Confiding in You ϟ a.i.

Από lukehemmugh

271K 7.7K 3.6K

He taps his foot against the carpeted floor of his therapist's office, wondering if he should say it. If he s... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
I have a brief question!
Another Message from Me
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 42

3.6K 124 47
Από lukehemmugh

Ashton and I rush up the stairs two at a time, him ahead of me pushing everyone out of the way and stopping for nothing. Not even Cooper calling him or to apologize for elbowing someone in the face. I trip over my feet trying to keep up with him. Milly and Michael are no where to be found, lost somewhere in the crowd. We should probably find them, but he shows no concern for that either. He just wants to get away from the party.

We get up to my room and the door is closed. I shut it, didn't I? I had to, but I shut my eyes anyway while Ashton opens it. I swear, if there are people getting it on in my bed...

"Calum, get the hell out," Ashton grunts.

When I bring my sight back, instead of there being anything scarring in front of me, Calum is standing by himself and is staring back at us in shock. He has one of the photographs that were on my wall in his hands and it flutters down onto my desk as he lets go of it. There isn't any reason he could be snooping around my room, unless it has to do with Luke. Which can't be any good at all.

All Calum does for Luke is scheme. That's all he does. Help him carry out his plans of trying to get with me and, at this point, ruin my relationship. Nothing in my room could help him do that and I'm not about to add another thing to my long list of things to worry about, as much as I should.

"I-I was just--" He stammers, putting his hands behind his back. I cock my head at him and he averts his eyes, guilt overcoming his features.

"Save it, just get out of here," Ashton points toward the door, leaving Calum to scurry out just as Luke had, and he shuts it behind him with a bang. Over night, it seems, both of the boys have come to fear Ashton so much more than he had ever scared him before. There are no bruises on them, nothing to show why this would make sense, Nothing.

He looks around my room in a bit of an awe as soon as we're alone and steps further inside slowly. This is the first time he's really been in here other than the times I overslept and he was picking me up. We spend the majority of time in his room and, it never occurred to me, so little in mine. The door can finally be closed and he has this big smile, like a child waking up on Christmas.

I lean against the door, watching him bend down at my bookcase from afar. His copy of Spiderman that he left in my bookbag is sitting on top, but he ignores it. He starts to pull out the books and reads the backs of them to himself.

From behind me, the bass of whatever song is playing shakes the rest of the house. Here, though, the floor is stable. There is no catastrophic, dangerous party going on. It's just us. Me and Ashton.

He goes through at least ten books, reading their summaries and then putting them back where they were. The silence while he reads isn't full of judgement like the time at the bookstore in the summer. It's full of something new and weird, something unexplainable. When he stands, he takes the last book he was holding with him and taps the top of it with his knuckles.

"I'm going to read this," his voice is still thick with the influence of alcohol and he gives me a crooked grin.

"You're going to read Twenty Boy Summer?" I can't help but laugh. The last time a boy looked at the summary of that book was back in California, before everything happened. A boy in my lab group named Jake took it from me, read the first line, made a face and put it back in my hands. He shook his head at me and said it was the girliest book he's seen. It was disgusting to him.

He and Ashton are so similar; their obsession with partying and weed and sleeping around. There's absolutely no way Ashton would enjoy it.

"Yeah, if it will make you read Spiderman," He sets the book, a heart made out of sea glass on the cover, on top of his comic book. I should have guessed he had alterior motives.

I shake my head and cross my arms over my chest while he continues through my room. His eyes scan the same pictures Calum had been looking at. Pictures of me and all of the people I used to be 'friends' with, many of which are probably downstairs. That may help with some scheming, potentially.

Out of curiosity, I walk over to stand beside Ashton at the desk and look down at what Calum had been holding. It's only a picture of me and Hannah from sixth grade, smiling in our semi-revealing Halloween costumes. The ones she convinced me would get Luke to like me once and for all.

Ashton doesn't spend much time there, smiling to himself at all of them before heading to my bed. I follow him closely, but the suspicious picture Calum pulled off my wall is still stuck in my mind. What use could he have with that?

"Nice sheets," He snickers, running his hand along the shiny purple comforter, and I push him lightly.

"Shut up."

He looks down at me and licks his lips, his eyes dark with drunken lust I've never seen before. Unexpectedly, he takes me up in his arms and gives me a tight hug that lasts no longer than 6 seconds. He doesn't look at me after, sliding onto my bed and taking the spot against the wall like he does at his house.

