
By Holtzo

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Holtzbert images. Any requests welcome!! More

Ice skating
Snow Ball Fight - Part 1
Snow Ball fight - Part 2
You two need to talk!
A yes
I love you
Gas - Part 1
Gas - Part 2
Gas - Part 3
Gas - Part 4
Gas - Part 5
Gas - Part 6
Gas - Part 7
Gas - Part 8
Gas - Part 9
Gas - Part 10
Gas - Part 11
Gas - Part 12
Gas - Part 13
Gas - Part 14
Gas - Part 16
Gas - Part 17

Gas - Part 15

73 6 5
By Holtzo

Will it be a happy ending? Will the ghostbusters get their happy ending?

Hotlzmann's, finger made of flesh and bone, hovered above the button. She thought of her friends. 

Of Abby. Abby Yates, a brilliant scientist, who had a weird obsession with soup. Who had become Holtzmann's first friend. 

Of Patty. Patty Tollan with her loud laughter that would echo around the firehouse, and Holtzmann could always hear it over the sound of her radio. 

Of Erin. Erin Gilbert with her wold's smallest bow tie, brown hair, brown eyes - that Holtzmann was sure she was falling in love with. 

"The purpose of life is to love." Holtzmann whispers, as she scans around the room. 

Patty screamed as she hears the song. THE SONG.

 "When there's something strange-"

Patty slams her fist against the wheel, the song stops. Patty sighs, leaning back in her seat. She needed to control her anger. And figure out where that song was coming from. 

"InYourNeigbourhood!! WhoYouGoingToCall!!" The song played louder this time and Faster...

Patty screamed flinching forwards, hitting the steering wheel hard. A loud crack is heard, Patty screams in pain. "FUCK!" 

Luckily she was parked outside an hospital...

Erin, woke up, back in her hospital room. 

"Hello Erin." Philip says. "You've been in surgery. Patty is just outside."

"W-w..."Erin's throat was dry as she tried to form words, "Why wasss,"she breathed slowly,"I in surgery?"

"You needed an emergency carotid endarterectomy. Wow, that's a mouth full. 

It seems you had a stroke due to a build of plaque in your carotid arteries, they believe a fatty diet or high blood pressure caused it. You see when you first arrived, the doctors did some brain imaging tests, to check blood supply to your brain. So when you ran away, was actually when they where going to ask to perform the carotid endarterectomy. As you'd been diagnosed with narrowing in your carotid arteries."

"Oh."Erin simply says.

"You've got a nice cut along your neck." Philip says, passing Erin a mirror. "But the doctor says they're going to give you some pills and that you can be dispatched tonight."

Erin, just nods, looking at the stitches on her neck.

"Come on Abby, we need to run." Holtzmann whispers. Untying Abby from the table. Abby weak from the lack of food, water and sunlight leans on Holtzmann as they head for the door. 

"JILLIAN!" A loud voice echoed behind them. They turned and there stood - or should I say floated...

"Rowan." Jillian spat his name. 

"How brilliant, you remember my name." Rowan smiled, his current shape being the ghost version of his human body. 

"Abby, run. Get back to the fire station." Abby looked at Holtz, than at Rowan. "Don't worry Abby I have a plan." Jillian smiled at her and she nodded, turning and walking tiredly towards the door. 

"A plan, huh?" Rowan snickered. The door slammed shut loudly behind Abby.

"Yep." Holtzmann said, popping the 'p'.  She slowly walked towards the table Abby was tide to. 

"So... Rowan, what did you say this gas was again?" 

"Are you stalling?" Rowan says, with a laugh.

"Oh not at all, just talking scientist to uhh mad man." Holtzmann says, picking up the gas mask off the table. 

"It's a mixture of two components. Both practically safe on their own, but once mixed at the right amount. It can kill anyone... Like you experienced."

Holtzmann just nodded. "And you wanted me to kill Abby with it." Jillian states.

"Oh, Jillian. I didn't want you to just kill Abby with it. You could've pressed that button, and all three of your friends would have died. BUT now it is too late, you've disappointed me Jillian."

"Maybe so, does this mean you're going to kill me?" Jillian said, still stood near to Abby's table. Out of the view of Rowan, she was tinkering with something.

"That is what I said. The terms we agreed to, you kill your friends and you live. But sadly, I must kill you again. It's a pity, you would've been a good side kick." Rowan laughed, his ghost form changing. It grew in size. Jillian, looked up in horror, she didn't have much time for her plan. 

"What's with changing ghost form all the time, do you not like how you look?" Holtzmann said, nervously twisting the last of the tube in place. Time to blow some shit up.

"Uhh..." Rowan, who is now a form of the ghostbuster logo, is caught off guard by the question, "Oh just shut up already Jillian, you clearly don't have a plan, so it's time to die!"

He goes to swing his large hand at Jillian, and Jillian ducks under the table. Rolling out at the other side. "I do have a plan!" She yells. Holding up the tube she had tinkered with. She had used the pipe that was around Abby's mouth and some nuts and screws she had found to make her weapon. 

"Time to be killed by you own gas." Jillian said dashing over to the button.

"I'm already dead, Jillian how is that supposed to work on me." Rowan laughed, swinging at Jillian. Knocking her to the ground.

She jumps up, the tube she is holding was connected to a gas canister. As Jillian moved the canister followed. She pulled the tube hard, and the canister dashed over to her. 

"Electricity." Jillian said, pulling the plastic top off of the button, you nearly pressed earlier. "Electonise the gas."

"T-that's not possible." Rowan says, swinging at Jillian again, who ducks. Rowan misses her.

"Maybe its not, lets find out!" With that Jillian, connects one of the screws in the tube to the wires that made the button. Then she breathed in, this will be her last breath for a while. As she turned and dashed for the door. 

The screw began to spark, the process was slow. Rowan, moved blocking the door. The sparking of electricity was audible. 

"Where do you think you're going." Rowan asks, with a smirk. Jillian, doesn't answer, not wanting to breath. She tries to get past Rowan but he just shoves her back. She was running out of time, and air.

"You will die here, with me!" Rowan said, and that's when Jillian heard the bang. The canister exploded. Knocking her off her feet. Shards of metal flew around the room. 

Rowan, smelt the gas. Rowan felt the burning sensation even though he didn't have a body. He was in pain, the gas was effecting his ghost form. He was becoming weak, his ghost form shrinking. Holtzmann looked up, her eyes blurry. She had hit her head hard when the canister exploded, but as far as she knew she still hadn't breathed. She got to her feet slowly. 

She had her chance to escape. She ran for it.

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