Leave A Note

By 1998izzy

3.8K 243 23

Melissa Hughes is a typical teenage girl except for one thing... she HATES boys, expecially one player named... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
BC: Melissa's Mother's Day
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Author's Note
Chapter Eleven
Author's Note
Chapter Thirteen: The Three
Author's Note
Chapter Fourteen: The Past
Chapter Fifteen: Home
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen
Bonus Chapter- Merry Christmas
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twelve: Life Or Death

124 9 2
By 1998izzy


That's all I felt as I looked down at my lifeless mother. She was pale white, and her eyes were dead.

I'm so stupid. I had the opportunity; I should have stayed with her while I could, but now it's too late.

It all started an hour ago...


"Idiot." I mumbled. I couldn't admit my song had yet to start being made, and yet I had pretty much just declared war with Mark.

After school had ended for the day, I was heading to the hospital to visit mum again. I decided to ditch my car as it was only a five minute walk. Shortly after; I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. This wasn't usual for this time of day.

I opened the message that was flashing across my screen.

Hey beautiful-NB

I rolled my eyes and decided to reply immediately,

How would you know I'm beautiful, we haven't even met?-NG

It's on the inside that counts-NB

I suppressed a laugh, because that is cheesy beyond compare.

That's deep, but now is not a good time.-NG

He replied immediately, showing his evident concern.

What's wrong?-NB

It's personal.-NG

We're strangers right, who better to tell than me.-NB

Well that is a good point...

I sighed as I slowly began to give into my urge to tell him. It couldn't hurt right? He didn't even know me or anything about me.

My mum is dying and I'm stupid enough to think that she could still come back from this.-NG

Admitting the simple truth was hard; probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She is not coming back, she may be alive by law, but she is already gone.

If it's any conciliation, I know how you feel.-NB

I rolled my eyes, how could he possibly understand what I'm going through?!

Is your mum dying too?-NG


Then how could you possibly understand how I feel.-NG

I was getting a bit mad now; I hated people who claimed they know how it feels when they really have no clue.

It took a matter of minutes until I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

I looked down and read the one message that had my heart shattering to pieces:

Both my parents are dead.-NB

Holy crap, I’m such a b*tch. Why did I say that?

The only thing I could think to do was apologize, and I did. Profusely.

I must have sent at least ten texts saying sorry until I was satisfied he accepted it.

Anyway, I have practice. I've got to go.-NB

You play an instrument?-NG

Something like that...-NB

What do you mean?-NG

By now I had arrived at my mother’s hospital room. I looked across at her motionless body and couldn't help but wish things were different.

Looking on the table beside me, I saw a note:

'Went to the canteen with Nina for food, brb -Sophia'

I let out a sigh.

I wish I had more time...

I looked back down at my phone taking a seat near the wall and spent about ten minutes after that staring at my phone. It was clear by then that he wasn't going to answer, but I kept watching it anyway.

"Forever" I heard a mumble from across the room.

My eyes immediately shot up to find the source but there was no one there. "Hello?" I called into thin air.

"Forever," They repeated, I noticed a movement from the bed and though it took me a moment, I realized mum was awake.

"Mum?" I asked in disbelief.

She slowly opened her eyes as I approached where she lay.

"Mel." She whispered. I didn't like the tone of her voice, she was so quiet and pale, and it was sickening.

Tear sprung to my eyes and I grabbed a hold of her hand, suppressing a sob as I said, "It's me mum, I'm here."

Her head turned to look at me and straight away I knew something wasn't right.

Her green eyes had lost all their brilliance and were now turning dark grey in colour.

"I'm dying Mel." She stated, confirming my previous feeling.

I shook my head violently, tears streaming down my face. "No. No, you're not. You're going to be fine."

"Sweetie, look at me."

I managed to bring my gaze to her eyes, and that action alone caused me to sob.

"I love you and I want you to always be great. Never hold back, not for me or anyone-"

"What are you saying?!" I cried hysterically, "Stop!"

It felt like she was tearing my heart out from her words alone. It was clear now she had given up any hope of fighting and was willing to accept death.

"You are smart; you are kind, you are important." She quoted the movie, 'The Help." It had always been my favourite book and movie, hers too, it was one of the things we had in common, one of our favourite things to watch or read together.

I shook my head again, looking away from her lifeless eyes.

"I need you to remember that even when I'm gone," Her eyes began to close and her voice became a mere whisper, "I'll be with you forever."

I shook her hand, then her arm and in turn, her entire body but she wouldn't move. A second later I heard a beeping sound and I looked up to see the monitor had flat lined.

I glanced back to the door and caught a flash of something.

Was that...? No. It couldn't be.

I shook the thought away immediately. He died. I saw it... I caused it. All of it.

I ran to the door and started screaming for help.

Footsteps were audible as a nurse, 3 doctors and two very scared looking girls rounded the corner towards me.

I watched helplessly as they shocked her, performed CPR and pretty much tried everything to revive her for 10 minutes.

My eyes burnt with tears when I saw one turn the monitor off and someone say the dreaded words, "Time of death."

My world came crumbling down around me as I fell to the floor and sobbed.

I felt a thud beside me and raised my head just far enough to see a historical Nina in the same position as me.

I didn't think twice as I scooped her limp body into my arms and held her tightly. I could feel her tears going through my shirt, but I could care less.

"Shh..." I hushed, rocking her back and forth like a baby.

"S-sh-she's d-dead." Nina sobbed.

I looked up at Sophia for a moment to see that she, too, had a tear rolling down her cheek.


