Venomous x Female Reader

By JamesUniverse12

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This story will have cute, fluff, and sad and happy feels, all characters from the show except the reader bel... More

Chapter 1 - A quick date
Chapter 2 - Dinner
Chapter 3 - His house
Chapter 5 - Glorb heist
Chapter 6 - Villain's night out Pt1.
Chapter 7 - Villain's night out Pt2.
Chapter 8 - Preparations Pt. 1
Chapter 9 - Preparations Pt. 2
Chapter 10 - The Wedding pt.1
Chapter 11 - The Wedding pt.2
Chapter 12 - Wedding Crashed

Chapter 4 - Babysitting

5.9K 123 104
By JamesUniverse12

The last few weeks of staying with Venomous and Fink were great for Yn. Some days the professor needed help with new ideas for an invention, or other days the minion needed a friend to play with.

Yn enjoyed the times her and Fink drew doodles on Venomous's face while he slept, and when he woke, he didn't notice until he went to brush his teeth to see their little prank, surprising him.

As of now, Yn is helping the minion with her homework in a large living room, which made her happy.

She wondered where Venomous was, probably off on business with Boxman again, but it was the weekend, which confused her.

Fink: "So this next question asks, "What do you do when you see a man with a wallet full of cash?", what should I write, Yn?"

She looked up at Yn, who wasn't paying attention.

Fink: "Yn? Helloooo? What's the answer for this one?"

She waved her hand at her face, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Yn: "Huh?"

Fink: "We're on the next question?"

Yn looked down at the paper, realising she was helping her.

Yn: "Oh! Sorry Fink, I was just thinking about something."

Fink just looked at her, confused by her frowned expression. She stopped what she was doing, and wanted to know what's going on.

Fink: "Are you okay?"

Yn: "What do you mean?"

Fink: "You were acting weird all day after the boss left. Your trying to hide it, but it ain't foolin' me."

Yn knew she couldn't lie to the girl, she was too smart.

Yn: "I'm just worried about him, aren't you?"

Fink: "Pssh! What's ta worry about? It's not like he's going to die out there...I think."

Yn sighed, as she remembers Venomous's words before he left.


Yn: "Venomous! Breakfast is ready!"

Her and Fink were sitting down with plates full of pancakes.

Footsteps were heard as Venomous walked in the kitchen, looking like he was in a hurry, wearing some kind of black jacket with a scarf and hoodie...thats odd.

Yn: "Would you like to si-"

Venomous: "That looks delicious, can I have that to go? I'm gonna be late."

Yn: "Oh, uh, sure?"

She put his pancakes in a baggy, as Venomous turned and speeded towards the doorway, is something important going on?

She quickly followed, handing him the food.

Yn: "Babe, why are you rushing? You being the boss at work doesn't mean you'll be fired for being late."

Venomous took the bag.

Venomous: "It's not work Yn, it's a bit of a spree, listen, could you possibly babysit Fink for me? All of her sitters are currently not wanting to take the job."

Yn: "Sure thing..."

Venomous: "Thanks so much, I'll see you two later!"

Venomous smiled, kissing her on the cheek and immediately left in a hurry.

[Flashback end]

Fink: "Ey!"

She screamed and snapped her fingers at the woman, startling Yn from her thoughts.

Yn: "I did it again, didn't I?"

The minion nodded.

Fink: "Yup, you zoned out again, maybe we should do something else, you know, to take your mind off the boss!"

The girl put her homework away and stood up.

Yn: "Well, I am supposed to babysit you..."

Fink: "Hey! I ain't no baby! Can a baby hold a deadly laser and obliterate a police station?"

Yn laughed.

Yn: "You got that from one of your homework questions didn't you?"

Fink: "No..."

Fink darted her eyes at her work, pushing it to the side and looked at Yn.

Fink: "...but thats beside the point! Now do ya wanna have some fun or not?"

Yn: "Alright, alright, so what do you think we should do first? Hide and seek?"

Fink snorted, throwing her head back in laughter.

Fink: "I ain't doing an old game like that! C'mon! Let's go to the playroom!"

Yn: "Playroom?"

The mouse kid then grabbed her hand, leading her to where she wants to go.

They walked for two minutes, passing lots of doors, Yn swore this mansion was like a maze, Fink made a stop, making her halt her steps as well to see a door labeled "The playroom".

Fink grabbed the knob, turning it and opened the door.

Fink: "Welcome to my favorite room in the whole entire house!"

Yn had a face of amazement as she looked to see a large room, filled with arcade games.

There was also a big movie theatre in the back, and a room with a television and game station.

Yn: "Is all of this yours?"