I sit with my legs criss-crossed just like he is right beside him after I pull my laptop from the floor. My bed is much smaller than the one at his house and my knee brushes up against his due to lack of space. Opening the computer, I log in and open Netflix so he can bring his account up, but before I can say we can watch Ultimate Spiderman despite the dumb bet, he gives me a short, whine-like groan.

"Let's do something else," he drawls out, another lazy grin on his face.

I don't have room to protest when he pushes the laptop further toward the end of my bed and then kisses me, hard. His lips are wet but my throat goes dry. I can barely tell the difference between this moment now and what just happened with Luke downstairs.

My mind is still reeling with the weight of everything he did and said not only tonight but in the past two months, everything I'm still trying to piece together.

We always just watched Netflix. Ashton, he was always hesitant and safe. Now, his hand is sliding under my shirt and sending chills up my entire body and this doesn't feel like Ashton. This feels like Luke.

He runs his tongue along my bottom lip and pushes me back up against my pillows. Unfolding my legs is like a puzzle now and I nearly kick him trying to. I almost want to kick him, just to not feel his ever-apparent buldge up against my leg, but that would be even harder than untangling myself. I have to think hard to keep my breathing even, which makes any simple thing so much more difficult.

I'm trying to be as normal as possible; after all, Ashton made me feel as normal as I could get since what happened. I'm trying to kiss back and I'm trying to be as into it as he is but I feel like I'm choking. This isn't Luke and he is no where near as threatening. But this can't be the same guy who cradles me in his arms while I'm sobbing and holds me until I stop shaking and catch my breath.

His mouth detaches from mine and I take in a breath. Then another. His hands are still on my waist and pushing my shirt up, but maybe he felt that I wasn't reciprocating, as much as I was trying to.

Nope, not at all.

He moves his head down to my stomach, placing kisses on my scars that are just as wet as the ones he had given me on my mouth. A whimper escapes from the back of my throat as his thumb hooks on the waistband of my jeans.

"Ashton," I manage to squeak out, "What are you doing?"

His hand hooked onto my jeans moves gently from one hip to the other and he keeps his concentration on my torso. At least everything that had sped up so fast is finally slowing down. His free hand goes to run itself over my scars before he kisses them again.

Breathily, he answers, "I want you."

"But I--"

"I want to show you what it feels like to f*ck someone who gives a shit about you," He lifts his head and looks hugrily at me through bloodshot eyes. He had to have had more than two drinks.

"I can't, not now," My voice cracks and I squirm underneath him.

He opens his mouth to resist my resistance, but we meet eyes -- his lust-filled ones with my widened ones. He blinks once, remembering that in addition to whatever it was about me that was sexually appealing, there is still a lot of unresoved issues lingering in me. He couldn't realize that there are some that he doesn't know about, but I know he can feel it. That settles him down.

"Sorry," he mutters, pulling himself off of me.

He sits up beside me again, his legs spread out just like mine. I pull my shirt down in a single tug and then there's an awful silence.

It's long, but it isn't as painful as the fight I'm having with myself. Maybe that whole thing could have gone better if I wasn't wondering about the rumors Luke keeps telling me to ask about. I should just ask. But I don't want to bother him, that's the only thing.

It's probably just Luke trying to mess with my mind. He succeeded, though.

"Can I ask you something?" I say, just above a whisper.

"You just did," he laughs lightly but I'm too focused on everything he could be hiding to do the same.

"When Luke was talking to me, he didn't just bother me about avoiding him," I admit and he purses his lips like he knows what's coming next and he doesn't like it, "He said you did something to Hannah and, like, the whole team. A-and my brother and I--"

"Why the hell would you even listen to a word Luke says?" Ashton snaps, causing me to jump. His longing for me is replaced with a sudden rage, "He's full of shit."

"I just wanted to ask you, it's been bothering me," I frown. The worst thing about someone giving you confidence is that they can easily take it right back from you.

"He is just trying to start shit."

"I guess," I pause and he reaches out to grab my laptop and log into his Netflix, "Why wouldn't he just tell me, then? He told me to ask you."

"JUST DROP IT, MADDIE," his voice booms throughout my room and he grips the sides of my computer, clenching his jaw. If it weren't for the music blasting downstairs, everyone else would definitely have heard him loud and clear. Michael's warning makes so much more sense now.

I'm stunned and can't think of anything to say, much less say it. There's so much more behind his denial and I thought he would have at least been honest. This entire night, starting once the party did, all I've seen are completely new sides to Ashton that scare the hell out of me.

