Afterlife ✧ kol mikaelson [2]...

By -chosenone

209K 5.4K 1.9K

In which the angel moves to New Orleans, trying to move on from her former love. ►►► [seasons 2 & 3 of the o... More

part one
01. we're together now
02. pretty girl
03. proposition
04. show off
about me :)
05. the feeling
06. a trip down memory lane
07. stuck in the middle
08. she's my family now
09. promises
10. space between us
11. the power of love
12. everything is not as it seems
13. it'll break you
14. you'll be okay
15. who are you?
part two
16. day one hundred and ninety
18. nobody needs me
19. now or never
20. never leave me again
21. you ruined my life
22. take a joke vampy
23. a threat to everyone
24. i don't wanna die here
25. see you around
about me part 2!!
26. give 'em hell
27. you chose the wrong side
28. sending my love
BOOK THREE (republished)

17. i see her

3.6K 120 67
By -chosenone

GOAL - 10+ comments for next chapter


NEW ORLEANS changed drastically ever since the disappearance of Ariel Summers stuck the town. Klaus and Elijah were the only ones who believed she ran off because that was her initial plan. However, Asher, Davina, and Rebekah felt differently. They believed someone or something had taken her; they didn't know where, but she wouldn't just leave like that.

"Anything?" Asher asked anxiously as Davina finished another spell. The loss of his sister made him feel like there was a piece of him missing.

Davina sighed, but there was hopefulness in her voice. "I saw something, but it was really hard to make out. I only saw a dark cave and fire; that could mean anything!"

"We need more," Asher stressed. "She could be dying...or being tortured by her captive. We can do more I'll give you more of my blood."

Davina rested her hand on her boyfriend's shoulder; they were very tense and knew he hasn't gotten the best of sleep these last six months. "More blood won't help. Lets regroup and try again later tonight."

Asher reluctantly nodded in agreement. He knew Davina was getting weak because of all the magic she was using. He hated seeing her working so hard for something he needed, but Davina would do anything for him.

Over these past six months Davina and Asher have grown closer each day. Even though the impending situation of Ariel missing loomed over them, they had moments where they felt like a normal couple.

Davina gathered her stuff, Asher getting a weird feeling from her. "Oh god, please tell me you're not going to those weird cult witches again?"

"They're not a cult," Davina felt like she was saying this for the millionth time. "It's a group of powerful witches and I can get Kol back with them. If I can do that, maybe Ariel will show up."

"She didn't run away," Asher protests.

"Then where else did she go?" Davina finally let out the truth. She was tired of trying to find the angel every day; she wouldn't have just disappeared into thin air unless she left. "The love of her life is dead and you expect her to just stay here? Well, you're wrong. She left us behind to deal with the hell going on here."

Asher was taken aback by his girlfriend's outburst. "I – I didn't know that's how you felt. But I assure you Davina, Ariel didn't leave us behind; she's my sister and I know she would never do that."

Davina gripped her bag and sighed; she knew he was right. She kissed his cheek and mumbled an apology before taking off to get the fallen Mikaelson back.


"You seriously tried to kill your whole family?"

"I'm a psychopath what'd you expect?" Kai leaned back as he ate some of the berries Ariel had in the cave. "I was doing pretty well in Mystic Falls until Damon chopped my head off. I deserved it though I'm an asshole".

Ariel rolled her eyes at the name Damon; she hadn't heard that one in a while. "I've had my fair share of killing people."

"But you're an angel?" Kai questioned.

She shrugged, taking the berries away from Kai so he wouldn't eat any more. "Like I said, Kol showed me that I was a little risky and not all pure."

A whole week is what it took for Ariel to finally open up to Kai Parker. She was reluctant at first, wondering if he was some minion Cade sent to torture her even more. However, still having some instinct on who she can trust, she decided Kai would be a good choice.

"You're lucky," Kai smiled, but wasn't too thrilled about what he was going to say. "I've never been in love like that before. Yeah, I had this weird crush thing on Bonnie Bennett, but nothing like what you and Kol had."

Ariel looked up, wondering if Kol was somewhere far up from the layers of hell. "We had the strongest connection: both magically and emotionally. It could break anything."

An idea suddenly popped into Kai's head and he scooted over to the angel. "If what you're saying is literally true, then you can get out of here."

Ariel looked at him like he was crazy, but leaned in. "Continue."

"I've heard rumors that there's this powerful stone in hell that God left behind. Supposedly, only the one who truly belongs up there should find it. Now, I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't think you should be down here."

Hope started to rise in her body as she looked at the marks on the wall. Kai grinned, but soon looked back when a faint, blinding light appeared at the entrance of the cave. She thought it was Cade coming back to check on her, but it was nothing.

"Who's there?" Ariel called out.

No response was heard, but a tear slipped down her cheek when she heard the accent she's known and loved.

I see her!


writing this before school because i'm a sucker for this story. another glimpse of what's going on in new orleans will be next chapter as well to explain the light ariel saw ;)

how do you think ariel and kai will work together?

make sure to vote and comment!


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