Love Sucks

By BeAfraidOfDark

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Take Sarah; the hard-hearted, inexperienced, unpopular teenage girl. Take Carla and Danielle, the over-activ... More

Chapter 1 - Rejections from the Heart
Chapter 2 - Ulterior Motives
Chapter 3 - Sweet Sarcasm
Chapter 4 - The Inevitable
Chapter 5 - Tennis Rackets
Chapter 6 - Love at First Sight
Chapter 7 - Nail Polish and Other Substances
Chapter 8 - Minor Details
Chapter 9 - Prince Charmings
Chapter 10 - The Hill of Weird
Chapter 11 - Smiley Faces
Chapter 12 - The Awkwardness of Talking
Chapter 14 - Crazy Axe Murderers

Chapter 13 - The Scary Face

243 5 0
By BeAfraidOfDark

*Chapter Thirteen – The Scary Face*

I turned over in bed, wrapping the covers tightly around me, and buried my head in my pillow. I didn’t want to have to get up just yet, because getting up meant having to face the actions of my past. The past being yesterday: when I stormed out of Mc Donalds on Peter and Jack like a boss.

I wondered if Peter or Jack had put it on facebook, writing a status about how I walked out on them and how they found it hilarious. Maybe I would be the laughing stock of the internet by now. I wondered if Danielle or Carla knew about it yet. I pondered over their reactions; Carla would probably laugh and when I would tell her to stop, laugh somewhat harder. Danielle’s possible reaction was a little harder to gauge, she may be annoyed that I stalked off instead of staying to see what they wanted, find the whole situation hilarious or feel disappointed that she and her video camera missed the event. What great friends I had!

My mind wandered over the actual date itself.. I knew I was exactly a pro in the dating department but I knew enough to be only a little disappointed when he walked up to McDonalds- for a first date? Way to go on the “making an effort” scale! At least he paid for our food; it simply would have been a poor show of chivalry to make me pay for my own Big Mac! And I suppose it was simply the icing on the cake that Jack and to show up, and ruin what little enjoyment I may have gotten out of the evening. It was nearly like a coincidence… if I didn’t think Peter was that type of person I may have even presumed that Peter had called Jack or something. But I honestly didn’t think he would do that.

I was stuck in my little dream world when I heard my phone beep with a new text message, when I drowsily reached over to my beside table to grab it I saw that I in fact had five new messages. I guessed they were all from Danielle. She was what I called a serial texter – once she didn’t get a reply she would simply start her own monologue of texts until someone would reply to her. And I also guessed that it wouldn’t be Carla as she usually doesn’t wake until late afternoon on the weekends.

As I started to scroll through my messages my suspicions were confirmed – the serial texter had once again assaulted my inbox.  

The messages read;

Hey Sarah, you up?

I’m guessing you are still in bed… get off your lazy ass!

Want to go walking with me?

Are you ignoring me?! :o Is this just because you don’t want to go walking with me? If you don’t text back I’m going to call for you.

You didn’t reply – I’m calling for you.

The last message had been sent just over ten minutes ago so I knew I only I had a minute or two left before she arrived – it wasn’t a long walk between our houses even though she is the biggest dawdler I have seen in my life.

I was bang on the money as exactly three minutes later the doorbell rang. I scrambled down the stairs to answer it, still my pyjamas. At least my hair was half presentable- I had scraped it into a messy bun knowing that Danielle would be highly critical of my bedhead.

As I opened the door to Danielle I realised that I actually didn’t want to go trotting around the area – I wanted to slouch at home doing nothing. Grand and all as that was, Danielle wasn’t known for taking no as an answer.

She almost jumped in horror at my appearance, I guess I had my ‘scary face’ on. My scary face was the term I affectionately called what I looked like after rolling out of bed; wild bush of hair, make-up down giving me panda eyes, red face, pyjamas… the list goes on.

“What happened to you child?” The way Danielle made me feel like a homeless person who deserved her sympathy, obviously I wasn’t.

“Nothing…. I’m not going out if you happen to be wondering” I said it slowly, enunciating each of my words carefully, in the hopes my message might sink in on the first try.

