Catch me, I'm falling. (Lexa...

By GayTitanicOtps

299K 7.7K 5K

Lexa x reader. Lexa Woods is Arkadia High's brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. (Y... More

Meeting the characters.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 11

6.7K 184 179
By GayTitanicOtps

Lexa's POV.

The party hadn't truly cleared out until around three in the morning.

Lexa was beyond exhausted, and simply not drunk enough to deal with the feelings that were raging within her. After you had left, Lexa had all but fallen apart, willing herself to stay intact for Costia, and all the other spectators that had gathered in their home for a good time.

She'd danced, she'd laughed along with wry jokes, but she simply couldn't stop thinking about you.

She was willing to forget the fact that they'd almost kissed. The fact that they'd had such an intimate, deep display of affection. She was willing to forget it all.

What she worried about was how inebriated you had been for the drive home. She knew little of where you lived. What if it was far? Why hadn't she stopped you in time?

Lexa couldn't help the thoughts that infected her brain as she picked up every cup, napkin, and plate that she'd found littered on the floor.

It had almost been four in the morning when she and Costia had retired up to her makeshift room, forgetting entirely about Anya and Aden, both of whom hadn't been seen since midnight.

Lexa knew Aden had retired to get a decent night's sleep.

She wasn't so sure about Anya.

Lexa didn't bother changing as she sat on the edge of the bed with a huff, head in her hands.

You could have been dead in a ditch, somewhere.

You could have been bleeding out on the sidewalk, thrown from your car by your own reckless driving.

Lexa needed to know that you were okay.

She'd called, three times. She'd sent text after text.

Hell, she even wished she'd had your moms number, just to calm her nerves.

She had no assurance that you were okay, and it was killing her.

"Baby." Costia purred into her ear, and she was suddenly aware of her girlfriend's weight, straddling her back to the bed. "What's wrong? Too many shots?"

Lexa's hand ran down the small of Costia's back, warningly, and her girlfriend was beside her and off in seconds.

"No." Lexa sighed. She felt the heavy weight of guilt settle in on her chest. "It's nothing."

"Babe?" Costia looked up into her eyes, concern glowing through them. "Is this about (Y/n) driving home? I saw you calling after her."

Lexa felt her heart clench. Costia didn't deserve this.

"I don't really want to talk about it." Lexa murmured, standing to pull off her tank top.

"Alright." Costia acquiesced softly, eyes tracing Lexa's abs, not quite predatorily, but appreciatively. "It's just...It'd be bad irony if she got into an accident after...never mind." Costia shrugged with a sigh, eyes saddened for a moment. "I'm going to wash up."

Lexa's mouth was slightly parted after she left, and she felt chills coursing through her. After what? What had happened?

Lexa couldn't risk inquiring further, and yet, she was dying to know.

She couldn't stop thinking about the damage that was on her shoulders.

She couldn't stop thinking about you.

She'd barely noticed when Costia sauntered back in, wrapping her arms around Lexa's neck, pulling Lexa's bottom lip into her own as she murmured, her mouth full of Lexa's kisses, "Go to bed."

Lexa did not get more than two or three hours of sleep in her fear for you.

Her heartbeat was as erratic as her thoughts, until the soft light of a rainy morning entered her slit window, and Costia mumbled beside her as she stirred with a raging headache.

"Mmm Lexa where are you going?" Costia mumbled into her pillow.

Without a backwards glance, Lexa bit her lip to hold back her frown. "Saturday morning practice." She whispered, squeezing Costia's leg from over the cover as she hurried to change, guilt still weighing her down.

If Abby was at their practice, and the athletic trainer usually was, that meant you were okay.

Hypocritically, Lexa had never driven faster in her life.

Anya had stumbled out of her room, hair mussed, wearing a hoody and her athletic gear underneath, a sleepy, happy look in her eyes.

Lexa decided not to interrogate her, as she knew she'd get one in response. Instead, she'd wordlessly handed her cousin a coffee, and the two drove in relative silence.

Anya seemed surprised that Lexa hadn't broken into snarky or reprimanding remarks yet.

Lexa was simply too worried to care.

She'd parked, and before she could say anything, Anya had decided to leap out and jog ahead, clearly very embarrassed by whatever the hell had happened the night before.

Lexa was alone, on the heart wrenching walk, which would end in the result of your fate.

She'd forgotten her jacket, wearing only her underarmour shirt and tights, and immediately regretted that as her stiff muscles shivered in the cold air. She shut her car door, folding her arms as she made her way up the soaked pavement, noticing that her teammate's cars were already in the field lot.

She was a little late, but being captain had its privileges.