Fink: "Yup! Everything! Pretty neat huh? I'm the ONLY one that goes in here, but since me and you are like best friends, I can finally have someone to play with all of this stuff!"

Yn looked at her.

Yn: "Doesn't Venomous have time to play with you when your bored?"

Fink immediately grumbled, surprising Yn.

Fink: "He doesn't have time for ANYTHING! He's always busy with his lousy lab inventions and business meetings...Agh! It makes me wanna scream!"

She crosses her arms, showing a bit of tears.

Yn immediately knelt down to her, placing a hand on her tiny shoulder.

Yn: "Fink...look at me..."

Fink lifted her head up with a tear streaming down, making Yn wipe it off her cheek.

Yn: "You shouldn't be mad at Venomous, he's always busy, true, but that's why he wanted me to be there for you when he's gone."

Fink: "*Sniff*...really?"

Yn: "Of course! On days when he's out to work, there will also be days when he has time for you! Right?"

Fink nodded, looking at her as a small smile began creeping on her face.

Fink: "Thanks...for uh...making me feel better..."

Yn: "No problem, so you come here to play with all this stuff huh?"

Fink: "Yeah, the real reason besides taking your mind off the boss is...well, I kinda...wanted you to play with me since your the first person I like being with..."

She felt a hand rub her head, surprising her as she looked up at Yn.

Yn: "Of course I'll play with you! Besides, I'm twice as more fun than he is."

This made Fink light up with a grin and jumped on, wrapping her little arms around Yn's neck for a hug.

Fink: "Thank you!"

After a few seconds, she realized what she was doing and stopped the embrace.

Fink: "You um...better not tell anyone I just did that..."

She said, as her face blushed red with embarrassment.

Yn smiled at her cute face, and made a gesture of her zipping her mouth.

Fink nodded with a grin.

Fink: "...Thanks."

Yn: "Now, what should we play first?"

Fink's ears shot up.

Fink: "Wait! There's uh... something I have to do first!"

She scurried off quickly into another room, leaving a confused Yn alone.

Yn: "Okay...?"

After waiting in the arcade for thirty seconds, Yn heard little footsteps and saw Fink...wearing normal kid clothes instead of her white lab coat, she had a t-shirt that had a bomb logo on it, and little black jeans, she also had a spiked neck piece on, probably just to look menacing.

Fink: "That lab coat gets a little itchy sometimes... so I thought I'd try something that isn't work clothes, ya know?"

Yn: "Omygosh Fink, you look so cute!"

She said placing her hands on her cheeks, gasping in surprise.

This made Fink's face turn pink.

Fink: "Yeah...well, can we just go play some videos game already?"

She asked, putting her hands in her tiny pocket jeans.

Yn nodded as she looked around the arcade and began thinking on which game to play...

Yn: " about Global Ice Age?"

Fink: "Hmm tempting but naaah, I don't feel like shooting frozen zombies today..."

Yn: "How about one of those arcade race games? Or maybe Whack-A-Hero?"

Fink: "Nah, that one's kinda's bout some air hockey?"

She pointed at the table in front of them.

Yn smirked.

Yn: "Ooh, you picked the wrong person to play against Fink, I was a champion at this when I was a kid."

Fink: "You ain't a kid anymore though, which gives me the advantage! Haha!"

The two walked to the machine as they both grabbed the tools used to hit the little hockey disc.

Yn: "I'll serve first...!"

Fink: "Bring it on, lady!"

Yn hit the disc first, making Fink react fast as she hit it back at her.

They kept doing this for a minute until Fink made a score.

Fink: "Sweet!"

Yn: "Whoa, I didn't realize how fast you can hit, that was amazing."

Fink: "And you weren't kidding around that you were a natural at this when you were my age, those were some pretty slick skills!"

They both continued for a few seconds until they were finished.

Both gasped for air, playing air hockey for too long.

Yn: "Let' it...a draw."

Fink: "Ya took the words...right outta my mouth, wanna take a break at the snack bar?"

She hopped down walking past Yn, who was curious.

Yn: "Snack bar?"

Fink: "Yeah! Boss had this cool bar thingamajig built in my playroom when I get thirsty or hungry! It's sweet!"

She said excitedly, as Fink presses a random button on a wall, causing a bar table and stools appear from the ground, making Yn stare in awe.

Yn: "Whoa...that IS cool!"

Fink: "Yup! Best part of the room!"

She smiled as she enters behind the bar table and popped up again with a bottle of soda and two cups along with some ice cream and two cherries.

Fink: "Let's have a couple of root beer floats! My treat!"

Yn's eyes went wide when she Sadie that, making her laugh.

Fink: "What? What's so funny?"

