Holding Back [COMPLETED]

By joymoment

975K 72.2K 65.6K

"I love how this book is turning out!😍 Not cliche at all!" - i_hatecliche "We might live next door to each o... More

Cast List
Worst Author's Note Ever
Chapter 1 - "You want me to give you a lift?"
Chapter 2 - "You're not special."
Chapter 3 - "What's wrong with being alone?"
Chapter 5 - "No promises."
Chapter 6 - "Did you just say you'll talk to the nail?"
Chapter 7 - "Tempting, but I'll pass."
Chapter 8 - "Why did you come over?"
Chapter 9 - "Ummm...where's dad?"
Chapter 10 - "Cal, ninjas! Hide!"
Chapter 11 - "Can you give me a ride home?"
Chapter 12 - "Now you're the one flirting with me."
Chapter 13 - "Thanks for being my alarm."
Chapter 14 - "You two are great together."
Chapter 15 - "Oh my gosh, who freaking cares?"
Chapter 16 - "We're not dating."
Chapter 17 - "I promise I won't leave."
Chapter 18 - "I see you, Haley Day."
Chapter 19 - "I might have to take you up on that offer sometime."
Chapter 20 - "What can I say I'm full of surprises."
Chapter 21 - "Are you happy, Haley Day?"
Chapter 22 - "What they say isn't true."
Chapter 23 - "Why did you ask me to come over?"
Chapter 24 - "Why were you even drinking?"
Chapter 25 - "No, I'm fine."
Chapter 26 - "I don't want to drown myself in ice cream."
Chapter 27 - "It's a bit of a cliché, right?"
Chapter 28 - "Why didn't you invite me?"
Chapter 29 - "I'm still yours."
Chapter 30 - "You flashed us earlier. I'm guessing that counts."
Chapter 31 - "Ha! I knew I was your source of happiness."
Chapter 32 - "I think you'd look good in anything."
Chapter 33 - "I knew you only liked me for my body."
Chapter 34 - "I did warn you."
Chapter 35 - "You're still on to man the kissing booth, correct?"
Chapter 36 - "The kissing booth."
Chapter 37 - "Is this where I get a free kiss?"
Chapter 38 - "I don't want to talk."
Chapter 39 - "Why do you care?"
Chapter 40 - "Is there anything I can do?"
Chapter 41 - "Why are you lying?"
Chapter 42 - "We fix Haley Day's broken heart."
Chapter 43 - "There's the Haley Day I know."
My Heart Is Yours
Haley Meets Carter
Six Years Later

Chapter 4 - "In case you're wondering, it's for drug running."

26.9K 1.8K 2.1K
By joymoment

Haley stood in the doorway to the student lounge, surveying the present company. The room was filled with an odd assortment of brown and black worn couches, armchairs and tables. Along the walls were trophy cases that had dates going back to the 80s. Haley often wondered if that was where the furniture had come from as well.

Though the sign above the door said student lounge it was more of the upper class hang out. If any freshman or sophomore tried to enter they were told to scram. A greeting they were waiting to repay when their time came. Today the only upper-class men present were juniors since school was out and all the seniors had better places to be.

The collection of students positioned on couches, chairs and even on the floor was a strange meshing of different cliques, though even in the single room they stayed with their own kind. Strewn across the couches sat the put together student council members and the major sports players.

Scattered on the floor and around tables were the pale-faced, awkward looking members of the science club. Haley spared a thought to them, imagining their presence here was along the same lines of her own. Though set apart from their comfortable, entitled counterparts they still talked with each other. It was almost as if they didn't know they were not whom people sought out to be with.

To Haley, the whole scene looked like a school ad. Smiling kids laughed and joked with each other, happy to be where they were. With an annoyed sigh, she finally managed to make her feet carry her into the room.

Jace was sitting on a couch's armrest and didn't notice when she walked in. This did not surprise her in the least. She couldn't count how many times she had stepped into a room and not even caused a glance to be taken. Crossing over to the tables, she took a spot at a nearly empty one. Her only companion was a somber-looking guy with a buzzed head.

