One Look, One Kiss (lesbian s...

By Ky_Free

17K 551 27

Bren Sanders is a girl of 18 years old. She's intelligent, kind, caring, and has an open mind to acceptance... More

Chapter One: Rough Start to the Day
Chapter Two: Strike One
Chapter Four: Court Day
Chapter Five: Should I Say Something?
Chapter Six: The Next Move
Chapter Seven: Comfort and Tears
Chapter Eight: Flashbacks
Chapter Nine: Our Conversation Via Text
Chapter Ten: What Can I Do?
Chapter Eleven: Messages Between Evan, Tyler, and Bren
Chapter Twelve: Guilty As Charged
Chapter Thirteen: First Night Here
Chapter Fourteen: The Discovery
Chapter Fifteen: Starting Fresh
Chapter Sixteen: Will You Marry Me?
Chapter Seventeen: Conversation Between Evan and Bren
Chapter Eighteen: The Wedding
Chapter Nineteen: The Trip
Chapter Twenty: Taken
Chapter Twenty-One: Never Forgotten

Chapter Three: The Beginning

1K 33 2
By Ky_Free

Rebecca's POV

"Now listen, you two girls are good students. I'm giving you this as a warning. If I hear you have caused more trouble, you're both getting suspended," Mr. Baxter said in a threatening tone. Bren and I both nodded and went straight for our lockers. This look of worry and fear plastered itself on her face. I wanted to reassure her but I don't know how I could without losing control of myself. So we continued to walk, in the dead and awkward silence. She kept her gaze forward, completely ignoring me. What's with her?

I couldn't help but to look upon her. Her features were too good to be true. Her chestnut hair slightly waved as it hung in a tight ponytail. Those deep sapphire irises were like pools of water from a forest spring. Her skin was colored perfectly from the sun, or maybe it's her natural tone. The color reminded me of the damp sand by the water's edge. The way she walked reminded me of the models for the fashion shows. Her body was stunning, no alluring, no breathtaking. Her voice was as sweet as honey. Her smile makes my heart beat faster. She's absolutely beautiful, more beautiful than the goddess of love herself. Could this be a dream come true? Am I falling for this girl? Oh god, I think I am. I hardly know Bren. I just feel like I've known her for years. Should I tell her how she makes me feel? No, not yet. I want to see if she actually takes any interest in me first.

I tried not to drool as I admired her drop-dead gorgeous body. Bren caught me staring at her. I quickly turned my head and tried not to blush. Bren seemed to smile and softly giggle. I looked back at her. "What's so funny Bren?" I was confused. Her eyes sparkled in the light. I was so tempted to kiss her right here and now. My mouth grew parched. What would she respond with? My heart was racing beyond my control. I had to lick my lips in order to keep them moist.

Soon that smile faded but this longing and loving gaze from her eyes remained. Wait, is she checking me out? Does she like me? Why is she giving me this look? "You're adorable," Bren said. Wait, what? Did she just say that I'm adorable? Okay then, that proves it. She likes me. I began to blush. I could feel my cheeks on fire from the rush of blood flow to my cheeks. Bren laughed more. I couldn't get enough of it. It was so light, cheery, and was like music to my ears.

I couldn't stop myself. It all happened too fast. My lips met hers. Her lips tasted like a candy apple from her lip gloss. I had butterflies swarming in my stomach. I could feel her starting to relax from the instant shock. Was she enjoying this kiss? Her hand made it to the side of my face. I melted and slightly shivered from her touch. I've never fell for a girl this much. I had to stop. I had to break this kiss before I lost it. I began to pull away but Bren's lips were still glued to mine. No, don't get any ideas now. I can't start making out with her. Not here and certainly not now. "Bren, I...," I began to say in a mumble but then she kept kissing me. I had to forcefully pull myself away. I didn't want to, but I had to. I mean, I felt so comfortable kissing her, but then the images and feeling from earlier came like a tidal wave.

"I'm... I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me," Bren stuttered as she blushed. Her cheeks were rosy and it brought out her eyes. She looked so adorable. It wasn't funny. No matter what she's utterly adorable. I can't resist the smell of her perfume. French vanilla. It intoxicated me. Someone really need to dump a bucket of water on me or slap me across the face to get me out of this daze. Has Cupid's arrow pierced my heart? I must be in a dream. I have to be. This is a dream come true!

I laughed softly and gazed passionately into her eyes. "It wasn't your fault Bren. I was the one who made the mov..." Sam came out of nowhere and shoved me to the ground. My books slid across the floor. I winced as my knee slammed against the tile covered and concrete floor of the hallway. Bren stood there, speechless.