Lexa tried to tame herself, tried to school her thoughts. She tried not to think of your quivering lips, begging to be taken in by hers. She tried not think of you, alone and cold, driving home with bad reaction time and muddled thoughts.

She tried, and failed.

With reckless abandon, Lexa found herself running the rest of the way, eyes scanning the field for the athletic trainer, ignoring Lincoln's looks of confusion.

She found that Abby was nowhere in sight. Leaning against the goalpost, Lexa heaved in a great breath of air, head hanging, as she tried not to hyperventilate.

God, you were dead.

"Fuck." Lexa bit her lip, trying to keep the tears from spilling out. She was thankful her teammates were all the way across the field, dutifully stretching, chalking Lexa's weird behavior up to nothing more than a hangover.

"(Y/n), can you get Woods over here? She needs to wrap her ankles." Abby (Y/l/n)'s voice, sounding from behind the shed by the edge of the field, rang in Lexa's ears.

"Sure, mom." Your voice was music to Lexa's ringing ears. It was brightness. It was melodious and soft and sweet, and just a little husky, the way Lexa liked it.

"Lexa?" Your voice sounded soft from behind her as she felt a shaky hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Lexa's gaze shot up, and she was swimming in your (Y/e/c) eyes, the most beautiful color Lexa had ever seen. You were there, alive and well, bundled up in a large leather jacket, frowning at Lexa's distraught expression.

Lexa started shaking. She launched herself at the girl, pulling you into the warmest of embraces, burying her face in the slightly shorter girl's hair as she took in everything that was you: your scent, your smile, the feel of your arms tentatively wrapping around Lexa.

You let out a whimper of surprise before latching onto Lexa, the curiosity evident in your tone.

Lexa pulled back, only slightly, just to look into your eyes. "I thought I lost you." She whispered, her eyes tracing your lips. "Don't you ever scare me like that again."

You just nodded numbly, taken aback.

You'd expected awkwardness, maybe Lexa ignoring you, but...never this. Never such immense care, fierceness and protectiveness. You knew you'd had a lot to drink. You'd pulled out of their driveway before resting at the foot of it, downing water and waiting before you thought you'd be able to handle yourself.

But Lexa hadn't known that.

Lexa had worried about you.

"Woods!" Abby called, voice shrill, rolling her eyes. "Like, today, honey!"

Lexa flashed you a weak smile, and you felt your knees buckle.

"So...we're good...?" You blurted out uncontrollably, thinking more and more about Lexa's lips than anything else.

"We're good." Lexa affirmed, awkwardly clearing her throat as she gave you one last smile of relief, her heart practically exploding with happiness as she ran towards Abby, leaving you to question everything you ever knew.

Your POV.

"Ooh, (Y/l/n), it's your favorite person, coming in hot."

You scowled and shot an annoyed look in the direction of Murphy, who had recently started working at the Dropship alongside yourself and Octavia, working as a chef when Miller was unavailable and a waiter when otherwise. His disposition didn't exactly scream customer service, however.

True to his words, though, you could spy Lexa and Costia walking in through the door, the latter with her arm slung over Costia's shoulder nonchalantly, pressing her mouth close to her girlfriend's ears as though to whisper something, and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation.

Not that you had any reason to be irritated. You'd known from the very start that Lexa and Costia were dating, and they seemed very happy together, all wide smiles and giggles and shared looks. But you couldn't help but be... envious?

Everything had been so much easier when you had been set on hating Lexa, and when Lexa had hated you right back.

Now, everything was jumbled in your head, and you weren't sure what you felt anymore. Lexa had shown time and time again that, for reasons unbeknownst to you, she actually cared for you. Truly, genuinely cared.

She'd held you when you were most vulnerable, and the intensity with which she'd hugged you earlier in the day... it was confusing, to say the least. And not to mention the almost kiss that they'd shared. You didn't even want to think about that, or about the way it had felt like a flurry of hundreds of butterflies had tried to escape you stomach in that one moment, that you had wanted Lexa to go for it. You didn't know quite how to face the other girl, especially not now.

"Well?" You stifled a sigh when Murphy quirked his eyebrow at you expectantly. "Wells told me Woods asks for you specifically, so I'm not gonna waste my energy and go over there. And besides, I thought you and Blake Jr. were competing for employee of the month or some shit like that."

"Indeed they are," Wells interrupted, causing Murphy to startle slightly, "and if you want that title, Murphy, I'd keep the language G, there are kids here, after all." Murphy scowled at the older boy with a roll of his eyes.

"Me? Employee of the month? Fat chance."

While the two continued to talk, you took a long breath, steeling yourself before putting on your best customer service smile and walking out of the kitchen, notepad and two menus in hand.