"Let's just watch a movie," he speaks softly again, but I still can't find the power to say anything. I only give him affirmation with a nod and he starts to look through all of the movies available.

I shouldn't have said anything in the first place. All I did was make everything worse. He was already bothered by the fact that I couldn't give him what he wanted, and I just had to ask. Why on earth did I did think it was a good time to ask? It still would have been weird between us, but not as weird as this.

He suggests we watch the Avengers and I don't really care. If it will put him in a better mood and make him less frustrated, then fine. My thoughts are going to be on plenty of other things, anyway.

We're still forced to sit so close on my tiny bed, my leg right up against his. Normally, that would be more than fine, but there's something about the tension tonight that makes it annoy the hell out of me. Not long into the movie, I turn on my side and force myself to try and fall asleep. This has always been easy around Ashton. Yet now, my mind is racing and I can barely keep my eyes closed.

"Want to get under the covers before you fall asleep?" Any trace of an angry Ashton is gone as he whispers and rests a hand on my shoulder blade.

"No, it's fine," I mumble. Without thinking, I shrug his hand off of me and he doesn't say anything else.


==Ashton's POV==

I am such a f*ck up.

That's my immediate thought when I wake groggily beside Maddie and see that her back is still to me. I had way too much to drink. Four beers is miniscule to me, but it's obviously too much when I'm around her.

I only had so many because I was worried about losing her once everyone starting coming in, but that's not an excuse. Not only was I unable to control my desire to sleep with her like usual, I completely blew up on her. I thought everything was alright and the past was something she didn't have to know about. But Luke just had to ruin that.

I might just have to kill him whether he comes near her or not.

God, last night was just horrendous. All of it. Every part of it. From the moment Luke stepped toward her at the game to the moment she fell asleep. I think I've finally learned my lesson. Parties -- or anything that could include Luke at all -- are no place for her, or me. There's just too much that could go wrong, and continues to.

"Babe?" I say softly, nudging her.

Usually, when I wake up before her (which is always), I'll let her sleep. I'll scoot out of bed as quietly as I can, get a comic book, and let her have as much peaceful sleep as she needs. But today, I can't bear a single second of worrying about her being mad at me. Especially since this is the first time she's mad about something I truly did wrong.

"Babe," I mumble again. It takes a few more light taps on her shoulder before she's stirred awake. In my intoxicated state the night before, I still somehow managed to pick her up and get her under her blankets before I went to sleep myself.

She pulls them up over her shoulders and grumbles, "Don't call me that."

My breathing completely stops at that. I've screwed up so much.

"What?" I choke out.

"I don't like pet names like that."

I start to breathe again, but not so easily. She shifts again under the covers and I stutter, "Hey...ugly."

"That's better," She giggles sleepily. It's music to my ears; hope that I haven't ruined everything as much as I thought. Or maybe she is only too tired to realize she should be mad at me.

Maddie turns so her back is no longer to me and our faces are now only an inch or two apart. I glance down at her lips first thing. If I could just kiss her now, maybe I wouldn't go insane from guilt. But I'm not sure she wants me to.

"Sorry about last night," I say and she lowers her eyes, "For trying to have sex, and for yelling at you."

A frown forms on her face and she wipes her eyes. She had propped herself up on her elbow, but she drops her head down onto her pillow with a groan, "I just want to know the truth, Ash. That's all."

"I know," I sigh and she looks expectantly up at me.

As much as I don't want to do this, I have to. It's only a matter of time before Luke tells her himself. And anyone with a brain could predict that he would distort the truth so much that it would make me into a monster. I may be a shitty person, and I may have done horrible things, but he would take those and make them something Maddie should fear.

"Remember when I said that I went to the hospital because of a bunch of stuff that happened with Luke and Hannah?" I ask hesitantly and she nods, urging me to continue. I cover my face with my hand and will myself to come up with a way to put it that doesn't sound horrible. There aren't many options, "They were dating for years. Like, he was more whipped on her than I am with you for a reason I wouldn't be able to tell you. But she wasn't like that with him, at least not after a while. One time at a party, she came onto me and we, you know, took it a bit too far. You'd think it would be a one time thing, but it wasn't. She'd show up at my house and beg me to f*ck her."

I pull my hand away from my face and look at Maddie, trying to read her expression. This is the first time I'm explaining the whole thing to anyone other than my therapist and I have no clue what kind of reaction to expect from someone who isn't paid to accept me. But I can't tell what she's thinking and she stays quiet, waiting for me to go on. Luke suggested so much more to her than what I just gave her.

