Dark Side

talkatyourownrisk által

39.8K 874 43

Sophie is a vampire and has been since the 1500s. Her brothers and herself attend a local high school where s... Több

Dark Side - Chapter One
Dark Side- Chapter Two
Dark Side- Chapter Three
Dark Side- Chapter Five
Dark Side- Chapter Six
Dark Side- Chapter Seven
Dark Side- Chapter Eight
Dark Side-Chapter Eight (#2)
Dark Side- Chapter Nine
Dark Side- Chapter Ten
Dark Side- Chapter Eleven
Dark Side- Chapter Twelve
Dark Side- Chapter Thirteen
Dark Side- Chapter Fourteen
Dark Side- Chapter Fifteen
Dark Side- Chapter Sixteen
Dark Side- Chapter Seventeen
Dark Side- Chapter Eighteen
Dark Side- Chapter Nineteen
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty One
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Two
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Three
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Five
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Six
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Seven
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Eight
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Nine
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty One
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Two
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Three
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Four
Dark Side -Chapter Thirty Five
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Six
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Seven
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Eight
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Nine
Dark Side- Chapter Forty
Dark Side- Chapter Forty One
Dark Side- Chapter Forty Two
Dark Side- Chapter Forty Three
Dark Side- Epilogue

Dark Side- Chapter Four

1.3K 24 2
talkatyourownrisk által

This chapter was six pages on word so it might be shorter on here which sucks but whatever. Anyways thank you for reading/voting/fanning!! enjoy :)

"What was that?" Chloe shrieked as she sat up beside me.

"I think there’s and animal outside the tent." I shrugged

"An animal? There are no animals in your woods, you told me!" She cried

"Maybe someone lost a dog or something, stay here I'm going to check." I tried to sound calm, but she was right. There are no animals in these woods; we scared them away a long time ago.

 I slowly got up from the sleeping bag trying not to wake up Cassie as she snored slightly on my other side. The person outside the tent had gone suddenly quiet after they broke the twig, probably realizing their mistake. I could tell that they weren't moving; if they'd been supernatural then they would've kept going because they would’ve known that I'd be outside soon anyways. I carefully opened the zipper, trying to do it slowly so it wouldn't make noise. I stepped out and closed the tent behind me sending Chloe a look that read 'stay here'. I turned to try and find the source of the noise when the wind picked up. It blew my hair in front of my face, and just as soon as I moved my hair away from my face it stopped. The night was eerie, and for most people it would be hard to make out shapes far away, for me it was crystal clear just like the daytime maybe even better. I heard someone suck in a breath and I turned to the left, seeing the hand peeking out from around the tree. The hand was big and clearly masculine, I sighed my mind automatically went to my brothers.

Planning on surprising them before they had a chance to get to us I quietly swung myself up into a nearby tree and jumped from tree to tree until I was above our attacker. I peered through the leaves at the red head bellow me. He was peaking around the tree and sighed when he saw I was gone. I raised an eyebrow, I knew some red head's but I wasn't sure which one this was. He raised his head eyes closed clearly relaxed, and my mind blanked. Shaun. Chloe's boyfriend was stalking her? I stared at him in utter confusion and watched as he moved closer to the tent. I followed him in the trees and stopped when he tucked himself behind another one. I peered around him and saw why, the zipper of our tent slowly unzipped and Chloe peered out.

I sighed, she clearly misunderstood my look. Shaun finally figured out who it was and smiled a really creepy smile. He ran out from behind his tree and I followed behind him. The way he ran made me finally realize he was drunk, he stumbled over himself as he ran at Chloe.  Chloe’s eyes widened and she looked scared, Shaun was a terrible drunk he would get violent and she would stay far away from him when he drank. I followed him closely sticking to the shadows, I would only come out if Chloe really needed help, and she was pretty tough.

"Why did you dump me?" Shaun yelled at her as he grabbed her by the shoulders.

"You’re drunk Shaun." Chloe said calmly, turning her face away from him.

This movement only made him angrier, he grabbed her face and forced her to look at him, "Look at me when I talk to you," He slurred, "Why'd you dump me."

"This is why." Chloe motioned to him.

"What? You don't like this baby?" Shaun snarled

"Shaun, please, just go home, you're drunk." She tried

"No! Tell me why?" He yelled shoving her against a tree.

Her head bounced off the wood and I could see tears forming, "You're hurting me Shaun." She whimpered

"I wouldn't if you stopped being such a slut!" Shaun yelled.

"It doesn't matter what you say, I'm not getting back together with you. You might as well go home." Chloe spat.

Shaun stepped back and I thought he might actually go home but that would be to practical. Instead Shaun stepped back and raised his hand in a fist; I ran forward grabbing his elbow. I wasn't going to let Chloe get punched in the face because her ex is too drunk to control himself. Chloe had her eyes closed and was pressing herself against the tree waiting for the blow, when she opened her eyes she gasped at me. Shaun looked back at me in shook too, mostly because a small thing like me was completely restraining him.

"She said go home." I told him.

"Don't tell me to do things." Shaun mumbled, his confidence completely deflating.