"Hi there, welcome to the Dropship," you greeted, handing them both menus cheerfully, feeling much more exuberant on the outside than you did on the inside, where you were sleep deprived and grumpy. "As always, I'm (Y/n) and I'll be your server for the evening, can I start you two off with some drinks?"

"Just a diet coke for me, thanks," said Costia.

"Sparkling water, please," Lexa added, and you nodded.

"I'll go get those for you really quickly and give you a second to look at the menus." With another quick, artificial smile, you made your hasty retreat to the kitchen to retrieve their drinks, ignoring Murphy's smirking.

"Well aren't you just the cheeriest little thing?" he teased, and you wordlessly flipped him the bird, hiding a smile when he pretended to be offended. "(Y/l/n)! How entirely unwelcoming of you!"

"Love you, Murph," you laughed before walking out, drinks in hand, back to the couple talking quietly amongst themselves.

"Here you go," you opened, setting down the drinks in front of the two, being perhaps unnaturally friendly at this point, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. What you really wanted to do was go home, collapse on your bed, and sleep for the rest of the weekend. "Are you ready to order or do you need more time?"

"I think we're ready to order," Costia responded, doing another quick once-over of the menu, "I'll have the chicken club, with a side of curly fries. Babe?" You turned to Lexa, who looked up quickly, setting her menu down.

"House burger," Lexa decided, "with a side of sweet potato fries, please." You nodded, accepting the menus before heading back to the kitchen.

"Chicken club and a house burger," you directed Murphy, "and two sides of fries: one curly, one sweet potato."

"Sweet potato fries?" Murphy scoffed. "Nobody orders those."

"This is Lexa Woods we're talking about here, Murph," you deadpanned, "she orders sparkling water , for christ's sake."

Lexa Woods was an interesting one, that was for sure.

"Hey, rich people are allowed to have quirks, I guess," he shrugged, moving around as he placed a chicken breast and hamburger on the grill, whistling to himself. Asshole he might have been, but John Murphy knew his way around a kitchen.

"I just want to go home," you groaned, resisting the urge to slam your head into the door, ignoring the smell of grease, which didn't sit well with your already grumbling stomach, which you ignored.

"I'm sure I can think of something to get you out of here," Murphy laughed, brushing some of the Dropship's signature sauce on both items, before moving to lower the fries into the deep fryer.

"Really?" You asked.

"Have you met me, (Y/l/n)? I'm practically the king of weaseling my way out of work." He popped a sweet potato fry into his mouth and made a face. "Man, Woods can have these, fries aren't supposed to be healthy."

The two of them made idle chatter for a while, mainly comprised of Murphy making snarky comments and you bemoaning your fate, and you found herself missing Octavia's company, though you would never admit it to the other girl. She was too busy working on her english project with Raven to come, so you were alone with your sarcastic friend. Not that you minded, you and Murphy got along rather well considering his usual demeanor, but you were exhausted .

"Order up." Murphy grinned at you, and you shook your head as you accepted the two plates of food, fixing some stray hairs from your bun before walking back out the door and to Costia and Lexa, who were waiting for their food.

"One chicken club and one house burger," you announced, setting the food down.

"Thank you," Lexa smiled.

"Can I get you anything else? Refills?"

"Just some water, thanks," Costia asked politely, and you nodded. As you turned to go walk back in the direction of the kitchen, she saw Murphy exiting, pitcher of water in hand. your (Y/e/c) eyes narrowed, wondering what exactly the brown haired boy was up to, and widened slightly in realization when you saw the glint in his icy blue gaze. Several feet away from you, he "tripped", and water flew all over you, and you yelped as the freezing liquid sufficiently doused you.

You were dripping.

And not in the good way.

Costia and Lexa both made similar noises of surprise, but were safely out of the splash zone. Murphy had positioned his little "fall" so that the water would spill on you and you only, as even he knew it was best not to nearly drown the daughter of one of their investors.

Lexa reached her hands out as though to help, but withdrew them so quickly you almost laughed, and you could see Costia gaping at her girlfriend. It wasn't as though she could just reach out and pat you boobs... oh sunova...

You drew your arms around your boobs almost protectively, scowling at Murphy, who offered you a cheeky grin as he got up from the ground. White shirts weren't exactly meant for water exposure, and you thanked whatever higher of forces of nature that existed that today you'd at least worn a cute bra, that was baby blue in color, with decorative lace bits. If Lexa and Costia were going to get an eyeful, you might as well have given them a good one. Though you preferred Costia not been there at all. Lexa, on the other hand...

You shook your head and shivered.

"Oh, so sorry," Murphy, ever the convincing liar, apologized, "clumsy me."

