My new life?!

By Ciel_Michalis_

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This is story about ceil. One day, the queen tell ceil to kill a man because the crimes he been doing with li... More

The author~Chan
πŸ“œπŸ‘‘A letter from the queen πŸ“œπŸ‘‘
The beginning of my new life?
Grell want to be loved. (But he will never will)
Let's have some fun my love!!
I have to save someone?!
I am back in my love's arms
A shocking news!!
Getting know little more about my love
Getting my love better.
Getting better my love part two
The baby is coming and the big truth of all..
Sebastian is back in hell!!
I really miss him.
He's back in my arms again
A moments time with my love.
My twin brother is alive after all.
going to tell her the truth.
Ciel birthday and date.
Grell is back!!!
Bryian Michaelis Is Back.
Abby got kiddnap
A pose to my love
Bring Abby to London.
I am in hell with Sebastain's father!
our nightmare is ending.
a little vacation time with my love. part one
a little vacation time with my love part two and telling Lizzie the truth.
Sebastain is sick
A date and Abby first word.
Shopping with Lizzie and a day with daddy. part one.
A day with daddy part two. Something bad happened?!
Ciel slowly getting his memory back.
I am finally back.. but not Elizabeth..
Elizabeth finally wakes up
finally found the person who kill my parents.
not an new chapter but it's an author update. (plus an sneak peek)
Ending a Chapter: Started a New one.
πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒThis book is finally done! πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

I wish I never have this memeries

51 1 0
By Ciel_Michalis_

For the people that don't want to read lemons and smut you can skip this chapter because there lot of it in this one. So yea and the people that like that kind of stuff, continue reading..

Ciel POV:

It has been a few weeks that pass by from that day and I am back with my boyfriend Sebastian and Rebecca is long gone from us, now we live together peacefully.

"Hey, Ciel?" Sebby said

"Yea?" I look at him smiling.

"What we have a date before we head back home in America?" Sebastian said.

"Um.. ok but I don't want anyone to interrupt us while having our well deserved date." I said while putting my head on his shoulder.

"I promise you no one will ok." Sebastian said.

"Ok Sebastian" I said.

Me and Sebastian was snuggling together and enjoying each other company, and then he started to starred at me and I smile and kiss him and he kisses me back. A few minutes later, I break the kiss before it gets more heated.

"Why you stop Ciel?" Sebastian said

"Well, I want to save for the night and you are healing from what that monster did to you ok." I said

"But.. but I want to feel you and make you feel you good or better" he said with his puppy eyes that I can't resist.

'man sometime I wonder if he really hate dogs or he just saying that just because..'

"Ok, just a little ok" I said like I give up this argument.

He smiled and kiss me and I kiss him back, he pulls me closer to him and now I am on top of him. I smile and started to unbutton his shirt and pants taking them off

He was about to do mine as well but I stop him and tell him that I am going to strip for him and on top of him, he nods and smiles at me while I strip down slowly.

"Come on baby, go faster because I can't wait for too long." He said trying to be patient.

I nod and I was in my underwear, still the girls underwear because I am still a girl. 'why I didn't ask Sebastian's father to change me back' I thought to myself.

I got off him for just for a minute and then I was between his legs, I started to rub his member first. I heard a little moans escape from his mouth, I smile and continue to rub it.

"Ciel go faster please" Sebastian said as he moans.

I nod and did what he wants me to do, he moans again but this time it was a bit loud than before.

I am glad that we are in my old room to do this then in Sebastian's room and before you ask yes Abby been watch and taking care of by Claude just in case if someone *cough* Grell *cough* coming and do something to her.

"Babe, I going to come soon" Sebastian said breaking my train of thought that I had.

I nod and kept going until he came out and was all over my hand, I clean my hand and I lick some it off my hand.

"You taste good" I said while getting on top of him again.

He smiles and kisses me "but you taste better than me"

"No way, you way you sweeter then sweets that I ever tasted or eaten" I said while laying on his chest.