"I don't want to hurt you Shaun." I warned

He scoffed, "You can't hurt me."

"Try me," I smiled, "just go home."

"No! You can't. Hurt. Me." He growled

He spun and Chloe gasped again, as his fist came swinging towards my face. I smiled and shook my head, big mistake; I could take down an army so I could take a drunk down with one hit. I grabbed his fist as it was inches from my face. I looked at his shocked expression and laughed, I could break his wrist with a flick of my hand, but Chloe was watching us and I didn't want to explain it to her afterwards. He brought his other fist at me and I caught it too, I stood there with my arms crisscrossed in front of me, each one holding a fist and a smirk on my face. I brought my foot up and stomped his toe, he let out a compliant but was distracted when my knee went into his groin. He tried to lean over but I was still holding his hands. So I brought my knee up again, but this time I put it in his abdomen. I dropped his arms and stepped back, watching him fall to the ground in a ball. Chloe's hands were covering her mouth as she watched him hold himself and groan in pain.

"I told you." I smirked even more

Shaun got up and started stumbling away, trying to run a chuckled after him before turning back to Chloe. She smiled at me

"You guys broke up?" I asked

"Yes, I was tired of him doing this, ditching me than getting drunk then he'd call me and...." She trailed off gagging in disgust, "How'd you do that?"

"I took a self defence class I while ago and it's easy to beat up a drunk person." I lied

"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep after that." She sighed

"Same here." I sighed with her, "I think Cassie will though."

Chloe laughed, "Girl can sleep through anything."

We went back into the tent and found Cassie safe and sound asleep in her bed. I tucked myself back into the bed and stared at the tent walls again. Unlike what Chloe said, she was asleep in seconds.  I relaxed into the bed again praying for daylight, even if it poked at my weak spot I didn't want to be in this tent anymore it was more of a cage than anything. I sighed and turned onto my stomach, stuffing my head into the pillow. I waited there like that until I saw sunlight peaking into the tent, lighting up the walls and casting colours on everything. I smiled and sat up feeling it was a reasonable time to be up. I opened the zipper and walked out, enjoying how alive everything finally was. Cassie followed behind me, laughing at me as I spun in circles taking in everything. Chloe took the longest to wake up, we wanted to prank her but I figured she'd been through enough tonight. When she got up we started putting the tent away, Darrin and Brian showed up soon enough to help us but we were already done. The looks on their faces were priceless as they realized we did it ourselves.

"What? Shocked a girl can do this?" Cassie motioned to the tent

"No, I would never-" Brian started

"Yes. Yes we are." Darrin interrupted

"Wow guys we feel the love." I laughed

"its okay we can make them carry these things back." Chloe smirked

"How was your night?" Brian asked as we walked home, the two boys carrying everything

"Good, I slept all night!" Cassie smiled

"We had to derail a drunk Shaun." Chloe sighed, remembering the events of last night.

"When? How did we not notice?" Darrin grunted as he struggled with the things he was carrying

"Two months ago, and you guys are just plain doorknobs." I sarcastically mumbled

"She means last night and you guys were probably asleep." Cassie laughed

"Wow. Talk about missing out on the fun." Darrin sighed

We made them put away the stuff they brought in too. I had to say I really liked Cassie; she was really useful when it came to forcing Brian to do things. They groaned and complained the entire time they did their chores though. Soon after we put everything away Chloe left, her excuse was she had a science project due when I knew she was really just upset. I don't know why she had to lie about her feelings, but then again I did. She probably thought we'd try to comfort her if she'd said she wanted to go home and cry. Then after Brian took Cassie away from me I was all alone on the couch. I hated being bored, and after about twenty minutes I sighed in frustration, sometimes being immortal was a curse, I ran out of things to do two hundred years ago. I got up from the couch announcing I was going for a walk, if anyone cared. I shuffled my way to the front door and creaked open the wooden door, and then stepped into the mid-day sun.  I watched my feet as I walked, it was amusing to watch the bones flex as I stepped forward in my black flats.

I stared at the bushes and the distant houses as I walked memories of the past once again surfacing, they were harder and harder to keep away when I was alone. The street transformed into a dirt path filled with people in long black dresses and veiled faces to hide their grief. My brothers walked ahead of me carrying the caskets in their black leggings and dirty white shirts. Erasmus watched me from the surrounding woods, making sure I didn't lose myself, but since it was a funeral everyone had their necks covered. Tears fell down my face as I followed my parent’s bodies to the graveyard. It wasn't so much the fact that they died that made me sad; it was the fact that I hadn't stopped it. My father was out in the farms, working hard when my brothers went to check on dinner. My dad had just finished planting seeds for next year’s crops when he decided to rest. He sat on a nearby hay stack when he was attacked. Everyone human presumed a rapid dog, but I knew the truth, werewolves. They tore my dad to pieces, not a single piece of him was recognizable except for his hat when they found him. My mother not two days later had been found the same, torn to pieces in the kitchen. I had already moved out with Erasmus but I was back in town when this happened. I could've stopped them! I should've stopped them! If I'd been there my parent’s lives wouldn't have been cut so short.