Lexa wordlessly offered you her letterman, but you shook your head, teeth chattering slightly. The cool AC in the building didn't exactly help with your predicament.

"(Y/n)?" You turned to see Wells looking at you with concern. "Go home early, you've got the rest of the night off." You nodded, and shot a small smile in Murphy's direction, and the boy offered you a jaunty salute, before you made your hasty retreat.

His methods were efficient, to say the least.


You had left school around nearly nine in evening, one of the many consequences of joining the Grounder Gazette's editorial staff, who often worked ungodly hours to meet the deadlines for printing. As if that hadn't been tiring enough, you also had to watch pre-printing preview after preview of Lexa's flawless face, as she was, predictably, on the front cover yet again.

While the newsroom had still been bustling, and you knew it would progress well into the wee hours of the morning, you found yourself slipping out early, thanking the higher powers that you were in Monroe's good graces, as you needed to make a last ditch effort at studying for Kane's history exam, scheduling for the following day.

You threw your bag lazily over your shoulder, and then your hood, grimacing just a little as you covered your (Y/h/c) locks.

You had always hated the rain. The rain often meant storms, storms meant terribly driving visibility. Ergo, you hated the rain.

You made your way across the ghost-town of a campus, feeling suddenly very lonely and admittedly, a little scared. The fog had settled in around you in the cool October air, and you could barely see more than fifteen feet in any direction.

There were no sounds, no usual chatter of squawking freshmen, or grumbling, jaded seniors. There was no obnoxious talk of Lexa Woods of football, no teachers yelling at students to stop running.

There was pure, uncut silence.

You felt your heartbeat quicken slightly. You hated being alone, ever since the incident. The storm wasn't helping at all, either.

As the crystalline drops of rain beat down on your head and soaked your backpack, you hurried to the senior lot, where only three or four cars remained. You figured them to be those of the editing staff. Unlocking your door with a huff, you tossed your bag in the back seat, already soaked from just the short walk from the building to the car.

You slid into the driver's seat, shutting the door as you flicked on your headlights, turning the key into the ignition, waiting for the car to roar to life so you could warm yourself slightly, even though the car would take most of the way home to heat up.

You hated your car. It was embarrassing, to say the least, and not what you was originally slated to receive. Your father had said that however much you had saved by the time she turned sixteen, he would match, and that would be your budget. Diligently and carefully, you had amassed nearly 12,000 dollars, enough for a brand new sedan of some sort, with capabilities from this century.

Unfortunately, with Jake's passing, the failure of their life insurance, and Abby's choice to step down from her high paying job, you were left with "Death on Wheels."

Still, it got you around from point A to point B, and that was all you needed.

Until it didn't.

Your face screwed into one of confusion and horror as you turned the key into the ignition more forcefully, waiting for the dilapidated engine to roar to life.

Still, it stalled.

You knew, in this moment, that it wasn't your battery. It was your engine, just as Raven had chided you about weeks ago. "(Y/n), it's dying." She had clicked her tongue in annoyance, knowledgeable from her apprenticeship as a mechanic in her uncle's auto shop. "You've gotta come in, let me look at it."

You never did, and now you were paying for it.

"Come on." You grumbled in frustration, slamming your fist down on the dashboard, half expecting it to break in half at the measly contact. You turned, reaching into your bag for your cellphone, ready to apologize profusely to your mom, Raven, Octavia, whoever the hell had mercy on you.

The first zipper, where you normally kept your phone, was empty. The second zipper was, yet again, empty. You frantically searched through the third and final pocket, muttering,

"God, please, please, please..."

Of course, your phone wasn't there. Because nothing was ever easy for you.

"Goddammit!" You shrieked in frustration, hitting the horn with such intensity that you were sure, if any of your superiors were around, they would have reproached you for.

Your eyes suddenly closed at the impact of a bright light in your rearview mirror, as you recognized two bright, white headlights shining before rolling up beside you.

There, little rainy beads adorning the hood, was Lexa's sleek black Audi, the engine roaring more powerfully in its sedentary state than your car's did when it was doing eighty on the freeway.

Lexa parked her car parallel to yours, rolling down her window, smirk still in place. Clearly, she hadn't realized the weight of the situation.

You stifled a scream, instead opting to roll your window down, ready to fight Lexa to the bitter end. You noticed Lexa wearing her football scrimmage jersey, tattooed arms muscled, resting on the wheel, wet slightly.

Had she been practicing in the rain? This late at night? That wasn't suspicious.

"(Y/l/n), you might be too polite to know proper car horn etiquette, but typically, someone has to be there for you to honk at." Lexa teased, her voice throaty and undeniably comforting to you, who was hating every second of her presence, even though your traitor of a body seemed to be enjoying it.

