Slayed || Sequel to Homicidal

By vans_and_boots

70.2K 3.3K 1.1K

[Sequel to Homicidal] Louis' got Harry's heart, but he's also got his diary. He's still curious and Harry do... More

Slayed || Sequel to Homicidal


2.7K 144 22
By vans_and_boots

C H A P T E R    E I G H T:

Grasping the mint oreo blizzard in one hand and Harry's in the other, Louis leads him to a table at the back, away from Zinnia and Johanna. He knows his mum is watching him, knows she's making sure he and Harry aren't doing something she won't like, but he can't bring himself to care.”

“So,” Louis begins around a cookie chunk, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”

“Something in the medical profession,” Harry answers, biting at the chocolate coating on his ice cream. “Either a nurse, verterinarian, or therapist. I'm not sure yet.”

“Interesting choices,” Louis purses his lips. “Chloe-Grace said you used to want to be a lawyer.”

Harry shrugs. “I used to love arguing and wasn't as shy as I am now.”

“I think you'd be a great lawyer,” Louis says.

“I'll pass,” Harry says. “I've seen the legal systems before and I don't like how they work. I bet I'd be a bad lawyer anyway. I'm not good with being persistent.” He wiggles his eyebrows, smirking as he adds, “You, on the other hand, are very persistent.”

“What can I say?” Louis shrugs, shoving a spoonful of his blizzard in his mouth. “I couldn't let you get away.”

“I still don't understand that,” Harry confesses. “I don't want to talk about it, though. Not when it's supposed to be a happy time. What do you want to do when you get older?”

“I really don't know,” Louis admits. “I'm not really into anything. Mum says I'd be good as a broker, managing the phones and stuff. The money isn't too bad and I guess it's okay.”

“I think it suits you,” Harry agrees.

“Yeah, you think so?” Louis questions.

Harry nods. “Your personality is likeable, you'd be good at answering the phones.”

“Is it now?” Louis raises his eyebrows.”

“Oh,” Harry's cheeks flush. “It is. It's likeable. Like I said, fell in love with you first time you spoke.”

Louis grins and brushes his thumb against Harry's bottom cheek. “You have some ice cream there,” he explains when Harry's blush travels up to his ears.

“Sure,” Harry rolls his eyes.

Louis leans forward to kiss him on the mouth. “There, too.”

Harry smiles shyly, ducking his head down. Louis barks out a laugh that's a little too loud and dips his spoon into his ice cream. He knows Johanna is watching them again, her stare probably more intense, but he can only focus on Harry.

“I think you should go to whatever university makes you happiest,” he says. “If that's Harvard, go there.”

“It does have the best medical ranking in the world...” Harry trails off, biting his lip. “I don't know. Oxford is second best and Cambridge is third. But if I do want to become a lawyer, I'd go to Yale.”

“Harry, listen to me, okay?” Louis sighs. “Don't make up your mind based on me and what I want. I like having you with me, but I also like having you happy. Your education is important to me, too.”

“I don't want to be away from you, though,” Harry protests. “Going to the States is so far away, I'd rather stay in England.”

“We're going to have all summer together,” Louis attempts to soothe. “Let's not worry about this, okay?”

“I have to make up my mind by August,” Harry says.

“Don't think about it until then,” Louis shrugs.

“What else am I supposed to think of, then?” Harry demands. “I spent my whole life making sure I could get into any university I wanted. Now that I got into all of them I don't know what to do.”

“We could go on a summer road trip together,” Louis suggests.

Harry scoffs. “Don't be rediculous.”

“I'm being serious,” Louis insists. “We could do an across Europe trip like you've always wanted. We both work, we both have money saved away. It'd be fun.”

Harry's walls are crumbing. “I—I don't know, Lou.”

“I'll drop it if you give me a good reason,” Louis wagers.

“We've already been over my reason many times,” Harry starts. Louis swallows hard in understand. “It's still a big deal, though. We'd be alone for two months... It could happen.”

“I don't think you should make up your mind based on that,” Louis says, wavering. He's getting frustrated. “I said it wouldn't happen until we both know for sure, end of discussion.”

“Okay. Jesus,” Harry mutters, staring at the drip of ice cream sliding down his cone.

Louis sighs. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh. Why are you so worried anyway? Just let it happen, we don't need to rush it.”

“I'll tell you another time,” Harry says, breath hitching.

Louis' eyebrows furrow. “Okay? Are you okay?”

“Fine,” Harry forces a smile that Louis frowns at but doesn't say anything about.

“Can I ask you to prom one more time?” Louis asks. “Now that we've got things established, will you go with me?”

“If I say no?” Harry inquires.

“I'll be a little heartbroken,” Louis admits.

“Well,” Harry says, “you're lucky that I'm saying yes.”

“Really?” a grin spreads over Louis lips.

“Mm hmm,” Harry nods.

Louis lets out a screech and hugs Harry from across the table. It's awkward positioning, but it feels secure, feels safe, like home.

“I love you,” Louis whispers in his ear. Harry smiles and rests their cheeks together.

“I love you, too,” he says.

“Boys, time to go,” Johanna says. Harry pulls away from Louis as fast as he can. Louis throws away the garbage and reaches for Harry's hand.

Harry looks down at their hands and smiles. “I'll think about it,” he tells Louis.

A/N: Filler chapter, sorry. Next one will be longer. My Nannie is staying with me until Monday and my mom forces me to spend time with her, so my writing schedule is kind of messed up. On Thursday, I'm staying home from a school trip so I'm going to try and update. Starting Monday I'll be working as a CIT for two weeks, and that's nine AM to four PM, so I can't really update until night and I can't stay up until four AM because I have to be up at seven. As soon as things even out, I'll be back to updating everyday or every other day due to summer holidays. Friday is my last day of school! :D 

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