Drowning (editing) (complet...

By DarkAngelofFire16

181K 6K 320

This story is about a girl, who lost someone dear to her, and was forced to have a change of scenery. She has... More

Chapter 1
Don't/My Baby
Oh hell yes!
What the hell is that?!
Who are you?
She is..
Panic atack?
Hello sleeping beauty
What the hell just happend..
Darkest death
Who am i?
You're welcome
It Never Ends
Darkness Is Coming
Ruin The Soul To Save The Life
Its time
She Does Not Know Mercy
I hope
Its here!


4.5K 185 3
By DarkAngelofFire16

"Jaxon I tried to tell you everything last night!" Emile argues after I'm completely calm and besides Timor just showed up..

"Oh well I apologize that I couldn't see past the lies to let you speak...oh I bet you have yet to tell your own son tha-" I start but she intrupts me by yelling "Jaxon stop!"

"Humh that's what I thought.." Brittany lasses her fingers in to mine feeling nervous.

I squeeze her hand 'tough bitch left the building with you didn't she?' I whisper glancing over at her she glares at me.

'Oh shut up! I'm still here babe!' she says in a snooty tone.

I smirk 'there's my girl'

"Okay can someone inform me about the lie?" Axel say annoyed that he is confused.

"Should I tell him Emile or should you?" I look her in the eyes and she looks away shamefully.

"Why are you calling her by her name?" he looks at me and back at Emile.

She lets out a huge sigh "Jaxon isn't you sister, nor is she my daughter our you fathers daughter....not by blood anyway" she says calmly with regret and hope.

"Oh Emile... are you trying to say that you have been a mother to me? when Axel you REAL baby was taken to become a alpha worrier you hated me I didn't know why until now, they took the wrong kid away...you wanted me gone...oh Emile I listened to the argument between you and father that night you left he had to pick get rid of me or you leave...and to your surprise he loved me as baby girl so he stayed with me, and wh-" I start to say more when she interjects.

"Please stop, you were not supped to be awake...." she utters brokenly.

"Well I was, I couldn't sleep....my elder brother my best friend was snatched from my life... and my 'parents' were yelling and my so called mother was trying to rid of me... but I'm so sorry I want sleeping." my voice void of all emotion.

I release Brittany's hand and walk away feeling my pain follow me "Jaxon wait!im sorry!" Emile yells.

"I'm not saying this out if disrespect but I suggest you leave her alone." Brittany says trying not to sound bitchy but failing.

'Thank you.'i say to her for the second time this morning.

I sit in my room with my knees to my chest and my head resting on my knees.

I hear my door open but I don't budge "it's time to practice Tenet mortem" Timor says sounding hesitant but his Latin accent covering it well.

I look up at him and my eyes contact his and I node.

He nodes back and walks to me he lifts his hand and it only grazes my skin as if contact is scary for him but I don't pay much attention.

My stomach drop when we disappear and reappear in the combat room he took me to before.

All of my focus was on this, my mind void of anything else and whatever he threw at me I could take.

He spins around popping out his leg attempting to knock me Down for the 35th time I've been counting I do a high jump bringing my knees to my chin and while I'm in the air he steps forward strong and punches forward I spring out and flip over nearly getting hit, my feet skim his face as I land on my hands and he comes at me again this time he has a knife I go in to a walkover and the knife cuts in to my ripped shirt slicing my side but it doesn't faze me I twist the knife from his hand cutting mine and I knock him to the ground holding the knife to his neck.

"Good job, when your focused you fight like one of the best worriers almost even better." Timor says emotionlessly but the corner of his mouth twitches to smile.

I chuckle slightly for the first time all day "what's your story Timor because I know you know mine...you have been watching me since that date I was birthed, GiGi never said a thing about a guardian because she never heard of one....but I knew, I felt it... forever I've felt safe like someone was watching over me but I never knew why. so tell me, what is your story? " I say knowingly with admiration and thankfulness.

Suddenly I feel him push me up and he flips me over hovering above me "pugnandum"(fight) is all he says when I feel the drop and I'm now alone laying in my bed.

There's a knock on my door and it opens "we need to talk."

A/N: @angiebooo thank you so much for all of your love, support, comments and likes! I am truly and deeply thankful my fans are my only support on writing and so far you are my steady fan even when I take forever to post! Thank you again.

Till next time!

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