"Oh?" You cocked a brow, your voice dripping with sarcasm. You slammed your fist down on the horn once more, grinning wickedly when Lexa threw her hands over her ears, cringing. "My bad." You laughed dryly as you removed your hand.

Lexa rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable." She muttered.

Well, at least the party hadn't changed their loveable dynamic.

"Listen, Lexa..." you sighed, jokes aside. "Could I maybe...use your phone? I need to call my mom, or Raven...for a ride home."

Lexa frowned, and for a moment, you thought she was just going to roll up her window and drive off.

Her next words surprised you. "It's late." She responded simply.

You laughed a little, clearly confused. "Um, yeah, it is. Why are you here?"

"Practice." Lexa replied, blinking her forest green gaze in your direction. "I enjoy running the track in the rain. It soothes me."

You shivered a little at the thought. Running and rain? What a hellish combination.

"Anyway..." you coughed, and Lexa seemed to snap back to attention.

"Right..." Lexa shook her head. "I mean, it's late. Why don't you leave your car here, and I can give you a ride home?"

You froze, eyes widening. "You...You'd do that?"

Lexa smiled softly at her, and you felt your heart hammering in your chest. "Of course."

"But..." you shook your head. "No, it's fine. I couldn't ask that. My mom will be here within an hour or two anyway, I don't think she was home..."

"You're not waiting here for an hour." Lexa tsked, and like that, she rolled her window, stepping out of her car.

You blinked. Where did she go?

Lexa made her way around the car, opening her passenger door, and then opening yours, ensuring it would be a short, mostly dry leap.

"Come on, (Y/n)." Lexa offered, standing in the rain, her eyes twinkling.

"I..." you felt thoughts of the incident surfacing and she quickly forced them down, along with the lump in your throat. "I uh..."

Lexa offered her hand to you, and without thinking, you took it, allowing Lexa to haul you up and guide you into the warm confines of Lexa's car.

"Watch your hands." Lexa murmured as she shut the door, grabbing your keys as she also grabbed your backpack, tossing it into the trunk and locking your doors as she got in beside you, handing your keys back to you.

"Oh, god..." you mumbled. "I'm sorry. I could've done that, I-"

"Relax, (Y/n)." Lexa smiled at you. "My pleasure."

You mulled over the words. Her pleasure.

How rapidly things were changing, evolving between the two.

Your eyes wandered around the leather, expensive interior of Lexa's car, which smelled like her perfume, which was absolutely heaven in itself. You let out a low whistle and Lexa smirked.

"I bet you get all the girls with this." You teased lightly, watching Lexa with a small smirk.

"I'm a one lady kind of woman, (Y/n)." Lexa responded tightly, her words laced with an urge that you felt rippling within you.

The irony was not lost on you, either, that she was referring to Costia.

Lexa leaned forward and pressed a button by you, and immediately, you felt heat seeping through the chair.

"How's that?" Lexa murmured.

You shook her head in amazement. You'd forgotten what luxury felt like. "Are you sure you don't want to be best friends, Airbud?" You smirked.

"Not a chance in hell." Lexa replied evenly, setting the car into motion.

You felt your stomach lurch nervously, but something in Lexa's relaxed posture said it all: she was a good driver with keen eyes on the road.

"Where do you live?" Lexa asked as she pulled out of the lot.

"Sounds like something a serial killer would ask." You responded wryly.

"Or a stalker, like Charlotte." Lexa added, nodding her head in amused agreement.

"How's that going for you? I think she's going to pop the question soon. Or murder Costia."

Lexa rolled her eyes. "Apart from being my stalker and all...she's alright. I wouldn't date a freshman, but...I don't want to hurt her feelings." She shrugged. "So when I can, I give her a few smiles. I signed up to be an English tutor, for my mandated community service hours, so...I'll be seeing more of her."

"Turn left." You instructed softly, and Lexa nodded, listening. "And oh, you're so generous." You teased. "Sparing a wink every now and then for the needy and the thirsty."

Lexa sighed in exasperation. "I knew you were going to be trouble." She smirked at you lightheartedly.

"Some music?" You smirked. "I haven't been in a car that has working audio in a long time."

"Poor soul." Lexa tutted. "I'm afraid my musical tastes won't cut it for you."

Your smirk grew as you reached towards the center console. "Why? You listen to rap? Songs about how many bitches you have?"

Lexa rolled her eyes, smiling through her exaggerated look. "No." She scoffed. "What do you take me for, (Y/n)? Firstly, I do not have, nor want, "bitches". Secondly, you're so far off, it's like you're trying to offend me."

You cranked the volume, ready for Lexa's lies to be exposed. Instead, you found the soft echoes and vibrations of classical music reverberating through the car, and the brunette's smile to accompany it.