"So you're saying that I am too sweet for you?" Sebastian tease me.

"Maybe?" I smile.

He giggles and hug me and I hug back, I kiss him again and he kiss me back. I brush his hair while kissing him, he smiled into and deepen the kiss. A minute later I stop and lay down next to him.

"What wrong honey? Why just stop over sudden?" Sebastian said.

"Nothing.." I said while snuggling with him.

"Ok?" Sebastain said.

I sigh and close my eyes, I wanted to continue but I don't know if I can do it after what happened. I know I have Sebastain back and we are together again, but then again everytime when we start to have our little again fun I start to remember that night when I was in Sebastain's old house that he use to grew up.

'how can I tell him? Maybe telling him slowly and carefully or just say it really quickly?' I thought to myself.

I really hate it when you want to say something but you can't because you don't know how to do it, I sighed and snuggle even more with him and I felt him sigh as well and wrap his arms around my waist and push me even more closer.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until I speak up, "Sebastain?"

"Yea?" He said.

"Well.. um.." I froze up "when you said that if I was ok and why we stop what we were doing it because I had a bad memeries of one night in hell and it hard for me to tell you about it."

Sebastain sigh and kiss my forehead and said "I understand, if you feel you want to talk about it we will but don't pressure yourself ok. It will make worse like that if you pressure yourself if you do that." I know he want to know but at the same time he want me to be happy and let me process what happened in the last few weeks.

"Thanks but I think it time for you to know and I don't want to keep this for any longer than it is Sebastain" I said while getting up and sitting on the bed.

"Ok? So what happened that night that you are scared about?" Sebastain ask me.

"Ok but before I say it, don't be mad at me because I didn't want to do what I am about to say ok" I said while warning him because I know after he hear this he will kill him right after I said it.

"Ok, tell me Ciel" Sebastain said. I sighed and sat on lap and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Ok, I think few weeks ago when I got switched body with that monster, I got to stay in hell and in your house that grown up in. I was in the bedroom laying down on the bed until your dad came in" I said breaking off.

"And he say goodnight or something?" Sebastain said. I wish was like that but that didn't happen.


I was on the bed in this room alone no to sleep with, and I trying to say is, it my first time I am going to sleep without Sebastain again. 'this is the first of the many nights without him Ciel' I said to myself.

I was about to go to sleep until I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I said.

"It's me Ciel" Sebastain's father said.

'what the hell he wants at this hours?' I thought to myself.

"Ok come in" I said. I know he will come in anyway, even I said no.

"Oh Ciel, you are so cute pet to have and maybe a good night toy as well. Maybe let's try it." Sebastain's father said.

"Sir I don't think that a good idea and I am taken by your son. I don't know what he will do if he finds out.." he cut me off by his lips on mine. I push him away from me and wipe my lips from that "sir please, you don't understand that your son love me and if he finds out that you are doing this he will kill you"

"Don't worry about it because he will marry Rebecca and you two won't be together anymore so now you are my toy/pet." He said taking off is clothes first and then mind.

I tried to get away from him but he pin me down on the bed and started to kiss my neck, I tried to not to moan but I couldn't hold it much longer but I didn't want to do this.

After five hours later he was alseep on the bed next to me and his arms around me. I started to cry again, this is my forteen breakdown while he try to have sex with me.

I felt him move and then I froze up, I felt his one his hand on the chest and the other was in my hole. He moves his fingers in and out like last night, I began to get scared and trying to not get him any pleasure reaction to him.

"Come on Ciel, moan for me or else" he said.

"I thought you were alseep sir" I said trying to not know what he doing.

"Ciel don't act dum on me because I know that you know what I am doing" he said now on top of me and now ready to put his big huge member in me.

"Sir please stop, I begged you please stop. I will hate if your son kill you if he find out and besides I have a daughter to take care of with your son." I said now crying.

