Chapter 2 - Dinner

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Minutes passed as Venomous's jet limo soared in the sky.

Venomous: "Fink, the place is right there."

Fink: "Alrighty, let's go!"

The vehicle lowered, parking in front of their destination.

Fink got out of the driver's seat and opened the door for Yn and Venomous.

He held out his hand for her as she grabbed it.

Venomous: "Well here we are, Boxmore Industries."

Yn looked up, seeing that the building was a bit odd, having a huge skeleton on top.

Yn: "Your supplier seems to have an obsession with skulls."

Venomous: "*Tck*, not my kind of taste."

Fink: "Hope the food is better than his crummy old building."

The professor walked up to the door with Yn next to him, ringing the bell.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard, as if somebody was speeding towards the door, and then came to a screeching halt.

The door opened.

???: "Welcome, valued customer!"

Yn looked down, seeing a short man with a light blue lab tux, he had weird mohawk hair and his skin was pale and yellowish and he had a half robotic face. He also had a...bird claw?

Venomous: "Hmm. Boxman."

Yn: "So, this is Lord Boxman."

She thought to herself.

Boxman: "Professor Venomous! So, so, so good to see you!"

He walked up to Venomous, giving him an awkward hug.

Yn was weirded out, she noticed Fink was giving Boxman a dirty glare.

Venomous: "Please stop."

He didn't seemed thrilled to see this man.

Boxman immediately let go, sweating a little, clearing his throat.

Boxman: "Uh yes, well, I'm glad you could make it."

He was twiddling his human and bird finger, getting a little nervous.

Boxman: "Spending time with my clients is very important to me."

Venomous began to take off his lab coat.

Venomous: "Yes and we have much to discuss."

Yn was beginning to wonder if he was going to break the bad news to Boxman as a surprise.

Boxman: "Oh. Let me get your coat for you- Aah!"

Yn was surprised seeing Fink jump up, kicking Boxman when he was touching his coat.

She began to feel glad she wasn't on her bad side.

Fink: "No one takes my boss's coat but me, bub!"

Boxman rubbed his hand in pain while glaring at the little mouse.

Venomous: "Oh, yes. This is my minion -- Fink."

He patted her head.

Boxman took a closer look at her, scratching his chin.

Fink stuck out her tongue at him.

This made Yn giggle to herself.

Boxman: "Hmm, organic. All my henchmen are robotic -- keeps it simple."

Venomous x Female ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