"Bach's cello suite in G?" You scoffed.

"Well, at least you can recognize it." Lexa offered.

"I mean, of course I can. I'm a classic rock girl myself, but...My father listens to this."

"He's smart. Maybe that's where you get it from, since you certainly have your mother's determination." Lexa hummed quietly.

You felt your heart sink into your stomach. You didn't bother correcting Lexa, you didn't have the heart. It was too painful.

Instead, you found your hand wandering atop the stick shift, the leather surprisingly soft, smooth like- It was Lexa's hand.

"Sorry!" You nearly jumped out of your seat.

Lexa chuckled, shaking her head. "That's alright, (Y/n)." She followed your directions, tilting the wheel.

"So, you're Edward Cullen." You blurted out.

"Excuse me?" Lexa snorted.

"You're too smart for high school, athletically gifted, and a music snob." You smirked.

"Get out of my car, (Y/l/n)." Lexa scoffed, stopped outside your house, rolling her eyes.

Before you could even open your door, Lexa was out, jogging around, carrying your backpack for you as she led you to the door, watching as you fished your keys out of your bag, turning to the door.

"God, Lexa, I don't know how to thank you." You mumbled. "My mom's not even home, I don't know how long I would've waited."

Lexa handed her your to you, smiling, rosy tint on her cheeks. You tried not to stare at the way her wet clothes clung to her breathtaking frame. "Don't worry about it. That's what enemies are for."

"Enemies?" You echoed with a faint smile.

"Partners." Lexa shrugged, turning back to her car. "Goodnight, (Y/n)." She dipped her head slightly.

"Night, Lexa." You breathed, watching the beauty of a girl walk away to her car.

Aden's POV.

Aden was sprawled across the couch in the movie room, hanging upside down as he played videogames with Nam and Atom, who he was talking to over headsets. Anya was somewhere in the chairs behind him, scrolling through tumblr absentmindedly. A quick glance over his shoulder told him that Lexa was texting someone, and by the soft half-smile on her face, he could guess that it was you.

She had a certain smile reserved for whenever she was talking to the (Y/h/c). It wasn't the usual smirk that crossed her face whenever she was talking to Costia (about what, Aden didn't want to know), but something much more gentle. He'd seen that look on her face with increasing frequency after she'd spotted him and you at the mall, eating ice cream together, just enjoying one another's presence.

"Hey Lex?" Anya called without looking up from her phone. "Tell your girl she can't come to movie night this week." Lexa scoffed, still busily typing away.

"Why would (Y/n) come to—" she realized the mistake almost as soon as the words were out of her mouth, which hung open in a horrified manner. Aden felt his eyebrows raise much farther than he ever imagined possible, a wide grin stretching across his face. No matter what excuse he was sure Lexa would come up with, she'd just called you her girl.

"Wow, Lex, I didn't realize (Y/l/n) was your girl," Anya snorted, "you sure do move fast. I didn't even know you and Costco had broken up."

"I—" Lexa sputtered, "we didn't. She's not. (Y/l/n). That is, she's not my, um—my girl."

"Really?" Anya teased. "Because I could've sworn you referred to her as such just two seconds ago." Lexa was at a loss for words, and Aden was having a blast. He made a mental note to speed up the pacing in the itinerary, because apparently Lexa was in a lot deeper than he initially thought.

"I was texting (Y/n) and wasn't paying attention to what you were saying," Lexa defended hotly, "(Y/n) (Y/l/n) isn't and will never be my girl. I'm still dating Cos." As Anya muttered words of disbelief under her breath, Aden rolled his eyes to himself.

He was positive at this point that those words would come to bite Lexa in the ass.

Lexa's POV.

Normally, Lexa Woods was never swayed by the word "discount" as much as other high school students. While she dealt with her fair share of struggles, her financial situation was never one of them, her parents being the international business tycoons they were.

She and Aden lived a more than comfortable life. They lived in the lap of luxury, a posh and elegant existence.

This year was full of changes to that existence.

Such as moving into Indra's, which was still worth more than likely all of the other local homes combined.

She'd also switched from the prestigious, private Mount Weather Academy to Arkadia High, for its athletic prowess.

And then of course, there was you, perhaps the biggest change in her world. And, of course, Lexa wasn't sure why that was. You were her partner in English, and you teetered on the fine line between friendship and something less kind. That was it.

And yet, Lexa could not escape you. Not in her thoughts, not in her dreams (and oh, how graphic these dreams were, at times), and not even on the night before Halloween, at the school organized haunted house.

Lexa wouldn't have expected such a turnout, except, for students of Arkadia, the tickets were discounted.