"But I felt like shit doing it, after a while. I told Luke what was going on and he completely blew up. Not on me, but her. Turns out she ended up telling him that I, erm, raped her so that she wouldn't look at fault. He--"

"You didn't, right?" Her eyebrows are raised and she uses her hand to cover her mouth. I didn't want to mention it to her, in fear of triggering her, but that had to be what Luke meant when he told her I did something to Hannah. What a piece of shit.

"No, I wouldn't--"

"Was she drunk? If she couldn't think straight, that's not consent Ashton," Her breathing is uneven now and I'm grateful for the interruption. I was about to mention how Luke tried to fight me in the school parking lot a day later and I nearly killed him. But that wouldn't do a good job at making me not look like a monster, now would it.

"Maddie, I promise you she was sober and one hundred percent willing." I insist, and she takes in a deep, shaky breath. She's rubbing her temples, but tilts her head at me to continue. God, this is too much. "She told a ton of people and everyone was coddling her and I thought I would go crazy with fear of being arrested for this crime I didn't commit."

Maddie opens her mouth to say something, but she closes it almost immediately. She stares at me, contemplating something, and I hope she doesn't think I'm lying. I may be horny 25/8, but I would never do that to anyone. And especially not to her.

"The only reason the police didn't get involved," I continue, "Is because Luke figured it out before she could tell anyone who could do anything and after a while of denying it, she finally owned up to lying. It didn't really matter to me that she admitted anything or not, since it had already done its damage to me, but Cooper wanted to murder her. That's why he belittled what happened you and was so rude about it. I think he got news about your experience right around the time she came clean."

Just explaining that much has already drained me and I wish there wasn't so many mistakes to try to justify. I'll be lucky if she even wants to speak to me after this, let alone date me. She has no reason to believe that I'm not lying and every reason to fear me.

"I guess that makes sense," she squeezes her eyes shut and pulls her arms under the covers. She is so obviously doubting me now, "But he said you did stuff to the whole team?"

"That's an exaggeration," I'm getting a headache now. By itself, the thing with Hannah looks like a mistake, one that can be forgiven. But with everything else, it looks like I have no shame. "I, uhm, before the thing with Hannah, I kind of...well I slept with a few other people's girlfriends."

Her eyes widen in disbelief and I sigh, "I slept with Annabelle when her and Cal were more serious and Jessica was dating someone from the team when we first hooked up."

"Wait," Maddie shakes her head, overwhelmed, "So have you slept with Lily? Luke said you did the same to Cooper..."

Everything for me stops there. I'm too aware of my own heartbeat and I can't take too long figuring out what to say or she'll know right away. How the hell could Luke possibly know that? No one really knows and I'd like it to stay that way.

"No, of course not!" I screech and hope to god I don't appear as guilty as I feel. "He's my best friend, I wouldn't do that."

Maddie pauses, looking down in thought. After a moment she looks up sadly and holds out her pinky to me. "Promise?"

I wrap my own pinky around hers and swallow hard, "I promise."

She pulls her hand away and rolls over onto her back. Staring up at the ceiling she murmurs, "I don't know what to think."

If, eight months ago, I knew I would get this chance with Maddie, I would have done everything to keep all of that from happening. But I didn't and now I might lose her because of it.

"You don't hate me, do you?" I sound like such a little bitch, but I have to be sure.

"No," she shakes her head, "It's just that, how do I know you won't cheat on me or anything? If you had no problem ruining those relationships for your friends?"

I should've seen that coming. I sigh and pull lightly on her arm to get her to look at me. I can't lose her, I would do anything not to lose her.

"Maddie, I would kill anyone who hurt you. I wouldn't think to do it myself. I promise you, I couldn't even think about another girl anymore. You're the only thing that matters to me."

"I just don't know," she's smiling to herself but of course she is still doubtful. I can't blame her. I wouldn't trust me either.

"I get it," I barely say. I'm ready to accept that I've lost her, at least as a girlfriend.

"I need time to think," she whispers. She's looking back up at the ceiling again and I take that as my cue to leave. I hope that's the right interpretation but when I get off of the bed she doesn't object. I leave the room and start down the stairs.

I'm not going to leave the house completely and I hope she doesn't need too much time to think it over. With each minute passing, I'm dreading the outcome more and more. I may just completely pass out from worry.