People around me dried their eyes with dirty rags as the procession continued. We reached the grave yard, and the priest with us automatically went to get a graves man but my brothers stopped him. The grave watchers were hired to watch the tombs in case the person were to wake (they knew they were awake because they tied a rope to the bodies wrist and if they moved it would ring), we started this after we found people still alive in their coffin when families came to morn. But since our family knew my parents wouldn't be coming to life, we told the priest it was un-necessary. We gathered around as they struggled to bury the coffins in the ground, and the priest recited prayers. Normally we would've said them with him, but all of our spirits were drained. I never told my brothers that werewolves were the real cause of my parents deaths, I figured I'd let them believe what they want. I'd hated the very wolf species themselves after that, there were rules! At least there were rules for our kind, why not rules for them? Why did they get to kill out of sure want, not because they need to feed or even save someone’s life, they did it just to kill. Just a reckless blind thought of 'hey why don't we kill the first humans we see?' If I'd been there they would've died, I would've killed them at the very sight of them anywhere near my dad or my mom.

I bit back tears fighting to find their way down my cheeks; thankfully I'd gotten over it. Well at least tried to forgive the werewolves, my parents were still a tender spot. At the time they probably wouldn't have lived much longer but they still had a few years ahead of them! I tried to concentrate on my feet again but the memory of a funeral kept coming back until it was all I saw. I begged my mind, pleaded for it to come up with something else, any other memory from my life.

I stopped outside a small convince store and sat under a tree, and was finally rewarded my satisfaction. I was older this time. It was in the 70s I think. My mind was set on changing the world, making it a better place. This time rapists were starting to be known, besides the ripper other killers were being put into the papers.  I decided I was going to kill every rapist before they had the chance to get someone and I'd finally had my first lead. I followed a little girl as she was picked up from a convince store by a stranger -at least that’s what their conversation told me- and was trying not to make it obvious. The man suddenly pulled off at an abandoned train station and I parked my car on the side of the street and followed him on foot. I heard the little girl screaming as I got close so I started running, I wasn't going to let her life destroyed right in front of me. When they came into view, he had pinned her down and I could see what’s coming next. I charged him knocking him off her and far away. I stared down at him with complete hatred. He looked like the guy off the KFC posters, glasses, gray hair and I bushy moustache. I leaned down towards his ears and repeated my famous line: "Hope you remember what you've done to those other victims, because this is going to be ten times worse. Prepare to die." It wasn't the best catch phrase but it worked. He started crying, like they all did and I shook my head at him. It made me even angrier when they tried to pull and innocent card. I looked behind me to make sure the little girl was okay and I only got angrier, she was unconscious. I shoved my hand into his stomach, making him screech with a sudden pain before I bit his neck. Usually getting bitten was peaceful, but there were ways to make it painful. So that’s what I did, I made sure he felt the pain of everyone of his victims, everyone of their families pain too. Until finally he was dead. I buried him there, knowing that no one would find him and took the girl home safe. Her parents nearly gave me the key to the city when I brought her back, they were so worried. I told them I'd found her lost in the street and she fell asleep in the back of my car. They offered me money but I told them it was okay, their happiness made me feel good enough. It was true, I felt obligated to help the people that couldn’t help themselves. To try to be a real superhero in the world of lying and cheating I'd come to know so well. Sure the fact that I had to become I criminal myself by killing made me feel terrible, made me have nightmares about what could happen to me if I kept killing not to help people but because I liked it.

I stood up, breathing deep. I hated that thought; it scared me to become evil, to become dark. Sure I was a symbol of hell, but I was trying to fix that as much as possible. I turned on my heal; I needed to go home, to be happy again. Jesus the two darkest memories that I have are just what I needed to make my day better. I practically ran home and got there just in time to say goodbye to Cassie as she left, smiling a smile that made me forget all the bad. I could get used to her being around, she was a really good person, I liked her. I was more surprised that she was bonded with Brian than anything. He was a sweet person and could be caring when ever, but mostly he was a dick. I sat on the couch after she left, laying down on one of the pillows and stretching my feet across Darrin's lap; he smiled at me as I did. I loved Darrin, he was funny and always stuck up for me the most, sure Brian did too but I was closer with Darrin. He was my pillow to fall back on, when I needed a shoulder to cry on he listened instead of just getting me ice cream.

"Long day?" Darrin asked as he watched some mystery show.

"Yeah, that walk did nothing for me, just brought back memories." I sighed

"Like what?" He pried

"Mom and Dad." I shrugged

He stiffened and turned to look at me, "Bad or good?"

"Funeral, I miss them Darrin. Sometimes I just really miss them." I choked as tears unwillingly fell down my cheeks; I hated crying in front of people.

"I know I miss them too." Darrin soothed me as he pulled me into his arms.

For a moment everything seemed peaceful, no worries at all. Darrin and I stayed sitting like that for a while until I finally stopped crying and dragged myself up to my room. I said a mopey 'good night' and decided yet again to shut the world out.

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