Coco-One Shot-Drabble

By Pen-Woman

3K 26 38

Coco-One Shot-Drabble. I can accept any request but I don't do sex or smut or same-gender sex. This is a gend... More

Tía Daria
Love Overcome All
Heal the Broken
Love Burns Hate

An Angel with a White Guitar

1K 11 6
By Pen-Woman







A Poem about Opposite Attract.

She is kind, a heart made of honey.

He is reserved the opposite of sunny.

No one would ever think they would be together.

But they are the moon and the sun for each Romana Rubyy.

Disclaimer: Coco belonged to Disney Pixar. The movie was absolutely remarkable and brilliant and I love to watch it again. First of all, this is a gender-swapped of Hector and Imelda and this is a request drabble so you are free to post your requests via PM, thank you.


Today is a very hot day in Santa Cecilia but the people are unbothered by the sun's heat and they all going on with their business. Shopping vendors are each selling their fruits, vegetables, sweets, and brightly colored sculptures of Alebrije.

At the Rivera Family Shoemakers, we find Emilio in his workshop with his younger twin brothers Oscar and Felipe and they are working on making shoes for a living.

You see, they've been together for many years and as years went by their bond are unbreakable like iron as if nothing could tear this small family apart and it was because of Emilio.

Emilio is like a pillar that holds the bridge together that keep his family steady and strong and it was because of him that he kept his family secure and not on the street begging for scraps.

Responsibility shoved right into Emilio's face when he was ten years old when his parents had left him and his brothers. It happened, late at night, when Emilio heard a sound.

A sound woke him up from his slumber and he was curious as to what's going on? He decided to go downstairs and see, and what he saw he would never forget it.

He saw his father is loading his bags into the cart and hopped on the cart and told the man to go, and without looking back Emilio's father is leaving. Emilio sprint to stop the cart from taking his father away, he tried to call out to him but the man pretended he did not hear him and told the man driving the cart to speed up. Poor Emilio tried to get his legs to go faster but the cart disappeared through the night leaving Emilio in the dust.

It tore Emilio apart to see his father vanished before his eyes.

Why did his father leave like this? He could've too, at least, try to make things right for his family. But, no, all he ever does is argue with his wife, going out to get himself drunk and never come back till late at night, and he never put the effort in sustaining his jobs or care for his sons. Instead, he left like a true coward he is.

All the anguish that Emilio felt turns into unspeakable rage. If that his choice then screw him, he never did see this man as his father and he will not shed a tear for him because it'll be like surrendering to weakness and Emilio is not weak. He will stay strong for his family. So, he dragged his feet back to his home with a dark scowl on his face.

However, nothing goes well in the Rivera family. Emilio's mother didn't take the news of her husband's departure very well, in fact, the woman turns into a harsh and cruel woman. Time after time the woman would strike at Emilio for reminding her so much of his father leaving the poor boy with red bruises. Emilio's mother had stopped tending to her babies needs because she always goes out to who knows where and never comes back till after midnight and she heads to bed.

Emilio's spirit is unbreakable, in truth; he's getting stronger like fire getting hotter and never is extinguished. He will never surrender to this woman because he has his twin brothers who had become his strength as well as his salvation.

He alone tends and cares for his brothers that his mother didn't. He even found a job from a kind man who works for shoes when Emilio was looking for a job. It was at that time that Emilio fell in love with shoemaking that he pleads the kind man to teach him on how to make shoes.

But, the love for his brothers is much greater than his love for shoemaking that he will go through the ends of the Earth for them, even against his mother.

A year Emilio spent under his mother's abuse and protecting his brothers from her at the same time had put a strain on him physically but his mind remains unbroken. A year he spent had provided his brothers all the necessities they need to keep themselves alive and he even did it for his mother.

It was at that time again when his mother would strike him early in the morning and she leaves with a grim satisfaction that she added another bruise on his delicate skin, and Emilio would make sure to feed his brothers, clean them up nicely, and take them to his next-door neighbor whose lives a very kind woman that she gladly take care of Emilio's brothers while he works.

As Emilio works his way in making shoes that he can't help to feel a sense of dread that's about to happen. It's been nagging him on back of his mind that he couldn't concentrate on his work, his thought was on his brothers but he trusted his neighbor to take good care of them so what could be he worried about?

Emilio pushed that thought and continue on his work, and, by the time, Emilio finished he went straight to his neighbor to pick up his brothers. When he got there he spotted his neighbor waiting for him outside of her house. When he asked what's wrong the woman's face turn despondent and she told him that his mother got into an accident and she died.

It shook Emilio to the core, he never loved his mother but she is still his mother and news of her death caused Emilio to fell down on his knees and feel the whole world is crashing down on him.

First, his father and now his mother is gone and Emilio feels alone.


No, he's not alone he still has his brothers Felipe and Oscar the only and true family he has left in this world.