It doesn't help that Luke may have a clue about what Lily and I have done. I lied and I shouldn't have lied, but I'm too scared to face the consequences of that one. The affair or whatever is over now, and I just want it to disappear from existence completely, if at all possible.

The entire house is trashed when I get to the main floor and I hear voices from the kitchen. I'm not sure what time it is, but I'm glad someone else is awake too.

Maddie's mom and Cooper are standing around the counter when I step in. She's in the middle of scolding him when she notices me standing there.

"Oh, good, Ashton," she clasps her hands together with a tight smile. I wonder if she knows I was just in bed with her daughter, or even if were dating. "You can help Cooper clean up this mess."

"Mom," he sighs.

"No, it's fine, I'll help," I make it a point to look under the sink where I know they keep the spare garbage bags and grab one for the both of us. If it will distract me from what Maddie might be thinking of now, I would clean puke off the god damned toilet.

Cooper groans and takes the bag from my hand, leading the way into the living room. He pinches one of the cups in between his thumb and pointer finger and looks like he may throw up himself.

"Did Maddie find you okay last night?" he asks once we've made a little progress. His face is scrunched up in disgust still. I don't think he's ever had to clean up from a party, or even seen its aftermath.

"Yeah, I got to her before anything could happen," I nod. I'm glad he's finally giving a shit, yet not too much to the point where he doesn't want me near her. What a happy medium.

"She upstairs?" I nod again and he does the same, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're good for her."

I force a grin at him, but I can't be too sure of that anymore.

==Maddie's POV==

I know I told Ashton that I needed to think about it, but I don't want to think about it. I don't want to think about how while I was falling for him, he could have still been sleeping with other girls. I definitely don't want to think about how of all things he was rumored to have done, it was rape someone.

I shake the thought from my head. My stomach churns just at the possibility. I know he said that it didn't happen, but I was fine not associating him with that at all.

There are other things I still have to worry about and I never thought I'd be thankful for that. Now that I'm not completely run over by fear, I can think more clearly about last night. About how I left Milly and Michael to fend completely for themselves.

I didn't even change out if my clothes last night. I shrug Ashton's huge jacket off and pull my phone from my pocket. Milly could have texted me affirming that she's okay, but when I turn it on there isn't anything from her.

Surprisingly, I do have two missed calls that came in while I was asleep: one from Michael and one from my dad. Of all the times I could have gotten calls, I'm glad I for both now.

I dial my dad's number first. As much as I want to make sure he's alright and everything went okay, I don't want to feel Michael's wrath. He was freaking out enough for him and Milly both.

"Hey babydoll," my dad says right when he picks up.

I smile. This is the first time we're talking on the phone where I haven't called him up crying. "Hey dad."

"How are you doing, Mad?"

He asks this seriously, every time. He won't accept an 'I'm fine' from me, not in a million years. He knows I couldn't be completely fine.

"Alright, I guess. Still feel kind of empty," I admit, "But I guess not as bad."

"You're eating?" he asks. I couldn't explain to him what empty meant no matter how hard I tried and he insists if my stomach isn't empty, I'll feel a bit better.

"Sometimes," I say truthfully and he sighs.

"What about nightmares? And the harming?"

"They haven't been happening as much, maybe once a week. Last Thursday I was really overwhelmed and I couldn't stop myself. But I haven't since."

"Oh, Maddie," I can just hear him frowning. I don't mean to disappoint him, but there are just some things that not even Ashton can make go away, as much as he wants to believe he can. "Has your mother gotten you to see someone?"

"No," I say, picking at the thread hanging from the ripped knee of my jeans. He sighs again. I know he wants to strangle my mom, more than anyone, but I don't want to hear it. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, honey. I hope you are doing better, even if you should be seeing someone. Speaking of," That suspected frown has now turned to into a clear smile, "Your brother told me you're dating someone."

I sit up straight, "What? He did? You've been talking to him?"

My dad chuckles and I can't believe my brother told him about my relationship before I could.

"Yeah, I call him a couple times a week now to make sure he's looking out for you," he explains, which makes the whole sudden care from Cooper make more sense. "But it's that Ashton boy, right? Your brother's friend?"

My stomach does flips just at the sound of his name and I curse myself for not being able to keep from grinning. Thankfully, my dad doesn't seem to remember how much trouble Ashton used to get into.

"Yeah, that's him."

"Maddie, I'm so proud of you," he remarks randomly and I look up.

"Proud?" I question.

