Bones," by Cassandra Clare. Louis tossed me in the pool, the water was freezing cold. I came up out of the crystal blue water, with my teeth chattering like crazy.

Louis smiled at me while I glared at him, Jamie walked over to me and hugged me. Jamie's real name was James but to me he will always be Jamie and he was fine with that because to him I will always be Zo Zo to him. "Awe Zo Zo your shivering," Jamie cooed as his warmth started to help my cold skin. Louis looked sad and walked over to me, Jamie smirked at me. Then he grabbed Lou and pulled him into the pool, I laughed as Louis came up the same way that I did. "Awe Lou Boo," I cooed as I wrapped my small arms around his waist, everyone was chuckling which cause Lou to blush. We spent the day hanging out in the pool, when it was 8:00 Lou was about to leave. He turned around about to say good bye when I surprised him by saying, "Stay it'll be like old times when we had sleep covers." When we were little we always slept over each others house but now that we're older its not like old times. Lou smiled and called his mum then followed me upstairs to my bed room. I know what your thinking "Your parents allow a 16 year old boy to sleep in your room?!" well think my parents knew him since he was 4 so they trust him. I changed into a pair of gray short shorts and a black tank top, Louis in a pair of basketball shorts he left here from last time. We curled up in the bed together, in each others arms, happy and warm. Oh I forgot to introduce myself Hi I'm Zoey, Zoey Carter and that gorgeous boy next to me is my best friend Louis Tomlinson.
so first chapter!!! How do you like it? Please check out The Burning Sunrise for me :) byeee

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