Emilio is truly the fire that lit on forever that keeps his family all the warmth he can give, and it was because of him that Emilio asked the kind shoemaker to teach everything about shoemaking so he can open up his own business; he helped his brothers to attend school while he trained under the shoemaker's guidance, and he made sure not to stare at people's pitiful faces because he doesn't need their pity Emilio held his head up high with pride and determination.

Oscar and Filipe are truly grateful to have such a strong and dedicated brother that they finished high school and they and Emilio opened up the Rivera Family Shoemakers, Emilio taught them everything they need to know about shoemaking and they're business is booming and people of Santa Cecilia can only smile in pride of their achievement.

The three brothers are content and happy to see their business is growing and every day they are thankful.

Oscar and Felipe heard the sound of children close by as shout and play in complete joy for one special occasion. The Día de Muertos is a celebration for their departed friends and family and remembering them their tale as well as honoring how they live their life and passing their stories to the next generation.

However, the Rivera family is the only ones who don't celebrate the Día de Muertos because Emilio didn't want to celebrate after what his parents did to him and his brothers so they're not worth remembering.

But, Oscar and Filipe want to join the celebration but not the whole building alters or going to the cemetery. They want to go to the Mariachi Plaza where every year on Día de Muertos músicos and cantantes come to the Mariachi Plaza to perform their spectacular performance in a Talent Show. Whoever performs the best will get the title of Best Performance of the Year and win five thousand pesos, and Oscar and Filipe want to go and watch them perform.

But they have one problem is their brother. They love their brother but he can be hardheaded when he wanted to be. When his mind set on something then they're no changing his mind.

They talked to each other about the specific topic for a week and thinking on how they can approach their brother without making him angry and hitting them with a shoe.

They've decided to take the risks even if it means getting facing his wrath.

"Emilio," Oscar spoke first.

"Hm!" Emilio responded without removing his eyes from his work.

"You see," Oscar again.

"We have a thought that we could," Filipe's turn.

"And by "we" we mean you and us." Then, Oscar.

"That we could go 'um'" Then, Filipe started to hesitate.

"That we could go to..." So as Oscar, Emilio noticed his brothers are looking nervous and they are avoiding looking him in the eye.

Emilio loves his brothers very much but he knew them very well that they want something from him and to avoid working. He sighs tiredly and rolling his eyes, he stopped what he was doing and said.

"Yes, what are you wanted to say?" Both Oscar and Filipe look at each other then they look at Emilio and then they spoke altogether.

"We want to go to the Mariachi Plaza?" Then, to their expectation, Emilio frowned angrily.

"But not to celebrate the holiday," Oscar quickly reasoned with his brother.

"We want to go to the Mariachi Plaza because" Filipe continues after Oscar.

"Because of the Talent Show," said Filipe.

"We thought we should take a day off."

"And go and see the performance."

"It'll be fun."

The "fun" is his least favorite word in his dictionary. Emilio doesn't do "fun" only work to keep his business running effectively and smoothly, fun is a distraction.

"I don't see a point to go there. It's a waste of time!" Said Emilio with a frown, and his brothers' faces dropped after hearing a statement from their brother. But they are determined to get their brother to change his point of view.

"Think of this way, Emilio, it'll be a good kind of change to get out of our usual routine." Oscar tries to persuade his brother.

"And go out meet people; see the décor, maybe meeting some señoras." Filipe wiggles his eyebrows to make a point to his brother and Emilio's frown deepen, and that's another thing Emilio doesn't have time for love and romance when he's too focused on growing his business.

"Por favor, hermano, we ask you for a day off, that's all." Filipe pleaded.

"Just one day to relax and see the plaza and tomorrow we'll work. I mean, what we got to lose?" And Oscar reason with his brother.

Emilio's face softens, he supposed they've been working a lot that none of them had a break, and perhaps going to the plaza might be a good idea. He still feels dejected about going out during the Día de Muertos because it'll remind him of his wretched past, but the look of his brothers' faces says otherwise.

...Maybe, one day in the plaza won't hurt.

"Clean your workstation, we'll be leaving as soon as you cleaned up." In translation, it's a yes.

Oscar and Filipe whooped in the joy that they started to dance, they each grasped their arms together and they spin in a circle while they're chanting.

"We are going to the Mariachi Plaza!"

Emilio cannot help but draw a smile on his face as he watches their childishness haven't faded away, and he can, probably, give himself a chance to have fun as well.


'This is the worse night of my life.' That was Emilio's thought as he watches the performance if he can call it a performance.

One man on stage was trying for like a hundredth time to adjust the strings of his guitar to get the right tune, that's all he did. He didn't sing or perform he was just wasting time.

In fact, all the performers of this year are the worse. None of them have made a good performance to make the crowds go awe. Each of them made the worse performance like the guy trained his seven of his Chihuahua to sing by barking, or one woman sung like a screeched cat, or three nuns played the accordion and one guy in the crowd seem to be only one who enjoyed it.

To summarize it all, coming here was a mistake.

"Thank you, that was...entertaining." The host of the Talent Show appears behind the curtain with a forced smile.