"I'm so glad you aren't letting what happened control you so much. You're not ignoring that it happened, but you're getting past it. Even after you started getting better when you were here, you wouldn't talk to boys, let alone date them. I'm just happy you're challenging that fear."

"Thanks, dad," I stand from my bed and start pacing. I bring my free hand to my mouth and bite my thumbnail, "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Anything, hon."

"He just told me all this stuff he's done and I don't know what to do," when my dad doesn't say anything I start to elaborate, "He said he was accused of forcing himself on a girl I know. He said she made it up but I just don't know what to think."

My dad was always the voice of reason in California. He knew just what to say to calm me down, before everything that happened and after it. I start to think he's at a loss for words for the first time, when he finally speaks up.

"When I called your brother to talk to him about you coming to Ohio, he mentioned that someone made that up," he says and I stop my pacing, "You have a reason to be wary and it's understandable. But I think he checks out in the honesty department."

Okay, well there's that. But there's still the whole thing with the cheating, which is too much for me to try to think too far into and justify for Ashton. I repeat as much of what he admitted to me to my dad, expressing the same fears to him as I had to Ashton.

"Maddie, does he try to get you to have sex with him?" he immediately asks. There is that protective dad gruffness to his voice, but I know he's also trying to get to a point to help me.

I shake my head, ignoring the blurred line between attempted coercion and respect of what happened last night, "No."

"He treats you well and makes you happy?"

"Yeah," I can't help but smile again. This time, he can probably hear it in my own voice.

"Then trust that the universe is giving you what you deserve after everything you've gone through," Dad is smiling too, "He's good for you, I can just tell. Even from miles away."

And there's that. It shouldn't settle it that easily, but it does. It makes sense. I'm being paranoid over what happened in the past, when Ashton hasn't done anything recently to make me worried. Save last night's weirdness, he's been nothing but good.

"Thanks dad."

"Of course, Maddie. I love you, don't forget it."

"I love you too. I'll talk to you soon."

The worries over Ashton's secrets coming into the light still linger slightly. I trust my dad's judgement more than anyone, but at the same time I'm afraid I left something out that could have changed his mind. I guess he's right still, though. I have to have some faith that not everything is going to go wrong.

I dial Michael's number next, less worried about him being angry with me. With everything about Ashton nearly out of the way, I can focus entirely on apologizing or making it up to him. Not only did I leave him alone at the party, I left him to tell Milly the long overdue truth without any support.

He picks up after the first ring, "Maddie!"

"Michael, I'm so sorry. How did everything go?" I stammer quickly. So maybe I'm not as confident in him forgiving me as I thought.

"I'm just glad you're okay," he shocks me by saying. I definitely did not expect that. "I couldn't find you anywhere."

"I went upstairs with Ashton," I say but I want to smack myself after. He said to forget about him saying he liked me, but I'm still going to feel like any mention of Ashton is rubbing my relationship in his face.

"As long as you're okay. I saw Luke looking for you when everything got crazy and it scared me."

I pull my phone away from my ear for a second and look at his name in a bit of disbelief. I still can't wrap my head around Ashton being worried about me and now Michael too? The universe really is giving me what I deserve now.

"Did you find Milly at least?" I ask and he makes an incomprehensible sound.

"Oh my god, yes I did. But I didn't get a chance to talk to her. You know why?"

"Cuz you're a wuss?" I smirk even though he can't see me.

"Shut up," he chuckles before he starts talking at a rapid pace, "No! Because when I found her she was making out with your brother. It was like nearing third base, I swear. I almost threw up right then and there. Anyway, I called her name and she pulled away and Cooper just kind of said 'Shit' and left. She was so drunk. I practically had to carry her out to my car and I couldn't let her go home to her Jesus freak parents like that so I ended up holding her hair while she blew chunks all night in my bathroom. She just left a while ago."

There was so much more in that explanation than what I'm able to process. I stopped listening at 'She was making out with your brother.'

"Are you sure it was Cooper?" I ask. There's no way it could have been. As far as I know, whether she was there or not last night, he is still happily with Lily.

"Positive. Like I said he pulled away and was all, 'shit' and everything. And unlike them I wasn't drunk."

"You're kidding."

((OKay, sorry this update took kind of a long time. I got books and I was reading them and then idk it just took me a while to plan this chapter and everything.

Also I don't mean to sound like unappreciative, but I feel like I have so many ghost readers!! I'd love for you guys to let me know what you think :)) But I love all of you who comment as well, you guys make my day. Bless. Hope you like the update!))

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