"That will never happen because you two never see each other again pet, now shut up or I will make you to shut up" he said.

I nod and try to stop crying but I couldn't, the only person that can do that is Sebastain. And now I will never stop crying because I will never see him again.

Sebastain's father got even angry and then he did something that I never forget. I scream the loudest I could after he went in all dry and not warning me about it, I felt like I like I was about to break into pieces.

"Oh my toy can scream that loud, maybe I will do this more often now." He smirk while thursting in and out of me.

I hate to be here, I want to go back to the human world now and hold my daughter and be with Sebastain next to me and in his strong and protecting arms. But that will never happen because we will never be together anymore.

"I going to cum now" he said. Then a few minutes later he came in and inside of me.

Then he sat on end of the bed and tell me to bend down in front of him and suck his member, I hesitated to do it but he grabbed me and force me to do it. "I told you to suck it, like a good lollipop you ever tese like" he said when grabbing 'my hair' and push me closer and I felt like I was about to puke because one the smell and two the tip of it was at my throat.

"Come on make me feel good like you do with Edward, that brat of a son just chose you just to use you just for himself. He knows whats he's it's mine as well but you are a good toy pet that I will keep you for myself. And Rebecca can have him I did promise her family that she will get married with my first son and Edward and her are made for each other like you and me." He blabbing around.

He keeps forcing until he came in again, and he came in my mouth. I wanted to throw it up but he force me to swallow it. 'this tase so ugly and others words that I can't remember right now' I thought to myself

He finally let me go and then he stand up and put his clothes back on and said, "I will be back tonight for more fun like last night, so rest because you well need it" then he left the room.

I was finally alone but I was naked and scared for my life, I was in pain physically and mentally. I just want to get out of here and if Sebastain can't get me then I will get out here by myself somehow.

*End of flashback*

"And that day on, he keeps coming in the room to do that even though I told him many times that I don't want to do it" I said crying my eyes out.

"It's ok baby" Sebastain said trying to calm me down. I did calm down a little I hugs him tightly and he hug me back and rub my back.

"So you not mad at what I told you" I ask in his chest while hiding my face.

"No.. I mean yes I mad but not to you, I know you didn't want that to happen but I am mad dad because one he didn't take care of you nicely and two he had a force sex with you that turn into a rape. Besides I got rape as well, so I am not mad at you." Sebastain said.

"Thank for understanding Sebastain, and also been there for me like moments like this." I said still hiding my face in his chest.

He smile and lift my head to see him, I smile and blush a little. He peck my lips and then my neck and back to my lips "your welcome, my love" I smile and kiss him back.

We lay back down on the bed without breaking the kiss, he grab my bottom and I gaps and then he slip his tongue inside my mouth. I moan in with pleasure while he explore every inch of my mouth, after that he slowly break the kiss.

I was breathing bit heavy but it got better a minute later, he put me on my back and then spread my legs out for the entrance of my hole. "Ready Ciel?" Sebastain said, I nod quickly and he smiles and kissing me while he enter my body. After he in me he look at me if I am ready what he about to do next and min later I told him yes and he can go as hard as he wants, he smiles and started to thrust in and out of me slowly at first but I told him to go faster and he did. About five to ten minutes in to this, I was about come until he came first and I came after him.

*A few hours later*

It been five hours of having fun with each other all night long, it's couldn't get better then that. I was laying down on Sebastain's chest and snuggle up with him and now trying to get some sleep.

"That was the best sex night ever" I said.

"So better then my dad?" Sebastain joke.

"Ha ha, every funny. But yea way more better than your father" I said. I didn't laugh because it wasn't funny.

Their was a quiet silence, it wasn't uncomfortable silence but it was a peaceful silence. I smile at him and slowly going to sleep, he smile back and kiss my forehead after I fell asleep and then he fell asleep after me.


This is the end of the chapter.
I hope you like it I try my best so yea.
So see in the next chapter, bye.
Bye everyone.

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