When Aden heard, he went ballistic.

And so she, Aden, and Anya had found themselves in line to enter the admittedly impressive haunted house, erected on the empty lot behind the school, opposite the flower field you and Lexa had...comforted each other on.

Apparently, Anya and Lexa had not received the memo that there was, in fact, a dress code of sorts. Almost everyone else was in costume, and Lexa suddenly wondered why she was there.

Costia hadn't been feeling well, and while Lexa had originally opted to stay home and dote on her girlfriend, Costia had insisted she go and "be free".

Lexa never should have listened, the fever probably made her delusional.

This was a childish affair at best. She could have been at the gym, at the very least.

Alas, it was too late, and the line behind them wrapped around the building twice. Only groups of ten to fifteen were allowed in at once, to prevent overcrowding of the large, ghastly looking building, liable to collapse at any moment.

Screams and shrieks echoed from within, and Lexa found herself wondering why anyone would willingly subject themselves to this.

Aden was listening intently, ears perked. And then, after standing on his tip toes to glance ahead, he wheeled around.

"Lex." He pressed earnestly, elbowing her abs without a care. "Look. It's (Y/n)."

Aden had spoken a bit loudly, and while Lexa suspected that he'd done it on purpose, the damage was done. Already turning, you greeted the siblings and Anya with a smile.

"Hey Woods' and Anya." You greeted with a salute, trying not to go beet red when Lexa's eyes widened at your Supergirl costume, incredibly kind to your thighs and curved with it's short skirt and tall boots.

"Hey (Y/l/n)." Anya smirked when she saw Lexa's eyes widen, grabbing Aden's arm. "Let's pay a visit to the delinquents, Aden."

And just like that, Lexa's traitorous family left her alone, your prey.

Lexa tried to fight off the gnawing voice in the back of her head that told her that was what she wanted all along.

"So." Lexa tugged her letterman a bit closer, feeling an oddly hot chill rush over her body, contradictory as it was. "Supergirl. Fitting."

You blushed at the implied compliment, shaking your head. "Where's your outfit, Woods?"

"I'm a boneheaded jock." She teased, hands curling in her pockets.

You blinked, tilting your head curiously. "Your eyes are too intelligent for that." You murmured. "Even in this dim light, they're so green, I could..." you trailed off, glancing away.

Lexa felt her heart flutter and hated every inch of her own body. "Thank you." It came out as a half mumble, half whisper.

"Where's Costia?" You asked, moving with the line.

"Sick." Lexa replied, shrugging. "I came for Aden, to keep an eye on him."

Your expression softened almost immediately. "That's really sweet, Lexa."

Lexa cleared her throat, feeling heat creep up her neck. "Thank you, for taking him out." She murmured. "I know you didn't have to, so-"

You could see she was reaching into her back pocket for her wallet, pulling out a crisp twenty. You took Lexa's wrist in your own smaller hand, the contact sending sparks through your body. "Lexa." You shook your head. "I love Aden. It's not a chore."

That sent Lexa's heart racing and mind reeling as she put the money back, shuffling into the darkened entryway with you, following the group of Delinquents in.

Bellamy had been at the head of the group, along with Monty and Jasper, the former curiously staring at Nathan Miller across the opening.

"(Y/n)?" He wheeled around for his co-leader of sorts, likely questioning why you weren't at the front of the group again.

Anya, immediately smirking when she caught his eyes, chuckled when his call got caught in his throat.

Raven, of course, had beaten him to the punch, walking backwards so she could face Anya as the line inched forward.

"Pine." Raven drawled, shamelessly checking Anya out. "Didn't think I'd see you here. Back for more?"

Anya rolled her eyes, but her smirk was an amused one. "Actually, I'm here for the horror."

"You scare easily?" Raven licked her lips.


"Oh, perfect, you can hold me when I start shaking." Raven teased.

"Or, she could lean on these." Bellamy, who'd hung back until he was side by side with the girls, puffed out his chest and flashed his guns.

"Right." Anya smirked. "Very compelling offers."

Ahead, Lincoln, hand in hand with Octavia, had just found Aden, who'd given Octavia their handshake in greeting.

"Hey, Strikbro!" Lincoln greeted as he fist bumped Aden. "Didn't think Lexa would come to this."

Aden smirked, peering behind them at Lexa and you, who were shyly going back and forth over something. It was so obvious, just from Lexa's body language, how utterly into you she was. He tried not to think about Costia.

This was for Lexa's own good.

"Looks like Lexa has incentive." Octavia offered with a wry grin, following Aden's line of sight. "How's that going, by the way?"

"Good." Aden supplied with a smile. "She accidentally called (Y/n) "her girl" the other day, so...Time to move things along."

