Chapter 5 - Glorb heist

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It was a typical day in the secret laboratory with Yn, who was in the middle of an experiment.

Yn: "Alright, just gotta be very careful with this formula."

Yn was holding a big glass liquid, about to add a small drop of another substance.

Careful as she was, she succeeded, making the liquid's color change.

Yn: "I did it!"

She laughed, victorious.

Fink: "Did what?"

Hearing her voice made Yn jump, almost dropping her experiment.

Yn: "Fink! Don't scare me while I have a dangerous substance in my hands!"

Fink: "Aw phooey! Just curious is all."

Yn immediately took the concoction to the chemistry table. Fink followed her, still wondering what she's working on.

Yn: "If you must know, Venomous and I have a plan to get more glorbs, and this little beauty is very important in case we need to use to break open the vault (if there was) or make our escape."

Fink looked at it closely, as it glowed green in the glass container.

Fink: "Where are you guys getting the glorbs from anyway?"

Yn took the liquid, placing it in a bag.

Yn: "There's this plaza that has a store called Mr. Gar's, Boxman explained to me a little about his obsessed plans to destroy the place."

Fink: "That fatso? He ain't good enough to be a villain if he starts with a simple store."

Yn laughed.

Yn: "True, though he doesn't realize the store has a secret chamber filled with glorbs, enough to complete Venomous's project over there."

She pointed over to the mysterious invention still draped with sheets.

Fink: "Oh that thing? I was wondering what the boss is going to do with that."

Yn: "I know, what kind of invention uses glorbs as a power source?"

Fink: "Well, there's this collar he gave me."

She showed Yn the white gizmo around her neck.

Fink: "It uses just one glorb, and BAM, makes me go turbo! Enhances my speed and everything!"

Yn: "So just one of those little orbs can give a hero or villain's ability and extra power boost?"

Fink nodded to her question.

Fink: "Yup! And whatever that machine the boss is working on must be his biggest one yet if it involves a heap ton of glorbs."

Yn looked back at the machine, pondering to herself, after hearing about what glorbs are and what they do, what exactly would this thing be used for? Could it be a powerful experiment, capable of destroying everything in it's path? A super weapon, that could incinerate a whole building?

These thoughts were swirling around in her head, she was suddenly startled, hearing the lab doors open, both Fink and Yn looked to see Venomous walking in.

Venomous: "How are my two favorite girls doing today?"

Fink: "Hey boss! Yn just finished a thing for your heist!"

Venomous: "Oh really? Well, what is it?"

Yn blushed angrily a bit as Fink made a little grin while he was waiting for her to show him, but she wanted to do it as a surprise and maybe impress Venomous with her skills.

Venomous x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now