"Sam, why did you do that? What did Rebecca do to you?" Bren placed her books in her locker that she just opened. I looked up at the two of them. What was going to happen? Oh please tell me that they're not going to fight. I don't want Bren getting into more trouble. Sam was the one who started this. He took a swing straight for her head. She dodged it thankfully. Sam took another swing, this time striking her in the ribs. She stumbled to the ground, slamming her head off of the lockers and curling up on the floor. I couldn't bear to see the sight before me. Sam was beating Bren. She wasn't putting up a fight. Why? Why won't she fight back? I had to watch. I had lay there, not being able to do anything. Sam was being abusive, worse than he was with me. He was literally tearing her shirt to shreds, exposing her flat and smooth stomach. I felt my breath hitch. I heard her whimper softly. That was it, I couldn't just stand (well lay) there anymore and just let Sam do this to her. I pushed myself up and I tried to stand up. My knee nearly gave out but I managed to stay standing.

Sam didn't even realize that I was up off of the ground. "Sam, leave Bren alone. She hasn't done shit to you. Why do shit to her?" I sounded confident, which is quite uncommon for me. He turned around with his fist still clenched tightly in the air, ready to strike down anyone. His fist was his own weapon, his personal Thor's hammer. This demonic smile coated his lips like sugar. I glared at him, but my intimidating skills were fairly limited and weak. They weren't as good as Bren's. She's able to make people so uncomfortable that they begin to squirm and wanting to get out of the room.

"You don't know what Bren's done to me, Rebecca. You know nothing, you fucking dyke," Sam spat out in the harshest tone I've heard someone speak to me. No one's ever called me a dyke. Not once since I put myself out there being openly gay. Yeah, I've been called names but nothing like this. Bren's eyes widen when she heard that word leave Sam's poisonous lips.

"Sam, if you call her that one more time, I'm going to Mr. Baxter," Bren threatened. Sam immediately looked down at her. The fiery flames raged furiously in those irises of the palest of green. Bren stood up and stared viciously at Sam. Sam had it with us. He slammed his first into Bren's face, causing her to hit the lockers again and completely blackout. Then he went after me. His fist did an upper cut into my rib cage to cause me lose my will to breathe as well as to bend over gripping my ribs. Then his fist came swinging from the right and hitting me in the head. Dark blotches scattered themselves in my vision and I knew I was going to blackout. I fell to the floor, closer to Bren. The last thing I head was Mr. Baxter's voice.

"Mr. Johnston, you're suspended until further notice!" Then everything went dark and silent.

3 hours later

When I woke up, I heard soft voices and machines. Where am I? My eyes slowly pry themselves open. My vision was blurry. Then I heard dad's voice and Tyson's soft laughter. I slowly turned my head. It screamed out in pain. What the fuck?! Then dad noticed that I was awake. "Rebecca, oh thank God," he said with relief. I tried to smile but every move I made, my body screamed in pain. What did Sam do to me? Dad placed his hand on top of mine.

"What do you remember," dad asked in a voice full of worry. What kind of a question is that?

"I was at school, walking with Bren to our lockers. We got in trouble. Sam came and attacked us. Sam bringing me to the closet and raping me," I said softly. As soon as I said rape, my dad went ballistic.

"He did what to you?! I'm contacting the police and having this boy arrested," dad growled. Shit, I forgot that I wasn't going to say anything about that. Sam's going to killed me for sure now. As dad was calling the police, my mind spun out of control. Where's Bren? Is she okay? I really need to find out if she's okay. I called the nurse over.

"Um, do you know if Bren Sanders is here," I asked the nurse. When I said Bren's name, the nurse nodded. "Is she alright? She's my friend and I just want to know that she's not hurt severely," I said.

"She's fine. Just a minor concussion and severe bruising. Nothing serious. You're the same as her," the nurse said, "You just need to be kept here for the night to make sure you're alright." I smiled with relief. At least it's nothing serious.

"What's the boy's last name," dad asked.

"Johnston," I said. I rolled my eyes. I know this is a big deal, but dad is being over dramatic. I wanted to say something to him but I held myself back. The nurse left as dad finished the call. Dad shot me this look, one that I knew all too well and it made me slightly shiver in fear. I knew what was going to happen now.

"Rebecca, tell me what's happened over the past two months since I've been gone. I need to know," he said sternly, but he had good intentions for asking. He wanted to make sure that things were okay at home with mom, which they weren't. I gulped loudly as my anxiety increased rapidly.

"Um... Well, not exactly. Things really haven't changed. Actually, they've gotten slightly worse over the past month," I explained timidly. I didn't want to worry dad more than he already is, but it was unavoidable.

His nostrils flared in anger and disgust. "That's it! I'm taking that woman to court."

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