Anonymous (Grayson Dolan)

By dolansinwriting

126K 2.4K 1.4K

In which a girl gets a message from an anonymous guy. Highest Rankings #5 Dolantwins #18 in YouTube More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 23

2.7K 49 12
By dolansinwriting


I laid in my bed listening to the rain hit the roof above my head and the thunder rumble in my ears. I looked to the left and my alarm clock read 2:16 am.

Grayson stirred in his sleep and I saw him lift his head to check if I was sleeping or not.

"Why are you up?" He asked and kissed my shoulder.

"Can't sleep." I turned to him and he looked at me as he laid on his side, his hands pressed together underneath his cheek on the pillow.

"Get up." He smiled and quickly got out of bed, putting a hoodie and adidas track pants on.

He threw me his hoodie and I put on sweatpants over my shorts, then we put on our shoes. "Where are we going?" I giggled

"On a drive. Where's your keys?" He asked and looked around the dimly lit room.

"Downstairs. We have to be quiet though so I don't wake up my parents." I opened up my bedroom door and Grayson and I walked downstairs and to the front door where I grabbed my keys off the table and handed them to Grayson. "You're driving."

He smiled and took the keys then he put my hood up over my head, and did the same with his.

I unlocked the front door and we jogged to the car, trying to avoid getting too wet and quickly got in.

We drove around for a while listening to random songs, so I decided to get comfortable and sit sideways on the seat, facing Grayson, with my knees to my chest.

A song popped into my head and I had to listen to it as it's one of my favorite songs. "Can I play a song?" I asked Grayson and he agreed, then handed me his phone.

I typed in the song and it started playing immediately.

I admired all of Grayson's features when the street lights hit his face, then disappeared for a second, but soon came back.

The rain quickly hit the car, the windshield wipers pushing the rain off the glass and thunder rumbled from a distance, giving me goosebumps, as thunderstorms have always been relaxing to me.

Grayson brought his right hand down to the cup holders and I held onto it with my right hand, running my thumb across his wrist, and soon running my nails along his veiny arm. His shoulders slouching signaling that it calmed him.

He's so beautiful.

He glanced over at me and smiled, causing butterflies in my stomach, but I admired him in silence, like in museums, the art doesn't need to be expressed out loud, just shown.

He gently squeezed my hand to let me know he acknowledges me, and I squeezed back in response. I felt my eyes close, but I stayed awake, as this is a moment I don't want to forget.

I took a video of him mouthing the words to the song, then he looked at me and smiled wide.

"Pull over here." I said over the music and Grayson pulled into the parking lot of a fast food restaurant.

I unbuckled and quickly leaned over to him and kissed him, and his hand went to my face, making the kiss more powerful, and just feel better.

He pulled me onto his lap, then we continued kissing, and his hands moved to my hips, my arms wrapping around his neck just to make sure our bodies were as close as possible.

I stopped kissing him, and just hugged him. "I love you." He mumbled into my neck, so I leaned in to kiss him, to tell him that what he said was okay, but I couldn't say it back. I don't know if that's how I feel yet.

"I just want to stay like this forever." I said once I separated from our kiss.

"Me too." He started placing soft kisses on my neck, making me giggle from being tickled. His teeth nibbled on my neck, making me close my eyes and tilt my neck so he got a better angle. "I don't think you know how irresistible you are." He said, his warm breath against my neck, making me smile and reattaching his lips to my skin.

"No, last time you gave me a hickey Ally kept asking what it was." I laughed and he smiled on me.

"You're right. But you're mine, so it's okay." He kissed my jaw and I leaned away from him.

"Shut up." I covered his mouth with my hand and I felt his lips curve upwards. "We should probably go home. It's like 3:30."

"You can't just leave me hanging like that." He mumbled and I took my hand off his mouth.

"Yes. I. Can." I said in between kisses then got off his lap, struggling to get back to the passenger's seat.

"Hold my hand." He demanded and reached his hand over to mine, which I gladly laced my hand with his, bringing our hands to my lap. "Okay lets go back to your house." He drove out of the parking lot and went in the direction of my house.

After a while of us singing to KYLE we got to my house and snuck back in, heading straight to my room.

I took off my shoes and sweatpants and watched Grayson slide off his hoodie, revealing his bare upper body, and kicking off his pants, as he likes to sleep in minimal clothing.

I took off the hoodie he threw at me and we both got into my bed, getting comfortable. "You're so pretty." He said as he looked at me, his eyes moving to every inch of my face, examining everything.

"Whatever." I smiled and rolled onto my stomach, going through snapchat.

I went to Ethan's snapchat from a few hours ago. "Grayson. Come home and take care of me right now! Stop being couple goals with Peyton and feed me soup." I laughed and looked over at Grayson who just stared in awe.

"What?" I chuckled, "I'm trying to watch snapchats, and you're staring at me like a weirdo."

"Are we in a serious relationship? Like I want a future with you, not just a fling."

"Gray. I said yes, because I'm serious about you, I'm not the type of person for a fling. I'm all in." I smiled and brought my hand to his chest, running the tips of my fingers over his body hair that I find so unbelievably attractive.

"Okay, if this is a serious relationship, I want to know more about you. Like, why are you the person you are today?" His hand ran up and down my shoulder and arm, calming me down.

"My life is a series of stupidity that I brought to myself. You'd be better off not knowing."

"I want to know."

I inhaled deeply, preparing myself to relive those memories. "When I was younger I used to act out a lot. My mom could barely handle me, and then as I got older, I started hanging out with people who weren't good for me, and I didn't care." I licked my lips nervous of what he'd think about me. "Once high school hit, I had a large group of friends, who all started to leave, one by one, and I didn't know why, I just blamed everything around me."

His eyebrows furrowed and he kept his stare on me, but I just looked at his chest slowly rising and falling. "Towards the end of high school I only had one friend left, who's been my best friend since preschool. Dylan. And my whole life, I've felt like people were just going to leave, so I never got close to people like that. And I took that out on Ally and my parents."

"Yeah." He said, signaling for me to keep going.

"My junior and senior year of high school I partied a lot, and I came home drunk like every night, but I got into exercising and going outside and hanging out with Dylan, it slowly started to make things better, and he soon showed me these Youtubers who taught me to always be myself, no matter what, because that's the only person I have at times."

"Was it me?" I felt my heart sink because he was right. It was him.

"Yeah. So that's what I did. I stopped drinking, stopped partying, and I got into college. And my freshman year was hard. I constantly wanted to drink because that's what I did when I felt stressed or upset, but I did it. And next week, I'm officially 18 months sober."

"Do you hunk you're a better person now?"

"I do. I think I've improved a lot, and taught myself how to deal with situations better."

"I respect you so much more now. You're seriously the most amazing person I've met, and I can't wait to see what our future holds." His hand moved to the back of my neck and he pulled me in to kiss him. Our kiss was slow, and passionate, making me feel all of the love he's feeling.

"Thank you, for being the reason I am who I am today."

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