"Really?" Lincoln nodded, brows raised. "That's unexpected."

Octavia shrugged, throwing a glance at you. "Not really. Look at (Y/n)'s body language. She definitely wants Lexa to fu-" Octavia trailed off at Lincoln's widened gaze, jerking his head in Aden's direction.

Octavia coughed, amending her previous statement. "ahem, date her."

Aden tried not to roll his eyes, thoroughly amused by their antics.

Granted, it was a little scarier than any of the Delinquents, or Lexa's Kru, had expected.

Monty and Jasper flung themselves at each other, unsure of why they were at the helm of the group.

The tall, darkened walls, lined with false cobwebs, often flashed with strobe-like lights, giving way to figures dropping from the ceilings on tight wires, swooping overhead. False thunder sound effects and music were blasting from speakers, and it only served to make the group more cohesive, as they powered on.

The only one who was seemingly unbothered was Aden, who perkily followed Lincoln and Octavia, snickering every time they jumped in fright and screamed in unison.

One particularly high pitched scream had Aden thinking you had been startled. However, upon turning, Aden realized that it was Bellamy Blake, who was now cringing in shame behind Raven Reyes's shoulder, the latter cling to Anya's bicep like it was a lifeline in a tempest wracked ocean.

Lexa, mind on anything but the horrors of the fake little building she'd been strolling through, hardly jumped at all.

You, like her, maintained your cool.

Occasionally, a jump scare would startle them all, forcing them together.

There was a point where you slightly leaned into Lexa's warmth subconsciously, and Lexa stayed close.

Aden had noticed that with a sly little grin.

Everything had gone well until the final scare at the end, where the room went dark, and they were chased out by masked creatures of every kind, un-matching and lacking a central theme, due to either the creative student minds, or the flimsy student budget.

However, it had the desired effect, and it sent the delinquents racing in terror.

Raven threw herself dramatically into Anya's arms, who smirked upon catching her, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, because she would never admit that Raven's antics were endearing. (And they totally were.)

Bellamy, supporting the weight of both girls, had stumbled back, sending you face first into Lexa's chest, tugging at her shirt as Lexa stumbled, toned arms shooting around you to secure you before she went down as well.

Luckily, Lexa had caught a break, and managed to support you.

Your face was buried in Lexa's neck for half a second, and your breath was warm and tantalizing when you whispered, "Oh my god, Lexa, I'm sorry."

Lexa smiled forgivingly, (god, what had gotten into her? Weeks ago she would've unloaded on you and Bellamy for their careless misstep). "It's alright, (Y/n)." She murmured, looking into your (Y/e/c) gaze, shimmering even in the darkness. "It's not your fault."

For a moment, the two stayed like that, your hands pressed against the flat iron of Lexa's abs, your faces inches apart. The threat of a kiss seemed all too familiar.

In order to distance herself, at least mentally, you glanced down. Almost subconsciously, you ran your hand down Lexa's abs, over the thin material of Lexa's shirt, thankful the letterman wasn't in your way.

Lexa felt shivers run up her spine as you gasped ever so lightly at the sensation of Lexa's abdominal muscles beneath your hands, Lexa's arms locked around you protectively.

Lexa was more than annoyed. She was infuriated that a simple, over the shirt touch from you had her more turned on than half the sex she had with Costia. She was annoyed at herself because as much as she wanted to push you against the wall and ravish you, she also wanted to kiss you so tenderly and sweetly, to whisper your name and caress your soft, blushing cheeks.

She was annoyed because she was supposed to be in love with Costia.

The action was so discreet, and no one else had noticed, still fresh off their high from being chased out of the building.

Lexa's hand had caught your wrist, where it had been tracing an indiscernible pattern on Lexa's abs, though it didn't stop you. Instead, Lexa brushed her thumb almost imperceptibly over your hand, lips parted slightly in awe.

You really were beautiful. Incredibly beautiful. In fact, one of the most beautiful girls Lexa had ever seen. No, perhaps even THE most beautifu-

This time, when the fresh outpour of horrified students came running out, the pummeled Lexa's back, sending her falling forward, through no fault of her own.

Luckily, however, your hands were already in hers, and you were quick on the catch.

That seemed to break you from your trance. "Well, looks like we're both falling." You chuckled, watching a Lexa formed a soft smile.

You were both falling, just, not in the way either would suspect. Falling deeper and deeper.

Lexa Woods was doubtlessly the most beautiful person you'd ever seen in your life.

"Well, at least we're here to catch each other."

Ughhhhh so much tension jeeezz ;)
Just be patient guysss Lostia will breakup soon SPOILER (I know you all want them to)

Next chapter will be up next week!


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