"Let's 'uh' give them around for applaud, si." No one applauds, everyone seems to give him a bored expression as they are not amused. The host cleared his throat and said.

"Moving on, now, for our final performance they happened to be first timers but I'm sure they can give us a night to remember...hopefully."

Emilio had had enough of this as he stood up from his seat and going back home before he sees another performer making a fool out of him or herself. Oscar and Filipe noticed their brother leaving they both got up and went after him.

"Wait, hermano, where are you going?" Oscar asked.


"But what about the last performer?" Then Filipe inquired.

"The last thing I want is to get my ears bleed," Emilio exclaimed.

"But, Emilio..." Oscar stopped when Emilio turned around and faced his brothers.

"Enough! We are marching back home, we've wasted enough time. Coming here was a mistake!" Emilio bellowed and the look on his face show that is the end of discussion.

Oscar and Filipe look utterly defeated, there no reason with his brother now. They both nodded dejectedly as they follow him back home in despondent silence.

"Now, for our final performers, I present to you Hermosa and Ernesto who will be singing La Llorona."

Two or three applaud two people on stage. One woman dressed in Mexican dress fiesta and one handsome man wore a Mariachi suit and each of them holding a guitar. The man holds a very normal guitar but the woman's guitar looks special all white and a skull on the top of the guitar neck.

Emilio is marching back home without stopping to hear or even turning around to see the performer, his mind is set on home and work in the morning and nothing in this whole world could stop Emilio Rivera from going home.

Alas, Llorona

Emilio suddenly stopped when he heard an angelic singing and caused Filipe and Oscar to bump into him.

Llorona [dressed] in light blue

He never heard such a beautiful voice full of gentleness and beauty as he's been consumed by water, holding his breath while embracing him so gently.

Alas, Llorona

Llorona [dressed] in light blue

Emilio slowly turned around and his eyes got blinded by the light of the stage and then the light shine upon the woman who is singing on the stage and Emilio was blinded once again by a beautiful woman with long silky black hair and big brown eyes that he can't stop staring at them.

And even if it costs my life, Llorona

I won't stop loving you

I won't stop loving you

Then Hermosa's gentle singing has changed into a wild and passionate voice that took Emilio's breath away.

I climbed the highest pine tree, Llorona

To see if I could spot you

I climbed the highest pine tree, Llorona

To see if I could spot you

The way she dances as if her feet are not touching the ground as if she's gliding through the stage like a beautiful ballerina.

But the pine tree was tender, Llorona

When it saw me cry, it cried

But the pine tree was tender, Llorona

When it saw me cry, it cried

Oscar and Filipe are stunned silent when they noticed their brother is frozen on the spot and his eyes haven't been removed on the dama as if he's been hypnotized by a beautiful damsel. They never saw their brother like this, he almost looks like...and then, they smirked.

Sorrow and that which is not sorrow, Llorona

Everything is sorrow for me

Sorrow and that which is not sorrow, Llorona

Everything is sorrow for me

Yesterday I cried 'cause I wanted to see you, Llorona

Now I cry because I saw you

Yesterday I cried 'cause I wanted to see you, Llorona

Now I cry because I saw you

Then, the man starts to sing with Hermosa and they seem to sync in harmony as the man holds her hand and took her by the waist as they both sing.

Alas, Llorona, Llorona

Llorona [dressed] in light blue

Alas, Llorona, Llorona

Llorona [dressed] in light blue

The man Ernesto took the lead as he spins her around and lifts her up but in a delicate manner as if he's holding a delicate flower.

And even if it costs my life, Llorona

I won't stop loving you

And even if it costs my life, Llorona

I won't stop loving you

I won't stop loving you

I won't stop loving you

Ay, ay, ay!

That was the end of their performance and they bowed as they wait for applause but all they got was silence. Ernesto and Hermosa look up and they are looking nervous as they think have they performed badly? In fact, the crowds were jaw dropped of their performance that they forgot to clap.

First, Emilio clap and clap and clap and he don't care if his hands are hurt from clapping, he keeps on clapping and he is smiling in awe. Then, Filipe and Oscar clap, and then the whole clap wild and loud and they whistle of how incredible they're performance is.

Ernesto and Hermosa were smiling and bowing in thanks before leaving the stage. Emilio feels disappointment that the beautiful woman is leaving and he might never see her again. However, Hermosa seems to sense Emilio that she turns and stare at him and Emilio stares back.

As they look at each other the whole world stood still as the sound of people applauding went silent and they only want is to stare. Hermosa study the man's feature and her thought on how handsome he looks and he looks even more handsome when he smiles. She smiled him back as if she's promising him that we will meet again and then she disappears through the stage.

Emilio's heart beat fast when she smiled and the look of promise in her brown eyes. Yes, indeed we will meet.

An Angel with a White Guitar.


My first Coco fanfic and I hope it is to your enjoyment. If you guys have any requests please message me here and I will take into consideration.

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