Chapter 10 - The Wedding pt.1

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Tonight was the big wedding, being held at the Danger Zone, a desert wasteland filled with many dangerous monsters and road bandits.

Apart from that, it was the day of Yn and Professor Venomous, who are finally getting married!

The celebration was at a big canyon filled with many seats and tables along with a big stage.

Villains and villainesses received invitations from Billiam to come to the wedding and arrived very quickly as they passed through a gate that allows only super villains.

A group of bunny biker guys, led by their boss, Mad Sam were hired as bouncers to make sure no heroes entered to ruin the wedding.

One guest was handing his invitation to the guy.

Mad Sam: "Welcome to the party, NOW GET GOING!"

He yelled as he immediately starts running, making the three bikers laughed hysterically.

Henchmen 1: "This job is so easy!"

Henchmen 2: "We's gonna get lots of money! Hehehe!"


The tall orange haired biker yelled, eyeballing them as he crossed his arms. The two bunnies held each other in fear.

Henchmen 1: "S-Sorry boss..."

One of them said as another guest came, who seemed rather unusual, wearing a big trench coat.

???: "I'm here for the wedding and I also have an invitation!"

He said, handing it over to Mad Sam, who examined it.

Mad Sam: "Waaaait, why does dis one look like it was drawn by a kid?"

The biker said, as he began scratching his head.

The big coated person started shaking nervously.

???: "I uh, must've forgot back at my villain hideout! I always forget these things, hahaa..."

The bunnies looked at each other confusedly as Mad Sam only shrugs.

Mad Sam: "I guess so, GO ON YOUR WAY THEN!"

He yelled as his henchmen fell backwards, while the person began running away from them.

Henchmen 1: "Hey boss, don't you think that guy sounded a little too young?"

Mad Sam: "Who cares!? As long as we get paid!"

Henchmen 2: "I don't know, that one acted really weird..."

The trench coated person began running, looking back and forth, passing the villains who were chatting around and goes under a table.

???: "Did we make it KO?"

The coat opened to reveal KO and his best friend, Dendy as they took off their disguise.

KO: "Whoo, that was really close!"

Dendy: "Affirmative, now it's time to contact our friend Enid."

She said as she sets down her backpack and opened up a blue holo screen and started typing buttons as KO peeked from under the table cloth.

KO: "Man, they're are a LOT of villains here just for one wedding..."

Dendy: "Enid, we are in."

The screen turned on to reveal Enid, wearing her DJ Fireball outfit.

Enid: "Good work guys, this mission will be a piece of cake!"

KO turned around and went to sit down next to Dendy.

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