No such luck, however. “Whhhyyyyy?” She whined, much and all as I like the girl, this all gets a little old after a while.

“Uh.. Because I have a huge history essay to do and then the review on the two poems for English.” I struggled to come up with an excuse, even though that phantom homework I had told her about wasn’t real, I hoped she wouldn’t know that.

“Stop lying to me.” She pouts, half seriously. I think Danielle was the only person I had ever met that was capable of pulling off a serious pout.

“I’m not lying” Even to me, I it was totally obvious that I was lying. I had even bothered to let any real conviction enter my voice; it was pointless, I was fighting a losing battle anyway.

“Yes. You. Are. I have three reasons for knowing this, number one: it’s a worldwide known fact that Mr Berkley never bothers his ass showing up for class on a Friday so you couldn’t have gotten homework then. Number two: You didn’t come out until late on Friday evening because you were finishing those reviews, and when you finally came out you told me you had finished them. Number Three: in all the years I’ve known you, well the ones when we had weekend homework, you have never left anything until the last minute- especially homework. Now… what do you have to say to that?”

I sighed in defeat, unable to come up with some witty response. “Give me ten minutes to change…”

“Nine minutes, fifty-eight seconds. Why aren’t you moving? Chop Chop!” She clicked her fingers and I raced up the stairs.

When I reached my room I grabbed the nearest available jeans and hoodie I could find. I then painfully yanked the hair bobbin out of hair and tried to pull a brush through it. When I could hear my hair breaking I stopped, valuing the health of my hair rather than looking good today. I quickly tied it back into a ponytail, hoping for the best.

Wondering how much time I had before Danielle would come storming into my room I threw on a pair of converse, gathered my phone and money (just in case we ended up in the shops) and told my mam I was going out.

I walked down the stairs to see Danielle making herself comfortable in my living room. She looked up from the television she had put on for herself and gave me the once-over, then grimaced. Surely I couldn’t look that bad. She pulled her phone out of her bra and checked the time.

“You had another,” She pulled her phone out of her bra and checked the time. “Thirty seconds, you couldn’t have found something better to wear? Seriously?”

“No. Now if you want me to actually come out with you, we are leaving now.” I grabbed her arm and started to walk towards the front door, effectively yanking her up out of her seat and making her follow me.

Once we got outside Danielle seemed to have a set route and destination in mind as when we reached the end of my drive-way, she took a firm left and started marching down the road. I pulled up a mental mind map and tried to figure out where we may have been headed. Either the field, Danielle’s house…. Peter’s house.

I hoped that it was one of the former options as Danielle only knew about me being Peter’s girlfriend, not about the date or anything more- I hope. Although if she had known about yesterday’s excursion; she would still be grilling me for every single miniscule detail. I was just about to ask where she had in mind to bring me when I noticed she had stopped dead in her tracks.

Right outside Peter’s house. Freaking fabulous…

“And we are moving on!” I stomped straight past the house, leaving Danielle in her casual stance leaning against the wall of Peter’s front garden.

“Fine,” She smiled evilly and I got scared, I didn’t want to go back though so I stood at the top of the road, quietly waiting to see what she would do.

“Oh My God, Sarah!” She screeched in a shocked and exasperated voice, “How could you do this Peter?!” On saying Peter her voice raised considerably in volume so I could only presume that whatever she had to say next would be directed to him.

“How could cheat on Peter in front of his house?! What you’re doing should be illegal I tell you!” I was wondering how she had not yet lost her voice from the volume of shouting she was producing. I started walking back towards her, highly embarrassed at what she was doing when she suddenly cut off.

The reason for this was that one of the bedroom windows in Peter’s house had opened and a blonde head had stuck out. I recognised the head as Peter’s older brother Nathan.

“Will you shut the hell up?! I’m trying to sleep here! Peter’s not even here for Christ’s sake, he’s out with some blonde bimbo so I frankly think he won’t give a crap what’s going on here! Now, goodbye!” On saying goodbye, he took his head back in and slammed the window shut.

Now that’s got to sting like a bitch!


I know it was a filler, and I haven't updated in forever and a day - but it's a looong filler!! (i hope!!!)

lol hope you like it, next update will be soon I promise!

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