With the place humming with voices and spiked with shouts of laughter, Haley suddenly wanted to have someone say something to her. Gathering up her most friendly expression she twisted to the guy across from her.

"So what are you in for?" she asked trying to sound like a fellow prisoner.

Frowning in puzzlement, the guy stared at her.

"What?" he asked.

Under his confused gaze, Haley slid back in her chair.

"Nothing," she said. "Bad joke."

Still baffled, the guy looked away. Haley sank deeper in her chair, wanting this whole thing to be over. As if hearing her thoughts, Rachel stepped into the room. A few people stopped talking at her appearance but most of the conversations continued on. Taking a chair from one of the tables, she placed it at the front of the room and climbed on it.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" she asked.

When some of the guys persisted on talking, Rachel stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled. The sound was clear and sharp. The talking ceased and the guys gave her their attention.

"Thank you," she said, her voice cheery. "As you all know you're here to help with the Senior Day project."

"What?" a burly guy said, feigning surprise. "I thought we were here to deface school property."

He stood as if to storm out, but Jace shoved his shoulders, forcing him back into his seat.

"Shut up and listen, Chad."

Chad grinned like his performance was the funniest thing in the world. No one paid him much mind since it was a common stunt they had witnessed in class.

"Thank you, Jace," Rachel said. "You all know how last year's Senior Day event was a school-wide water gun and balloon fight. I am determined to make this year's Senior Day even more amazing than last year."

"Not possible," a strong-jawed guy with blonde hair said. "I nailed Jace in the head with a water balloon and Chad got it all on video."

Jace punched Bryce in the arm. "I think you're forgetting the part where I hit you in the face twice right after that."

Bryce scoffed but didn't argue.

"Gentleman if we can please stay focused," Rachel said. "If not, I will have to ask you to leave and I will let your coach know that you were kicked off the project."

The baseball team members winced at the threat and made no comment.

"Excellent," Rachel said. "Now what I have already proposed to the school board and they have approved of is..." She paused, her eyes bright with excitement. "A Fair! We'll have game booths, prizes and to top it all off we are making an old fashion lovers lane!"

The supportive members of Rachel's group clapped and cheered loudly while nudging their companions to do the same. Surprisingly, Jace stood and cheered the loudest of the bunch. His enthusiasm even caused some of the doubtful students to join in. When he gave a loud whoop most of the girls in the room giggled. Haley watched as he took their amusement in stride, even throwing a wink at one of them.

"I am happy to hear you're as excited as I am," Rachel said. Her eyed narrowed on a group of guys. "And before you guys can turn the lover's lane idea into something dirty in your mind I am warning you not to. It's more of a take cute pictures and post them sort of situation, so there will be a bench with roses around it and an archway to walk through. Something like that." Her face went hard. "And I swear if you ruin it I will get you suspended from the team. Got it?"

Nods rippled through the players, knowing all too well the determination which fueled the words.  The way in which the team reacted so submissively to Rachel surprised Haley. She was used to the players doing whatever they pleased and not caring what happened in the process. But there was clearly something about Rachel they knew but she didn't.

"Now," Rachel said, falling back into her friendly tone, "I know this is a big project and that's why I am giving us three weeks to prepare for it. I'll be breaking you into teams and pairs and assigning booths that you will be assembling. All the materials are already here, we just have to put everything together."

She started going through her list of booths, calling out names. The groups and pairs that she formed were sometimes a jumble of different students from separate cliques and sometimes best friends all put together.

"Haley Owens," Rachel said. "You'll be working on the Kissing Booth with-"

"Actually," Haley cut in. "I'm totally fine working on my own. I can get it done in time."

Rachel gave her a sweet smile but shook her head. "I admire a girl who can handle her own but I want things done soon in case there are other projects that need to be helped with. So you will be working with Isaac Thompson. For the Fishing game Jace Cortez, Josie Tiler..."

Haley crossed her arms, annoyed that she would be paired with another person. She had learned from experience that people tended to just get underfoot and slow her down. Thoughts on how to still take on the project alone were whirling around her brain when Rachel called the room back to attention.

