Bite Me βœ”

By theGhoulBoys_

501K 17.1K 3.3K

γ€Š Highest Ranking: #5 in Vampire 》 "Is that Marcus? Marcus as in, from our High School Marcus!" Casey squeake... More

γ€Š ONE 》
γ€Š TWO 》
γ€Š FOUR 》
γ€Š FIVE 》
γ€Š SIX 》
γ€Š NINE 》
γ€Š TEN 》


11K 407 83
By theGhoulBoys_

《 You Really Wanna Do This? 》

"I should never have let you talk me into this" I said, following Marcus down the street.

I could almost see Marcus roll his eyes but he stayed silent. "What do they want with me anyway?" I asked, flicking my hair over my shoulder.

Still, Marcus didn't answer. "Hey!" I said annoyed.

Marcus stopped and turned around. "I don't know what they want with you, I was only informed to bring you in, so please stop talking" he breathed out, fustrated. 

I frowned. "Fine" I said with attitude.

We started walking again but inky fir a few metres. We stopped at the entrance to what seemed to be a construction site. He knocked on the door seven times. The door opener to reveal a tall blonde man, tattoos marking his skin and face.

The man looked me over. "Your father will be proud" the man said to Marcus.

"Just let us in Kyle" Marcus sighed.

The man- Kyle, opened the door wider and Marcus turned his head and shot me a look. The 'don't touch anything and don't speak to anyone' look. I nodded and followed Marcus as he pushed past the burly man.

We emerged into a blacked out room, except for the tiniest window, letting sunlight into the room. My hands twisted in each other as I turned my head to see four people, stand up from their chairs.

Marcus stopped and I almost crashed into him. "Consul" he said before bowing at the waist.

"Father" he said again, bowing in the direction of one tall man.

The tall man nodded his head in respect back. Marcus turned to me. "Consul Members, this is Diana, your fae" he said, stepping back from me.

I glanced at him in disbelief. Was he really going to abandoned me here?

"State your full name" one of the members spoke. 

I cleared my throat. "D-diana Baxt-ter" I stuttered out.

The Consul seemed to smile, until Marcus's father spoke up. "Do not be afraid of us child, we will not hurt you" he said.

I looked at Marcus, who glanced at me. I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth before standing taller. "On what grounds am I requested?" I asked, turning back to the Consul.

Marcus's father's grin widened.

"Do you know who you are, Miss Baxter?" He asked, tilting his head.

The other Consul members stayed silent. I opened my mouth and moved to speak but I closed it with no answer.
Suddenly, I heard a scuffle and Juilan walked into the room.

"I'm sorry Members, he got past me" Kyle said bursting into the room after Juilan.

The Consul's face dripped with disappointment. "It was agreed that should Fae be questioned, another fae with higher position must attend" Juilan said.

Marcus glanced at his father who nodded. "That is the rules, you may stay" he replied. 

My mouth fell open. "Your fae?" I asked in disbelief.

Juilan looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was undercover" he replied. 

I closed my mouth and frowned. The hurt was strong. He didn't tell me and I was his friend. "State your name" the Consul said again as Juilan stood beside me.
"Taron Greene" he said.

My head whipped around again. This was way too much for me to handle. Had he been lying to me about everything?

"Mr Greene, what is your position?" The Consul asked.

"Guardian of Diana, Soldier and Prince of Fae" he replied.

So now he's a bloody Prince!!

My eyes met Marcus's and he lowered them. He knew something. "Well met Prince Greene" Marcus's father said.

The Prince bowed. "An interrogation of royal members must be requested through the right systems, you have not done so" Juil-Taron said, straightening.

"Marcus here, tells us that she is not aware of who she is" The Consul said, their eyes flickering to Marcus.

Taron glanced at him also. "That is true, but not a exception to the rule" he replied. 

Everything within me wanted to burst. It seemed like everyone else here knew what was going on, but me. "I'm sorry! But the hell is going on!" I blurted.

The room went silent. Taron sighed. "May I have a moment?" He asked, turning to the Consul.

They glanced at each other before nodding. Juil-Taron grasped my arm and pulled me back, out of the light. "What's going on!" I whisper yelled.

"Listen, all you need to do is just answer their questions as much as you can, and whatever you do, don't lie" Taron said.

"No! Tell me what's going on! Who am I!" I yelled.

Taron glanced over at the Consul. "Alright fine, you wanna know... Your mother sent me to look after you because you are the key to bringing all races together, that being said you are very valuable and people would do anything to destroy you, you are Diana, that is also your fae name.. but you are Princess Diana Greene, you are also my sister" Taron said quickly.

My eyes widened as he continued. "Marcus plays a very big role in this and so does Austin, that's why you are drawn to other of them, no matter how much you deny it, The Vampire Consul, just want to know where we stand, Fae and Vamps aren't exactly friends" He finished.

I felt like I could catch flies with the way my mouth was hanging open.
None of that made sense, but in some way it did.

I was Princess Diana Greene, Taron's sister. I was Fae but also the key to bringing all species together. I was drawn to Marcus and Austin because of that, and people wanted to destroy me.
Why was I believing this?

"You people are insane" I said, disbelief written across my face.

Taron sighed. "After the meeting, our mother will explain better" he replied.

Taron grasped my wrist again and we walked back into the light. "Continue on" Taron said, glancing at me.

Marcus stepped forward. "Do I need to be here?" He asked.

The man Marcus calls father shot him a look and Marcus shrunk back. "Diana, who are you?" He asked.

I opened my mouth and nothing came out. I was still in shock. Taron hit me with his elbow. "Princess Diana Greene" I replied as a burst.

"Well met, Princess" the Consul said.

I glanced at Marcus who didn't seem the little bit surprised. Then I remembered what he called me. Princess.

Did he know? This whole time?

"What are your grounds for peace?" The Consul asked.

Taron stepped in. "She has not yet decided, and must return home to do so, when she learns, she will tell" Taron said.

I frowned, not understanding.

"Do not take too long Fae, there are shadows stirring, now that word of the Princess has returned, things will get heated very fast" Marcus's father said.

"You can be quite sure that the Wolf and I will not let any harm to her" Marcus spoke up.

I glanced at him. "Marcus, you can hardly keep a coven under control, what makes you think you could look after the Princess?" The Consul asked.

"Because I love her" he replied.

My eyes widened and I looked away, my breath catching. Taron took my hand gently. I let him squeeze it. "If you say so, Marcus" they replied.

Taron pulled me back. "We'll be taking our leave, and keep you in the loop" Taron said.

Kyle blocked the doorway. "Take Marcus with you, that way we know we aren't being betrayed" The Consul replied.

Marcus walked towards us and our eyes met. He looked away first as Kyle moved out of the road and pushed the door open. "We'll be waiting for your return, princess" they said as we fell out onto the busy street.

I shielded my eyes from the burning sunlight and turned around to face Taron and Marcus as they glanced around. "So?" I asked.

They shared a glance. "Now, we talk to the Queen" Taron replied. 


Oooo but of an exciting chapter for you all?

Are you enjoying it so far?
I hope I'm not boring :(

I've been super busy with injuries and work, and friends. Life just gets in the way.
But I promise to keep updating all my books, until the death of me.

Exciting news!
I have a new book starting soon,
I'll give you a little teaser at the end of this chapter.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment your thoughts!
#40 in Vampire

Love, T xoxo


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