I around the room with wide eyes looking for the source of sound but saw nothing.

All the doctors stood silently in place and so did Nina and Sophia.

"Did you just hear that?" I asked no one in particular while rising to my feet.

They all looked at me as if I was mad, "Hear what?" Sophia asked.

I shook my head, "Nothing."

Sophia looked concerned for a while but kept her mouth shut.

"Let's go." I suggested.


I looked down at Nina whose eyes were swollen and had an endless supply of tears coming out.


"No!" she shouted again, "I'm not leaving her."

"Nina, we have to go." I mumbled, not really wanting to leave myself.

She turned her head up to glare at me but the softness of her voice ruined any effect of being scary. "We can't leave mum."

I knelt down to her level and forced her to look in my eyes, "That's not mum anymore, mum's gone."

Nina closed her eyes slowly and collapsed to her back. It was actually rather scary, as if everything was going in slow motion.

One of the doctors rushed over to check she was ok and he announced that she had just fainted which was common when someone gets big news and go in shock.

I nodded and looked up at him while cradling my sister’s head.

What are you going to do with her now?" I asked motioning to the bed where my  mother lay. I felt a tear hit my cheek but tried my best to stay composed.

"We'll get an autopsy, but my best guess is that she died from organ failure due to the blood she lost." He informed me.

I nodded once before picking Nina up, it wasn't that hard as she only weighed about 50kg.

"We can get you a wheelchair." The nurse suggested, gesturing to Nina.

I shook my head as a silent 'no', and proceeded away from the room with Sophia hot on my heels.

We started towards Sophia's office. Yes by the way, she does have an office, but honestly it's more like a bedroom for her at the hospital, not that she lives here or anything.

"What now?" Sophia asked once we reached the room.

I gently placed Nina in the bottom bunk bed and looked back up at her.

"I don't know." I shrugged, keeping in the tears that threatened to fall.

Sophia shook her head rapidly, rushing over to me. "No, no, no," She demanded, "don't cry."

I smiled at her commanding tone, she hates when people cry.

"I know what might cheer you up!" She exclaimed suddenly, "We should see your siblings."

I looked at her confused, "Nina is right there."

She chuckled at my stupidity and then looked at me, "No dufus, the babies!"

My eyes widened.

Holy crap! I forgot that there was a baby, or should I say babies.

"What has happened to them?" I asked frantically.

I'm a horrible sister, I haven't asked about them this whole time.

"Calm down," She shushed, "They are in the nursery with the other new-borns. They are perfectly safe."

I sighed in relief, if they died too, I'd never forgive myself.

I kind of wanted to blame them for mum's death but no good would come of that. It would just make them sad and mum wouldn't have wanted that.

"Let's go see them." I agreed with a nod before we began walking towards where they lay.

"What is that?" I pointed to the card in Sophia's hand as she raised it to the door.

"A universal key card. It opens every door in this place except for the VIP area."

I raised an eyebrow, "Does your dad really trust you enough to give you that?"

She grinned evilly, "No, but I have enough over Will's head to get him to program it for me."

*A/N: Will is the friend who unlocked the VIP for them in chapter eight in case anyone forgot*

"You cunning little sneak." I muttered but she just winked in return, opening the door.

She walked over to the other side of the room while I stayed put. "Here." She pointed to three cribs which were in a line.

I stalked over to her, afraid that I'd wake one of the many babies in the room.

I looked up in time to see her rolled her eyes, "Waking one up won't be the end of the world."

"Have you ever held one of these things?" I whisper-yelled, "They're like ticking time bombs, the slightest movement will set them off."

She tilted her head in confusion, "Wouldn't that make them a motion bomb?"

"You know what I mean."

She laughed quietly as I finally reached them.

I smack her on the back of the head and was content when I heard a little 'ouch' from her.

I looked down at the three creatures in front of me and smiled.

They were beautiful.

The boy was in the middle with a girl on either side, and GOSH, were they right when they said the girls were identical; they even had a matching freckle on their necks.

I looked up at Sophia who was smiling down at them as if they were her own siblings. "What are their names?"

"They don't have any."

"What!" I exclaimed. Seriously, no one had bothered to name them.

"If you didn't notice, everyone was kind of focused on your mother."


"Am I meant to name them?" I asked.

She shrugged, "You could if you want, I'm sure your dad won't object."

"Do you want to name one?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up, "Really?"

I nodded in reassurance. "There's three of them and three of us. We should each name one. Boy or girl?"

"I'll go with girl as I don't want to wake up the boy." She decided as she picked up the girl on out right.

That makes two of us, I thought as I picked up the other girl who was awake.

They really are cute.

"Sage?" Sophia asked, not taking her eyes off the baby.

I smiled, that was a pretty name.

"Yes, Sage." I agreed.

I looked down at the little girl in my arms and I really wanted to name her Holly so they would rhyme but I fought the urge.

My face lit up as the perfect name came to my head...




Finally! It's really hard to write a death scene. I know it's short and not overly descriptive but I tried. The story should hopefully get better now that's over with. Originally, I was going to make the mum die in a plane crash after the birth but then I realized the could fly for a while after giving birth so I took this opportunity.

What do you think of the names? I know the boy hasnt been named yet, but thats coming soon, dont worry.

And who do you think was the person in the doorway near the beginning? Another spoiler alert, you haven't met him yet in the story.

Anyway, sorry for taking so long but I was having writers block, I'll try to update more frequently but next week I'm away on a snow trip. YAY!

Ok thanks for reading!


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