"There you have it, your future team members. If you don't know them I suggest saying hi before you leave. That is all for today we will meet up in this room again tomorrow after school to start work on your booths! Thanks for helping out!"

Rachel's boyfriend stepped up and gave her a hand, as she stepped off the chair. Collecting her backpack, Haley stood, vaguely wondering if she even wanted to meet up with her team member. Before she could decide Isaac was beside her.

"Hey," he said. "Isaac."

He held out a hand and Haley shook it.

"In case you're wondering, it's for drug running."

Haley frowned. "What?"

"What I'm in for," he said. He gave an embarrassed chuckle. "Sorry, I heard what you said to Simon before the meeting started and thought I would answer your joke. I think this awkwardness you are now feeling is proof that I should have stopped myself."

Despite the annoyance, Haley felt towards life in general at the moment, she gave him a smile.

"Well," she said, "clearly I wasn't reading my audience right when I made the joke to Simon. It seems we're both better off avoiding humor."

Isaac gave a sharp nod. "Noted. Unless it's towards each other because if you had said the joke to me I would've gone with it."

"Then maybe our humor is selective. Like most things in life."

Isaac paused at the statement but decided against a response.

"So I'll see you tomorrow and we can get going on this project," he said.

"Sounds good."

Haley left the student lounge and made her way towards the parking lot. The air outside was hot and waves rolled off the pavement. Most of the spots were empty of cars, the rest quickly opening up as the remaining juniors headed home. Taking cover under an oak tree, Haley pulled out her phone. The other line rang four times before a smooth female voice answered.

"What's up, sweetie?" her mother asked.

"Are you in between house showings? Cause I was wondering if I could get a ride?"

From the other end, Haley could hear the sound of typing keys.

"Is Matt not there?"

"He had to leave for work. I stayed late for a school project."

Shuffling papers and a whispered 'send these on.'

"Honey, I can't get away."

Haley looked around at the thinning parking lot. "Do you know if dad is free?"

"I can't even begin to fathom what your father is up to," her mother said with a heavy sigh. "Can't you get a friend to give you a lift?"

Even though she knew her mother couldn't see her, she forced a smile and nodded.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be fine. See you when you get home."

"I'll probably be home late, we're closing a big deal and we need all hands on deck." 

"Oh okay...Bye."


The line went dead and Haley slid her phone back into her pocket. The sun beat down and already she felt her skin tingling under the heat. She left the shade behind and headed towards the road. She hadn't gone far when a voice stopped her. Jace was a few steps behind.

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

Haley waved her hand towards the road. "Home."

"Are you walking?"

"No, I'm teleporting," she bit off.

The heat was not the thing eating away at her but it wasn't helping either.

"Want a ride?"

Irritated, Haley threw up her hands. "I don't want to sleep with you, Jace!"

"Alright, want a ride?"

His face was calm and he held out his helmet.

"What game are you playing at?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"No game. I like someone else. This is just called kindness."

"Who knew you were capable of that."

"Everyone is capable of kindness you just have to be willing to receive it."

Scowling, Haley walked to him and snatched the helmet. She jammed it onto her head.

"Since when did you become philosophical?"

He shrugged and climbed onto his bike. "My mom has a love of Dr. Phil."


Hola Dora!

Yes, I've decided that this book's greeting will be cartoon characters mixed with hello in different languages. So tell me your favorite cartoon character and your language?

Now! I have a query for you!
Do you ever have those days when you wake up, look in the mirror and think wow, I just straight up look like a zombie! This is great! Time to go scare some little kids and scar them for life. You ever have that?

No? I could have sworn I wasn't the only one. Dang that's me wrong again. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Disney character you feel is most like you?

You know mine is a suuupppeerrr hard one to decide on but I managed it. It's Joy from Inside Out. 😁 Shocking I know!

Vote, comment, follow or you know dance around in your pajamas! Either one works!

He looks so happy!
Also bow ties are cool! 😎

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