Saving The World While Fallin...

By nickii_96

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 31

31 0 0
By nickii_96

“So husband” Lala started

“Yes wifey” I interrupted

“We need to talk about this”

“Your right we do. I feel that as my wife it is your duty to help me join the mile high club” I said completely serious just imagining it.

“What makes you think I would help you?” she said raising her perfectly arched eyebrow.

“Well for starters you’re my wife and Alex can no longer take care of me so it falls on you.” I said as if it was only logically.

“You tricked me into marrying you. I was clearly drunk. I would have never said yes if I was sober” she told me hurtfully.

“Wow so that’s how you feel” I said

“Wait Ryan that came out wrong I didn’t mean it like that.”

“But you were obviously thinking it.” I said as I pulled the car over and hopped out.

I walked over to the other car and knocked on the window. Signaling for him to roll it down.

“Wassup” Shan said as his window rolled down

“Trade places with me?” I asked hoping he would say yes.

“Sure” he said asking no questions as he noticed the look on my face.

He hopped out and I promptly hopped in speeding up not even waiting for Shan to get into the other car.

“What‘s the problem?” Whitney asked me softly

“Nothing” I said trying to keep a tight hold on my emotions

“So you always drive this fast and grip the steering wheel so tight” Whitney said looking at the speedometer and my tight white knuckles on the steering wheel.

“Yup” I said popping the p and consciously loosening my grip and slowing down.

“Talk to me” she said like my mom use to. I just couldn’t help myself I started to talk to her.

“Lala doesn’t want to be married to me”

“She‘s 17 she shouldn’t even be thinking about settling down” Whitney told me truthfully.

“Why not? I think Im a catch. I a good man.”

“You tricked her into marrying you. Good men don’t do that” Whitney told me gently

“Whatever” I said dismissively done with the conversation.

“Your stubborn”

“Good quality to have.”

“I don’t understand why your mad.”

“Because she will never love me the way I love her” I accidentally blurted out.

“Wait what” Whitney blurted out right after my declaration of love for Lala.

“What I meant was…”

“Save the bullshit” Whitney said cutting me off in the middle of my lie.

“Keep it between us ok.” I said sighing in defeat deciding to not even try to lie again.

“Your wrong”

“About what?”

“She loves you as more than a friend. She just cant admit to herself yet.” Whitney told me

“Why not?” I asked suddenly thinking I might have a chance with her.

“All of her past relationships were more like flings. She never loved any of them”

“So” I said not seeing the point.

“Its clear she doesn’t know how to love so how do you expect her to love you?”

“I don’t understand” I said confused

“The first guy a girl is suppose to love is her father. But hers was absent so she kind of missed that part of growing up.” Whitney said shrugging as if she knew first hand

Then I realized that she did. Her father left too.

“Great another girl with daddy problems” I said trying to lighten the mood.

“You guys are about to work this out.” she said with authority.

“I guess I was overreacting a tiny bit” I said

“Don’t tell me tell her” Whitney said holding up her phone to show Lala was calling.

“Put her on speaker” I said turning my attention back to the road.

“Put Ryan on the phone” Lala said before saying hello

“Well hello to you to” Whitney said moving the phone in between us so I could hear too.

“Wassup” I said nonchalantly as if we just hadn’t had an argument.

“Ryan I‘m sorry I shouldn’t have said that so harshly” she said sincerely

“I was over reacting and I guess I did trick you” I said rephrasing what Whitney claimed I did.

“Ryan I love being your wife but im just not ready and im way to young to settle down.” she told me

“Fine. I‘ll give you your danm divorce but next time were married drunk or not im not giving you shit” I said meaning every word.

“Deal. Assuming there is a next time” she said chuckling.

“There will be” I said cockily

“Yea sure” she said not believing me.

“Happy wife equals a happy life” I said smiling even though she couldn’t see it.

“Words to live by” Lala said before she hung up.

“All good” Whintey asked me after I hung up the phone

“Yes” I said smiling big.

“Well then step on it” she said looking at me challengingly.

I glanced at her briefly before I put the petal to the floor. Sometime during the call Shan had passed us but I quickly changed that when I put the petal to the floor. We didn’t stay in the lead for long. Within seconds later he passed us then looked at us as if he couldn’t believe that we challenged him. If I wasn’t sure before I was definitely sure now that Shan was a criminal. I pushed all thoughts of Shan’s past out my mind as we pulled into the parking garage. He picked the darkest corner he could find to park the cars. I parked the car then got out like a model. I slammed the car door and listened as it echoed off the walls.

“Sorry about this part Ryan but it has to be done.” Shan said before he placed his hands on the hood of my car then closed his eyes to concentrate.

We stood there in silence just watching o see what was going to happen. After a minute I started to walk off but not before I noticed smoke was coming from the hood of my baby.

“What the hell did you do to my car?” I yelled out while continuing to watch my car smoke up.

“Fried the electrical” he said pleased with himself

“What why” I asked straining to keep my voice calm this time.

“So no one can actually steal it and drive it” he said shrugging.

“Lets go wife” I said to Lala not having the guts to watch him fry another car.

I grabbed ahold of her hand and lead her to the elevator. My anger at Shan kept me distracted so I didn’t have time to overanalyzed how perfect and right Lala’s hand felt in mine. We headed toward the counter to buy our tickets and I swear people almost broke their necks trying to get a look at us. At the time I just assumed we were a great looking couple. I should have known it was something entirely else.

“How may I help you today?” The man behind the counter asked us but unable to take his eyes off Lala.

“4 tickets please to go home.” I said loud enough to draw his attention back to me.

As he handed us the tickets I made it a point to snatch them from him. As we went through security and even boarded the plane I had an attitude. Men these days had no respect. Did he not see the ring on her finger? Even after our whole argument and waking up finding us married Lala had not removed the ring. Of course this just made my ego bigger among other things. I thought to myself causing me to crack a mischievous smile.

“Ryan are you still mad?” Lala asked bringing me back from my dirty thoughts.

“No” I said getting an attitude again that she had disrupted my dirty fantasy.

“I know what would make my husband feel better” Lala said placing her hand on my knee.

“Joining the mile high club” I asked hopeful

“Even better” she said with a grin.

“Having a threesome while joining the mile high club” I asked getting even more excited.

“You know what Ryan stop guessing just stop” she said chuckling

“Then what” I said slightly irritated.

“That stewardess over there definitely wants to have a piece of ryan” Lala said sitting back giving me a better view to see her fully.

“Guess I will be joining the club then” I said flashing her my killer smile which she happily returned.

“Do our vows mean anything to you?” she asked me with a smirk.

“Of course they do” I said still eyeballing the stewardess as she bent over to pick up the safety card that she had conviently dropped.

“Don’t look like it since you are about to openly cheat” she said her smile growing bigger.

“You were serious earlier about the vows and stuff” I asked tearing my eyes away from the stewardess.

“Absolutely” she said smiling big at me.

This was going to be one long plane ride. I thought to myself as I tried to drift to sleep.



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