Yn: "S-Sorry, this is gonna sound crazy but, I love root beer floats!"

Fink gasped.

Fink: "Get outta town! Are you serious?! They're my favorite too! We got alot in common, huh?"

Yn: "No kidding..."

Yn chuckled and went over to sit down on a round stool seat across from her.

Fink began taking out a box of ice cream, scooping out two balls of vanilla, placing them in the glasses, she popped open the root beer soda and poured it into the two cups.

Both girls watched as the soda combined with the ice cream began foaming up.

Yn: "I love when that happens, it's kind of like doing a science experiment."

Fink then placed two cherries on their drinks after the foam stopped rising.

Fink: "It's cool, right? It was the only thing the boss taught me..."

The little minion's smile went into a frown as she put two straws in, and began sipping hers.

Yn looked at Fink, and started to feel sorry for the girl, the time they visited Boxmore when she was with her and Venomous, she amazed the both of them with that napkin she made into a little sail boat.

Even the professor was intrigued, and wondered how she made it all by herself.

The two took their drinks to a nearby table and sat down.

Yn: "You know Fink, I'm starting to get the feeling that we are very much alike, you and I."

Fink: "Why's that?"

Yn: "Well, for starters you were founded by Venomous when you lived alone and were homeless."

Fink: "Oh, he told you that huh?"

She started to get a little mad.

Yn: "No need to get angry, the reason he told me about your past is because I had a pretty rough life too."

Fink looked at her with a shocked expression.

Fink: "R-Really?"

She nodded.

Yn: "Venomous learned I was living in a badly damaged apartment, when I woke up in this mansion, he offered me to stay here."

Fink: "Yeah, but why would he do that? I know he wants ya to be his lab assistant and stuff...but why would he want you and me?"

Yn stood up and knelt down to Fink's level, placing both of her hands on the minion's cheeks, surprising her.

Yn: "I think you already know the answer to that, Fink...he wants a family, ME, a mother figure taking care of YOU..."

Fink was taken back by her words as Yn wiped her eyes, which were forming tears.

Fink: "Guess we really do have alot in common, *Sniff* huh?"

Yn: "Yep, but at least we won't be alone anymore, right?"

Fink walked up to Yn, hugging her, making her cry some more. They both didn't want to stop the embrace as they stayed like that for awhile.

She felt Fink's hands slump down, hearing cute little snores coming from her.

Yn: "Little tyke must be all tuckered out after that air hockey game, she may be an evil minion, but she's still a kid, might as well get her to bed."

She thought to herself, she quietly hoisted Fink with her hands under little arms, her head resting on her shoulder, she wrapped an arm on her back and the other on her bottom, being careful not to hurt her tail and carried her to her room.

Yn looked out to see it was dark out and wondered if Venomous is coming back soon, but she didn't worry about him, she knew he would be okay.

She continued walking, with Fink held closely to her as she came up to her room.

She opened to see it was filled with lots of weapons, junk and uneatened food.

Yn: "Gonna need to talk to her about this mess someday which will be my first priority..."

She thought again.

She went to her bed and quietly placed Fink on it, and pulled the sheets over her to get comfortable.

Yn: "Good night, my little Fink..."

She then planted a kiss on her forehead and that made Fink opened her eyes a bit, looking half asleep as she made a cute little yawn, and smiled as she said...

Fink: "G'night momma...*yawn*...I love you..."

She closed her eyes, making Yn cry a little, this made her felt like her heart had melted by the girl's words.

Yn: " you too..."

She stood up and backed away slowly and turned off the lights.

[An hour later]

Venomous: "Girls...? I'm home."

He opened the doors, and took off his black coat and hoodie, seeing all the lights were off, he noticed across the hallway, Fink's door was open with a small light on.

He walked over to her room and looked inside to see Fink, dressed in casual clothing, sleeping peacefully, with a small grin on her face.

Venomous smiled.

Venomous: "Well I'll be..."

He shut her door quietly, and began wondering where Yn was.

Immediately, he knew.

He went upstairs to his room, opening it and walked in to see Yn, laying on the big bed in a weird position.

This made Venomous chuckle.

Venomous: "She deserves a break, especially when she's alone with Fink."

He motions towards her and gently moved her to be in a resting position, after he was done, he sat down, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Venomous: "I'm glad your here with us Yn, I don't know what I'd do without you..."

He gave her a kiss as layed down next to her as he pulled the covers over the both of them.

Suddenly, he saw her turn and rest her head on his chest, surprising him a little, but calmed down realizing it was fine, seeing a smile on her face.

Venomous: "Looks like I'm gonna have to get used to this."

He grinned and closed his eyes as she continued sleeping.

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